#ControllerAdvice handler not being called from Spring Cloud custom filter - spring-boot

I have created the following custom filter to be used for authorization in a Spring Cloud application. Here is the apply() method from that filter, from which an exception is thrown should the authorization check fail:
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> {
HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN;
try {
String authRequest = exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getFirst(
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(authRequest, headers);
// make REST call to authorization module
status = restTemplate.postForEntity(authURL, entity, String.class).getStatusCode();
catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Something went wrong during authorization", e);
// throw an exception if anything went
// wrong with authorization
if (!HttpStatus.OK.equals(status)) {
throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
return chain.filter(exchange);
I have defined the following #ControllerAdvice class to catch all exceptions thrown by the above Gateway Cloud filter:
public class RestExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = ResponseStatusException.class)
public final ResponseEntity<Object> handleException(ResponseStatusException ex) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("UNAUTHORIZED", HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
What I currently observe is the following:
The above custom filter's ResponseStatusException is not being caught by the #ControllerAdvice mapping method.
Yet, throwing this exception from elsewhere in the Spring Boot application, e.g. the regular controller we use as an authentication endpoint, is caught by the #ControllerAdvice method.
For now, this is more of a nuisance than a blocker, because in fact throwing a ResponseStatusException from the Cloud filter with a custom error code in fact does return that error code to the caller. But, it would be nice to handle all exceptions in a single place.
Can anyone shed some light on this problem?

From ControllerAdvice javadocs:
Classes with #ControllerAdvice can be declared explicitly as Spring beans or auto-detected via classpath scanning.
You didn't show full class for your filter, but I bet it isn't Spring Bean scanned on classpath. Typically servlet filters are explicitly plugged into Spring Security configuration. Therefore ControllerAdvice processing is ignoring it.

I assume that by Filter you mean javax.servlet.Filter.
In that case, #ControllerAdvice cannot work. It is used to handle exceptions from Controllers. But you throw Exception before it can even propagate to Controller (by not calling the chain.filter(exchange) method.
Try throwing exceptions in controller, not in filter.
Edit: If you don't want to handle exceptions on #Controller, you must implement terminal handler in javax.servlet.Filter directly. That means change the incoming request' response directly like this:
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) exchange.getResponse();
// either format the response by yourself
// or let populate error directly
... which is something what #ControllerAdvice does internally.


Http status code from a global #ExceptionHandler with the #ControllerAdvice annotation

I'm implementing a global exception handler inside a Spring Boot App, with the #ControllerAdvice annotation, and I'd like to know, how could I get the http status code for showing a different message when it's 404 and to persist a log with the error, in other cases.
This is a simplified version of the code:
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public ModelAndView handleException(Exception ex, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView();
model.addObject("message", ex.getMessage());
model.addObject("trace", trace);
model.addObject("path", path);
//model.addObject("status", response.getStatus());
return model;
I've tried this approach, without success:
Object status = request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE);
Integer statusCode = Integer.valueOf(status.toString());
To get the request attribute, this other name; javax.servlet.error.status_code doesn't work either.
You have to set your own status code corresponding every exception that you are handling. If any exception missed, default will be 5.x.x server error.
I remember doing this by extracting the expected exception to a separate class that extends Exception.
By doing this, you can add #ResponseStatus to set your required status code.
This custom exception can be thrown in your controller needed.
#ResponseStatus(value=HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason="Person Not Found")
public class PersonNotFoundException extends Exception {
public PersonNotFoundException (int id){
super("PersonNotFoundException with id="+id);
Instead of specifying the generic RunTime exception, handle the PersonNotFoundException in your #ExceptionHandler and add the exception object to your ModelAndView.

Throwing Custom Runtime exception in Spring Cloud Gateway Filters

We are using Spring Cloud Gateway with Spring Boot 2 and reactive WebFlux module.
There is an authentication filter which is added for one of the routes. Now if we throw a RuntimeException with a particular status code, it is really not picking up.
Earlier this authentication check was part of the HandlerInterceptor in Spring, but now we cannot use the web module along with WebFlux (conflict from Spring cloud gateway).
public GatewayFilter apply(Object config) {
ServerHttpRequest httpRequest = exchange.getRequest();
if(!someUtil.validRequest(httpRequest) {
throw new RuntimeException("Throw 401 Unauthorized with Custom error code and message");
Currently, the actual response always gives a 500 internal server error. From where is this coming from? Can we get hold of the errors from Filters here?
You can implement a custom error handler, and here is the Spring Boot document.
Or you can simply throw a ResponseStatusException. The default error handler will render the specific status.
Keep in mind, as of the time of writing, spring-cloud-gateway uses Spring Framework WebFlux. This means that the approach would be different. You can get hold of the exception in a filter as shown below.
Declare an exception like this:
public class UnauthorisedException extends ResponseStatusException {
public UnauthorisedException(HttpStatusCode status) {
public UnauthorisedException(HttpStatusCode status, String reason) {
super(status, reason);
NB: The exception extends ResponseStatusException.
The ControllerAdvice class can be implemented as follows:
public class MyErrorWebExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
public Mono<ServerResponse> handleIllegalState(ServerWebExchange exchange, UnauthorisedException exc) {
exchange.getAttributes().putIfAbsent(ErrorAttributes.ERROR_ATTRIBUTE, exc);
return ServerResponse.from(ErrorResponse.builder(exc,HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN,exc.getMessage()).build());
In your filter you can now implement the apply method as follows:
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> {
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
if (request.getHeaders().get("token") == null){ //test is an example
throw new UnauthorisedException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, "Not Authorised from Gateway");
ServerHttpRequest.Builder builder = request.mutate();
return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(builder.build()).build());

