How to best implement simple validation of JWT credential to data being passed to my controller - model-view-controller

My ASPNetCore web API is using JWT (Json Web Tokens) for authentication. The JWT token has an external and internal user ID inside it. Having these ID's in the JWT does not concern me, as JWT's can't be tampered with or they become invalid, and the internal ID is not useful anywhere outside the system. Of course, the password is not in the JWT content.
Within the JWT, the external user ID becomes the user's System.Security.Claims.ClaimType.Name. The internal ID is set as a JwtRegisteredClaimName.UniqueName value.
When calls are made to the web API, it is good that the [Authorize] attribute attribute makes sure that the user has authenticated and has a currently valid JWT. The concern I have is that once the user is logged in, there is an opportunity for hacking by using the Web API, sending external or internal user id's as criteria that do not match the currently authenticated user. Some web methods in the controllers accept the internal user ID as part of the request being posted, for example, a call to save user information has the internal user ID inside, used as the key for saving the data. I need to be sure that the authenticated user matches/is the same as the user whose data is being saved via the Web API.
My Question is how and where to best implement this data-level security in my web api? Policies don't seem like they can be applied against the data being passed. Authorization filters don't seem to have access to the message body nor any data bindings. Action filters (Microsoft.ASPNetCore.MVC.Filters) run later, but seem like they may not really be intended for this. Also, how do you access the body of the message that was posted inside an action filter? Or should I always make sure that the user ID is passed to methods as a consistently named parameter that I can access via ActionExecutingContext.ActionArguments?
I've searched many posts and not found any scenarios that match what I'm trying to do.

You can always use Middleware to intercept the call when the Response object has been populated , see code sample form here and here .
Authorization filters could also read the request body with EnableRewind :
public class ReadableBodyStreamAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
using (var stream = new StreamReader(request.Body))
stream.BaseStream.Position = 0;
var requestBody = stream.ReadToEnd();
Also works in action filters :
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class ReadableBodyStreamAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
var request = actionContext.HttpContext.Request;
var route = request.Path.HasValue ? request.Path.Value : "";
var requestHeader = request.Headers.Aggregate("", (current, header) => current + $"{header.Key}: {header.Value}{Environment.NewLine}");
var requestBody = "";
using (var stream = new StreamReader(request.Body))
stream.BaseStream.Position = 0;
requestBody = stream.ReadToEnd();
if (...)
var wrongResult = new { error = "Wrong parameters" };
actionContext.Result = new JsonResult(wrongResult);


What is a good way to pass additional information to the http response when issuing access token with Owin middleware in Asp Net Web Api?

I am using Owin middleware to implement token-based security for my application. When issuing the access token to the client I would also like to pass User Id along with the token, so that, the client application will know the User Id and will be able to call GetUserById (one of the methods inside UserController) in order to show the user his starting page. The best solution I could come up with so far is just adding User Id to the response header. Take a look at my OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider class, in GrantResourceOwnerCredentialsmethod I am adding User Id to the header, using context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" })
Here is the implementation of my OAuthAuthorizationServerProviderclass
public class AuthorizationServerProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
public override async Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
//The actual credential check will be added later
if (context.UserName=="user" && context.Password=="user")
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("Id", "1"));
//Here I am adding User Id to the response header
context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" });
context.SetError("invalid_grant","The credentials provided are not valid");
Basically the client then will have to read User-Id from the header. Is this a good solution I came up with or there is a better one? Also what if I want to pass the whole User object with all its properties to the response is it possible and how to do this?
Since you store the ID already in the claims, why don't you just decode your token on the client and read out the user id like that? Passing it through the headers could allow tampering with it (security).
Have a look on how you could achieve to decode your token and read the claims. This is a c# example but this could also be done even through javascript.
This, assuming you use the JWT-format as token (was not specified in your initial question).
Bad way to store UserID as a response header back to client side. This is a huge security concern.
The best way would be to store it as a Claims.
It is very easy to achieve this and get back the claims in the client side.
In your controller, call this and remember to reference
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

