How create loop in twig template? - laravel

I want made loop like of this on twig template:
for($i=1;$i<100;$i++) {
echo $i;
I solved this problem as:
{% if k > 0 %}
{% for i in 0..k - 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
if k = 0 -> no loop
if k = 1 -> 1 loop
if k = 100 -> 100 lopp
May be is other solve?

You can use range to reproduce loop output similar to the first php example
{% for i in range(1, 100-1) %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}

You can add the if inside the loop
{% for i in 0..k if k > 0 %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
edit: This doesn't work anymore in twig 3.X. You have to place the if inside the codeblock


ansible jinja2 - how to use "loop range" output in other "for statement"

I want to use the n values in the next for statement and I expect output as router_0, router_1. But any optisons like router_[n], router_{{ n }}, router_(n) etc didnt work. How can we do this?
{% for n in range(0, 2) %}
{% for rtr in web.router_[n] %}
{% if rtr.interface.type == 'lacp' %}
interface Port-Channel{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
In vars.yaml, there are variables for paired routers, router_0 and router_1. I want to generate the config template for both routers at the same time.
Concatenate the name of the attribute
{% for rtr in web['router_' ~ n] %}

Calculate needed spaces in Jinja2 / Ansible [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Pushing items to a var while looping over another var in Ansible Jinja2 template
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to calculate the needed space based on the longest word in a dictionary.
It seems though that the variable num doesn't transfer it's value to the second inner loop.
I'm basically trying to caculate the amount of spaces to align the columns correctly.
{% for module in modules %}
module "{{ }}" {
source = "{{ module.source }}"
{% set num = 1 %}
{% for n in module.vars.keys() %}
{% if num < n|length %}
{% set num = n|length %}
{% endif %}
{{ num }}: {{ n }}
{% endfor %}
{% for m in module.vars %}
{{ num }}
{{ m }} {{ '= "' + module.vars[m]|indent(width=num) }}"
{% endfor %}
You're right, you can't get variables out of loops this way. See "Scoping behavior" in the docs.
One option is to use what they suggest and create a namespace:
{% set ns = namespace(num=0) %}
{% for n in module.vars.keys() %}
{% if ns.num < n|length %}
{% set ns.num = n|length %}
{% endif %}
{{ ns.num }}: {{ n }}
{% endfor %}
In your case, there is an easier and cleaner solution though: you can calculate the maximum width in an expression. Use map() to get a list of lengths, and use max filter to get the biggest one:
{% set indent_width = module.vars.keys() | map("length") | max %}
{% for m in module.vars %}
{{ m }} {{ '= "' + module.vars[m]|indent(width=indent_width) }}"
{% endfor %}

