Best mapping between 2 sequences - algorithm

I have two sequences of items:
S1 = [ A B C D E F ]
S2 = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
And I can determine "similarity" for each pair of items (s1, s2) as a number (for example on scale 0 to 10).
I want to find a mapping between S1/S2 items, such that ordering of each sequence is preserved and sum of "similarity" values between mapped items is maximum. It is not required that all S1/S2 items are part of mapping.
[ A B C D E F ]
[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
In example above, mapping 'A on 3', 'D on 4' and 'F on 6' gives overall maximum "similarity".
Are there any existing problems (/algorithms) this could be turned into?

Looks like the Smith–Waterman algorithm, which is traditional used for determining similar regions between two strings of nucleic acid sequences or protein sequences, should be perfect:
Smith–Waterman algorithm aligns two sequences by matches/mismatches (also known as substitutions), insertions, and deletions. Both insertions and deletions are the operations that introduce gaps, which are represented by dashes. The Smith–Waterman algorithm has several steps:
Determine the substitution matrix and the gap penalty scheme. A substitution matrix assigns each pair of items (s1, s2) a score for match or mismatch. Usually matches get positive scores, whereas mismatches get relatively lower scores. A gap penalty function determines the score cost for opening or extending gaps. It is suggested that users choose the appropriate scoring system based on the goals. In addition, it is also a good practice to try different combinations of substitution matrices and gap penalties.
Initialize the scoring matrix. The dimensions of the scoring matrix are 1+length of each sequence respectively. All the elements of the first row and the first column are set to 0. The extra first row and first column make it possible to align one sequence to another at any position, and setting them to 0 makes the terminal gap free from penalty.
Scoring. Score each element from left to right, top to bottom in the matrix, considering the outcomes of substitutions (diagonal scores) or adding gaps (horizontal and vertical scores). If none of the scores are positive, this element gets a 0. Otherwise the highest score is used and the source of that score is recorded.
Traceback. Starting at the element with the highest score, traceback based on the source of each score recursively, until 0 is encountered. The segments that have the highest similarity score based on the given scoring system is generated in this process. To obtain the second best local alignment, apply the traceback process starting at the second highest score outside the trace of the best alignment.
Just choose the substitution matrix to match yours
And I can determine "similarity" for each pair of items (s1, s2) as a number (for example on scale 0 to 10).
and set the gap and no match penalty to zero
I want to find a mapping between S1/S2 items, such that ordering of each sequence is preserved and sum of "similarity" values between mapped items is maximum. It is not required that all S1/S2 items are part of mapping.
More information can be found at:

The problem you described looks like Longest Common Subsequence Problem variation.
Use this recurrent relation instead of original:
ans[i][j] = max(
ans[i-1][j-1] + similarity(S1[i], S2[j])


Most efficient algorithm to find the biggest square in a two dimension map [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Dynamic programming - Largest square block
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I would like to know the different algorithms to find the biggest square in a two dimensions map dotted with obstacles.
An example, where o would be obstacles:
The biggest square would be (if we choose the first one):
What would be the fastest algorithm to find it? The one with the smallest complexity?
EDIT: I know that people are interested on the algorithm explained in the accepted answer, so I made a document that explains it a bit more, you can find it here:
Here is how to do this in the optimal amount of time, O(nm). This is built on top of #dukeling's insight that you never need to check a solution of size less than your current known best solution.
The key is to be able to build a data structure that can answer this query in O(1) time.
Is there an obstacle in the square whose top left corner is at r, c and has size k?
To solve that problem, we'll support answering a slightly harder question, also in O(1).
What is the count of items in the rectangle from r1, c1 to r2, c2?
It's easy to answer the square existence question with an answer from the rectangle count question.
To answer the rectangle count question, note that if you had pre-computed the answer for every rectangle that starts in the top left, then you could answer the general question for from r1, c1 to r2, c2 by a kind of clever/inclusion exclusion tactic using only rectangles that start in the top left
c1 c2
| | | |
| A | B | |
|_____________|____| | r1
| | | |
| C | D | |
|_____________|____| | r2
We want the count of stuff inside D. In terms of our pre-computed counts from the top left.
