How to copy shape format - format

I'm using Visual Paradigm to draw my use-cases diagrams.
For nicer presentation, I want my all my use-cases to have the same shape. Instead of resizing them manually, I want to use the format copier to achieve this.
I followed the steps as explained here :
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work.
Tested method:
Left-Click on the shape I want to copy format.
Left-Click on the "Format Copier" button in the menubar.
Left-Click on the use-case I want to apply copied format.
(Here's a short clip showing the manipulation :
It doesn't change anything and simply select the new shape I clicked without reformatting anything.
Is there another way to do this ? Or am I doing something wrong ?

The format copier is specific for copy the "styles and formatting" information, which are the fonts, foreground and background styles. For the size you can select multiple shapes on diagram then mouse over your selection to bring up the resource icons for setting the size of multiple elements at once.


Is there a way to manually scroll a large image in PowerPoint?

Preview of what I'm looking for
Hello, I'm looking for a way to manually scroll a large image in PowerPoint. In the image there's an example of what I'm looking for. I want to have a preview of the image that I can scroll through and the actual image that moves accordingly to the scrollbar.
I assume you want this in SlideShowView? For sure this can be achieved only by scripting. Essentially you would have to program buttons for up and down movements and use vba do apply this to the image. The preview is a bit more complicated since you would have to do some math too to achieve the conversion in the size differences. All in all a job for a programmer. Are you looking for programming support here?

Put Text on Image from database while editing image in Canvas

I have a question and i am confused what strategy i should choose to solve this.
Here is the description.
I have a gallery which is managed on user authentication.
Next I have basically a simple form which saves quotes into database.
Selecting an image from gallery it is opened in a canvas. I am using Adobe Creative SDK.
Here is the demonstration image.
Next i have to select(copy) text from database to add(paste) in text field but i have no idea how to do it.
This is the task i have to do for a client. I have never seen a similar example. This is seems unique. Please provide some suggestion on doing it.
Adobe Creative SDK's editor will not allow you to pre-populate text on an image so it's out of the question for this task. You could probably find a way to overlay text on top of the Adobe editor, but then the issue with saving the image rears its head.
If you don't need any of the other editing tools, you could simply create a canvas with the image, overlay the text and allow the user to choose the font, position the text, apply stamps, etc...
Once they're done, wire up a save button to post the field with the contents of canvas.toDataURL('image/png') and have something server-side to save it.
It will be more work than using someone else's widget, but the client will be in control of their own destiny (and have a working product which they wouldn't have before).
Keep it simple and build from there.

Add text layer to PDF of scanned handwritten notes in OSX

While in class I like to take handwritten notes, afterwards I scan them and then type them up (helps me remember them and also makes them easily searchable). The main issue is I have is I use A LOT of drawings and complex math and converting the math formulas into latex (or word) is very time consuming and the drawings require that I keep the PDF and the text document. What I would like to do is take the basic text that I have typed myself (no OCR) and add a text layer to the PDF's that way the PDF's will be searchable and I can save a lot of time by not converting the math or drawings.
I've looked into Preview, PDFpenPro, acrobat, a couple of linux programs but so far I haven't really found anything that will do this.
Any idea of how I could do this or a program to use?
I also scan my notes. Sometimes I go back and add some text to them using this technique:
Open up the scanned pdf in Preview, then click on the "Edit" button in the top right corner, then the "Text tools" button on the left side (its a little box with Aa in it). From there you can drag open a text box and type into it.
Now the secret trick is that if you save it here as it is and try to open it in your ipad using PDFExpert or some other program then the text might not be there. So here's how to go through that slight hiccup: After you've annotated your notes how you want instead of just saving it as a pdf, use the Print option: File->Print or Command+P. Now click the PDF button on the left to "Save it as a pdf". Now that its printed you can open it and search it in any program that reads pdfs. Attached is an example.
One other thing, it seems like maybe you want to write over your existing handwritten text with typed text? I'm not sure if this is the best way. But if that's what I was trying to do I would:
Scan my notes
Read through them, typing them up as you said
Open the scanned notes in Photoshop or some other program
Draw a giant White Fill White Stroke rectangle over the handwritten text
Save it as a pdf
Do the technique above and copy and paste the typed text from step 2.
I hope this helps. And I wish you luck, I'm still working out the kinks myself for scanned notes but the possibilities have me pretty excited!
EDIT: I just checked out PDFpenPro, which I highly recommend because you don't have to go through that printing trick, you can just save the pdf document after annotating and other programs will recognize the annotations.

