THREE.RGBELoader() HDR exposure does not change - three.js

I want to use sibl.
const loadHDR = () => {
new THREE.RGBELoader().load('./resource/textures/HDR/Etnies_Park_Center_3k.hdr', (texture, textureData)=> {
texture.encoding = THREE.RGBEEncoding;
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
texture.flipY = true;
textureData.height = 1200
textureData.width = 1200
textureData.exposure = 10
const cubemap = new THREE.EquirectangularToCubeGenerator(texture, { resolution: 3200, type: THREE.UnsignedByteType });
exrBackground = cubemap.renderTarget;
cubeMapTexture = cubemap.update(renderer);
This is my code. and
The above code results show the revised values well.
But cubemap's exposure does not change.
Another problem is reading .ibl file
I have to read the position of the sun in webgl, but I can't read the file.
I am using webpack. fs library no exist.

I've been trying to adjust exposure with RGBELoader as well. It looks like you have to set it as a property to the renderer, since the properties that you list are only returned by the module in the callback function. They don't "set" anything.
It looks like the functions related to environment maps have changed significantly since you asked this question. For instance, THREE.EquirectangularToCubeGenerator apparently no longer exists. It looks like pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular is intended as the replacement, but I'm not entirely sure.
Here is my code, which loads an Equirectangular image and converts it to a cube map, then applies it as a background. The exposure can be set with renderer.toneMappingExposure, which works in r112. Note that this is the module version.
new RGBELoader()
.load('filename.hdr', (hdrEquiRect, textureData) => {
hdrCubeRenderTarget = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(hdrEquiRect);
scene.background = hdrCubeRenderTarget.texture;
renderer.toneMapping = LinearToneMapping;
renderer.toneMappingExposure = 0.5;
This example uses renderer.toneMappingExposure to adjust the exposure of the HDRi background:
Edit - since r116 you also need to set renderer.toneMapping to LinearToneMapping1.


sRGBEncoding in not working in THREE.EffectComposer

I'm trying to do post processing in threejs scene
here I'm using EffectComposer for doing it
but im not able to enble sRGBEncoding in renderTarget.
const renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(
and my effectComposer is like that
const effectComposer = new EffectComposer(renderer,renderTarget);
but sRGBEncoding is not working
When using post processing, use a gamma correction pass at the end of your pass chain. This will ensure a sRGB encoded output:
composer.addPass( new ShaderPass( GammaCorrectionShader ) );
Full example:

Xamarin.Mac - How to highlight the selected text in a PDF file

I'm actualy trying to add a markup annotation in a PDF with PDFKit, in Xamarin.Mac, so for OS X.
So my goal is to highlight permanently, as an annotation, a selected text in the PDF File, and save it to retrieve it when I open the file later.
The thing is, I can get the current selection and store it into a variable :
PdfSelection currentSelection = m_aPdfView.CurrentSelection;
And I can create an object PdfAnnotationMarkup :
//Create the markup annotation
var annot = new PdfAnnotationMarkup();
//add characteristics to the annotation
annot.Contents = currentSelectionText;
annot.MarkupType = PdfMarkupType.Highlight;
annot.Color = NSColor.Yellow;
annot.ShouldDisplay = true;
But I can't find, even though I checked a lot of different documentations, how to link the two of them.
There is no method giving the location of the currentSelection, or any hint to go in that direction.
Would anyone know of a way to make this possible ?
PS: I found that the subclasses of PDFAnnotation are deprecated on the Apple Developer Website , but not on the Xamarin Website, is there any way of knowing if both of them are related of entirely different ?
Thanks in advance for your help
EDIT : Here is the code I got and works perfectly. Thanks to svn's answers
//Get the current selection on the PDF file opened in the PdfView
PdfSelection currentSelection = m_aPdfView.CurrentSelection;
//Check if there is an actual selection right now
if (currentSelection != null)
//Create the markup annotation
var annot = new PdfAnnotationMarkup();
//add characteristics to the annotation
annot.Contents = "Test";
annot.MarkupType = PdfMarkupType.Highlight;
annot.Color = NSColor.Yellow;
annot.ShouldDisplay = true;
annot.ShouldPrint = true;
annot.UserName = "MyName";
//getting the current page
PdfPage currentPage = currentSelection.Pages[0];
//getting the bounds from the current selection and adding it to the annotation
var locationRect = currentSelection.GetBoundsForPage(currentPage);
getValuLabel.StringValue = locationRect.ToString();
//converting the CGRect object into CGPoints
CoreGraphics.CGPoint upperLeft = locationRect.Location;
CoreGraphics.CGPoint lowerLeft = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(locationRect.X, (locationRect.Y + locationRect.Height));
CoreGraphics.CGPoint upperRight = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint((locationRect.X + locationRect.Width), locationRect.Y);
CoreGraphics.CGPoint lowerRight = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint((locationRect.X + locationRect.Width), (locationRect.Y + locationRect.Height));
//adding the CGPoints to a NSMutableArray
NSMutableArray pointsArray = new NSMutableArray();
//setting the quadrilateralPoints
annot.WeakQuadrilateralPoints = pointsArray;
//add the annotation to the PDF file current page
//Tell the PdfView to update the display
m_aPdfView.NeedsDisplay = true;
A selection can span multiple pages. To get the location of a selection use:
var locationRect = currentSelection.GetBoundsForPage(currentSelection.Pages[0]);
You should be able to instantiate PdfAnnotationMarkup with bounds but the xamarin implementation does not expose that constuctor. But is does expose a bounds property
var annot = new PdfAnnotationMarkup();
annot.bounds = locationRect;
I have not tested this.