Count(D) = Count(A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D) - Count(A ∪ C) - Count(A ∪ B) + Count(A)
You can pre-compute all the top left rectangles in O(nm) by doing some clever row/column partial sums, but I'll leave that to you.
Then to answer the to the problem you want just involves checking possible solutions, starting with solutions that are at least as good as your known best. Your known best will only get better up to min(n, m) times total, so the best_possible increment will happen very rarely and almost all squares will be rejected in O(1) time.
best_possible = 0
for r in range(n):
for c in range(m):
while True:
# this looks O(min(n, m)), but it's amortized O(1) since best_possible
# rarely increased.
if possible(r, c, best_possible+1):
best_possible += 1
One idea, making use of binary search.
The basic idea:
Start off in the top-left corner. See if a 1x1 square would work.
If it will work, increase the sides lengths of the square by 1 and repeat.
If it won't work, move right and repeat. If you've reached the right-most position, move to the next line.
The native approach:
We can simply check every possible cell of every square at each step, but this is fairly inefficient.
The optimized approach:
When increasing the square size, we can just do a binary search over the next row and column to see if that row / column contains an obstacle at any of those positions.
When moving to the right, we can do a binary search for each next column to determine if that column contains an obstacle at any of those positions.
When moving down, we can do a similar binary on each of the columns in the target position.
Implementation note:
To start off, we'd need to go through all the rows and columns and set up arrays containing the positions of the obstacles for each of them, which we can use for the binary searches.
Running time:
We do 2 binary searches to increase the square size, and the square size is maximum the size of the grid, so that is fairly small (O(min(m,n) log max(m,n))) and gets dominated by the below.
Beyond that, for each position, we do a single binary search on a column.
So, for a grid with m columns and n rows, the overall complexity is O(mn log m).
But note how little we're actually searching below when the grid is sparse.
For your example:
We'd first try a 1x1 square in the top-left corner, which works.
Then a 2x2 square. For this, we do a binary search for the range [0,1] on the row 1, which can be represented simply by {4} - an array of a single position corresponding to where the obstacle is. And we also do a binary search for the range [0,1] on the column 1, which contains no obstacles, thus an empty array - {}.
Then a 3x3 square. For this, we do a binary search for [0,2] on the row 2, which contains 1 obstacles at position 12, thus {12}. And we also do a binary search for [0,2] on the column 2, which contains an obstacle at position 8, thus {8}.
Then a 4x4 square. For this, we do a binary search for [0,3] on the row 3 - {}. And for [0,3] on column 3 - {}.
Then a 5x5 square. For this, we do a binary search for [0,4] on the row 4 - {4}. And for [0,4] column 4 - {1,4}.
Here is the first one we actually find. In the range [0,4], we find 4 in both the row and the column (we only really need to find one of them). So this indicates a fail.
From here we do a binary search on column 4 (again - not really necessary) for [0,4]. Then binary search columns 5-8 for [0,4], none of them found, so a square starting at position 5,0 is the next possible candidate.
So from here we try to increase the square size to 5x5, which works, then 6x6 and 7x7, which works.
Then we try 8x8, which doesn't work.
And so on.
I know binary search, but how does yours work?
So we're basically doing a range search within a set of values. This is fairly easy to do. First search for the starting value of the range, then the end value. If we get to the same point, there are no values in the range.
We don't really care what values exist in the range, just whether or not there are any.
So here's one rough approach.
Store the x-y positions of all the obstacles.
For each obstacle O
find obstacle C that is nearest to it column-wise.
find obstacle R-top that is nearest to it row-wise from the top.
find obstacle R-bottom that is nearest to it row-wise from the bottom.
if (|R-top.y - R-bottom.y| != |O.x - C.x|) continue
Size of the square = Abs((R-top.y - R-bottom.y) * (O.x - C.x))
Keep track of the sizes and positions to find the largest square
Complexity is roughly O(k^2) where k is the number of obstacles. You could reduce it to O(k * log k) if you use binary search.
