Laravel : how to execute controller function on button in view? - laravel-5

I want to call controller function in view page.
Here is function code :
public function annulerSeanceConduite(Request $request,SeanceConduite $seanceConduite)
$seanceConduite->statut = "Annulée";
$request->session()->flash('message', 'Seance Conduite est annulée!');
return redirect('seanceConduites');
And the route :
Route::get('annulerSeanceConduite', 'SeanceConduiteController#annulerSeanceConduite');

You can assign name to your Route when you define it and use that name to generate the correct URL in your view file
Route::get('/annulerSeance/{id}', 'SeanceConduiteController#annulerSeanceConduite')
and in your view file you use it like this

Instead of a button, you could use a normal "a", or bind the link the the specified route to an onclick event on the button.


laravel-livewire return view on button click

I have one button in livewire view
<x-jet-button wire:click.prevent="confirmProcess" class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700">
and here in controller my method
public function confirmProcess()
return view('livewire.confirm');
I also have view in livewire folder with name confirm.blade.php
I want to load different view on button click but when I click on button nothing happens.
how can I load other view also I want to use data from same controller also on other view.
You can't return view from your confirmProcess method. What you can do is redirect from confirmProcess method to a named route like:
return redirect()->route('confirm');
Then from this route you can call the component like:
Route::get('/confirm-process', \App\Http\Livewire\Confirm::class)->name('confirm');

Cakephp : add another view page link on the view page

sorry for asking this question ..i am working on a Cakephp 2.x ... i have a view page in my controller name folder e.g Controller/index.ctp ... and i have ajaxfiles are stored in app/webroot/ajax/ajaxfile.html
now on my index.php file i am acessing the ajax page like this
<a href="ajax-demo/ajaxfile.html" class="file-link">
<span class="icon file-png"></span>
Simple gallery</a>
public function index(){
now the problem is i want to send the variables to both of my pages ... index.ctp and ajaxfile ... how can i do this ??what is the best approach to tackle these things ....
do i have to move the ajaxfiles from webroot and paste under the controller name folder?
if is it so then how can i send variables to ajax files which has no model and controller
please if any one know the solution then please advice me. and give an example too
There are different way to achieve this, here I'm writing the simplest one
First you need to move your "index.ctp" file to your "View/YOUR CONTROLLER NAME/" folder.
1) To access the variable in view you need to set it from your controller's method like this
public index(){
$this->set('yourVariable', 'Your Value');
2) To access the value in your view file (index.ctp), you need to call this variable like this
$yourVariable;//If you want to print this then you can write like this
echo $yourVariable;
3) To call a ajax file from your index.ctp the simplest method is to call a onclick event on this anchor, the onclick event will call a JAVASCRIPT method which will further make a ajax call and will place the output in an element in your index.ctp, The ajax call will further call your controller method (implement your html related logic here)
For example,
<span class="icon file-png"></span>Simple gallery
<div id="yourAjaxFileOutputReplaceMentDiv"></div>
4) create a javascript method in your JS file, this JS file must be loaded in your layout file.
function yourAjaxCallMethod(BaseURL,yourVarible)
//Initialize Ajax Method
var req = getXMLHTTP();//Let's this method Initialize your Ajax
if (req)
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4)
if (req.status == 200)
} else {
alert("There was a problem while using XMLHTTP:\n" + req.statusText);
var URL = BaseURL+yourVarible+'/'+Math.random();"GET", URL, true);
5) Your AJAX file related method in your controller "yourController". Set autoRender to False
public function ajaxMethod(){
$this->autoRender = false;
//Check $this->request['pass'] for arguments send from ajax call
$retreivedVariable = $this->request['pass'][0];
echo 'I retrieved variable'.$retreivedVariable;
However instead of writing core javascript and ajax method you can call the inbuild Ajax Helper for same.

Call fom view to Contoller with a value in CI like requestAction in cakephp

I'm new to codeigniter . Is there any function to call a function from view page to a controllers function with a value just like requestAction in cakephp .
Home Controller:
function getSubmenu($menu_id)
return $data;
index.php (under same controller)
from here I want to call getSubmenu($menu_id) function.
If you want to call the another function in the same class you can do it like this
in your example is like this:
For more informacion, you can read documentation of CI:

add iframe while calling controller to view in codeigniter

call controller to view i use this code..
i want to add "template/home/home" page in to iframe tag while calling controller to view.
how can i do?
class main_con extends Controller
function main_con()
// $this->freakauth_light->check('user');
$this->_container = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir') . 'template/container';
$this->load->library('FAL_front', 'fal_front');
function index()
$data['redirect_page'] = 'template/home/home';
thank you in advance...
I'm not quite sure if I understand your problem but:
The iframe is in your view template right? So what you need to do is just print the content of your variable in the src attrib of the iframe.

How to call the controller variable in view file using joomla?

I am new in joomla, My code is like this
//on controller
function listing()
JRequest::setVar( 'view', 'hello' );
JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 0);
//on view.html.php
i want to fetch this 'hidemainmenu'
How can i fetch can anyone help??
If the code above is that of your view.html.php file then you can pass the variable through to your template file by using a line like so:
$this->assignRef( 'hidemainmenu', $hidemainmenu);
Then in your tmpl/default.php file for example you can access this variable like so:
If the code is in the Controller :
get the Variable in the view.html.php
$hidemainmenu = JRequest::getVar('hidemainmenu');
Try this in the view.html.php or default.php
