Laravel Google api client get refresh token and upload files - laravel-5

Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request::filledHeader()
This is the error that I'm getting when I try to fetch access token with refresh token.
I have google/apiclient - ^2.0 and as far as I can see it works with guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~5.3.1|~6.0.
I used laravel socialite and made a service for google. I'm making a offline request to fetch the refresh_token from google and update the currently logged user with it.So far everything works.
When I try to create a new Instance of the Google Client and fetch the token with the refresh token I get the following error
Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request::filledHeader()
$client = new Google_Client();
$this->drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
The error is in the refreshToken. What am I missing and not doing right?

A friend of mine found a solution for the problem. The problem was that the http-message's MessageInterafce was updated and the filledHeader() method was renamed to hasHeader(). After updating guzzle to ~6.0#dev everything works fine.
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0#dev"


Shopify JWT session token expired while making axios request call

I have created an app on laravel and vue.js and for the authentication process, I have used the laravel-shopify package. right now when the Axios call duration is long that time gets a session token expired error. I have already referred this solution but this was not worked for me.
Shopify App-bridge session token is having some issues while working with the vue.js and Axios?
Please check attached documents, please check.
When I have passed many files to Axios, I don't want to get expire token error. Does anyone have a solution for this?

Django-allauth + reactjs+ linkedin login redirect uri issue + Not enough permissions to access: GET /me

I am using drf + ReactJs to do social login am able to integrate google login and facebook login using django allauth package , but when I tried to integrate linkedin login getting error :
invalid redirect uri
TO be more precise am getting this error
allauth.socialaccount.providers.oauth2.client.OAuth2Error: Error retrieving access token: b'{"error":"invalid_redirect_uri","error_description":"Unable to retrieve access token: appid/redirect uri/code verifier does not match authorization code. Or authorization code expired. Or external member binding exists"}
----few updates after tying out few fixes -----
Tried fetching the access token from backend and login the user using a seprate api it showed the redirect uri issue.
Tried directly calling the linkedin token url from postman and now I get Invalid request error.
First method worked after few tryouts but now getting incorrect value error.
Tried fetching code with scope as r_liteprofile but now getting 403 forbidden
{'serviceErrorCode': 100, 'message': 'Not enough permissions to access: GET /me', 'status': 403}
I tried changing url to backend and frontend both showing same error. Can anyone get me how to fix this issue ?
I am not sure what all additional details needed for sorting this out, Please let me know if any needed.
Finally able to find the solution
the issue was with the code generated from the sdk used to implement linkedin login in reactjs, which has only scope
Adding additional scope
And regarding redirect uri issue
we are suppose to use the same redirect uri in both frontend and backend
made things working , posting this here since it will help someone in future facing same problem.
thank you all

403 Forbidden error when deleting YouTube video

I have been using the OAuth approach to upload,update and delete videos on YouTube. That all has been working fine until about February 12th where all of those processes stopped working. Now when I go to delete a YouTube video I get the following error:
"code": 403,
"message": "The video that you are trying to delete cannot be deleted. The request might not be properly authorized."
I know that the OAuth process is working because I can get the token and refresh the token if it has expired. I'm using the latest PHP library that Google have provided (installed using composer). And I can get information about a valid YouTube video by making the following call:
$videoId = "xxxxxxx"; //id of video on YouTube
$youtube->videos->listVideos("snippet", array('id' => $videoId));
But then the delete call gives that error above.
Since the listVideos works, that confirms that the client_id, secret key and token is correct. I also am setting the scopes to be the following
I also checked that the credentials and quotas set in the Google APIs are ok. I thought that maybe the quota had been reached but that doesn't appear to be the case. I did see an email from YouTube in early february saying that they have a new terms of service and a developer policies. I reviewed all that but nothing in there appears to point to the issue I am having?
Not sure what else to try?
Try to check my answer here in this SO question that focus on how to Refresh Token with the Google API.
Your error usually caused by:
When the token expires
The token’s scope (this is important)
If the token is invalid
If the token is invalid you can troubleshoot like this:
Remove the access token from your datastore or database.
Use the refresh token to acquire a new access token (if you are using a refresh token)
Try to make the API call again. If it works, you’re good! If not …
Check the access token against the tokenInfo API
If it’s still invalid, do a full reauth
Hope this helps!

The API returned an error: Error: No access or refresh token is set

I was able to successfully log in using Google Classroom and pull the course data during the trial. This was on my local machine. Now I have moved to my test server. I can still log in via google but can no longer pull the course data. I have already updated my client_secret file (updated the appropriate endpoints) but i get the following error after calling
Error: No access or refresh token is set.
Would appreciate anyone's help. I do have Google Classroom API as one of my APIs. Not sure if it's because i'm now on a domain instead of my localhost.
Sadly, I was doing a 2 part registration. The first past, I was setting the token. When the page was submitted again with new details from the user, when I was making the call to google, I hadn't set the token.

OAuth token parameter missing when using request_youtube API

I try to using youtube API in code ingniter and using librari from when i call request_youtube()from direct link the sent massage like this :
400. That’s an error.
OAuth token parameter missing.
That’s all we know.
This the code of request_youtube() :
public function request_youtube()
$params['key'] =';
$params['secret'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$params['algorithm'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
$this->load->library('google_oauth', $params);
$data = $this->google_oauth->get_request_token(base_url().'index.php/example/access_youtube');
$this->session->set_userdata('token_secret', $data['token_secret']);
what wrong with my code...or any step i miss???
The library that you are using is deprecated probably because of which it is unable to make calls to the Google Servers and is returning 404 errors. You can still follow the original way of authentication using OAuth where you validate your app with the client id client secret and get the Auth code. With the Auth code making a POST request and getting a access token and a refresh token in exchange. For details please refer to this official Google Youtube Documentation on OAuth.