The following SO articles are identical/similar to the problem you're trying to solve. You may want to look over those answers as well as the responses to your question.
Dynamic programming - Largest square block
dynamic programming: finding largest non-overlapping squares
Dynamic programming: Find largest diamond (rhombus)
Here's the baseline case I'd use, written in simplified Python/pseudocode.
# obstacleMap is a list of list of MapElements, stored in row-major order
max([find_largest_rect(obstacleMap, element) for row in obstacleMap for element in row])
def find_largest_rect(obstacleMap, upper_left_elem):
size = 0
while not has_obstacles(obstacleMap, upper_left_elem, size+1):
size += 1
return size
def has_obstacles(obstacleMap, upper_left_elem, size):
#determines if there are obstacles on the on outside square layer
#for example, if U is the upper left element and size=3, then has_obstacles checks the elements marked p.
# .....
# ..U.p
# ....p
# ..ppp
periphery_row = obstacleMap[upper_left_elem.row][upper_left_elem.col:upper_left_elem.col+size]
periphery_col = [row[upper_left_elem.col+size] for row in obstacleMap[upper_left_elem.row:upper_left_elem.row+size]
return any(is_obstacle(elem) for elem in periphery_row + periphery_col)
def is_obstacle(elem):
return elem.value == 'o'
class MapElement(object):
def __init__(self, row, col, value):
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.value = value
here is an approach using recurrence relation :-
isSquare(R,C1,C2) = noObstacle(R,C1,R,C2) && noObstacle(R,C2,R-(C2-C1),C2) && isSquare(R-1,C1,C2-1)
isSquare(R,C1,C2) = square that has bottom side (R,C1) to (R,C2)
noObstacle(R1,C1,R2,C2) = checks whether there is no obstacle in line segment (R1,C1) to (R2,C2)
Find Max (C2-C1+1) which where isSquare(R,C1,C2) = true
You can use dynamic programming to solve this problem in polynomial time. Use suitable data structure for searching obstacle.

On counting pairs of words that differ by one letter

Let us consider n words, each of length k. Those words consist of letters over an alphabet (whose cardinality is n) with defined order. The task is to derive an O(nk) algorithm to count the number of pairs of words that differ by one position (no matter which one exactly, as long as it's only a single position).
For instance, in the following set of words (n = 5, k = 4):
abcd, abdd, adcb, adcd, aecd
there are 5 such pairs: (abcd, abdd), (abcd, adcd), (abcd, aecd), (adcb, adcd), (adcd, aecd).
So far I've managed to find an algorithm that solves a slightly easier problem: counting the number of pairs of words that differ by one GIVEN position (i-th). In order to do this I swap the letter at the ith position with the last letter within each word, perform a Radix sort (ignoring the last position in each word - formerly the ith position), linearly detect words whose letters at the first 1 to k-1 positions are the same, eventually count the number of occurrences of each letter at the last (originally ith) position within each set of duplicates and calculate the desired pairs (the last part is simple).
However, the algorithm above doesn't seem to be applicable to the main problem (under the O(nk) constraint) - at least not without some modifications. Any idea how to solve this?
Assuming n and k isn't too large so that this will fit into memory:
Have a set with the first letter removed, one with the second letter removed, one with the third letter removed, etc. Technically this has to be a map from strings to counts.
Run through the list, simply add the current element to each of the maps (obviously by removing the applicable letter first) (if it already exists, add the count to totalPairs and increment it by one).
Then totalPairs is the desired value.
This should be O(n.k.logn).
You can use a map that uses hashing (e.g. HashMap in Java), instead of a sorted map for a theoretical complexity of O(nk) (though I've generally found a hash map to be slower than a sorted tree-based map).
A small alteration on this is to have a map of the first 2 letters removed to 2 maps, one with first letter removed and one with second letter removed, and have the same for the 3rd and 4th letters, and so on.