Cannot apply matrix to loaded model using three.js

I would like to load a model using three.js and then apply a transformation matrix on top of it. This is the code I am using:
var loader = new THREE.OBJMTLLoader();
loader.addEventListener('load', function (event)
var object = event.content;
object.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
useWorker: true
// should check if ".mtl" file exists but there is no access to the filesystem
loader.load(dir_file_name + ".obj", dir_file_name + ".mtl");
and these are the contents of the object_accumulated_matrix variable:
({elements:{0:1, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:1, 6:0, 7:322, 8:0, 9:0, 10:1, 11:0, 12:0, 13:0, 14:0, 15:1}})
There is a 322 translation value on the Y-axis but I can not seem to get it to work. I have also tried:
but that did not work either.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Your object_accumulated_matrix is transposed.
You can also try
object.geometry.applyMatrix( object_accumulated_matrix );
which will modify the geometry itself.

Filtering a loaded kml file in OpenLayers

I'm trying to create an interactive search engine (for finding event tickets) of which one of its features is a visual map that shows related venues using OpenLayers. I have a plethora of venues (3000+) in a kml file that I would like to selectively show a filtered subsection of. Below is the code I have but when I try to run it has a JavaScript error. Running firebug and chrome developer tools makes me think that it is not getting passed the parameters I give because it says that the variables are null. However, I cannot figure out why they are not getting passed. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
var map, drawControls, selectControl, selectedFeature, select;
function showVenues(state, city, venue){
filterStrategy = new OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter({});
var kmllayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("KML", {
strategies: [filterStrategy,
new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
url: "venuesComplete.kml",
format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
extractStyles: true,
extractAttributes: true
select = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(kmllayer);{
"featureselected": onFeatureSelect,
"featureunselected": onFeatureUnselect
filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE,
property: "",
value: ""
function clearFilter(){
function setFilter(property, value){
filter.value = value; = property;
var vector_style = new OpenLayers.Style();
setFilter('name', venue);
}else if(city!=""){
setFilter('description', city);
}else if(state!=""){
setFilter('description', state);
function onPopupClose(evt) {
function onFeatureSelect(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
var selectedFeature = feature;
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("chicken",
new OpenLayers.Size(100,100),
"<h2>" + "</h2>" + feature.attributes.description +'<br>'+feature.attributes,
feature.popup = popup;
function onFeatureUnselect(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
if(feature.popup) {
delete feature.popup;
function init() {
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
var google_map_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
'Google Map Layer',
{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID}
showVenues(state,city,'Michie Stadium');
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({}));
IF I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY, your kml does not load properly. if this is not the case, please disconsider my answer.
it is very important to check if your kml layer was properly loaded. i have a map that loads multiple dynamic (from php) kml layers and it is not uncommon to have a large layer simply not load. when that happens, the operation is aborted, but, as far as openlayers is concerned, the layer was properly loaded.
so i do 2 things: i check if the amount of loaded data meets the expected number of features in my orginal php kml parser (i use a jquery or ajax call for that) and then, in case there is a discrepancy, i try reloading (since this is a loop, i limit it to 5 attempts, so as not to loop infinitely).
check out some of my code here

Dynamically added Raddocks Optimization?

We have a optimization problem regarding rad dock controls. The requirement of project is such that we are creating dynamic raddocks on the fly and adding it to a raddockzone, then we are saving the raddock "type" etc in a mssql db. We also have a collector window/raddockzone in which we have build a functionality where we can drag a dock and save it in collector. As with the first raddockzone we are adding the dock in collector on the fly. Now while adding a dock or moving it to another raddockzones it takes sometime. Our client is comparing it with the example of the demo link :
Following is our code snippet to add dock on the fly:
private RadDockNew CreateRadDock()
//string[] allowedZones = { "RDZCollector", "RadDockZone2" };
int width = Convert.ToInt32((hdnWidth.Value == "") ? "520" : hdnWidth.Value);
RadDockNew dock = new RadDockNew();
dock.DockMode = DockMode.Docked;
dock.UniqueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "a");
dock.ID = string.Format("RadDock{0}", dock.UniqueName);
//dock.Title = dock.UniqueName.Substring(dock.UniqueName.Length - 3);
dock.Width = Unit.Pixel(width);
dock.CssClass = "RadDockZoneMain";
//dock.AllowedZones = allowedZones;
dock.Style.Add("min-height", "290px");
dock.OnClientDockPositionChanged = "DropInCollector";
//dock.EnableViewState = false;
DockCommand cmd = new DockCommand();
cmd.Name = "Setting";
cmd.Text = "Setting";
cmd.OnClientCommand = "showSettings";
DockCommand dc = new DockCommand();
dc.Text = "Trash";
dc.Name = "Trash";
dc.OnClientCommand = "CloseDock";
dc.CssClass = "rdClose";
dc.AutoPostBack = true;
DockToggleCommand cmd2 = new DockToggleCommand();
cmd2.CssClass = "rdCollapse";
cmd2.AlternateCssClass = "rdexpand";
cmd2.OnClientCommand = "ChangeImage";
//DockCommand collapse = new DockCommand();
//collapse.Text = "Collapse/Expand";
//collapse.Name = "Collapse/Expand";
//collapse.OnClientCommand = "CollapseDock";
//collapse.CssClass = "rdCollapse";
return dock;
Please tell if there is any way to optimize / make it faster.
I examined the attached code sample and I think that it is correct. My suggestions are to check if the problem persists if you use other storage medium, instead of a database or if there are client script errors on the page, containing the RadDocks.
As the setup of your project seems to be similar to the one, implemented in the My Portal demo, I would recommend using the example in the Code Library article Saving State of Dynamically Created RadDocks in DataBase using Hidden UpdatePanel as a reference.
