Kibana visualize does not show correct precision of values - kibana-5

I am using ElasticSearch and Kibana to display some temperature and humidity values.
As you can see in the Discovered screenshot, three input data is pushed to ElasticSearch Server
Three humidity values are respectively 29.42, 29.4 and 30.1. Using these three data I created a visualize as following hyperlink shown.
Kibana Visualize Output
However, this output only shows 30 and 29 values. Do you know how to modify the precision of visualization??
Thanks in advance.

I found that this may be caused by my initial data input.
My initial data input are like 25, 26, etc. Therefore, Index Pattern might learn that my values do not have decimal.
I newly created an index and input data with decimals at the very beginning then this issue does not exist anymore.
However, this still sounds strange for me because type of humidity and temperature are both number (long). It should have already taken into account decimal. Strange.


Format Number using Kibana Json Input

I am using Kibana KPI Visualization, and showing sum of values, but those values are in million and billions.
I checked Advanced Settings under which we can apply the number formatting but that will be applied throughout the space, I want to apply at specific KPI.
I got a link using which I can divide the number, but I want the numeraljs format to be applied like 0.00a, so that it can format the number automatically.
{"script": " _value / 1000"}
this can give in thousands, but if this formatting can be done using numeraljs format it would be great.
Any help is much appreciated!

Values within the NUMBER data type

Im working on a project and noticed a column that has a NUMBER data type specified like so:
While I'm aware with precision and scale, I'm confused about the third number. I cant seem to find any documentation where NUMBER has a third value.
What does that 18 mean? And would a value of 1.5187000000000004 be an issue now that im seeing 3 values within the NUMBER brackets?

Vega-Lite / Kibana : How can I make a table that shows calculations between aggregations?

I want to do a data table in kibana like the following:
see image
That means, the 2 first columns are the sum of price and quantity and the 3rd column divides both sums to get a ratio.
Also I want this to be dynamic to changes in time range.
As far as I've seen getting the ratio is not possible in kibana, but I've noticed that there is a plugin were you can create Vega-Lite graphs in kibana.
I am new both in Vega-Lite and in kibana, so is there an example of code that creates a data table?
The Vega-Lite site did not help me a lot...
Thank you!
I believe you could add a scripted field to calculate this ratio and then u can have the column you want :D

Is it possible to multiply by -1 in a CRM Dynamics 2016 Workflow?

I'm trying to create a workflow that would make the target field value a negative number. I want to create related records as credits and debits and then be able to sum them up to get a net value.
I've tried to update the field to -1 and then multiply it accordingly, but I get an error stating that the value needs to be between 0 and 1,000,000,000,000. I've also just tried to multiply the value by a -1, but that doesn't work either. It just runs the workflow, but doesn't change the value.
Building on the comment from #MarioZG it looks like your CRM field doesn't allow negative numbers.
When you setup a number field (Decimal; Currency; Floating or Whole Number) you can specify the range of acceptable values. Here's a quick screenshot of the Whole Number's properties:
I actually figured this one out. I created two different workflows to create records in one entity with different "Types". Then, on the account I had a rollup field to sum one type and then a rollup type to sum the other type. Then I used a calculated field to subtract one from the other.
Use data type of the field as decimal number(looking at your use), in this case you will have flexibility of storing all sort of numbers.

Pulling data from Crystal Reports

My data is stored in Oracle and the only way I can run a report with it is using Crystal Reports. I have a set of data that looks like this ,,,,,,,,,,1, or ,1,,,,,,, or ,1,,,,,1,,,,1,. There are more variations.
Each one means a value is true for a record. There are about 54 'ticks/commas' What I want is all records with the one at the X spot. So for one report I may want all records in the 10th spot that have a 1. There may be other times where I want the records where the 1 is after spot 36. I agree it will pull other records but the main once I want is the X spot.
How do I get this? I tried a Like command but that does not narrow the data down far enough. I am familiar with SQL but not Crystal.
Any help would be great. TIA
In Crystal, you might try setting up a Parameter Field to hold a numeric value (1 to 54) then use that in a formula as the Record Selection. You'll be prompted to enter the parameter when you run the report.
In record selection i was initially going suggest the following which would bring back all records with 1 in the 12 spot. But this makes it hard to bring back a range.
split({yourfield},",")[12] = 1
This will bring back the same
instr({#test},"1") = 12
Then for your suggestion above you could use the following to bring back any record if it has a one in any spot after 36
instr({#test},"1") >= 37
As long as there is only one 1 in the field you can use this for other ranges as well.
Actually I don't want to disturb both answerts by Clayton Morris and CoSpringsGuy hence posting my answer.
You need to combine both the solutions to get the desired result.
Create a number parameter and provide either 1 to 57 numbers or keep just a filed to enter desired number.
Now in record selection use the formula given by CoSpringsGuy
if instr({databasefield.column},"1") = {?Inputnumber} --parameter field
then {databasefield.column}
