After changing project location , SHA1 is not working - google-play

I have updated my application for 5 times in Google, recently, I have deleted all my project files, and restore them back from backup.(I have my .JKS file and password) but, now - I cannot upload updated application to Store. It has different SHA1.
This problem appears after manipulating with files, or my .JKS is incorrect?
Thank you

I've checked, that my .jks has same sha1 as google asked.. but when do signing from Android Studio - google play rejects.. it was strange. I simply restarted IDE and signin again == worked.


How do I enroll to Google Play App Signing from a Visual Studio (Xamarin) generated keystore?

I have a Xamarin application which I have published to the Google Play store in the .apk format using a Foo.keystore (generated by Visual Studio) and Foo alias. With the new Google policies I will be soon required to use the .aab format, which in itself is not an issue. When uploading my .aab the Google PLay Console, I am required to opt-in to "Play App Signing" and essentially asked to upload my existing private key and also a new "upload" key.
How do I upload the private key from my Foo.keystore to "Opt in to Play App Signing"?
I'd also like to know how to create a new upload key? I understand this is optional and Google could generate one for me, but I'd like to do it the "properway".
In the "opt-in" dialogue I am presented with three options:
Export and upload a key from Android Studio
Export and upload a key from Java keystore
Export and upload a key (not using Java Keystore)
I have attempted the first option (Android Studio) and ran the following command to export the key:
C:\Program Files\Android\jdk\microsoft_dist_openjdk_1.8.0.25\jre\bin>keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore E:\Temp\Foo.keystore -destkeystore E:\Temp\Foo.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
However I got the error message: "The private key was not properly encrypted or is not a type of key we support." when uploading the file in the opt-in dialogue.
Note: The other options required me to run some Java app and I want to avoid installing / learning Java just to execute a tool and I'm really not sure how to proceed. I have searched Stack Overflow and other resources and did not find any clear info on how to proceed.
Any adivices and pointers would be appreciated!

DocumentPicker Extension immediately stopped on clicking on the icon

I have created the document picker extension(Both File provide and document picker , with the default implementations) and when i try to open the extension using the DocumentPickerViewController, its immediately closing the DocumentPickerViewController by showing the below issue
plugin invalidated.
I have setup the basic app groups and iCloud entitlement as well, Which are all fine. Even from the documentViewController the default iCloud is working perfectly fine.
Actually i am testing the extension using the same container application.
If somebody can provide some insight about this behavior, it would be a great help !!
I got the issue, actually the value of NSExtensionFileProviderDocumentGroup key was put incorrectly put on the info.plist of the file provider extension by XCode by the time of adding the App group.
Then I compared the files with the NBox sample from Apple and finally figured it out.
So sometimes beware of XCode automatic actions, make a cross check so to save to time.

Unable to download at this time; enterprise build/ad hoc distribution

So I have a very weird problem. Trying to deploy the once click deployment using the enterprise code signing thing.
I have it uploaded on the server and I go to the link in safari, when I open it on the iPhone it gives me unable to download, application cannot be installed at this time. However, when I tried it on my iPad (iPhone app running on iPad), it works just fine. Why is this?
Your problem is one of 2 things.
The xml in your .plist that goes with the app has incorrect values or you are using a non enterprise distribution certificate. Make sure you have a current certificate and when building select that cert. Also make sure the xml in your plist is correct.
Note a fields you enter when building the app ( icon, target host, etc. ) are not necessary to enter all the time. ( I just type the letter a into each field ) I copied the original plist and changed the values manually. I deploy the file to a temp folder and only copy the .ipa to by IIS virtual folder.

"A valid signing identity matching this profile..." and Xcode error

Our company is setting up another development station for the same app that will be sent away. I installed Xcode and tested the app in the simulator. I downloaded the Certificate and Provision that worked fine on my other computer. I selected the correct code signing identity and when I build it for a release to my iPad I get an error:
Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer: Person's Name (XXXXXXXX)' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
In organizer, I click on Provision Profiles and the provision profile I downloaded. Underneath I get the warning:
A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain
I've looked up many, many other people that had this problem, but all seem to resolve it by deleting the cert and provision, which I never want to do! i.e., what if I want to use the same provision and cert on two different machines, or many?
I also went through deleting, recreating, deleting, rinse-repeat - but the answer was simple.
I had the same problem and solved it very simply in XCode Organizer - I'm using Version 4. All I did was go to the top Library section and select Provisioning Profiles, and import the downloaded profiles that I had received in my Safari downloads named "name.mobileprovision".
I think you just have to export the valid certs from the working computer, explained in this doc.

renew a SSL cert on IIS6?

This question is active at Thanks.
My manager ordered a new wild card cert for our website as our current is expiring in a few days. Now, I am stuck as I cannot figure out how to install it? It is a cert from I have downloaded it to my server. Upon unzipping it I have a PB7 file (intermediate cert) and a CRT file.
I open IIS6, click Properties on the website I want to update (it already has the old SSL Cert on it). Click on the Directory Security tab then the Server Certificate... button.
Now, I am presented with the following options:
Renew the current certificate - was
done manually through GoDaddy and no
pending renewal was ever issued.
Remove the current certificate - does not sound right for us.
Replace the current certificate - possible...
Export the current certificate to a .pfx file
Copy or move the current certificate to a remote server site
Now, when I choose the REPLACE option it presents me with a dialog of already installed certs!!! My new one is not in there.
What the heck do I do? Google/Bing is being of no help to me right now.
This leads to
And all is quite on the western front. :(
