Running HAProxy with Lua Scripts - makefile

I am trying to build HAProxy-1.9 with USE_LUA=1 flag to enable lua support. This the make command I am using:
sudo make TARGET=linux USE_DL=1 USE_CRYPT_H=1 USE_LUA=1 LUA_LIB=/usr/bin/lua5.3 LUA_INC=/usr/include/lua5.3/ LUA_LIB_NAME=lua53
When I execute the make command I receive the following error:
LD haproxy
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -llua53
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:976: haproxy] Error 1
From what I have gathered it seems that a one of the library file (guessing a socket file) is either missing or, I have provided a wrong directory. I am using OpenSuse Tumbleweed.
I was able to make haproxy from source by changing TARGET=linux to TARGET=generic. After the make file stopped, no errors were reported on stdout. However, haproxy.service was not installed.
I previously had haproxy installed using zypper. The only reason I removed it was to reinstall it with USE_LUA=1 flag because I was not sure whether it was possible to edit haproxy post compilation to change a compile time configuration.
After reinstalling, it is working. However, I believe there is an error with lua-load. When I try lua-load /usr/share/haproxy/auth-request.lua I get the following error from running journalctl -xe: error in lua file '/tmp/auth-request.lua': cannot open /tmp/auth-request.lua: Permission denied
. The permission set on the file was haproxy:haproxy as in the haproxy.cfg file. I have tried also tried modifying user root group root in haproxy.cfg and chown /tmp/auth-request.lua root:root. The error is still there.
I may have deviated somewhat from the original question. I would appreciate it is still possible to solve this problem. If more information or context is required, it can be provided.
Most recently I tried adding read and execute permissions for all users on /tmp/auth-request.lua. ls -l output:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3957 Feb 25 02:24 /tmp/auth-request.lua

Okay after some painstaking hours, I was able to fix the permission issue as per EDIT 2 in the post. I moved my Lua script to the haproxy config directory and that seemed to have worked. Although, I am not too sure whether /etc/haproxy is a good location to keep Lua scripts but, for now it has worked.


Windows - Git: staging fails ==> Invalid argument

I have a file called "adm.php".
I want to transfer this to my repository, but I always get the following error message:
-c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks add -f --
error: open("adm.php"): Invalid argument
error: unable to index file 'adm.php'
fatal: adding files failed
Completed with errors, see above.
I'm using Sourcetree on Windows 11.
Renaming the file would be difficult, otherwise I would have to adapt some files...
Is there a possibility to define exceptions in the Git configuration or other possibilities?
Thanks in advance!
For everyone who should have the problem and don't know what to do next:
Windows Defender and other anti-virus programs may even mistake certain files for a virus. In my case, this wonderful operating system didn't even notify me even though I activated it ...
Sometimes the solution can be so simple ... Create an exception and now everything works for me.

How do you change the download directory for youtube-dl

I am using youtube-dl for a Discord Music Bot, everything works perfectly until I use the 'play' command. An error occurs "Command raised an exception: DownloadError: ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'National Anthem of USSR-U06jlgpMtQs.webm.part'" from what I have read (and what the error says) it is because youtube-dl doesn't have permission to download filed to a certain folder. So I'd imagine that an easy solution is to just change the download directory. I can't find anything on how to do it for python, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Found on github's documentation for it.
Locate youtube-dl's config file from:
System-wide config : /etc/youtube-dl.conf
User-wide config : ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf
If non-existent, you can create it yourself.
Example file contents:
-o A:/path/to/file/%(title)s.%(ext)s
Flag to specify a file path.
Setting up config file.
Spent some time to figure out on Windows 10 and it might help someone in the future.
I've downloaded youtube-dl.exe from the latest build and downloaded by executing, youtube-dl.exe URL, from my home directory. The program says downloaded completed but *** it was not there so I issued the command again, and it says there already exist file ##$#%!##%$. Well, I found out -o option to change the name of the downloaded file and it finally helped me to search for the file and the following location was the default directory.
Go to C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME GOES HERE]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore

