Oracle Apex,is it possible to connect an excel file or csv from a remote server? - oracle

I am creating a web app using Oracle apex and I need to draw data from an excel file or CSV file from a remote server, is the remote server option of oracle apex capable of that, is it possible to be done and how? thanks in advance.

If you are talking about the "Data Loading" page type, then yes - the Wizard creates several pages; one of them lets you browse for the source file. If the remote server's directory is mapped on your computer, you'll see it while browsing for the file and use it as data source.


Oracle - Access a remote file to read

I have this very specific requirement.
My database server is running on some linux server X, where I have written some stored procedure which will read the file from a DIRECTORY and create an XML table based on the content of that xml file.
Now, The file in picture can come from any machine i.e. it is uploaded by user in Browser and then we need to process it with the stored procedure.
Is there a way I can access the file of my local machine from the database server without mount/ftp? I mean, is there any utility in Oracle which can access file system of the client to read the file content?
is there any utility in Oracle which can access file system of the client to read the file content?
No, there is not. PLSQL program cannot reach your client PC. You have to upload it to the server then can use UTL_FILE to interpret it.

SSIS 2008 Excel Destination Connection error - 0x80040E37

I have an SSIS package (created in BIDS 2008). The package has a data flow task. Inside the data flow task I have an ADO NET Source and an Excel Destination.
I am connectiong to an Oracle DB, running a query, and then droping the results into an excel file on a different server. In order to connect to the Oracle DB I needed to create a system DSN for my connection. For the excel connection I am using the "table or view" drop down option and create a create table query that grabs the ouput from my sql query in the ADO NET connection.
Now if I drop the excel file on my local drive it works fine. But the end goal is to have this package drop onto a different server. So when I change the location on the excel connection to a different server (which I have access to) it doesnt work. When I open up the excel task and hit preview I get the following error-
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Destination [16]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Destination [16]]: Opening a rowset for "Excel_Destination" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC02020E8 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
I cannot find any resolutions for this problem. Now the ADO NET connection still works and if I hit preview on the query for the ADO NET source task I still get the desired data.
Would I need to add the DSN name to the server where I am dropping the excel file? Or is it better to drop the file on the local machine and then ftp the file to the other server?
Whether you populate the data in excel file in local drive in local machine or remote drive via mapped drive to the server. the excel file with referencing sheet named "Excel_Destination" should exists on that location for SSIS package to write the data into that file.
The approach to write the file on the local drive then distribute it through ftp or batch script which copy this file looks OK in your case. You can write two package one writing excel file on the local drive and another one package which push or pull the file from/to local drive which can be scheduled.

How to read a file present in application server using External tables

How to read a file present in application server using external tables. I can't place the file in DB server as we are restricted from DB server.
According to the documentation, the data file for an external file must be visible to the server.
You access an external file via a DIRECTORY object in the database, which points to a directory on the db server.
Now, you can mount a drive so that it appears in the file system, but someone with access to the db server will probably have to do that.

DB connection issue with excel spreadsheet and ODBC Oracle Connect

I have a spreadsheet located on a centrally hosted server. Each day, a view on my Oracle database exports a report to this excel. To access the document, various users across a number of locations can login and review the doc. However, for no obvious reason, a number of locations have started being requested for the server name. Most of the locations have the 3 fields filled in by default, but in the problem locations they have to enter the server name each time.
Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this? No configuration changes have been made recently, and I am fairly new to the system as a whole, and cannot come up with an explanation.
See attached screenshot for what I mean.
I browsed to Admin Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) and created a File DSN. From here I was able to specify the following:
DRIVER=Microsoft ODBC for Oracle
This meant creating new database queries inside excel, I could point to this as reference and connect externally. But more importantly for my issue, remote users could now access a server based excel, without being prompted for the server-name. I still don't know how they lost this functionality in the first place, but this solved my issue. :)
Turns out this doesn't work - I was opening a different version of the file. Still no sure how the connection box with excel is populated from!

Exchange Server 2010 and MySql

I have an Exhange 2010 Server... with a public folder... that has a Contact List in it.
How would I access this via ODBC? Is it possible to do a "query" to pull the fields from Exchange Server into a MySql table?
There's no ODBC driver for Exchange. You need to write an application that reads the folder and then writes the data to a database. Or, you need to automate the exporting of the folder to a CSV file so that you can use a text-file ODBC driver to read it.