How to programmatically create a 'bright' and a 'gray' version of an icon?

In a win32 application, I want to have a button with an icon which looks gray when the button is disabled and 'brighter' when the mouse hovers.
I know I can create three bitmaps with an icon editor, but since the icon can be user selected and loaded from the disk, I would like to create the other two versions programmatically.
So, starting with a handle to an image, I would like to:
- Create a new image with all colors converted to grey.
- Create a new image with all colors shifted to white or yellow.
Can this be done using win32 api calls?
Examples in any language will be appreciated.
Maybe the good old DrawState function will suffice. (For some reason it is now listed as only available from Win2000 which is not true.)
And maybe not, in which case you might want to use SetColorAdjustment function.
If the icon is user-selected do you control the format? If not you'll probably want to incorporate an image library or external process like DevIL or Imagemagick which handle more formats than Microsofts API's are likely to..

Why alt attribute shows for a split second in Firefox?

I'm working with Course Management System Moodle and in the admin the folder tree (which uses folder icons) displays for about a second the alt attribute given (In this case "Open Folder") then it hides and shows the image when the image is ready.
The system is kind of slow so I assume Firefox thinks at first that the images don't exist.
This is a problem because during that split second the layout stretches to fit the wider words making it look unprofessional in my opinion.
Is there a way I can hide this tag without having to remove the alt tags? (which would be labor intensive) maybe using JQUERY or CSS.
displays for about a second the alt attribute given (In this case "Open Folder") then it hides and shows the image when the image is ready.
Yes, that's what alt text is for: it provides a textual alternative for when the image isn't available — whether that's because there's an error, or images are turned off in the browser settings, or, in this case, the file just hasn't arrived yet.
Is alt text really what you want? Unless the image in question actually contains the words “Open Folder”, the above is inappropriate alt text. If we're talking about one of those little plus/minus icons that opens a tree, a better alt text would be ‘+’. “Open folder”, as a description of what the image does (as opposed to what it contains), would be better applied to the ‘title’ attribute used for tooltips.
Note that if you're using Quirks Mode and the image has a fixed size specified, Firefox will use a ‘broken image’ icon with the alt text overlaid and cropped inside, instead of the plain alt text on its own. This is to match IE's old behaviour. But you don't really want to use Quirks Mode, and in the common case where the fixed size is small, the cropping makes the alt text unreadable and useless.
This is a problem because during that split second the layout stretches to fit the wider words making it look unprofessional in my opinion.
I'd recommend: getting over it. That's how the web rolls, any page can move about a bit as it renders progressively. For images you should only ever see it happen once, then the image will be cached and will appear straight away. If it doesn't, there's something wrong with the cacheing setup.
Depending on what kind of layout you are talking about, you can perhaps fix that to not respond to the changing image size, too. For example if using a table, setting “table-layout: fixed” on the table and “width: (some number of)px” on the top row's image cell will make it stick to that width even if the text inside is smaller. Possibly causing the alt text to run over into the next cell though, mind.
If the images are part of the layout, I'd recommend moving them to CSS. You should also optimize your images wherever possible whether they are CSS or otherwise. You could also move your JavaScript files to the bottom of the page where possible as they block parallel downloads. In general, applying a lot of the techniques here would probably help.
If the images have to be a certain width, give them an explicit width.
