Can I have a deptemplate inside a fact - clips

(deftemplate andprop (slot symbol1)(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate orprop (slot symbol1)(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate implies (multislot premise)(multislot
(deftemplate sentence (multislot sent))
(defrule read-from-user
(printout t "Please enter a value: " crlf)
(bind ?response (read))
(assert (sentence (sent andprop(symbol1 ?response)
(symbol2 ?response)))))
I am writing a CLIPS program to simulate the propsitional logic identities but when I try to run this piece of code i get the following
[EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'symbol1'.
(defrule MAIN::read-from-user
(printout t "Please enter a value: " crlf)
(bind ?response (read))
(assert (sentence (sent andprop (symbol1

You can set the value of a slot to another fact:
CLIPS (6.31 2/3/18)
(deftemplate andprop
(slot symbol1)
(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate orprop
(slot symbol1)
(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate implies
(multislot premise)
(multislot implication))
(deftemplate sentence
(multislot sent))
(defrule read-from-user
(printout t "Please enter a value: " crlf)
(bind ?response (read))
(bind ?sent (assert (andprop (symbol1 ?response)
(symbol2 ?response))))
(assert (sentence (sent ?sent))))
CLIPS> (run)
Please enter a value:
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (andprop (symbol1 45678) (symbol2 45678))
f-2 (sentence (sent <Fact-1>))
For a total of 3 facts.


I would like t o adjust my negative rule to accept any symbol and not just p and store that symbol in a variable

Hi i have created a clips program and in my defrule negative i am simulating a propositional law and would like the program to accept any symbol and not just a P symbol. I want the defrule to fire no matter the symbol that is there.
I have tried putting ?symbol instead of the P but that has not solved my problem just yet.
(deftemplate andprop (slot symbol1)(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate orprop (slot symbol1)(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate implies (multislot premise)(multislot implication))
(deftemplate sentence (multislot sent))
(defrule read-from-user
(printout t "Please enter a sentence: Use ~ for not and => for implies please " crlf)
(bind ?response (readline))
(assert (sentence(sent ?response))))
(defrule negative
(sentence(sent "~(~P)"))
(printout t "HI " crlf))
So i want the defrule negative to fire no matter the symbol that is in symbol so nt only if the symbol is a P
I'd suggest using the explode$ function to split the sentence into separate tokens.
CLIPS (6.31 2/3/18)
(deftemplate andprop
(slot symbol1)
(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate orprop
(slot symbol1)
(slot symbol2))
(deftemplate implies
(multislot premise)
(multislot implication))
(deftemplate sentence
(multislot sent))
(defrule read-from-user
(printout t "Please enter a sentence: Use ~ for not and => for implies please " crlf)
(bind ?response (readline))
(assert (sentence (sent (explode$ ?response)))))
(defrule negative
(sentence (sent "~" "(" "~" ?symbol ")"))
(printout t "HI " ?symbol crlf))
CLIPS> (run)
Please enter a sentence: Use ~ for not and => for implies please
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Please enter a sentence: Use ~ for not and => for implies please
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (sentence (sent "~" "(" "~" XYZ ")"))
For a total of 2 facts.

correlation between deffunctions and defrules CLIPS

(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(deffunction reservation(?idfunc)
(build (str-cat"(defrule existsClient
(exists(client(idClient ?idfunc)))
(printout t "exists" ?idfunc crlf))"
I made this deffunction and I want to see if exists the client with that idfunc that is received as parameter. what happens is that the defrule inside doesn't process this variable any thoughts how can i resolve?
I think you should set condition (assert your idfunc) and then fire the execution of your "existsClient" rule (defined as rule and not inside your function). That would be a clearer design in my opinion.
Typically you'll directly define your rules rather than using a deffunction, but here's how you can do it both ways:
CLIPS> (clear) ; Create rule and run with deffunction
(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(deffunction reservation (?idfunc)
(build (str-cat
"(defrule existsClient
(exists (client (idClient " ?idfunc ")))
(printout t \"exists " ?idfunc "\" crlf))"))
(assert (client (idClient ?idfunc)))
CLIPS> (reservation 2)
exists 2
CLIPS> (ppdefrule existsClient)
(defrule MAIN::existsClient
(client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (clear) ; Create rule directly
(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(defrule existsClient
(exists (client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (ppdefrule existsClient)
(defrule MAIN::existsClient
(client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (assert (client (idClient 2)))
CLIPS> (run)
exists 2

