Method in Entity need to load all data from aggregate, how to optimalize this? - spring

I've problem with aggregate which one will increase over time.
One day there will be thousands of records and optimalization gonna be bad.
public class Serviceman ... {
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "servicemanList")
private List<ServiceJob> services = new ArrayList<>();
public Optional<ServiceJob> firstServiceJobAfterDate(LocalDateTime dateTime) {
return -> i.getStartDate().isAfter(dateTime))
Method just loading all ServiceJob to get just one of them.
Maybe I should delegate this method into service with native sql.

You have to design small aggregates instead of large ones.
This essay explains in detail how to do it: It explains how to decompose your aggregates to smaller ones so you can manage the complexity.
In your case instead of having an Aggregate consisting of two entities: Serviceman and Servicejob with Serviceman being the aggregate root you can decompose it in two smaller aggregates with single entity. ServiceJob will reference Serviceman by ID and you can use ServicejobRpository to make queries.
In your example you will have ServicejobRpository.firstServiceJobAfterDate(guid servicemanID, DateTime date).
This way if you have a lot of entities and you need to scale, you can store Servicejob entities to another DB Server.
If for some reason Serviceman or Servicejob need references to each other to do their work you can use a Service that will use ServicemanRepository and ServicejobRepository to get both aggregates and pass them to one another so they can do their work.


Force JPA to not use union and fetch tables one by one

I have 5 similar tables from which I need to execute a same query and fetch data in pages. I have used polymorphic queries (have super abstract class and used #Inheritance to fetch all rows automatically)
But this approach has problems as noted here: Database pressure on Polymorphic queries
The issue is that the queries use union all which makes DB to search through millions of rows just to get 500 results. So instead I want to execute this serially.
When I execute the method JPA will go to first table; fetch data in pages; if the data fetching is complete then go to second table and so on...
Right now with union, I have ton of pressure on database. With this new approach, I could have less pressure as only one table is accessed at once.
I do not know a way to do this without changing the setup I have right now. For example right now I have it like this:
public interface OhlcDao extends JpaRepository<AbstractOhlc, OhlcId> {
Slice<OhlcRawBean<? extends OhlcBean>> findByIdSourceIdAndIdTickerIdIn(
String sourceId,
Set<String> tickerId,
PageRequest pageRequest
The method uses union to fetch data which I do not like.
Is there a way to make this work in JPA or Hibernate by changing any internal code (aka without changing my setup, so similar method does not use unions)

How to obtain a generic search/find method with spring data?

All I need is to provide all my repositories with a generic search/find method.
Something like this:
public interface BaseRepository<T, ID extends Serializable>
extends PagingAndSortingRepository<T, ID> {
Iterable<T> search(SearchParameters sp);
where the SearchParameters object represents a set of values for each property, and probably a condition to apply on them.
Jpa Criteria is probably the way to go, but I'm really having a hard time finding something that fits my needs.
I used one approach which goes in the same direction but i would rather say its a dynamic approach instead of generic. Its now working pretty well and we are able to generate all desired filters automatically by just giving the search entity. I also thought the criteria api is the way to go but after a while it just got too messy with all the side effects and i turned around creating the query string with parameters myself.
I created an entityscanner which takes all domain entities and generates filterdefinition objects for each desired filter. This scanner takes an entity and follows properties up to a certain level (to keep the amount of filters at bay). I cannot give you the code here since that belongs to a customer but the approach i can provide.
What i needed in the filterdefinition is this: entitytype, propertypath, propertytype, valuesexpression in case we render options (think masterdata), joins needed (to avoid joining several times the same tables), open/closed bracket. This is the definition of a filter.
Then you need a value object holding the current configuration of a user: Inputvalue, operator (>=), brackets, filter link (and/or) .
With this we can render a completly dynamic filter engine with some small limitations. I.e i did not implement parent searches of the same entity yet.
You might start simple an generate a sub query for each filter. Like: where id in (select ....) and/or id in (select ...) This works ok if the amount of entities is not too high but you will feel the performance penalty of several subqueries if the amount of rows in the domain entity table is high.
Then you dive in and find a way to separate the joins needed for a property path and in the querycreator you fiddle out the way of joining entities only again if neccessary.
As said. Start simple. Take first level properties of simple types like string and create your query engine. Enhance it by following specific entity joins and after you can go crazy and introduce expressions fetching options for a select rendering or use the conversion service for input parameters and so on.

How to Program a Spring with Hibernate web app?

I am Working on web application where i have 90 fields for a Person class which are divided in to family details,education details, personal details etc....
I want separate form for each, like for family details has-father name, mother name siblings etc... fields and so on for other
I want separate table for each detail with common reference id for all tables
My question is how many bean classes should i write? Is it with one bean class can i map from multiple forms to multiple tables?
class PersonRegister{
private Long iD;
private String emailID;
private String password;
}//for register.......
once logged in i need to maintain his/her details
class person{
class PersonFamilyDetails{}
class PersonEducationDetails{}
which way software developing standards specify to create?
Don't go overboard, I believe in your case single but very wide (i.e. with a lot of columns) table would be most efficient and simplest from maintenance perspective. Only thing to keep in mind is too query only for a necessary subset of columns/fields when loading lots of rows. Otherwise you'll be fetching kilobytes of unnecessary data, not needed for particular use case.
Unfortunately Hibernate doesn't have direct support for that, when designing a mapping for Person, you'll end up with huge class and even worse - Hibernate will always fetch all simple columns (and many-to-one relationships). You can however overcome this problem either by creating several views in the database containing only subset of columns or by having several Java classes mapping to the same table but only to subset of columns.
Splitting your database model into several tables is beneficial only if your schema is not normalized. E.g. when storing siblings first name and last name you may wish to have a separate Sibling table and next time some other family member is entered, you can reuse the same row. This makes database smaller and might be faster when searching by sibling.
Your question comes down to database normalization, as described in-depth by Boyce and Codd, see
The main advantage of database normalization is avoiding modification anomalies. In your case, if you got one table with for each person e.g. father-firstname and father-lastname, and you have multiple people with the same father, this data will be duplicated, and when you discover a typo in the father-lastname, you could modify it for one sibling, and not for the next.
In this simplified case, database design best practices would call for a first normalization into a separate table with father-id, father-firstname and father-lastname, and your person table having a one-to-many relation to it.
For one-to-one relations, e.g. person->personeducationdetails, there's some debate. In the original definition of 1st Normal Form, every optional field would be normalized by putting it's own table. This was later weakened by introducing 'null' in relational databases, see But still, if a whole set of columns could be null at the same time, you put them in a separate table with a one-to-one relation.
E.g. if you don't know a person's educationdetails, all of its related fields are null, so you better split them off in a separate table, and simply not have a personeducationdetails record for that person.

