Is there any portable TIBCO EMS available for testing? - jms

I am a newbie to the messaging system.
I have tried the ActiveMQ portable version. That is perfect.
As I don't have admin rights in my machine.
I need to install portable TIBCO EMS. Is there any possibility.?
Thanks in Advance.

you can use docker for that, all you need is downloading tibco ems trial version as a zip
and using this project
you can easily deploy ems in a docker container.
first you build the tibbase:1.0.0 using docker build -t="tibbase:1.0.0" .\tibbase\
after that you build ems image using docker build -t="tibems:8.3.0" .\tibems\. make sure zip file is in the same folder as your dockerfile
after building images
you run container using docker run -p 7222:7222 tibems:8.3.0
all details is here mikeschippers/docker-tibco


Is it possible to configure "wine" in Heroku?

I'm new to heroku, I have an application deployed in heroku, this application needs to run some ".exe" to work perfectly.
Is it possible to configure "wine" in heroku to open these files? If possible, what is the procedure to be done?
Thank you.
I'm not sure about that, but you can use the Docker deployment in heroku combined with the wine instalation inside the Docker image.
Heroku Docker Deployment:
Docker image with a wine installation:
Hope it helps.

Build docker image without docker installed

Is it somehow possible to build images without having docker installed. On maven build of my project I'd like to produce docker image, but I don't want to force others to install docker on their machines.
I can think of some virtual box image with docker installed, but it is kind of heavy solution. Is there some way to build the image with some maven plugin only, some Go code or already prepared virtual box image for exactly this purpose?
It boils down to question how to use docker without forcing users to install anything. Either just for build or even for running docker images.
There are some, not really up to date, maven plugins for virtual machine provisioning with vagrant or with vbox. I have found article about building docker images without docker on basel
So far I see two options either I can somehow build the images only or run some VM with docker daemon inside(which can be used not only for builds, but even for integration tests)
We can create Docker image without Docker being installed.
Jib Maven and Gradle Plugins
Google has an open source tool called Jib that is relatively new, but
quite interesting for a number of reasons. Probably the most interesting
thing is that you don’t need docker to run it - it builds the image using
the same standard output as you get from docker build but doesn’t use
docker unless you ask it to - so it works in environments where docker is
not installed (not uncommon in build servers). You also don’t need a
Dockerfile (it would be ignored anyway), or anything in your pom.xml to
get an image built in Maven (Gradle would require you to at least install
the plugin in build.gradle).
Another interesting feature of Jib is that it is opinionated about
layers, and it optimizes them in a slightly different way than the multi-
layer Dockerfile created above. Just like in the fat jar, Jib separates
local application resources from dependencies, but it goes a step further
and also puts snapshot dependencies into a separate layer, since they are
more likely to change. There are configuration options for customizing the
layout further.
Pls refer this link
For example with Spring Boot refer
Have a look at the following tools:
Fabric8-maven-plugin - - good maven integration, uses a remote docker (openshift) cluster for the builds.
Buildah - - builds without a docker daemon but does have other pre-requisites.
The fabric8-maven-plugin brings your Java applications on to Kubernetes and OpenShift. It provides a tight integration into Maven and benefits from the build configuration already provided. This plugin focus on two tasks: Building Docker images and creating Kubernetes and OpenShift resource descriptors.
fabric8-maven-plugin seems particularly appropriate if you have a Kubernetes / Openshift cluster available. It uses the Openshift APIs to build and optionally deploy an image directly to your cluster.
I was able to build and deploy their zero-config spring-boot example extremely quickly, no Dockerfile necessary, just write your application code and it takes care of all the boilerplate.
Assuming you have the basic setup to connect to OpenShift from your desktop already, it will package up the project .jar in a container and start it on Openshift. The minimum maven configuration is to add the plugin to your pom.xml build/plugins section:
then build+deploy using
$ mvn fabric8:deploy
If you require more control and prefer to manage your own Dockerfile, it can handle this too, this is shown in samples/secret-config.
Buildah is a tool that facilitates building Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images. The package provides a command line tool that can be used to:
create a working container, either from scratch or using an image as a starting point
create an image, either from a working container or via the instructions in a Dockerfile
images can be built in either the OCI image format or the traditional upstream docker image format
mount a working container's root filesystem for manipulation
unmount a working container's root filesystem
use the updated contents of a container's root filesystem as a filesystem layer to create a new image
delete a working container or an image
rename a local container
I don't want to force others to install docker on their machines.
If by "without Docker installed" you mean without having to install Docker locally on every machine running the build, you can leverage the Docker Engine API which allow you to call a Docker Daemon from a distant host.
The Docker Engine API is a RESTful API accessed by an HTTP client such
as wget or curl, or the HTTP library which is part of most modern
programming languages.
For example, the Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin does just that using the DOCKER_HOST parameter. You'll need a recent Docker version and you'll have to configure at least one Docker Daemon properly so it can securely accept remote requests (there are lot of resources on this subject, such as the official doc, here or here). From then on, your Docker build can be done remotely without having to install Docker locally.
Google has released Kaniko for this purpose. It should be run as a container, whether in Kubernetes, Docker or gVisor.
I was running into the same problems, and I did not find any solution, thus i developed odagrun, it's a runner for Gitlab with integrated registry api, update DockerHub, Microbadger etc.
OpenSource and has a MIT license.
Ideal to create a docker image on the fly, without the need of a docker daemon nor the need of a root account, or any image at all (image: scratch will do), currrently still in development, but i use it every day.
project repository on Gitlab
an openshift cluster (an openshift-online-starter will do for most medium/small
extract how the docker image for this project was created:
# create and push image to ImageStream:
image: centos
stage: build-image
- build
- mkdir -pv rootfs
- cp -v output/oc-* rootfs/
- mkdir -pv rootfs/etc/pki/tls/certs
- mkdir -pv rootfs/bin-runner
- cp -v /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt rootfs/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
- chmod -Rv 777 rootfs
- oc-runner-shared
- registry_push --rootfs --name=test-$CI_PIPELINE_ID --ISR --config

