How to obtain a list given this database - prolog

I am learning prolog and currently stuck on this exercise. I am trying to obtain a list of Ontario teams that outputs:
From the database below.
Here's what I have so far.
setof(X, city(X,ontario), L). %This returns L = [guelph,kingston,ottawa]
How would I go about the next step to obtain
L = [ggs, gryphons, queens, ravens].

city_team(_city_,_team_) :-
city(_city_,_province_) ,
team(_team_,_city_) .
?- setof(_team_,city_team(_,_team_),_teams_) , T = _teams_ .
T = [torrents] ? ;
T = [gryphons] ? ;
T = [queens] ? ;
T = [stingers] ? ;
T = [ggs,ravens]

The ISO Prolog standard specifies three meta-predicates that collect solutions for a goal: bagof/3, setof/3, and findall/3 (there's also a de facto standard findall/4 meta-predicate). These meta-predicates have different semantics, notably on how they deal with variables on the goal argument (the second argument) that are not in the template argument (the first argument). All of them are described as meta-predicates as they take a goal as one of the arguments. Let's illustrate their semantics using your city/2 predicate.
First, we try bagof/3:
| ?- bagof(City, city(City, State), Solutions).
Solutions = [ottawa,guelph,kingston]
State = ontario ? ;
Solutions = [gatineau,montreal]
State = quebec
Notice that the solutions are aggregated by state, which is a variable that occurs in the goal but not in the template. Let's try it now with setof/3:
| ?- setof(City, city(City, State), Solutions).
Solutions = [guelph,kingston,ottawa]
State = ontario ? ;
Solutions = [gatineau,montreal]
State = quebec
Notice the difference in the first solution? They are ordered. The setof/3 predicate sorts solutions in standard order (using term comparison) and also eliminates duplicates.
The meta-predicate findall/3, however, doesn't aggregate solutions for the bindings of variables in the goal not occurring in the template:
| ?- findall(City, city(City, State), Solutions).
Solutions = [ottawa,guelph,kingston,gatineau,montreal]
Therefore, you can use it to answer your question. The following query returns all teams:
| ?- findall(Team, team(Team, City), Teams).
Teams = [ravens,ggs,gryphons,queens,torrents,stingers]
To get only the teams in the state of Ontario we can use:
| ?- findall(Team, (team(Team, City), city(City,ontario)), Teams).
Teams = [ravens,ggs,gryphons,queens]
We can also get the list ordered by using setof/3:
| ?- setof(Team, City^(team(Team, City), city(City,ontario)), Teams).
Teams = [ggs,gryphons,queens,ravens]
The City^ construct instructs setof/3 (can also be used with bagof/3) to not aggregate solutions by bindings for the City variable.
More can be written about these predicates, notably about variable terminology and the ^/2 operator but this answer is getting long. One final remark, however: In general, for clarity and best performance, avoid using complex goal arguments with these meta-predicates. Is often clear to define an auxiliary predicate. For example:
state_team(State, Team) :-
team(Team, City),
city(City, State).
Using this predicate:
| ?- setof(Team, state_team(ontario,Team), Teams).
Teams = [ggs,gryphons,queens,ravens]


Ask Prolog for predicates of an argument [duplicate]