WebAPI 2 secure routing parameter

I have a situation where I don't want to pass logged-in userid in API route parameter.
For example there is a WebAPI [GET or POST] endpoint 'api/getUserDetails/{id}'. This id is passed to another layer to get the user data.
public RestResult getUserDetails(int uID)
int uID = getFromHeaderCookie();
var userDetails = someService.GetUserDetail(uID);
return userDetails;
Here id is passed as route parameter and by changing the Id value anyone can see the other users data.
So now I want that the url should be like 'api/getUserDetails' and I am reading Id from header Cookie saved at the time of login. using ActionFilters I can manage to get the Id.
public RestResult getUserDetails( )
int uID = getFromHeaderCookie();
var userDetails = someService.GetUserDetail(uID);
return userDetails;
This is working but not looking good as there are other methods where I want to secure UserId.
Is there any way to remove int uID = getFromHeaderCookie(); and use some custom model binder to inject userID in controller?
Thanks in advance
You can try Oauth, and get user info from ClaimsIdentity, just need to add Authorization(such as Bearer AccessToken) when request url.

How to customize WebApi OAuth token validation?

I have a working WebApi2 application, which uses the out of the box bearer token validation, just as was in the original Visual Studio project template.
I would like to add a custom data to the generated token, then check against that custom data when the subsequent api calls happen what are presenting this token.
For the sake of example say I would like to store the IP address of the caller when the token was created, then when validating the token check if the call which is uses the token have the very same IP.
I found the custom class
public class ApplicationOAuthProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
in my project and I also see that OAuthOptions is configured to use that custom class in start up.
I suppose where to add my custom token data (the ip):
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
here I can add it to the ticket properties as custom data.
However I can not find out in what method to check against the token has this data, and it matches to the actual call's ip, and if not, then regard the token invalid?
You are absolutely right when you decided to implement OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider . Now you need to add something like this:
private ClaimsIdentity CreateIdentity(User user, string authenticationType)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(authenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Login));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.UserID.ToString())); // or ip instead of user.UserID if you need
return identity;
And then use it in your Grant... method (for instance GrantResourceOwnerCredentials) like this:
ClaimsIdentity identity = CreateIdentity(user, context.Options.AuthenticationType);
Then when request come to your webapi controller you can check your data in your custom Attribute:
Claim userIdClaim = ((ClaimsIdentity)actionContext.ControllerContext.RequestContext.Principal.Identity)
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
hope it helps.

How to store PreRequestFilter information in AuthUserSession

I am building a web service using ServiceStack which has to support multiple vendors. The web service provides largely the same functionality to all vendors with some exceptions here and there.
In order to re-use as much functionality as possible I have come up with the following URL scheme:
"brand1" and "brand2" are not services but "templates" is. The Templates service's request DTO's will have a property called "Brand" like so:
[Route("/{Brand}/templates", "GET")]
public class GetTemplates
public Brand Brand { get; set; }
So in the Templates service I know which brand I am dealing with. This scheme works well.
What I cannot figure out though is this. The user of the service has to be authenticated and I cannot figure out how to handle the redirection of the service after the user has been authenticated since I have to pass along the brand information. I have created my own CustomAuthProvider class that inherits CredentialsAuthProvider. In the TryAuthenticate method I can set the authService.GetSession().ReferrerUrl property to the correct brand if I know what it was.
The only way I have found so far to get this information is to register a PreRequestFilter. My thinking here was that since the URL (e.g. http://localhost/brand1/templates) contains the brand I can store it in my own AuthUserSession class. I can't figure out how to do this. I have a "SessionFactory" method that I pass to the AuthFeature constructor. But what should I do in there? How do I get to the brand that I've obtained in the PreRequestFilter? Is it safe to store it in a field of the AppHost? I think not because of concurrency issues. How do I tie the PreRequestFilter to the SessionFactory method?
I hope I am explaining my problem clearly enough?
I was overthinking the solution because I didn't realize that I had all the information I needed in the IServiceBase parameter of the TryAuthenticate method of the CredentialsAuthProvider class.
In the end I came to the following solution:
public class CustomCredentialsAuthProvider : CredentialsAuthProvider
public override bool TryAuthenticate(IServiceBase authService,
string userName, string password)
var session = authService.GetSession();
var origQuery = authService.Request.UrlReferrer.Query;
session.ReferrerUrl = "/error";
var queryString = origQuery.Substring(10); // strip "redirect="
var decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(queryString);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decodedUrl))
var query = new Uri(decodedUrl);
session.ReferrerUrl = query.AbsolutePath;
return DoAuthentication(userName, password);
The different places where you can set the Url to redirect to during ServiceStack Authentication, in order of precedence are:
The Session.ReferrerUrl Url if it's populated
The Continue QueryString, FormData param when making the request to /auth (i.e Authenticate.Continue property)
The HTTP Referer HTTP Header
The CallbackUrl of the current AuthProvider used