Then put these into maps with 4 letters removed and those into maps with 8 letters removed and so on, up to half the letters removed.
The complexity of this is:
You do 2 lookups into 2 sorted sets containing maximum k elements (for each half).
For each of these you do 2 lookups into 2 sorted sets again (for each quarter).
So the number of lookups is 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + k/2 + k, which I believe is O(k).
I may be wrong here, but, worst case, the number of elements in any given map is n, but this will cause all other maps to only have 1 element, so still O(logn), but for each n (not each n.k).
So I think that's O(n.(logn + k)).
Example of my maps (without the improvement):
(x-1) means x maps to 1.
Let's say we have abcd, abdd, adcb, adcd, aecd.
The first map would be (bcd-1), (bdd-1), (dcb-1), (dcd-1), (ecd-1).
The second map would be (acd-3), (add-1), (acb-1) (for 4th and 5th, value already existed, so increment).
The third map : (abd-2), (adb-1), (add-1), (aed-1) (2nd already existed).
The fourth map : (abc-1), (abd-1), (adc-2), (aec-1) (4th already existed).
totalPairs = 0
For second map - acd, for the 4th, we add 1, for the 5th we add 2.
totalPairs = 3
For third map - abd, for the 2th, we add 1.
totalPairs = 4
For fourth map - adc, for the 4th, we add 1.
totalPairs = 5.
Partial example of improved maps:
Same input as above.
Map of first 2 letters removed to maps of 1st and 2nd letter removed:
(cd-{ {(bcd-1)}, {(acd-1)} }),
(dd-{ {(bdd-1)}, {(add-1)} }),
(cb-{ {(dcb-1)}, {(acb-1)} }),
(cd-{ {(dcd-1)}, {(acd-1)} }),
(cd-{ {(ecd-1)}, {(acd-1)} })
The above is a map consisting of an element cd mapped to 2 maps, one containing one element (bcd-1) and the other containing (acd-1).
But for the 4th and 5th cd already existed, so, rather than generating the above, it will be added to that map instead, as follows:
(cd-{ {(bcd-1, dcd-1, ecd-1)}, {(acd-3)} }),
(dd-{ {(bdd-1)}, {(add-1)} }),
(cb-{ {(dcb-1)}, {(acb-1)} })
You can put each word into an array.Pop out elements from that array one by one.Then compare the resulting arrays.Finally you add back the popped element to get back the original arrays.
The popped elements from both the arrays must not be same.
Count number of cases where this occurs and finally divide it by 2 to get the exact solution
Think about how you would enumerate the language - you would likely use a recursive algorithm. Recursive algorithms map onto tree structures. If you construct such a tree, each divergence represents a difference of one letter, and each leaf will represent a word in the language.
It's been two months since I submitted the problem here. I have discussed it with my peers in the meantime and would like to share the outcome.
The main idea is similar to the one presented by Dukeling. For each word A and for each ith position within that word we are going to consider a tuple: (prefix, suffix, letter at the ith position), i.e. (A[1..i-1], A[i+1..n], A[i]). If i is either 1 or n, then the applicable substring is considered empty (these are simple boundary cases).
Having these tuples in hand, we should be able to apply the reasoning I provided in my first post to count the number of pairs of different words. All we have to do is sort the tuples by the prefix and suffix values (separately for each i) - then, words with letters equal at all but ith position will be adjacent to each other.
Here though is the technical part I am lacking. So as to make the sorting procedure (RadixSort appears to be the way to go) meet the O(nk) constraint, we might want to assign labels to our prefixes and suffixes (we only need n labels for each i). I am not quite sure how to go about the labelling stuff. (Sure, we might do some hashing instead, but I am pretty confident the former solution is viable).
While this is not an entirely complete solution, I believe it casts some light on the possible way to tackle this problem and that is why I posted it here. If anyone comes up with an idea of how to do the labelling part, I will implement it in this post.
