Java 8 Copy Map with Filter of Another Map - java-8

I am trying to filter an original map by comparing with a condition map which has only the key sets with id. Based on the condition map, I want to filter from the original map.
The original map which I have is,
Map<Integer, AppFeatureDTO> appFeatureMap = new TreeMap<>();
which will result like,
"101": {
"id": 101,
"subFeature": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"102": {
"id": 102,
"subFeature": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"103": {
"id": 103,
"subFeature": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"2": {
"id": 2,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"3": {
"id": 3,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"4": {
"id": 4,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
and the corresponding classes are:
class AppFeatureDTO {
private int id;
private Map<Integer, AppSubFeatureDTO> subFeature;
class AppSubFeatureDTO{
private int id;
private String title;
private String description;
then I have a filter map,
Map<Integer, FeatureDTO> conditionFilterMap = new TreeMap<>();
which is resulting like,
"101": {
"id": 101,
"subFeature": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"103": {
"id": 103,
"subFeature": {
"2": {
"id": 2
"4": {
"id": 4
the corresponding classes for the filter map are,
class FeatureDTO {
private int id;
private Map<Integer, SubFeatureDTO> subFeature;
class SubFeatureDTO{
private int id;
I want to filter the result map using conditionFilterMap like,
"101": {
"id": 101,
"subFeature": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"103": {
"id": 103,
"subFeature": {
"2": {
"id": 2,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
"4": {
"id": 4,
"title": "Title Value",
"desc": "Description Value"
I'm using spring modelMapper to copy AppFeatureDTO to FeatureDTO. But, filtering the map, I didn't get clue.
Could you please suggest how to get the resultMap using Java 8?
Even I couldn't imagine a simple solution using Java 7 or 6 also.

Assuming that the map key is the same as the id field:
Map<Integer, AppFeatureDTO> resultMap = conditionFilterMap.values().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(AppFeatureDTO::getId, a -> new AppFeatureDTO(a.getId(),
.collect(Collectors.toMap(AppSubFeatureDTO::getId, x -> x)))));
If you need TreeMap, add the arguments (a, b) -> a, TreeMap::new to the Collectors.toMap calls.
The non-stream version doesn't really look any worse:
Map<Integer, AppFeatureDTO> resultMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (FeatureDTO f : conditionFilterMap.values()) {
AppFeatureDTO a = appFeatureMap.get(f.getId());
Map<Integer, AppSubFeatureDTO> resultSub = new TreeMap<>();
for (SubFeatureDTO s : f.getSubFeature().values()) {
resultSub.put(s.getId(), a.getSubFeature().get(s.getId()));
resultMap.put(a.getId(), new AppFeatureDTO(a.getId(), resultSub));


Get GraphQL output without second curly bracket

I have a problem. I do not want a "break" down in my GraphQL output. I have a GraphQL schema with a person. That person can have one or more interests. But unfortunately I only get a breakdown
What I mean by breakdown is the second curly brackets.
Is there an option to get the id of the person plus the id of the interests and the status without the second curly bracket?
GraphQL schema
└── Interest
query {
model {
interest {
"data": {
"model": {
"allPersons": [
"id": "01",
"name": "Max",
"interest ": {
"id": 4488448
"status": "active"
"id": "02",
"name": "Sophie",
"interest ": {
"id": 15445
"status": "deactivated"
What I want
"id": "01",
"id-interest": 4488448
"status": "active"
"id": "02",
"name": "Sophie",
"id-interest": 15445
"status": "deactivated"
What I tried but that deliver me the same result
fragment InterestTask on Interest {
query {
model {
interest {

How to mutate a list of objects in an array as an argument in GraphQL completely

I cannot mutate a list of objects completely, because only the last element of the array will be mutated.
What already works perfectly is, if I put each element ({play_positions_id: ...}) in the array manually like here:
mutation CreateProfile {
create_profiles_item(data: {status: "draft", play_positions: [{play_positions_id: {id: "1"}}, {play_positions_id: {id: "2"}}]}) {
play_positions {
play_positions_id {
"data": {
"__typename": "Mutation",
"create_profiles_item": {
"id": "1337",
"status": "draft",
"play_positions": [
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "1",
"abbreviation": "RWB",
"name": "Right Wingback"
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "2",
"abbreviation": "CAM",
"name": "Central Attacking Midfielder"
Since you can add many of those elements, I defined a variable/argument like here
mutation CreateProfile2($cpppi: [create_profiles_play_positions_input]) {
create_profiles_item(data: {status: "draft", play_positions: $cpppi}) {
play_positions {
play_positions_id {
Variable object for above:
"cpppi": {
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "1"
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "2
"data": {
"__typename": "Mutation",
"create_profiles_item": {
"id": "1338",
"play_positions": [
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "2",
"abbreviation": "CAM",
"name": "Central Attacking Midfielder"
input create_profiles_input {
id: ID
status: String!
play_positions: [create_profiles_play_positions_input]
input create_profiles_play_positions_input {
id: ID
play_positions_id: create_play_positions_input
input create_play_positions_input {
id: ID
abbreviation: String
name: String
At the last both snippets, only the last object with the id "2" will be mutated. I need these to use the defined input type from my backend.
I figured it out. I got it wrong with the brackets in the variable. Here the solution:
"cpppi": [
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "1"
"play_positions_id": {
"id": "2"