Failed to initialize central HHBC repository: Failed to initialize schema

The complete error is:
Failed to initialize central HHBC repository:
Failed to initialize schema in /home/shreeram/.hhvm.hhbc:
I am trying to configure hhvm ana apache2.
For that i am following this link how-to-setup-hhvm-on-ubuntu-14-04-server-with-apache-2-4-part-1/
In above link i am stuck in the step when i put this command in the terminal:
curl -sS | php
The result of that command is the error mentioned above.
The shreeram directory has both read and write permission.
Could anyone help me to understand what i am missing there?
Are you sure permissions are correct on /home/shreeram, and that /home/shreeram/.hhvm.hhbc is readable and writable by the user running php? This issue really does sound like a permissions problem.
As the same user that was running php, does touch /home/shreeram/.hhvm.hhbc work? What about echo > /home/shreeram/.hhvm.hhbc?
If that's all fine, try rm /home/shreeram/.hhvm.hhbc and then try to install Composer again. Although it's typically a permission error, there are cases when the repo can become corrupt (particularly if the enclosing directory is on NFS or some other network filesystem) and you can just remove it and start over.

WKHTMLTOPDF and "Error: Unable to create temporery file"

I've written a piece of code in PHP to generate PDF using WKHTMLTOPDF binary file. It was working fine till I had to recompile my Apache. Now it fails with error Error: Unable to create temporery file (this is the exact wording).
The situation in which the error is reproducible is a little complicated. I managed to narrow down the error and now I'm pretty sure that the error happens because of the user that Apache runs as. It seems to me that when WKTHMLTOPDF is running as a user with no home folder, it's unable to access a temporary folder within the user's home folder.
Surely I can change the Apache's user but I would rather resolve this problem once and for all. To this end it would be great if I could somehow set the temp folder for WKHTMLTOPDF or at least print its current value to make it valid! Does anyone know how to do any of these two?
BTW, I'm using WKHTMLTOPDF 0.11.0 rc1.
I saw the same error today in Rails4 + pdfkit gem(0.8.2) + wkhtmltopdf( under CentOS 6.7.
This error came from wkhtmltopdf and the reason was it couldn't create temporary file. wkhtmltopdf depends on some temporary filename creation API (I'm not sure), but probably following shows some hints:
$ man tempfile
$ man tempnam
In my case, my TMPDIR environment variable showed wrong path (I had accidentaly deleted the directory!) so that wkhtmltopdf couldn't create work file.
When I unset TMPDIR, then it worked! Of course, setting correct existence directory to TMPDIR should be OK too.

how to solve 500 Internal Server Error in joomla?

i use com_google_map_vision in my site.when i click on view map then following error display:-
500 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.
More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
how to solve this error
hope someone help me
In general the first step when dealing with this sort of error would be to turn on error reporting by putting the following at the beginning of your index.php:
Doing so might give you some php specific error message with which you will find it easier to troubleshoot the problem.
Error 500 generally occurs when the (web) server is not configured correctly. Many times it means that there is problem with your .htaccess file. Please check if you need to do any changes to .htaccess file things to work correctly.
According to Abhijeet Pathak, probably it is related with .htaccess file, specially with the Rewrite module
Check out the "Rewrite /" parameter
That's a long shot, but I recently had a similar issue with Community Builder extension. It turned out it was running out of memory, because it was not able to use all available memory. Adding the following line to .htaccess solved my problem:
I added it right at the beginning of the file. It supposedly allows a php script to use more of the memory assigned in php.ini...
Try recursively setting the permissions on components/com_google_map_vision and administrator/components/com_google_map_vision to 755 for folders and 644 for files.
This type of error is usually due to a permissions issue in Joomla.
Please change the file permission as follows.
All folders to 755
All files to 644
This error is caused by the permissions of files and folders.
The files should be chmod 644 and folders 755
Executing these instructions into the shell solves the problem
sudo find. -type f-print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
sudo find. -type d-print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775
PD: enter the root of joomla before executing commands
Its because of IP address,you used foreign or totally different,therefore your host company denied permission,you should firstl identify your Ip then call them to add this Ip to their secure ip's.
If you are loading Joomla! on local development machine, remember to check if you have enabled mod_rewrite.Because this causes Internal Server Error 500. Most of the time it happens
Because it was never enabled in the first palce
A wamp/lamp update may have reset your .conf file
The new version of apache may use a different file name or a directory altogether for the .conf file.
Uncomment the row in httpd.conf or a file named something similar (whatever your wamp/lamp stack names it, eg. mine is httpd_uwamp.conf so yours may vary).
And you should be good to go, after restarting the server.
try this please.. All you have to do is put this line of code on your .htaccess file:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
