Wsadmin connect to remote Profile, ADMA0043E exception - installation

I am trying to install an application on websphere using wsadmin:
AdminApp.install('D:\work\my.ear',['-cluster', 'Vivaldi', '-MapWebModToVH', [['.*', '.*', 'default_host']]])
and get en error: ADMA0043E: /ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/config/temp/upload/my5776587604736184411.ear does not exist for installation
Websphere is running as user1, wsadmin script from user2
it is possible to install the application via wsadmin from another user?

User2 doesn't have write permissions to /ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/config/wstemp.
You'll need to allow user2 to write to this directory and subdirectories.
Additionally, the script may fail because user2 doesn't have permissions to the OSGI configuration. If so, you'll need to set a system property for wsadmin:
/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/bin/ -lang jython -javaoption "-Dosgi.configuration.area=/home/user2/.eclipse" ...
It should be noted that IBM assumes that will always be run as the installation user, in this case user1. The official, supported way to do what you want is to install an "adminstrative client" as user2 either on this server on on another server. (and then specify the host and soap port) This will avoid the permissions issues.

Does the AdminApp.install comman work if you run WebSphere and install the app?


Installing JBOSS EAP 7.4 on Windows Server – Account and Shutdown problems

I´m trying to install JBOSS EAP 7.4 on Windows Server as a service and I´m having trouble with two issues. All batch files where executed from the command line (cmd.exe) in admin mode.
Installation of Service with local system account
I´m using the service.bat to install it as a service. When checking in the properties of the service for the user context, it says it was installed under a Local Service user.This leads to numerous errors in the startup log, as the service is not allowed to access the file system in R/W mode. Manually setting this to “Local System Account” solves the problem, it runs just fine.
So, how do I configure the installation script that the service will use “Local System Account” or, how can I grant R/W access to this “Local Service”?
The manual states, that you must use the parameter /jbossuser (and password) for the installation. If I don´t, it is not possible to shut down the service via the Windows Services Tool, timeout…
If I add a user to the installation, it can be shutdown. As long as it runs in the “Local Service” context. If I change it to Local System Account, it doesn´t shutdown anymore, timeout…
Beside, this is a productive installation on a virtual server. It will not be possible to have a permanent, dedicated user on such a machine.
How do I configure this correctly?
Current installation params, generated by the service.bat:
"D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\bin\prunsrv.exe" install MyApp
--Description="JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7"
--StartPath="D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\bin" ++StartParams="/c#set#NOPAUSE=Y#&&#standalone.bat#-Djboss.server.base.dir=D:\jboss-eap-7.4.6\jboss-eap-7.4\standalone#--server-config=standalone.xml"
++StopParams="/c jboss-cli.bat --controller=localhost:9990 --connect --user=ABC --password='12345' --command=:shutdown"
Any help is appreciated!

MQ COMMAND dspmqver DO

Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it.
I am running IBM MQ on Solaris.
I tried to find IBM MQ command to find the version of mq but it gives me the following error:
# pwd
# dspmqver
AMQ8594: WebSphere MQ commands are no longer available in /usr/bin.
In order to run MQ commands you must manage your path configuration as
described in the WebSphere MQ product documentation. In particular review the
topic on "Choosing a primary installation".
# sudo dspmqver
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root on ud1981esb31.
You have several issues with what you were attempting to do.
First, you did not put the path of /opt/mqm/bin/ in the $PATH environment variable, so when you attempted to run dspmqver command, it is picking up something (shell script I think) that the installer put in the /usr/bin/ directory.
Secondly, if you want to run a program from the current directory you need to prefix it with './' (it's a Unix/Linux thing).
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root
on ud1981esb31.
Third, you should never ever start a queue manager or run other MQ commands as 'root'. It should be done under the 'mqm' account.

How to start the installation of ear on WebSphere?

