Keep module name in url of hmvc codeigniter - codeigniter

I have integrated hmvc in codeigniter 3.1.*. I have multiple modules locations so now i want url configuration like
In details,
I have create two module_locations under application directory.
1) application/admin/users/registration/signup
2) application/customer/users/registration/listing
Now Urls should be
how I can achieve this??


Codeigniter HMVC Pattern

I've integrated
pattern in codeigniter using below URl.
But still unable to load modules.
I want to make both admin and front side in single codeigniter package.
If anyone has idea please let me know.
Please check source.
This is frontend module and backend module use in this source it it perfect source in your requirement.
Codeigniter HMVC Pattern

How to separating frontend and backend using codeigniter

I am a new php developer. Am developing my website using codeigniter and got stuck when i tried to make the backend. Am using CMS backend that comes with its own folder with everything (.htaccess, its own MVC etc) so I put all my frontend folders into one folder called frontend withinn the application folder but now I cannt view my frontend pages. I get this: The configuration file does not exist. Please help me step by step.
check out this link to know the MVC pattern Codeigniter.
controller and model ----- Backend
Views --- Frontend

Making codeigniter admin to rule them all

I want to make a codeigniter admin/cms to manage all my clients front ends, i want to separate the admin application in two folder, the generic folder, that all other will extend or use, and the client site admin, that i will make for the client needs.
Can it be done?
i recommend the WireDesigns HMVC -
This will allow you to make 2 modules Front-End / Admin in each module it follows hte same rules of Controller / Model / View which you can build up each one independently but to work together.
Technically though you could just create 2 folders in your controllers folder called Frontend / Admin, and build your controllers right there.
but if you looking for cleaner ogranization, try the HMVC

How to add custom code to the 'system' folder of CodeIgniter?

I am looking into building my own CMS / extended framework on top of CodeIgniter, and I was wondering how to structure it to keep code out of the application folder. I noticed that in a typical CI set up, the file structure looks like this:
application/ //code for your application
system/ //CodeIgniter core
However, in PyroCMS, They have used the following structure:
application/ //code for your application
--cms/ //PyroCMS core
--codeigniter/ //CodeIgniter core.
How do I accomplish a similar result?
To emulate that structure just edit the index.php constants:
#WebweaverD has provide you a good solution to improve your application usgin HMVC. I will give you another.
How about something like this:
-system/ //CI core
-index.php //manage the front_end requests
-acp.php //manage the back_end requests
-apps/ //applications dir
--back_end/ //only "admin" controllers, libraries, config. No views here
--frond_end/ //only "user" controllers, libraries, config. No views here
--acp/ //views for back_end
--themes/ //views for front_end
All above can be implemented as you want only extending the necessary core files.
The short answer is that everything starts from index.php, this is where core/CodeIgniter.php is included and it is also where application and system paths are set (retrieving values from config).
I think that pyro cms actually sets /system/cms as the application folder, presumably they have written code which looks at the presented application folder for content and processes it.
Another approach is to use wiredesigns modular HMVC:
This will allow you to separate your code out into modules. Just have a folder called cms containing all your cms modules and another folder to build your custom content on top.
You set the path to your modules folder in the config so if you wanted your cms code in the system folder you could set the path to your modules folder there and build on top using codeigniter in the standard way, perhaps adding a hook before or after your controller is loaded to call the cms core.
Mine is just a suggestion but you can easy fork pyrocms and build your own cms on it.
PyroCMS will deprecate codeigniter in the next version so you can keep their code and fix it where you need and modify it as you want

CodeIgniter How to create Multiple Site with One CMS

I want to create a blog site with only one CMS. This CMS will be in different domain.
For example:
Then my blog sites are also in different domains.
For example:,,
They will all use as their admin
*Images will be uploaded in so all the 3 websites will get the images from this directory
If images are loaded on from the main database, they should be displayed as if they're from So for example instead of
How will I build this using codeigniter?
You can use the same CodeIgniter /System and /Application folders for all the websites if you like; just make sure all the index.php files are setup to use those same folders for $system_path and $application_folder respectively. Note that these sites also need to reside on the same server.
You can serve up different content by checking $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] for the domain the request came from.
As for htaccess you should be able to use %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 or %{HTTP_HOST}$1 (depending on server config) to make the rewrite rule dynamic.
I am actually building a similar project right now using CodeIgniter but there are also several other projects available like halogy, codefight, pyro (with an extension), and many others.
CodeIgniter has a System and an Application folder. You could have one global system folder and then one application folder for each of your subdomains, or you could have one application folder and just make your subdomian folders parallel with your www folder.