How's the following Python solution?
import string
def one_apart(words, word):
res = set()
for i, _ in enumerate(word):
for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
w = word[:i] + c + word[i+1:]
if w != word and w in words:
return res
pairs = set()
for w in words:
for other in one_apart(words, w):
pairs.add(frozenset((w, other)))
for pair in pairs:
frozenset({'abcd', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'aecd', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'adcb', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'abcd', 'aecd'})
frozenset({'abcd', 'abdd'})

Finding the best pair of elements that don't exceed a certain weight?

I have a collection of objects, each of which has a weight and a value. I want to pick the pair of objects with the highest total value subject to the restriction that their combined weight does not exceed some threshold. Additionally, I am given two arrays, one containing the objects sorted by weight and one containing the objects sorted by value.
I know how to do it in O(n2) but how can I do it in O(n)?
This is a combinatorial optimization problem, and the fact the values are sorted means you can easily try a branch and bound approach.
I think that I have a solution that works in O(n log n) time and O(n) extra space. This isn't quite the O(n) solution you wanted, but it's still better than the naive quadratic solution.
The intuition behind the algorithm is that we want to be able to efficiently determine, for any amount of weight, the maximum value we can get with a single item that uses at most that much weight. If we can do this, we have a simple algorithm for solving the problem: iterate across the array of elements sorted by value. For each element, see how much additional value we could get by pairing a single element with it (using the values we precomputed), then find which of these pairs is maximum. If we can do the preprocessing in O(n log n) time and can answer each of the above queries in O(log n) time, then the total time for the second step will be O(n log n) and we have our answer.
An important observation we need to do the preprocessing step is as follows. Our goal is to build up a structure that can answer the question "which element with weight less than x has maximum value?" Let's think about how we might do this by adding one element at a time. If we have an element (value, weight) and the structure is empty, then we want to say that the maximum value we can get using weight at most "weight" is "value". This means that everything in the range [0, max_weight - weight) should be set to value. Otherwise, suppose that the structure isn't empty when we try adding in (value, weight). In that case, we want to say that any portion of the range [0, weight) whose value is less than value should be replaced by value.
The problem here is that when we do these insertions, there might be, on iteration k, O(k) different subranges that need to be updated, leading to an O(n2) algorithm. However, we can use a very clever trick to avoid this. Suppose that we insert all of the elements into this data structure in descending order of value. In that case, when we add in (value, weight), because we add the elements in descending order of value, each existing value in the data structure must be higher than our value. This means that if the range [0, weight) intersects any range at all, those ranges will automatically be higher than value and so we don't need to update them. If we combine this with the fact that each range we add always spans from zero to some value, the only portion of the new range that could ever be added to the data structure is the range [weight, x), where x is the highest weight stored in the data structure so far.
To summarize, assuming that we visit the (value, weight) pairs in descending order of value, we can update our data structure as follows:
If the structure is empty, record that the range [0, value) has value "value."
Otherwise, if the highest weight recorded in the structure is greater than weight, skip this element.
Otherwise, if the highest weight recorded so far is x, record that the range [weight, x) has value "value."
Notice that this means that we are always splitting ranges at the front of the list of ranges we have encountered so far. Because of this, we can think about storing the list of ranges as a simple array, where each array element tracks the upper endpoint of some range and the value assigned to that range. For example, we might track the ranges [0, 3), [3, 9), and [9, 12) as the array
3, 9, 12
If we then needed to split the range [0, 3) into [0, 1) and [1, 3), we could do so by prepending 1 to he list:
1, 3, 9, 12
If we represent this array in reverse (actually storing the ranges from high to low instead of low to high), this step of creating the array runs in O(n) time because at each point we just do O(1) work to decide whether or not to add another element onto the end of the array.
Once we have the ranges stored like this, to determine which of the ranges a particular weight falls into, we can just use a binary search to find the largest element smaller than that weight. For example, to look up 6 in the above array we'd do a binary search to find 3.
Finally, once we have this data structure built up, we can just look at each of the objects one at a time. For each element, we see how much weight is left, use a binary search in the other structure to see what element it should be paired with to maximize the total value, and then find the maximum attainable value.