It is required to install the application on the WebSphere via jython using the AdminApp class.
I delete through the method AdminApp.uninstall
wsadmin.bat -user alex19 -password qwerty19 -c "AdminApp.uninstall('MK.MyApplicaiton')" -lang jython
I want to use the installation method to install the same ear, but I did not succeed using the IBM documentation. Please tell me how to use the wsadmin.bat and AdminApp to install the application?
I get such an error, but the problem is that I do not know how to transfer the file with the properties and the configuration file:
C:\WSAS\bin>wsadmin.bat -user alex19 -password qwerty19 -c "AdminApp.install('C:/ear/my-applicaiton.ear')" -lang jython
WASX7209I: Connected to process "adminagent" on node KSDD using SOAP connector; The type of process is: AdminAgent
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminApp.install('C:/ear/my-applicaiton.ear')"; exception information: ADMA0043E: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\app9157482086909190098.ear does not exist for installation.
WASX7209I: Connected to process "adminagent"
You ran wsadmin against an admin agent, which cannot run applications. You should install applications to a deployment manager (ND) or an individual application server (base/standalone application servers)

ProFTPD can't connect after install

Installed Webmin successfully on a Debian system.
Created a virtual server, added some users and a domain.
Installed ProFTPD via Webmin's unused modules.
Added a new user with same named group via System -> Users and Groups.
Tried to connect via ftp using my server's external ip and my new user's credentials.
This should work according to most tutorials but it doesn't.
I'm suspecting some other service handles FTP requests before ProFTPD.
Is there a way to monitor protocol handlers? Could it be something else?
Thanks in advance.
because webmin try start it as deamon, but maybe (like me on archlinux) you need to start it as system service... on root:
systemctl start proftpd.service
If you want to look at the logs error (if there is errors, but if server is not start, it should ne have error...) then use:
journalctl -xe command (as root), or
systemctl --failed , or
systemctl status proftpd.service (all of these commands under root user or sudoers users).
So first of all, check that service is running:
systemctl status
then check the config file of webmin service for proftpd use the correct protocol for call service (systemd for example), and then use correct sentence code for start/stop it. Check also it goes to look at the correct config file of proftpd current install place (depend of your distribution or the way you install it).
proftpd is not installed by webmin, proftpd is installed, then from webmin, you install a module who has to communicate with allready installed application proftpd. If this module is well configured for point on actual proftpd installation and correct call of service, then all will have to works.
(please, if this answer help you, do up vote for my answer, without notation when i help, i can not help more because i'm locked by the system, hope you understand)
Have a look at the server's log, check le ProFTP daemon status, check the firewall

What is the default Jenkins password?