On Web Api authorization filters, how can I access to parameters?

I'am starting with Asp.Net Web API and here's my problem :
I implement a custom authorization filter to inspect my message header looking for an API Key. Based on this API Key, I retrieve my user and then I would like to see if he can have access to some resources. The resources ID I want to check is on the parameters of the HTTP request. But when I'am on the AuthorizationFilter method, the actions parameters list is empty.
How can I do that ?
If I used an ActionFilter in replacement of an authorization filter, how can I be sure that this will be the first filter executed ? And globally, how can I specify the executing order of filters ?
Last question, is it possible to add some data "on the pipe" that I could retrieve on any filter ? Something like a session store but limited to the request ?
Thanks for any response
The authorization attributes run before parameter binding has run therefore you cannot (as you have seen) use the ActionArguments collection. Instead you will need to use the request uri for query parameters and route data for uri parameters as demonstrated below.
//request at http://localhost/api/foo/id?MyValue=1
public class MyAuthorizationAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//will not work as parameter binding has not yet run
object value;
actionContext.ActionArguments.TryGetValue("id", out value);
//Will get you the resource id assuming a default route like /api/foo/{id}
var routeData = actionContext.Request.GetRouteData();
var myId = routeData.Values["id"] as string;
//uri is still accessible so use this to get query params
var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(actionContext.Request.RequestUri.Query);
var myQueryParam = queryString["MyValue"];
//and so on
About the execution order:
There are 3 different ways of specifying the execution order of filters using the FilterScope Enumeration... scope being Global, Controller and Action. The AuthoriseAttribute is "Global" and therefore it
Specifies an action before Controller.
If you needed to specify the execution order within these 3 scopes then you should read this blog article here where you will need to implement a FilterProvider
To add some data to the pipe:
Use the properties collection on the request this collection is available for the duration of the request.
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//access this later in the controller or other action filters using
var value = actionContext.Request.Properties["__MYKEY__"];
Another alternative to get to the parameters is to Execute the binding for the parameters.
var binding = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionBinding;
var parameters = binding.ParameterBindings.OfType<ModelBinderParameterBinding>();
var newBinding = new HttpActionBinding(actionContext.ActionDescriptor, parameters.ToArray());
newBinding.ExecuteBindingAsync(actionContext, new CancellationToken());
var id = actionContext.ActionArguments["id"] as string;
Note: You need to make sure you only filter on the parameters that will come from the Request URI, as I have noticed that executing the binding for any parameters that are expected to come from the Request body will no longer be passed on to the actual action. i.e. those parameters will be null.
This is just to note that you can do this, I'd recommend using GetRouteData()/RouteData as it is not likely to disrupt the further flow of ASP.NET MVC modelbinding.
var routeData = actionContext.ControllerContext.RouteData;
var id = routeData.Values["id"] as string;