another way to ask the question is:
How I can list all the properties of an atom?
For example:
director(agora, 'Alejandro Amenabar')
duration(agora, '2h').
so, I will like to receive all the predicates that has agora for argument. In this case it will be: movie, director, duration, with the other parameters ('Alejandro Amenabar', '2h').
I found: this, and this questions, but I couldn't understand well.
I want to have the value of false in the "variable Answer" if PersonInvited doesn't like something about the movie.
My query will be:
answer(Answer, PersonInvited, PersonWhoMadeInvitation, Movie)
Answer: I don't like this director
answer(false, PersonInvited, PersonWhoMadeInvitation, Movie):-
director(Movie, DirectorName),not(like(PersonInvited,DirectorName)).
The same thing will happen with any property like genre, for example.
Answer: I don't like this genre
answer(false, PersonInvited, PersonWhoMadeInvitation, Movie):-
genre(Movie, Genre), not(like(PersonInvited,Genre)).
So, I want to generalize this situation, instead of writing repeatedly every feature of every object.
I found two solutions the 2nd is cleaner from my point of view, but they are different.
PredName: Name of the predicate.
Arity: The Arity of the Predicate.
ParamValue: If I want to filter by one specific parameter.
PosParam: Which is the position of the parameter in the predicate.
ListParam: All the value of the posibles values parameters (mustbe a Variable all the time).
Solution 1:
filter_predicate(PredName, Arity, ParamValue,PosParam, ListParam):-
Arity >= PosParam,
nth(PosParam, ListParam, ParamValue),
append([PredName], ListParam, PredList),
GlobalArity is Arity + 1,
length(PredList, GlobalArity),
Predicate =.. PredList,
filter_predicate(PredName, Arity, agora, 1, Pm).
Arity = 2
Pm = [agora,'Alejandro Amenabar']
PredName = director ?
filter_predicate(PredName, Arity, ParamList):-
append([PredName], ParamList, PredList),
GlobalArity is Arity + 1,
length(PredList, GlobalArity),
Predicate =.. PredList,
Query 1:
filter_predicate(PredName, Arity, [agora, X]).
Arity = 2
PredName = director
X = 'Alejandro Amenabar' ?
Query 2:
filter_predicate(PredName, Arity, [X, 'Alejandro Amenabar']).
Arity = 2
PredName = director
X = agora ?
here is my attempt, using SWI-Prolog
?- current_predicate(so:F/N), N>0, length(As,N), Head =.. [F|As], clause(so:Head,Body), As=[A|_], A==agora.
note that I coded into a module called so the facts, so I qualify with the module name the relevant calls. Such builtins (clause/2 and current_predicate/1) are ISO compliant, while modules (in SWI-prolog) are not. So I'm not sure about portability, etc...
clause/2 it's a builtin that allows for easy writing metainterprets. See the link for an awesome introduction to this Prolog historical 'point of strength'.
The 2 last calls (I mean, As=[A|_], A==agora) avoid matching clauses having a variable as first argument.
Using reading lines into lists with prolog
All your predicates are in a file ''.
e.g. contains:
director(agora, 'Alejandro Amenabar').
duration(agora, '2h').
You can use:
open(File, read, In),
readData(In, L),
readData(In, L):-
read_term(In, H, []),
( H == end_of_file
-> L = []
; L = [H|T],
Then you can query:
Pred = movie ;
Pred = director ;
Pred = duration ;
?- findall(Pred,pred_arg_file(Pred,agora,''),Preds).
Preds = [movie,director,duration].
If you want to return the properties, return the whole List not just the head.
From my understanding you should change your data representation so that you can query the relations.As other answers have pointed out, So use triples, you can easily write code to change all your relations into this form as a one off. You then need to work out what the best way to store likes or dislikes are. This will effect how negation works. In this example:
relation(lucas, directs,starwars).
relation(agora, is,movie).
relation('Alejandro Amenabar', directs, agora).
relation(agora, duration, '2h').
like(ma,'Alejandro Amenabar').
relation(Film,_,Test), \+like(ma,Test).
relation(Test,_,Film), \+like(ma,Test).
A draft of a solution using Logtalk with GNU Prolog as the backend compiler:
% a movie protocol
:- protocol(movie).
:- public([
:- end_protocol.
% a real movie
:- object('Agora',
director('Alejandro Amenabar').
:- end_object.
% another real movie
:- object('The Terminator',
director('James Cameron').
:- end_object.
% a prototype person
:- object(person).
:- public([
:- public(likes/1).
likes(Movie) :-
conforms_to_protocol(Movie, movie),
( Movie::genre(Genre),
::likes_genre(Genre) ->
; Movie::director(Director),
::likes_director(Director) ->
; fail
:- end_object.
% a real person
:- object(mauricio,
likes_director('Ridlye Scott').
:- end_object.
Some sample queries:
$ gplgt
| ?- {movies}.
(5 ms) yes
| ?- mauricio::likes('Agora').
true ?
| ?- mauricio::likes(Movie).
Movie = 'Agora' ? ;
Movie = 'The Terminator' ? ;
| ?- 'The Terminator'::director(Director).
Director = 'James Cameron'
The code can be improved in several ways but it should be enough to give you a clear idea to evaluate this solution.
If I understood your question properly I propose the follow:
What if you change your schema or following this idea you can make a method that simulate the same thing.
class(movie, agora).
property(director, agora, 'Alejandro Amenabar').
property(duration, agora, '2h').
If do you want the types of agora, the query will be:
class(Type, agora)
If you want all the properties of agora, that will be:
property( PropertyName, agora, Value).

