Finding k largest elements in an array in O(1) time - algorithm

Is it possible to have O(1) time complexity in find the k largest or smallest numbers in an array, by making a stack class with an auxiliary data structure to track k largest/smallest in every push() and pop(). Since retrieval is O(1), return k elements in a get method

Yes, can find out Kth largest element or smallest element by O(1) complexity only if your array is in sorted order.

If you are looking for a well-known data structure you can find Max-Heap and Min-Heap useful. You can find more about that here.
As you have updated your question from max and min to k largest, you can preprocess your data into a sorted array and then insert new value using the insertion sort strategy. Then, you can report the k largest value in O(k) (and if the k is constant it would be in O(1)).

you can try the below link that discuss about the finding largest number


a heap with n elements that supports Insert and Extract-Min, Which of the following tasks can you achieve in O(logn) time?

For the following questions
Question 3
You are given a heap with n elements that supports Insert and Extract-Min. Which of the following tasks can you achieve in O(logn) time?
Find the median of the elements stored in the heap.
Find the fifth-smallest element stored in the heap.
Find the largest element stored in the heap.
Find the median of the elements stored in theheap.
Why is "Find the largest element stored in the heap."not correct, my understanding here is that you can use logN time to go to the bottom of the heap, and one of the element there must be the largest element.
"Find the fifth-smallest element stored in the heap." this should take constant time right, because you only need to go down 5 layers at most?
"Find the median of the elements stored in the heap. " should this take O(n) time? because we extract min for the n elements to get a sorted array, and take o(1) to find the median of it?
It depends on what the running times are of the operations insert and extract-min. In traditional heaps, both take ϴ(log n) time. However, in finger-tree-based heaps, only insert takes ϴ(log n) time, while extract-min takes O(1) time. There, you can find the fifth smallest element in O(5) = O(1) time and the median in O(n/2) = O(n) time. You can also find the largest element in O(n) time.
Why is "Find the largest element stored in the heap."not correct, my understanding here is that you can use logN time to go to the bottom of the heap, and one of the element there must be the largest element.
The lowest level of the heap contains half of the elements. More correctly, half of the elements of the heap are leaves--have no children. The largest element in the heap is one of those. Finding the largest element of the heap, then, will require that you examine n/2 items. Except that the heap only supports insert and extract-min, so you end up having to call extract-min on every element. Finding the largest element will take O(n log n) time.
"Find the fifth-smallest element stored in the heap." this should take constant time right, because you only need to go down 5 layers at most?
This can be done in log(n) time. Actually 5*log(n) because you have to call extract-min five times. But we ignore constant factors. However it's not constant time because the complexity of extract-min depends on the size of the heap.
"Find the median of the elements stored in the heap." should this take O(n) time? because we extract min for the n elements to get a sorted array, and take o(1) to find the median of it?
The median is the middle element. So you only have to remove n/2 elements from the heap. But removing an item from the heap is a log(n) operation. So the complexity is O(n/2 log n) and since we ignore constant factors in algorithmic analysis, it's O(n log n).

Get the k-largest elements from an array whit n Elements, where n is much larger than k

Suppose you have an unsorted array of length n. Now you want to take the k-largest elements from the array. We also know that n is much larger than k.
My naive idea is to sort the array and output the k-largest elements. That would cost O(nlog(n)). Is there a more efficient algorithm that takes advantage of the fact that n is much larger than k ?
Yes, more effective algorithms do exist.
Get k first elements, build min-heap containing these k elements.
Traverse through other elements. If current item is larger than heap top, remove top and insert current item.
After the end heap will contain k largest elements.
Complexity is O(N*logK)
Also consider QuickSelect algorithm with average time O(n) (while it has worst case up to quadratic)

existence of a certain data structure

I'm wondering, can there exists such a data stucture under the following criterions and times(might be complicated)?
if we obtain an unsorted list L an build a data structure out of it like this:
Build(L,X) - under O(n) time, we build the structure S from an unsorted list of n elements
Insert (y,S) under O(lg n) we insert z into the structure S
DEL-MIN(S) - under O(lg n) we delete the minimal element from S
DEL-MAX(S) - under O(lg n) we delete the maximal element from S
DEL-MId(S) - under O(lg n) we delete the upper medial(ceiling function) element from S
the problem is that the list L is unsorted. can such a data structure exist?
DEL-MIN and DEL-MAX are easy: keep a min-heap and max-heap of all the elements. The only trick is that you have to keep indices of the value in the heap so that when (for example) you remove the max, you can also find it and remove it in the min-heap.
For DEL-MED, you can keep a max-heap of the elements less than the median and a min-heap of the elements greater than or equal to the median. The full description is in this answer: Data structure to find median. Note that in that answer the floor-median is returned, but that's easily fixed. Again, you need to use the cross-indexing trick to refer to the other datastructures as in the first part. You will also need to think how this handles repeated elements if that's possible in your problem formulation. (If necessary, you can do it by storing repeated elements as (count, value) in your heap, but this complicates rebalancing the heaps on insert/remove a little).
Can this all be built in O(n)? Yes -- you can find the median of n things in O(n) time (using the median-of-median algorithm), and heaps can be built in O(n) time.
So overall, the datastructure is 4 heaps (a min-heap of all the elements, a max-heap of all the elements, a max-heap of the floor(n/2) smallest elements, a min-heap of the ceil(n/2) largest elements. All with cross-indexes to each other.

Get the k smallest elements of an array using quick sort

How would you find the k smallest elements from an unsorted array using quicksort (other than just sorting and taking the k smallest elements)? Would the worst case running time be the same O(n^2)?
You could optimize quicksort, all you have to do is not run the recursive potion on the other portions of the array other than the "first" half until your partition is at position k. If you don't need your output sorted, you can stop there.
Warning: non-rigorous analysis ahead.
However, I think the worst-case time complexity will still be O(n^2). That occurs when you always pick the biggest or smallest element to be your pivot, and you devolve into bubble sort (i.e. you aren't able to pick a pivot that divides and conquers).
Another solution (if the only purpose of this collection is to pick out k min elements) is to use a min-heap of limited tree height ciel(log(k)) (or exactly k nodes). So now, for each insert into the min heap, your maximum time for insert is O(n*log(k)) and the same for removal (versus O(n*log(n)) for both in a full heapsort). This will give the array back in sorted order in linearithmic time worst-case. Same with mergesort.

Is there a "tournament" algorithm to find k-th largest element?

I know that we can find the 2nd largest element in an array of size N in N+log(N)-2 using a "tournament" algorithm. Now I wonder if we can find the k-th largest element using a similar "tournament".
I know there is an O(N) "selection" algorithm to find the k-th largest element. It uses Quick Select with a "good" pivot, which can be found in O(N). We can build also a heap from the array in O(N) and retrieve k element from the heap.
I wonder if there is another approach.
I believe you can make this an O(N log k) algorithm: Iterate over the array, and maintain a min-heap of the largest k elements encountered so far. So the first k elements go directly into the heap. Every subsequent element will be compared against the tip of the heap, and if it is larger, the tip will be removed from the heap and the new element inserted, which is an O(log k) operation for a heap of size k. When the algorithm is done, and the sequence had a length of at least k, then the tip of the heap will have the kth largest element, and the rest of the heap the larger elements.
This approach has inferior worst-case behaviour than the median-of-medians O(n) solution, but will be much easier to implement and yield rather good behaviour for small k. So it might be well suited for many practical applications.