Stacktrace of exceptions in Spring Rest responses

I have few Rest web services implemented through Spring. The problem is that if any exception is thrown the webservice returns json object with formatted error message that contains stacktrace. Can I have a single point of handling exceptions, and return my custom json objects with messages that wouldn't contain stacktrace?
I see descriptions for spring mvc but im not really using that for building my views etc.
I know it's too late, but just pointing out some solutions that may help others!
case 1: if you're using application.properties file, add following line to your properties file.
case 2: if you're using application.yml file, add following line to your yml file.
include-stacktrace: on_trace_param
case 3: In case, none of them works, try following changes:
Try to suppress the stack trace by overriding fillInStackTrace method in your exception class as below.
public class DuplicateFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
ps1: I referred this article.
Spring provides an out of the box solution to handle all your custom exceptions from a single point. What you need is #ControllerAdvice annotation in your exception controller:
public class GlobalDefaultExceptionHandler {
public String exception(Exception e) {
return "error";
If you want to go deep into Springs #ExceptionHandler at individual controller level or #ControllerAdvice at global application level here is a good blog.
To handle exceptions thrown from a spring application at a single point, this is the best way to do it. #ControllerAdvice will create an aspect join-point which will intercept all the exceptions with required matching types bound to the corresponding public method.Here, public ResponseEntity handleDataIntegrityViolationException(DataIntegrityViolationException dataIntegrityViolationException,
WebRequest request) is handling DataIntegrityViolationException thrown out of the system at one place.
public class GlobalControllerExceptionHandler {
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
private HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();
private MessageSource messageSource;
public GlobalControllerExceptionHandler() {
header.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
* #param dataIntegrityViolationException
* #param request
* #return
#ExceptionHandler({ DataIntegrityViolationException.class })
public ResponseEntity<?> handleDataIntegrityViolationException(DataIntegrityViolationException dataIntegrityViolationException,
WebRequest request) {
String message = ExceptionUtils.getMessage(dataIntegrityViolationException);
logger.error(message, dataIntegrityViolationException.fillInStackTrace());
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CONFLICT).headers(header).body(dataIntegrityViolationException);

Handling addtional exceptions and throwing custom error message in Spring security

I am using Spring 2.5 .I want to do the following:
In the overriden loadUserByUsername method of spring UserDetailsService I want to throw a custom exception and on that exception give a custom error message on the login page.
Could anyone suggest how can I handle this custom exception.
You can extend AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver and handle your exception in this class. Code is not full, but you can understand the idea from that part.
public class ExceptionResolver extends AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver {
protected ModelAndView doResolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) {
ModelAndView mav;
if(ex instanceof YourException){
mav = loginController.showLoginPage();
mav.addObject("errorMessage","Some error message text.");
\\also you can change response code here or add some logic
else {
\\some another page
return mav;
Also add this to applicationContext.xml(or another file with your spring context configuration):
<bean class="com.mycompany.ExceptionResolver" />

How can I bypass Grails exception handling, in order to use Spring Oauth2?

I am trying to port an Oauth2 client based on Oauth for Spring Security from plain Java/Spring to Grails, and have run into a problem. The crux of the issue appears to be the fact that the design of the Spring Oauth client implementation relies on the assumption that an exception thrown from the Oauth2RestTemplate will be caught in a catch block of the OAuth2ClientContextFilter, thus allowing the filter to issue a redirect response (to send an authorization request to the oath provider).
This works fine in plain Java/Spring but in Grails, the GrailsDispatcherServlet is configured to handle all exceptions via HandlerExceptionResolvers. Thus the exception thrown in the Oauth2RestTemplate (invoked inside a Grails controller) is caught by the GrailsExceptionResolver and is never seen by the OAuth2ClientContextFilter, thus defeating the desired redirect behavior.
All discussions I have found of customizing Grails exception handling all seem to assume that the purpose of the customization is to map the exception to an HTTP error code or to a error page view. But is there some way to tell Grails to simply allow a particular exception to flow through unhandled, so that it can be caught by the servlet filter? Or is it possible to insert a custom HandlerExceptionResolver that re-throws the exception rather than returning a ModelAndView (as is the standard expectation for a HandlerExceptionResolver)? Or is there some other better way to get the Oauth for Spring Security client working inside Grails?
Here's what I eventually came up with. Not sure if it is the best solution but it seems to work:
Create a new MyDispatcherServlet.groovy:
package org.example.com
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsDispatcherServlet
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.UserRedirectRequiredException
class MyDispatcherServlet extends GrailsDispatcherServlet {
protected ModelAndView processHandlerException(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception {
def e = ex
while (e) {
if (e instanceof UserRedirectRequiredException) {
throw ex
e = e.cause
return super.processHandlerException(request, response, handler, ex)
Run grails install-templates and modify the web.xml to use MyDispatcherServlet instead of the default GrailsDispatcherServlet
The result is that MyDispatcherServlet will re-throw an exception that contains a UserRedirectRequiredException so that it can be caught by the OAuth2ClientContextFilter, but other exceptions will be passed on and handled as before by the GrailsExceptionResolver.
I think you can declare exceptionHandler in resources.groovy by defining your custom exception resolver. This custom exception resolver can (optionally) override GrailsExceptionResolver
exceptionHandler(MyExceptionResolver) {
exceptionMappings = ['java.lang.Exception': '/error']
class MyExceptionResolver extends GrailsExceptionResolver {
ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Object handler, Exception ex) {
//your custom code
return super.resolveException(request, response, handler, ex)