Prolog check for predicate category

I have been working with Prolog since today, and wanted to create a simple test case. The basic idea was to have multiple sports defined, and it looks as follows:
soccer :- category(ball_sport),
tennis :- category(ball_sport),
category(ball_sport) :-
Now I wanted to create a testcase, to see if both sports are of the ball_sport category, but have no idea to check these sports against eachother .. I thought it would be something like the code below, but it's obvious not. Is there an easy way to check these predicate categories? Thanks
both_ballsports(sport_one, sport_two) :-
has_category(sport_one, ball_sport),
has_category_sport_two, ball_sport).
It seems that first of all, you want to declaratively state attributes of a sport.
For example:
sport_attributes(soccer, [ball_sport,players(22),ball(large),use(feet)]).
sport_attributes(tennis, [ball_sport,players(2),players(4),ball(small),use(racket)]).
Note that I am relating sports to attributes. For comparison, the goals of the form check(X) you use above all seem to lack a critical argument, namely the actual sport for which they hold (or not). For example, the goal check(use_feet) either holds or not, but there is no means to qualify a unary predicate of this kind and state different facts for different sports.
Note the naming convention: We describe what each argument means, separated by underscores.
With this representation, both_ballsports/2 could look like this:
both_ballsports(Sport1, Sport2) :-
ballsport(Sport) :-
sport_attributes(Sport, As),
member(ball(_), As).
Sample query and answer:
?- both_ballsports(Sport1, Sport2).
Sport1 = Sport2, Sport2 = soccer ;
Sport1 = soccer,
Sport2 = tennis ;
Sport1 = tennis,
Sport2 = soccer ;
Sport1 = Sport2, Sport2 = tennis ;
This can be used in all directions!

Prolog (Sicstus) - nonmember and setof issues

Given following facts:
route(TubeLine, ListOfStations).
route(green, [a,b,c,d,e,f]).
route(blue, [g,b,c,h,i,j]).
I am required to find all the pairs of tube Lines that do not have any stations in common, producing the following:
| ?- disjointed_lines(Ls).
Ls = [(yellow,blue),(yellow,green),(yellow,red),(yellow,silver)] ? ;
I came up with the below answer, however it does not only give me incorrect answer, but it also does not apply my X^ condition - i.e. it still prints results per member of Stations lists separately:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
(member(X, Stations1),nonmember(X, Stations2)),
This is the output that the definition produces:
| ?- disjointed_lines(L).
L = [(green,green)] ? ;
L = [(green,blue)] ? ;
L = [(green,silver)] ? ;
I believe that my logic relating to membership is incorrect, however I cannot figure out what is wrong. Can anyone see where am I failing?
I also read Learn Prolog Now chapter 11 on results gathering as suggested here, however it seems that I am still unable to use the ^ operator correctly. Any help would be appreciated!
As suggested by user CapelliC, I changed the code into the following:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
(W,Z),(Stations1, Stations2)^
((route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),notMembers(Stations1,Stations2))),
notMembers([H|T],L):- notMembers(T,L), nonmember(H,L).
The following, however, gives me duplicates of (X,Y) and (Y,X), but the next step will be to remove those in a separate rule. Thank you for the help!
I think you should put route/2 calls inside setof' goal, and express disjointness more clearly, so you can test it separately. About the ^ operator, it requests a variable to be universally quantified in goal scope. Maybe a concise explanation like that found at bagof/3 manual page will help...
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W,Z), Stations1^Stations2^(
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2)
), Ls).
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2) :-
... % could be easy as intersection(Stations1, Stations2, [])
% or something more efficient: early fail at first shared 'station'
setof/3 is easier to use if you create an auxiliary predicate that expresses the relationship you are interested in:
disjoint_routes(W, Z) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2).
With this, the definition of disjointed_lines/1 becomes shorter and simpler and no longer needs any ^ operators:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W, Z), disjoint_routes(W, Z), Ls).
The variables you don't want in the result of setof/3 are automatically hidden inside the auxiliary predicate definition.

Subtracting variables from a Prolog knowledge base [duplicate]