Let's trace through an example. Given maximum allowable weight 10 and the objects
Weight | Value
2 | 3
6 | 5
4 | 7
7 | 8
Let's see what the algorithm does. First, we need to build up our auxiliary structure for the ranges. We look at the objects in descending order of value, starting with the object of weight 7 and value 8. This means that if we ever have at least seven units of weight left, we can get 8 value. Our array now looks like this:
Weight: 7
Value: 8
Next, we look at the object of weight 4 and value 7. This means that with four or more units of weight left, we can get value 7:
Weight: 7 4
Value: 8 7
Repeating this for the next item (weight six, value five) does not change the array, since if the object has weight six, if we ever had six or more units of free space left, we would never choose this; we'd always take the seven-value item of weight four. We can tell this since there is already an object in the table whose range includes remaining weight four.
Finally, we look at the last item (value 3, weight 2). This means that if we ever have weight two or more free, we could get 3 units of value. The final array now looks like this:
Weight: 7 4 2
Value: 8 7 3
Finally, we just look at the objects in any order to see what the best option is. When looking at the object of weight 2 and value 3, since the maximum allowed weight is 10, we need tom see how much value we can get with at most 10 - 2 = 8 weight. A binary search over the array tells us that this value is 8, so one option would give us 11 weight. If we look at the object of weight 6 and value 5, a binary search tells us that with five remaining weight the best we can do would be to get 7 units of value, for a total of 12 value. Repeating this on the next two entries doesn't turn up anything new, so the optimum value found has value 12, which is indeed the correct answer.
Hope this helps!
Here is an O(n) time, O(1) space solution.
Let's call an object x better than an object y if and only if (x is no heavier than y) and (x is no less valuable) and (x is lighter or more valuable). Call an object x first-choice if no object is better than x. There exists an optimal solution consisting either of two first-choice objects, or a first-choice object x and an object y such that only x is better than y.
The main tool is to be able to iterate the first-choice objects from lightest to heaviest (= least valuable to most valuable) and from most valuable to least valuable (= heaviest to lightest). The iterator state is an index into the objects by weight (resp. value) and a max value (resp. min weight) so far.
Each of the following steps is O(n).
During a scan, whenever we encounter an object that is not first-choice, we know an object that's better than it. Scan once and consider these pairs of objects.
For each first-choice object from lightest to heaviest, determine the heaviest first-choice object that it can be paired with, and consider the pair. (All lighter objects are less valuable.) Since the latter object becomes lighter over time, each iteration of the loop is amortized O(1). (See also searching in a matrix whose rows and columns are sorted.)
Code for the unbelievers. Not heavily tested.
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import attrgetter
Item = namedtuple('Item', ('weight', 'value'))
sentinel = Item(float('inf'), float('-inf'))
def firstchoicefrombyweight(byweight):
bestsofar = sentinel
for x in byweight:
if x.value > bestsofar.value:
bestsofar = x
yield (x, bestsofar)
def firstchoicefrombyvalue(byvalue):
bestsofar = sentinel
for x in byvalue:
if x.weight < bestsofar.weight:
bestsofar = x
yield x
def optimize(items, maxweight):
byweight = sorted(items, key=attrgetter('weight'))
byvalue = sorted(items, key=attrgetter('value'), reverse=True)
maxvalue = float('-inf')
i = firstchoicefrombyvalue(byvalue)
y =
for x, z in firstchoicefrombyweight(byweight):
if z is not x and x.weight + z.weight <= maxweight:
maxvalue = max(maxvalue, x.value + z.value)
while x.weight + y.weight > maxweight:
y =
if y is x:
maxvalue = max(maxvalue, x.value + y.value)
except StopIteration:
return maxvalue
items = [Item(1, 1), Item(2, 2), Item(3, 5), Item(3, 7), Item(5, 8)]
for maxweight in xrange(3, 10):
print maxweight, optimize(items, maxweight)
This is similar to Knapsack problem. I will use naming from it (num - weight, val - value).
The essential part:
Start with a = 0 and b = n-1. Assuming 0 is the index of heaviest object and n-1 is the index of lightest object.