I'm using a EC2 server instance. Used the following to install Jenkins:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
but I need to install software on the Jenkins server so in my EC2 instance I did
sudo –s –H –u jenkins
to get into the jenkins server.
Then I tried to do
sudo cabal install quickcheck
but it prompted me for jenkins password.
I've been searching around the internet for 4hrs now and nothing is helping me get administrative privilege in the jenkins server.
So I'm building my project using the following command in shell:
sudo cabal clean
sudo cabal configure
sudo cabal build
sudo cabal install
This is the error I'm getting:
Started by timer
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Finance/workspace
Checkout:workspace / /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Finance/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel#eea6dc
Using strategy: Default
Last Built Revision: Revision b638e2182dece0ef1a40232b1d75fa3ae5c01a5d (origin/master)
Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository
Fetching upstream changes from origin
Commencing build of Revision b638e2182dece0ef1a40232b1d75fa3ae5c01a5d (origin/master)
Checking out Revision b638e2182dece0ef1a40232b1d75fa3ae5c01a5d (origin/master)
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ sudo cabal clean
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Sending e-mails to: ***
ERROR: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25;
nested exception is: Connection refused
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at hudson.tasks.MailSender.execute(
at hudson.tasks.Mailer.perform(
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Caused by: Connection refused
at Method)
at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.createSocket(
at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.getSocket(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
... 17 more
Finished: FAILURE
Here is how you can fix it:
Stop Jenkins
Go go edit /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
Change <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> to false
Restart Jenkins: sudo service jenkins restart
Navigate to the Jenkins dashboard to the "Configure Security" option you likely used before. This time, setup security the same as before, BUT set it to allow anyone to do anything, and allow user signup.
Go to and create a user
Then go change allow anyone to do anything to whatever you actually want users to be able to do. In my case, it is allow logged in users to do anything.
If you installed using apt-get in ubuntu 14.04, you will found the default password in /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword location.
Before installing jenkins, create a user named jenkins and set password there. Then after installing jenkins you can use the password you created.
With the default Jenkins installation using Homebrew on macOS this will output the initial password for the admin user:
sudo cat /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
jenkins default administrator password is logged in log file in ubuntu
log file is situated in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log folder
password will be placed after this,
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
After Jenkins is installed just run sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
In the Jenkins login page:
User: admin
Password: the output from the above command
On ubuntu 19.04, the default password are stored in the home directory:
cat ~/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
The password is present in the log generated by docker run image as shown in the example below.
Jenkins Docker run log
Additionally you can check the directory /var/jenkins_home/secrets/
Its in the file name initialAdminPassword
You can use
cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
In my case I was using Jenkins Docker Image and I found the initial admin password using this command:
cat ~/secrets/initialAdminPassword
You can always disable security, then go in and re-enable it with the settings you want.
By default, Jenkins account is created without password and with the login shell as /bin/false.
jenkins:x:496:493:Jenkins Continuous Integration Server:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/false
Change the shell to /bin/bash and you should be able to login without password by sudo su - jenkins.
Command to change the shell is:
chsh -s /bin/bash jenkin
When you install jenkins on your local machine, the default username is admin and password it gets automatically filled.
I was running Jenkins executing java -jar jenkins.war.
In my case Jenkins wrote webroot in an stdout: webroot: $user.home/.jenkins. So admin secret key was placed in a ~/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
I don't believe that the Jenkins user that is installed via apt has a password. If it does, I have never seen documentation. Based on the commands you entered, I am guessing you are using a Debian distro?
Is there any particular reason you must use the jenkins user to do the install instead of the user which was set up when you created your instance?
When installing Jenkins from AWS Marketplace . . .
"A default user "admin"with the instance-id as password is created to secure the Jenkins instance."
On the AWS Console for EC2, with the instance selected, choose the "Usage Instructions" tab:
"AWS Marketplace Usage Instructions
Latest Versions:
A default user "admin"with the instance-id as password is created to secure the Jenkins instance. Once the instance is started, copy the public DNS hostname of the server in the AWS Management Console and enter it in your web browser. The welcome screen allows you to request a trial license, start and evaluation, enter a license key, or connect to your instance to Operations Center. Once the license step is done, your instance is fully functional. We recommend enabling security and backups. You can connect with SSH to the server using the "ubuntu"linux user. The JENKINS_HOME is located under "/var/lib/jenkins". Jenkins listens on the following ports: * HTTP 80: through HAProxy, can be configured to use HTTPS:443 instead * Jenkins SSH 2222: primarily for the CloudBees Git Validated Merge Plugin * Jenkins JNLP 10000: communication from Jenkins agents or Jenkins CLI configured to use JNLP protocol. Not exposed by default on security groups."
Similar to the Ubuntu answer above, the Windows admin default password is stored in {jenkins install dir}\secrets\initialAdminPassword file (default install location would it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword )
If you don't create a new user when you installed jenkins, then:
user: admin
pass: go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets and open the file initialAdminPassword
I am a Mac OS user & following credential pair worked for me:
Username: admin
Password: admin
For me the best method of retrieving admin pass is by executing cat command inside the running container.
docker exec YOUR_JENKINS_CONTAINER cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
On Windows it can be found in the file "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Jenkins\.jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword"
(I know OP specified EC2 server, but this is now the first result on google when searching Jenkins Password)
Jenkins Default username and password
username: admin
password available in the root directory .jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword just open the file and copy text and paste into password textbox.
Even I tried to log in with the admin/password which was failed.
So I created my own user like this.
Go to Jenkins home folder (C:\User.jenkins or you can find this in Jenkins server startup logs)
Go to Config file config.xml
set disableSignup to false false
if at all you want to disable login security
4.set ser security to false. true
For mac users: Just run this command
cat ~/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Initial Password of Jenkins is stored in the following directory
cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
There are few steps to follow:
Go to the folder: C:\Users\Manjeet\.jenkins .(here in your case, there can be your system name or your name instead of mine)
Open config.xml file using any text editor.(recommended Notepad++)
Go to Line number seven which is like <useSecurity>true</useSecurity>.
So make it change this from true to false.
Save this file and close the window.
Open Command Prompt and start your Jenkins .
(java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8085).
Open browser and search for your localhost at your given port number.
You will see it doesn't ask for username and password anymore. Now you have to delete
that existed user and Add new user for setting new username and password.
Steps to make new Admin:
1.Go to people option which present at second number at left hand side below Dashboard
Click on admin option present in a row and than click on delete.
Go to Dashboard, Click on Manage Jenkins, Click on Configure Global Security.
Check the box of Enable security option.
Check the box of Jenkins own user database option and Uncheck Allow user to sign up present just below of it.
6 . Check Logged-in user can do anything option and Uncheck Allow anonymous read access present just below of it.
Make it Save and it will give you a new form for creating new first user. Fill the details correctly and click on Create First Admin User .(it will automatically made a change on that config.xml file just save it. )
