Drupal 8 seems to serve the pages from the cache whenever available. I have a page which embeds a couple of views with past events and present events corresponding to the current date. The page is being cached by Drupal cache and the events are not moving from the upcoming section into the past section. The page works fine when the caches are disabled.
Where can I override the cache and set a variable so that caches are flushed every 12 hours?
I've tried many hooks like the preprocess in a custom module already. But the parameter values I fetch in these modules are also getting cached by Drupal
I've built magento website but without full cache and lesti FPC cache the site is very slow, from time to time i need to clean the cache in the website to reveal changes to the catalog, is there a way to generate the cache after the cleaning except with building a basic crawler that scraps the whole website that loads every page so that next time it will be loaded from cache
This is covered in a Stackoverflow thread over here: Magento FPC Cache Warm with user groups, wget, Lesti FPC
I don't think you have much option other than to build your own cache warmer. The thread highlights different types of cache you may have/need.
Current browsers keep cached data in order to save re-fetching data again from server. However there are situations when we need to tell browser to re-fetch data from server i.e. when a new production release has gone live.
Many people know of Crtl+F5 but most people don't generally use that because they don't even know that a new version of site has gone live.
One common method used is to append version number or timestamp at end of file e.g. http://host/jquery.js?v=2, http://host/jquery.js?v=3 etc. But this will only work when browser fetches the latest HTML where the version number is updated. If browser still fetches from cache, then it would load http://host/jquery.js?v=2 instead of http://host/jquery.js?v=3.
Is there a way to force browser to invalidate all cache and reload from server (whenever a user loads the page after a new version of site has gone live)?
Please note: Using 'no-cache' meta is not an option here as this will make the page non-cacheable.
I am working with a Kentico site and I have a problem with page output caching.
We have a custom webpart which loads the records from a Bizform's record data and displays those data in a page. The problem is that after giving it several tries, we couldn't figure out the problem why the webpart couldn't get the latest data from the bizfrom data and we suspect it was because of output caching.
We tried to:
Disable webpart output caching in webpart configuration
Disable page output caching in CMSDesk > General > Output Caching
Disable site output caching in Settings > System > Performance
Disable IIS cache for both User-mode and Kernel cache
Create cache dependencies for cms.form|byid| touched key (which I found is not supported in current kentico version)
And going to try create event handler to add touched key on bizform insert event
We encounter a similar problem with Shopping Cart Mini Preview Webpart with Ecommerce.CurrentContext.CurrentShoppingCart which returns different result for service handler (.ashx - gets updated) and for webpart (.ascx - does not get updated)
If you ever experienced these problems, please help.
The last place where it could be cached is the content cache. It can be set either in Settings->System->Performance or at the web part level under System settings section.
Only web parts that utilize the content caching have this section available. (E.g. some repeaters and data source web parts.) It might be a little bit confusing because then there are two sections (System settings and Performance) where you can influence caching. However the Performance section is used to set up the Partial output cache.
Anyway, you should definitely try to check Cache debug to see what is actually cached.
Additional resources:
Deep dive – Kentico CMS Caching
New in 5.5: Caching API changes
Deep dive: Cache dependencies
Kentico caching and cache dependencies explained
ASP.NET Caching Dependencies
I have faced issue similar to second one (with Shopping Cart Mini Preview Webpart) recently. Only web service (.asmx) was used instead of HTTP handler. In my case issue was solved by setting the EnableSession property of WebMethod attribute to true for all the CRUD webservice methods.
[System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
So I think the matter is that handler should be able to access current Session.
In case of HTTP handler you could try to add IRequiresSessionState on the handler declaration to attach it with the session.
I am also using Kentico 8, I see that your Kentico version is older. That might also have impact but I am not sure about that.
It's very important for the website I'm working on to be offline-functional. I'm using a Cache Manifest to store all the files on the application cache, so that takes care of that and all is good and well.
BUT, as I read and noticed myself, the browser first shows the cached version of the site before checking for an update online. Hitting refresh reloads the cache again, with the new cached files this time (or what it had time to update for the swift refreshers).
I'm aware of this fix : http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/, where the user is told an update is available and is asked to refresh the page. Not a bad method, but still sketchy for user experience.
Is there any other way to force the browser to show the most up to date files if online? Would cache busting all files manually AND using a cache manifest fix this problem, or will it conflict with the cache manifest and cause problem to the offline functionality?
I found something that works well for me:
The URL linking to the web page contains a parameter. If there is ever a change to the page or related files, the url is changed to something like this: http:/ /www.mywebsite.com/mypage.html?v=3 where v=3 is changed depending on updates.
This is a longer fix to implement (finding every page affected by a change & changing all their cache busting links), but the pages at least show what they're supposed to on the first load and the cache manifest still load the update for offline viewing.
2 popular Wordpress plugins, Super Cache and Contact Form 7 - there are still some issues expected around _nonce AJAX calls.. How it is possible to make them work together smoothly? Definitely, there are some situations you want to keep ALL your posts (pages) super-cached, and not to be served dinamically without caching while preserving and providing contact form functionality.
When not checking the "Cache rebuild" in the settings, Super Cache will function:
standard pages will NOT enforce a new cache file to be generated (e.g. it REALLY serves an (if) existing supercache file whithout triggering a new cache file to be generated
pages with a wpcf7-form included WILL enforce/trigger the re-generation of supercache file while serving the initial on the request. I think that is the point when things go wrong.
Question: How to stop unwanted re-generation of pages with a wpcf7-form included? Based on wpcf7 plugin homepage Docs by the author, my expectation is that the wpcf7 form has evolved and been developing to meet this ajax-call requirements such _nonce calls. Any idea how to resolve this?
to be hard-coded (e.g. exclude _nonce call and/or URL parameter..) within wpcf7 form (this is against WP standards) or
settings in Super cache?
any other idea, solution or alternatives?
In this thread wpcf7 author says:
Contact Form 7 uses WP nonce as secret key. As nonce life is 24 hours by default, if cache clears less than 24 hours, the two plugins should work without problem, even if the page is cached.