Getting all aggregate root entities child entities?

I am attempting to refactor my application from a repository per entity to a repository per aggregate root.
A basic example would be I have an entity root of Cars. Cars have hire contracts. As far as I can see contracts don't exist without cars hence cars is the aggregate root.
I am trying to implement a user view which will shows every contract in the system(all the child entities of the root entities). Before refactoring I could just go to my contracts repository and get All. As contracts repository has been removed (as its not a root) I now need to get all cars out of my repository and then get all their contracts.
My repository has the interface
public interface ICarRepository
IQueryable<Car> All { get; }
IQueryable<Car> AllIncluding(params Expression<Func<Car, object>>[] includeProperties);
Car Find(long id);
void InsertOrUpdate(Car car);
void Delete(long id);
void Save();
I thought of creating an ICarManagementService and having it have a GetAllContracts method (perhaps with filter parameters). Would that mean to get all contracts I need to pull all car entities out with their contracts and then retrieve each entities associated hire contracts and filter them?
I can then pass these to the controller and AutoMap the contracts as before.
Is this best practice?
As far as I can see contracts don't exist without cars hence cars is
the aggregate root.
This is not necessarily true. 'Don't exist without' is not enough for an entity to become a part of an Aggregate Root. Consider classic order processing domain. You have an Order that is an Aggregate Root. You also have a Customer that is an Aggregate Root. Order can not exist without a Customer but it does not mean that Orders are part of the Customer Aggregate. In DDD entities inside one Aggregate can have references to other Aggregate Roots. From DDD book:
Objects within the AGGREGATE can hold references to other AGGREGATE
Aggregate is a life cycle and data exchange unit. It is essentially a cluster of objects that enforces invariants. This is something you want to be locked if you have multiple users changing domain at the same time.
Back to your question, my understanding is that the domain is something like rent / lease a car / truck / limo / bulldozer. I think that HireContract may not be a part of Car aggregate because they may have different lifecycles and HireContract just makes sense on its own, without a Car. It seem to be more of a Order-Product relationship that is also a classic example of two different Aggregates referencing each other. This theory is also confirmed by the fact that business needs to see "All Contracts". They probably don't think of Car containing all Contracts. If this is true than you need to keep your ContractsRepository.
On an unrelated note, you might be interested in reading this answer about repository interface design.
Separate the concept of read/query from the write/command, as guided by CQRS it is preferable to design the application by separating read model which consists of read only queries and the write model on the other hand which consists of commands to execute certain logic on the domain model.
thus querying all aggregate roots or creating custom queries to join sets of data is not a good candidate of domain repository, instead put these queries into read repository (or better named Finders).
if you find yourself wanting to query a collection of objects in order to execute some domain logic then it is an indicator that you have to abstract this collection and put it into an aggregate root to encapsulate them and make the business operation or method act on them.
check out ( and (

preventing OpenJPA N+1 select performance problem on maps

When I have an entity that contains a Map, e.g.
public class TestEntity {
#ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
Map<String, String> strings = new HashMap<String, String>();
and I select multiple entities (SELECT z FROM TestEntity z), OpenJPA 2.0 performs one query for each TestEntity to fetch the map, even though I used FetchType.EAGER. This also happens when the Map value is an entity and I use #OneToMany instead of #ElementCollection. In principle this can be done more efficiently with one query that selects all the map entries for all returned TestEntities. For Collection-valued fields OpenJPA already does this by default (openjpa.jdbc.EagerFetchMode" value="parallel") but it seems to fail on this simple entity. (Same problem with value="join").
Could I be doing something wrong? Is there an easy way to tell OpenJPA to not perform a query per entity but only one?
Or is there already any work planned on improving this (I filed it under
It is a problem for us because we wish to fetch (and detach) a list of about 1900 products which takes almost 15 seconds with OpenJPA. It takes less than a second with my own native query.
Having to write only one native query wouldn't be much of a problem but the map we use is inside a reusable StringI18N entity which is referenced from several different entities (and can be deep in the object graph), so native queries are a maintenance headache.
Any help getting performance up is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: explicitly using JOIN FETCH does not help either:
"SELECT z FROM TestEntity z JOIN FETCH z.strings"
OpenJPA's TRACE still shows that it executes one SQL statement for each individual TestEntity.
It might be a pain (correction: I know it'll be a pain) but have you tried actually mapping your 2-field TestEntity as a full JPA-persisted #Entity?
I know that Hibernate used to treat #ElementCollections rather differently to #OneToManys for example - OpenJPA could well be doing something similar.