Trying to create a predicate (timePeriod/2) that calculates the time period between two dates for a specific fact. I've managed to do this by myself, but face issues when 'other answers' exist in the same list (i.e. easier to explain with examples).
I have the following knowledge-base facts;
And the following function, calculates the time between dates for a specific fact (as per below).
Predicate (timePeriod/2) -
timePeriod(PS,X) :-
bagof((Name,Start,End),popStar(Name,Start,End),PSs),X is End-Start+1)
Using Bowie as an example; it returns X=3 (which is correct).
However, when there is repetition in the list, with more than one answer available, the predicate just states 'false'. Using the facts 'Jackson' as an example, I want to be able to calculate both of the time periods for both facts; at the same time.
So, if the predicate would work for both of the Jackson facts, the predicate timePeriod would state X=10.
Would really appreciate if anyone could suggest what to change in order for this to work correctly.
You probably don't quite understand what foreach/3 does. I don't think I fully understand foreach/3 either. I know for sure that it is not the same as say:
for each x in xs:
do foo(x)
Another thing: "tuples" in Prolog are not what you might expect, coming from a language like Python or Haskell. This: (a,b,c) is actually this: ','(a,','(b,c)). Much better is to use a flat term, the generic form would be triple(a,b,c). For a pair, the idiom is First-Second.
So, you can simplify your call to bagof/3 to this:
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star(Name, Start, End), Ts).
Name = 'Bowie',
Ts = [2008-2010] ;
Name = 'Jackson',
Ts = [1987-1991, 1992-1996] ;
Name = 'Michaels',
Ts = [1996-2000] ;
Name = 'Newcastle',
Ts = [2000-2007].
Once you have a list as above, you need to sum the differences, which would be maybe something like:
periods_total(Ps, T) :-
maplist(period_length, Ps, Ls),
sum_list(Ls, T).
period_length(From-To, Length) :-
Length is To - From + 1.
And then you can query like this:
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star('Jackson', From, To), Ps), periods_total(Ps, T).
Ps = [1987-1991, 1992-1996],
T = 10.
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star(Name, From, To), Ps), periods_total(Ps, T).
Name = 'Bowie',
Ps = [2008-2010],
T = 3 ;
Name = 'Jackson',
Ps = [1987-1991, 1992-1996],
T = 10 ;
Name = 'Michaels',
Ps = [1996-2000],
T = 5 ;
Name = 'Newcastle',
Ps = [2000-2007],
T = 8.
SWI-Prolog has a nice library to handle aggregation: it builds upon standard 'all solutions' predicates like findall/3,setof/3,bagof/3, so you should first grasp the basic of these (as Boris explained in his answer). With the library, a single query solves your problem:
timePeriod(PS,X) :-
aggregate(sum(P), B^E^(popStar(PS,B,E),P is E-B+1), X).

Aggregate solution over multiple facts

Trying to create a predicate (timePeriod/2) that calculates the time period between two dates for a specific fact. I've managed to do this by myself, but face issues when 'other answers' exist in the same list (i.e. easier to explain with examples).
I have the following knowledge-base facts;
And the following function, calculates the time between dates for a specific fact (as per below).
Predicate (timePeriod/2) -
timePeriod(PS,X) :-
bagof((Name,Start,End),popStar(Name,Start,End),PSs),X is End-Start+1)
Using Bowie as an example; it returns X=3 (which is correct).
However, when there is repetition in the list, with more than one answer available, the predicate just states 'false'. Using the facts 'Jackson' as an example, I want to be able to calculate both of the time periods for both facts; at the same time.
So, if the predicate would work for both of the Jackson facts, the predicate timePeriod would state X=10.
Would really appreciate if anyone could suggest what to change in order for this to work correctly.
You probably don't quite understand what foreach/3 does. I don't think I fully understand foreach/3 either. I know for sure that it is not the same as say:
for each x in xs:
do foo(x)
Another thing: "tuples" in Prolog are not what you might expect, coming from a language like Python or Haskell. This: (a,b,c) is actually this: ','(a,','(b,c)). Much better is to use a flat term, the generic form would be triple(a,b,c). For a pair, the idiom is First-Second.
So, you can simplify your call to bagof/3 to this:
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star(Name, Start, End), Ts).
Name = 'Bowie',
Ts = [2008-2010] ;
Name = 'Jackson',
Ts = [1987-1991, 1992-1996] ;
Name = 'Michaels',
Ts = [1996-2000] ;
Name = 'Newcastle',
Ts = [2000-2007].
Once you have a list as above, you need to sum the differences, which would be maybe something like:
periods_total(Ps, T) :-
maplist(period_length, Ps, Ls),
sum_list(Ls, T).
period_length(From-To, Length) :-
Length is To - From + 1.
And then you can query like this:
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star('Jackson', From, To), Ps), periods_total(Ps, T).
Ps = [1987-1991, 1992-1996],
T = 10.
?- bagof(From-To, pop_star(Name, From, To), Ps), periods_total(Ps, T).
Name = 'Bowie',
Ps = [2008-2010],
T = 3 ;
Name = 'Jackson',
Ps = [1987-1991, 1992-1996],
T = 10 ;
Name = 'Michaels',
Ps = [1996-2000],
T = 5 ;
Name = 'Newcastle',
Ps = [2000-2007],
T = 8.
SWI-Prolog has a nice library to handle aggregation: it builds upon standard 'all solutions' predicates like findall/3,setof/3,bagof/3, so you should first grasp the basic of these (as Boris explained in his answer). With the library, a single query solves your problem:
timePeriod(PS,X) :-
aggregate(sum(P), B^E^(popStar(PS,B,E),P is E-B+1), X).