Push docker image to remote server

I am new to docker and have followed, so far successfully.
docker is installed and running on a different server in my network.
How can I push and run the image directly to that docker-server with maven?
docker-maven-plugin probably does what you want

Creating docker images on successful TeamCity build

I'm currently trying to simulate a situation where I can make a docker image after a successful build in TeamCity. I'm using Docker Hub to store my docker images and build them. After that, I web-hooked them to Tutum (Docker Cloud) to eventually push them into Microsoft Azure.
What is the best-practice to make sure there is always a valid docker images in my repo in Docker Hub? I'm running several tests in TeamCity and want to create a Docker image when the build is successful. The TeamCity server is not running a docker host, but my project has a Dockerfile.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
You can put last successful artifacts on your Dockerfile with ADD command
ADD http://{{TeamcityUrl}}/guestAuth/repository/download/{{BuildName}}/latest.lastSuccessful/ /{{DockerFolder}}

Source code changes in kubernetes, SaltStack & Docker in production and locally

This is an abstract question and I hope that I am able to describe this clear.
Basically; What is the workflow in distributing of source code to Kubernetes that is running in production. As you don't run Docker with -v in production, how do you update running pods.
In production:
Do you use SaltStack to update each container in each pod?
Do you rebuild Docker images and restart every pod?
With Vagrant you can share a local folder for source code. With Docker you can use -v, but if you have Kubernetes running locally how would you mirror production as close as possible?
If you use Vagrant with boot2docker, how can you combine this with Docker -v?
Short answer is that you shouldn't "distribute source code", you should rather "build and deploy". In terms of Docker and Kubernetes, you would build by means of building and uploading the container image to the registry and then perform a rolling update with Kubernetes.
It would probably help to take a look at the specific example script, but the gist is in the usage summary in current Kubernetes CLI:
kubecfg [OPTIONS] [-u <time>] [-image <image>] rollingupdate <controller>
If you intend to try things out in development, and are looking for instant code update, I'm not sure Kubernetes helps much there. It's been designed for production systems and shadow deploys are not a kind of things one does sanely.