Increase a til objects a and b satisfy the limit.
Compare current solution with best solution.
Decrease b by one.
Go to 2.
It's the knapsack problem, except there is a limit of 2 items. You basically need to decide how much space you want for the first object and how much for the other. There is n significant ways to split available space, so the complexity is O(n). Picking the most valuable objects to fit in those spaces can be done without additional cost.

Algorithm/Data Structure for finding combinations of minimum values easily

I have a symmetric matrix like shown in the image attached below.
I've made up the notation A.B which represents the value at grid point (A, B). Furthermore, writing A.B.C gives me the minimum grid point value like so: MIN((A,B), (A,C), (B,C)).
As another example A.B.D gives me MIN((A,B), (A,D), (B,D)).
My goal is to find the minimum values for ALL combinations of letters (not repeating) for one row at a time e.g for this example I need to find min values with respect to row A which are given by the calculations:
A.B = 6
A.C = 8
A.D = 4
A.B.C = MIN(6,8,6) = 6
A.B.D = MIN(6, 4, 4) = 4
A.C.D = MIN(8, 4, 2) = 2
A.B.C.D = MIN(6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 2) = 2
I realize that certain calculations can be reused which becomes increasingly important as the matrix size increases, but the problem is finding the most efficient way to implement this reuse.
Can point me in the right direction to finding an efficient algorithm/data structure I can use for this problem?
You'll want to think about the lattice of subsets of the letters, ordered by inclusion. Essentially, you have a value f(S) given for every subset S of size 2 (that is, every off-diagonal element of the matrix - the diagonal elements don't seem to occur in your problem), and the problem is to find, for each subset T of size greater than two, the minimum f(S) over all S of size 2 contained in T. (And then you're interested only in sets T that contain a certain element "A" - but we'll disregard that for the moment.)
First of all, note that if you have n letters, that this amounts to asking Omega(2^n) questions, roughly one for each subset. (Excluding the zero- and one-element subsets and those that don't include "A" saves you n + 1 sets and a factor of two, respectively, which is allowed for big Omega.) So if you want to store all these answers for even moderately large n, you'll need a lot of memory. If n is large in your applications, it might be best to store some collection of pre-computed data and do some computation whenever you need a particular data point; I haven't thought about what would work best, but for example computing data only for a binary tree contained in the lattice would not necessarily help you anything beyond precomputing nothing at all.
With these things out of the way, let's assume you actually want all the answers computed and stored in memory. You'll want to compute these "layer by layer", that is, starting with the three-element subsets (since the two-element subsets are already given by your matrix), then four-element, then five-element, etc. This way, for a given subset S, when we're computing f(S) we will already have computed all f(T) for T strictly contained in S. There are several ways that you can make use of this, but I think the easiest might be to use two such subset S: let t1 and t2 be two different elements of T that you may select however you like; let S be the subset of T that you get when you remove t1 and t2. Write S1 for S plus t1 and write S2 for S plus t2. Now every pair of letters contained in T is either fully contained in S1, or it is fully contained in S2, or it is {t1, t2}. Look up f(S1) and f(S2) in your previously computed values, then look up f({t1, t2}) directly in the matrix, and store f(T) = the minimum of these 3 numbers.
If you never select "A" for t1 or t2, then indeed you can compute everything you're interested in while not computing f for any sets T that don't contain "A". (This is possible because the steps outlined above are only interesting whenever T contains at least three elements.) Good! This leaves just one question - how to store the computed values f(T). What I would do is use a 2^(n-1)-sized array; represent each subset-of-your-alphabet-that-includes-"A" by the (n-1) bit number where the ith bit is 1 whenever the (i+1)th letter is in that set (so 0010110, which has bits 2, 4, and 5 set, represents the subset {"A", "C", "D", "F"} out of the alphabet "A" .. "H" - note I'm counting bits starting at 0 from the right, and letters starting at "A" = 0). This way, you can actually iterate through the sets in numerical order and don't need to think about how to iterate through all k-element subsets of an n-element set. (You do need to include a special case for when the set under consideration has 0 or 1 element, in which case you'll want to do nothing, or 2 elements, in which case you just copy the value from the matrix.)