Defining "anonymous" rules in CLIPS

I know that rules in CLIPS are usually given names using defrule. This rule is called rule1:
(deftemplate animal (slot species))
(deffacts animal
(animal (species dog)))
(defrule rule1
(animal (species ?name))
(printout t ?name crlf))
But I still don't know whether it is necessary for the rules to be named. Is it possible to define a rule without giving it a name, like this?
(deftemplate animal (slot species))
(deffacts animal
(animal (species dog)))
(animal (species ?name))
(printout t ?name crlf))
From section 5 of the Basic Programming Guide:
(defrule <rule-name> [<comment>]
The rule name is required.
To dynamically generate a rule name, use the gensym* function which creates a unique symbol:
(deffunction create-anonymous (?conditions ?actions)
(bind ?str (str-cat "(defrule " (gensym*) " "
?conditions " => " ?actions ")"))
(build ?str))
CLIPS> (deftemplate animal (slot species))
(create-anonymous "(animal (species ?name))"
"(printout t ?name crlf)")
CLIPS> (rules)
For a total of 1 defrule.
CLIPS> (ppdefrule gen1)
(defrule MAIN::gen1
(animal (species ?name))
(printout t ?name crlf))

How to compare a global variable to a string in Clips?

In my system the user inputs a Y or N to answer simple questions. I call this rule after every question to increment a counter. There are some general problems with my code but i can't see where
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are You In Pain? " crlf)
(bind ?*Answer* (read))
(defrule IncSym
(test(=(str-compare (?*Answer*) "y")0))
(bind ?*symcount* (+ ?*symcount* 1))
The syntactic errors can be corrected as follows:
CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (defglobal ?*Answer* = nil)
CLIPS> (defglobal ?*symcount* = 0)
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(bind ?*Answer* (read)))
(defrule IncSym
(test (eq ?*Answer* y))
(bind ?*symcount* (+ ?*symcount* 1)))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
CLIPS> (show-defglobals)
?*Answer* = y
?*symcount* = 0
This won't produce the behavior you're expecting, however, since ?*symcount* will not be incremented. The behavior of global variables and why you should not be using them in the manner you're attempting has been discussed previously:
How exactly (refresh) works in the clips?
CLIPS: forcing a rule to re-evaluate the value of a global variable?
Number equality test fails in CLIPS pattern matching?
CLIPS constant compiler directive
How can I run the clips with out reset the fact when using CLIPS
Instead of using global variables to track responses and symptoms, you should use facts or instances. Here's one approach:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate symptom
(slot id)
(slot response))
(deftemplate symptom-list
(multislot values))
(deffacts initial
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(assert (symptom (id in-pain) (response (read)))))
(defrule IncSym
(symptom (id ?id) (response y))
?f <- (symptom-list (values $?list))
(test (not (member$ ?id ?list)))
(modify ?f (values ?list ?id)))
(defrule symptoms-found
(declare (salience -10))
(symptom-list (values $?list))
(printout t "Symptom count: " (length$ ?list) crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
Symptom count: 1
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? n
Symptom count: 0
And another:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate symptom
(slot id)
(slot response))
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(assert (symptom (id in-pain) (response (read)))))
(defrule symptoms-found
(declare (salience -10))
(bind ?count (find-all-facts ((?f symptom)) (eq ?f:response y)))
(printout t "Symptom count: " (length$ ?count) crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
Symptom count: 1
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? n
Symptom count: 0

Writing a defrule that extends a deftemplate

Suppose I have
(deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B))
and from an earlier rule I have A => C. I want to extend the template to
(deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B) (slot C))
How do you a write a rule that uses pre-existing rules to populate a fact template.
Thanks in advance
You can't redefine a deftemplate if any facts currently make use of that deftemplate:
CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B))
CLIPS> (deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B) (slot C))
CLIPS> (assert (a-template))
CLIPS> (deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B) (slot C) (slot D))
[CSTRCPSR4] Cannot redefine deftemplate a-template while it is in use.
(deftemplate MAIN::a-template
However, if no such facts exist you can use introspection functions to examine the existing deftemplate in conjunction with the build function to create a new deftemplate:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deffunction add-slot (?template ?slot)
(bind ?slots (deftemplate-slot-names ?template))
(if (member$ ?slot ?slots)
(bind ?build (str-cat "(deftemplate " ?template))
(progn$ (?s ?slots)
(if (deftemplate-slot-multip ?template ?s)
(bind ?build (str-cat ?build " (multislot " ?s ")"))
(bind ?build (str-cat ?build " (slot " ?s ")"))))
(bind ?build (str-cat ?build " (slot " ?slot ")"))
(bind ?build (str-cat ?build ")"))
(build ?build))
CLIPS> (deftemplate a-template (slot A) (slot B))
CLIPS> (ppdeftemplate a-template)
(deftemplate MAIN::a-template
(slot A)
(slot B))
CLIPS> (add-slot a-template C)
CLIPS> (ppdeftemplate a-template)
(deftemplate MAIN::a-template
(slot A)
(slot B)
(slot C))
If you wanted to redefine a template with existing facts, you'd need to save the existing facts using the save-facts function, retract all of them, redefine the template, and then reload the saved facts. This could cause rules matching the existing facts to be placed on the agenda if they had already executed.