Cannot get index of item in array with Nunjucks for loop

I'm having some trouble getting indexes of a items in an array from a Nunjucks {% for %} loop.
The array I am targeting is simple and looks like this
And this is the Nunjucks loop
{% for i,p in %}
{{ i }} : {{ p }}
{% endfor %}
The problem is
{{ p }} outputs 1,2,3 but {{ i }} doesn't output anything.
If anyone can tell me how to fix this, I'd much appreciate it.
To get the index in a for loop use loop.index (loop.index starts with a 1)
To get the standard behavior (start with a 0) use loop.index0 = [1, 2, 3];
Template code (loop.index)
{% for page in %}
{{loop.index}}: {{ page }}
{% endfor %}
Template code (loop.index0)
{% for page in %}
{{loop.index0}}: {{ page }}
{% endfor %}
See Also the nunjucks docs
loop.index: the current iteration of the loop (1 indexed)
loop.index0: the current iteration of the loop (0 indexed)
loop.revindex: number of iterations until the end (1 indexed)
loop.revindex0: number of iterations until the end (0 based)
loop.first: boolean indicating the first iteration
loop.last: boolean indicating the last iteration
loop.length: total number of items
Tipically nunjucks wait single iterator for array.
When you use multi-iterator and pass array, nunjucks split each array element by iterator set.
{% set pages = [[10, 11], [12, 13]] %}
{% for a, b in pages %}
{% endfor %}
You can use range, convert array to object (element order can be lost) or use loop.index0'/loop.index
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
var env = nunjucks.configure();
// range
var res = nunjucks.renderString(`
{% for i in range(0, items.length) %}
{% set item = items[i] %}
{{i}}: {{item}}
{% endfor %}`,
{items: [10, 12]}
// array to object
res = nunjucks.renderString(`
{% for i, item in items %}
{{i}}: {{item}}
{% endfor %}`,
{items: Object.assign({}, [10, 12])}
// loop.index0
res = nunjucks.renderString(`
{% for item in items %}
{{loop.index0}}: {{item}}
{% endfor %}`,
{items: [10, 12]}
For anyone coming here by ways of Google or whatever. I was able to use the method with range loop described above directly in my template, and even nesting loops.
Here's part of my code directly in a nunjucks template:
<ul class="index">
{% for x in range(0, dbReport.sections.length) %}
{% set section = dbReport.sections[x] %}
<strong>{{ x + 1 }}</strong> {{ section.sectionTitle }}
<strong>{{ x + 1 }}.1</strong> Section components:
{% for y in range(0, section.subSections.length) %}
{% set subSection = section.subSections[y] %}
<strong>{{ x + 1 }}.1.{{ y + 1 }}</strong> {{subSection.subSectionTitle}}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
with array.entries()
{%- for pageIndex, page in collections.pages.entries() -%}
<div class="page" id="page-{{ pageIndex + 1 }}">
{{ page.templateContent | safe }}
{%- endfor -%}

Shopify: how to get value of forloop.index outside of the loop?

When I attempt to assign the forloop index (or anything else) to a variable in a for-loop and then use it outside (after) the loop, the assigned value is lost. The code below is one of about 20 different approaches I have tried. None of them have worked. I just need to know if x contains y (so the variable can either be boolean or an integer or anything).
{% assign has_y = 0 %}
{% for x in collection %}
{% if x contains y %}
<span style="display: none">{{ has_y | plus: 1 }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_y < 1 %}
{% endif %}
I'm confused about Shopify's scoping rules...
The problem is you are outputting {{ has_y | plus: 1 }}, but not assigning anything to has_y inside the for loop.
Try this:
{% assign has_y = 0 %}
{% for x in collections %}
{% if x contains y %}
{% assign has_y = has_y | plus: 1 %}
<span style="display: none">{{ has_y }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_y < 1 %}
{% endif %}
Or, if you want to use boolean values instead:
{% assign has_y = false %}
{% for x in collections %}
{% if x contains y %}
{% assign has_y = true %}
<span style="display: none">{{ has_y }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_y == false %}
{% endif %}
Also, you may want to check your for loop {% for x in collection %}. collection is an object. Maybe you meant to iterate over collection.products or collections instead?

Capturing Item Index in Collection

I was wondering what is the proper way of finding the index of an item in an array is in a Liquid template, and selected related items based off of the index. Currently I'm able to calculate the value, but it seems to be a string and I can't then find other items in the array with the string. For example in a CMS:
{% for site_page in site.pages.all %}
{% if == %}
{% assign page_index = forloop.index0 %}
{% capture previous_page_index %}
{{ page_index | minus: 1 }}
{% endcapture %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The expected value can be found in previous_page_index (in this case 0) however, if i try to do something like site.pages.all[previous_page_index] I receive no output. If I do the same thing with a hardcoded index value: site.pages.all[0] it does yield an output. Does anyone have an idea/example on how this is supposed to be done in liquid?
Best I can figure is to use {% for item in array limit:1 offset:forloop.index0 %}. For example:
require 'liquid'
chars = %w[a b c]
names = %w[alpha bravo charlie]
puts Liquid::Template.parse(<<DONE).render( 'chars'=>chars, 'names'=>names )
{% for c in chars %}
{{c}} is
{% for n in names limit:1 offset:forloop.index0 %}{{n}}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
…which produces…
a is
b is
c is
Editorial aside: ouch. What an ugly tempting language. I understand its goals, but the burden it places on users is heinous.