Well, it looks simple to me, but perhaps I misunderstand the problem. I would do it like this:
let P be a pattern string in your notation X1.X2. ... .Xn, where Xi is a column in your matrix
first compute the array CS = [ (X1, X2), (X1, X3), ... (X1, Xn) ], which contains all combinations of X1 with every other element in the pattern; CS has n-1 elements, and you can easily build it in O(n)
now you must compute min (CS), i.e. finding the minimum value of the matrix elements corresponding to the combinations in CS; again you can easily find the minimum value in O(n)
Note: since your matrix is symmetric, given P you just need to compute CS by combining the first element of P with all other elements: (X1, Xi) is equal to (Xi, X1)
If your matrix is very large, and you want to do some optimization, you may consider prefixes of P: let me explain with an example
when you have solved the problem for P = X1.X2.X3, store the result in an associative map, where X1.X2.X3 is the key
later on, when you solve a problem P' = X1.X2.X3.X7.X9.X10.X11 you search for the longest prefix of P' in your map: you can do this by starting with P' and removing one component (Xi) at a time from the end until you find a match in your map or you end up with an empty string
if you find a prefix of P' in you map then you already know the solution for that problem, so you just have to find the solution for the problem resulting from combining the first element of the prefix with the suffix, and then compare the two results: in our example the prefix is X1.X2.X3, and so you just have to solve the problem for
X1.X7.X9.X10.X11, and then compare the two values and choose the min (don't forget to update your map with the new pattern P')
if you don't find any prefix, then you must solve the entire problem for P' (and again don't forget to update the map with the result, so that you can reuse it in the future)
This technique is essentially a form of memoization.

Algorithm for discrete similarity metric

Given that I have two lists that each contain a separate subset of a common superset, is
there an algorithm to give me a similarity measurement?
A = { John, Mary, Kate, Peter } and B = { Peter, James, Mary, Kate }
How similar are these two lists? Note that I do not know all elements of the common superset.
I was unclear and I have probably used the word 'set' in a sloppy fashion. My apologies.
Clarification: Order is of importance.
If identical elements occupy the same position in the list, we have the highest similarity for that element.
The similarity decreased the farther apart the identical elements are.
The similarity is even lower if the element only exists in one of the lists.
I could even add the extra dimension that lower indices are of greater value, so a a[1] == b[1] is worth more than a[9] == b[9], but that is mainly cause I am curious.
The Jaccard Index (aka Tanimoto coefficient) is used precisely for the use case recited in the OP's question.
The Tanimoto coeff, tau, is equal to Nc divided by Na + Nb - Nc, or
tau = Nc / (Na + Nb - Nc)
Na, number of items in the first set
Nb, number of items in the second set
Nc, intersection of the two sets, or the number of unique items
common to both a and b
Here's Tanimoto coded as a Python function:
def tanimoto(x, y) :
w = [ ns for ns in x if ns not in y ]
return float(len(w) / (len(x) + len(y) - len(w)))
I would explore two strategies:
Treat the lists as sets and apply set ops (intersection, difference)
Treat the lists as strings of symbols and apply the Levenshtein algorithm
If you truly have sets (i.e., an element is simply either present or absent, with no count attached) and only two of them, just adding the number of shared elements and dividing by the total number of elements is probably about as good as it gets.
If you have (or can get) counts and/or more than two of them, you can do a bit better than that with something like cosine simliarity or TFIDF (term frequency * inverted document frequency).
The latter attempts to give lower weighting to words that appear in all (or nearly) all the "documents" -- i.e., sets of words.
What is your definition of "similarity measurement?" If all you want is how many items in the set are in common with each other, you could find the cardinality of A and B, add the cardinalities together, and subtract from the cardinality of the union of A and B.
If order matters you can use Levenshtein distance or other kind of Edit distance