WebAPI convert nested JSON to string

I have a somewhat complex JSON coming into a WEBAPI -
"TypeInq": "ResidentialStart",
"DataInq": {
"Account_ID": "2491054657",
"Premise_ID": "5394660000",
"DogWarning": "N",
"ServiceStartDate": "2020-01-10",
"PrimaryPerson": {
"PersonId": "0357801000",
"POS_ID_Required": "Y",
"LastName": "HOGAN",
"FirstName": "BARRY L",
"Username": "",
"EmailList": [
"Email": "",
"EmailType": "PERSONAL EMAIL",
"PrimaryEmailFlag": "Y",
"ActionFlag": "ADD",
"ActiveInactiveFlag": "C1AC"
"DateOfBirth": "1977-11-04",
"CurrentAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "1923 Chestnut Dr",
"City": "Pleasant hill ",
"State": "MO",
"Zip": "64080"
"MailingAddress": {
"PremiseID": "5394660000"
"AdditionalPersons": [
"PersonId": "0357801000",
"POS_ID_Required": "Y",
"LastName": "HOGAN",
"FirstName": "BARRY L",
"Username": "",
"EmailList": [
"Email": "",
"EmailType": "PERSONAL EMAIL",
"PrimaryEmailFlag": "Y",
"ActionFlag": "ADD",
"ActiveInactiveFlag": "C1AC"
"DateOfBirth": "1977-11-04",
"CurrentAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "1923 Chestnut Dr",
"City": "Pleasant hill ",
"State": "MO",
"Zip": "64080"
"MailingAddress": {
"PremiseID": "5394660000"
So the part 'TypeInq' seems to be fine
The Part 'DataInq' i need to convert all that into a string before I process it. Not 100% sure how to approach this in C# but was trying this where the 'Base' object just has strings in it for 'TypeInq' and 'DataInq'
public IHttpActionResult CreateNewInquiry(Base inqBasic)
string retval = "";
//return Ok();
InquiryService svc = new InquiryService();
retval = svc.CreateInquiry(inqBasic);
catch (Exception ex)
return WebApiConfig.ExceptionResponse(this);
return Ok(retval);
You can directly deserialize the incoming json object. Then just reference the appropriate property you want the value of.
object somenewobject = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(response.Data.ToString());

How to convert hierarchical list to flat list?

Usually we convert flat list to hierarchical list but in my case I want to convert hierarchical list to flat list.
I have a hierarchical list<T> and I want convert this hierarchical list into flat list<T> class.
Let's say I have a below hierarchical list
--- Child1 ,F1
----Child2, F2
----Child2, F3
--- Child1 ,F1
I need output like below:
Parent1, Child1,F1
Parent1, Child2,F2
Parent1, Child2,F3
Parent2,Child4, F6
Parent3, Child1,F1
It may not be the most optimized solution (it could be further minimized I think, and I have a more concise version - but this form is something I'm using the most)
It's what I've been using
public static IEnumerable<T> FlattenHierarchy<T>(this T node,
Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildEnumerator)
yield return node;
if (getChildEnumerator(node) != null)
foreach (var child in getChildEnumerator(node))
foreach (var childOrDescendant
in child.FlattenHierarchy(getChildEnumerator))
yield return childOrDescendant;
and you can use it like
folder.FlattenHierarchy(x => x.SubFolders)
Finally i got the solution:
public class RNode
public string Id;
public long ID;
public string name;
public string subTitle;
public IList<RNode> children;
public class FlatObj //For Data format
public long Id;
public long ParentId;
public long Position;
public string name;
public string subTitle;
List<FlatObj> GlobalFlatObj = new List<FlatObj>();
List<long> ParentIdList = new List<long>();
long CurrentParentId=0;
long CurrentPosition = 0;
public List<FlatObj> FlatData(IList<RNode> HData) //Converting Heirarchical to Flat
foreach (RNode node in HData)
FlatObj ObjFlatObj = new FlatObj();
ObjFlatObj.Id = node.ID; =;
ObjFlatObj.ParentId = CurrentParentId;
ObjFlatObj.Position = CurrentPosition;
if (node.children.Count > 0)
CurrentParentId = node.ID;
if (ParentIdList.Count > 0)
ParentIdList.RemoveAt(ParentIdList.Count - 1);
if (ParentIdList.Count > 0)
CurrentParentId = ParentIdList[ParentIdList.Count - 1];
CurrentPosition = 0;
return GlobalFlatObj;
public dynamic Test(List<RNode> EmployeeHierarchy)
var HierarchyResult = FlatData(EmployeeHierarchy); //Calling
return Ok(HierarchyResult);
"$id": "1",
"ID": 1,
"name": "root",
"subTitle": "root",
"children": [
"$id": "2",
"ID": 2,
"name": "child 1",
"subTitle": "child 1",
"children": [
"$id": "3",
"ID": 5,
"name": "grandchild",
"subTitle": "grandchild",
"children": []
"$id": "4",
"ID": 3,
"name": "child 2",
"subTitle": "child 2",
"children": []
"$id": "5",
"ID": 4,
"name": "child 3",
"subTitle": "child 3",
"children": []
"$id": "1",
"Id": 1,
"ParentId": 0,
"Position": 0,
"name": "root",
"subTitle": null
"$id": "2",
"Id": 2,
"ParentId": 1,
"Position": 0,
"name": "child 1",
"subTitle": null
"$id": "3",
"Id": 5,
"ParentId": 2,
"Position": 0,
"name": "grandchild",
"subTitle": null
"$id": "4",
"Id": 3,
"ParentId": 1,
"Position": 1,
"name": "child 2",
"subTitle": null
"$id": "5",
"Id": 4,
"ParentId": 1,
"Position": 2,
"name": "child 3",
"subTitle": null

WebAPI 2 Odata Filter not working

I have a problem with using multiple filters on my WebAPI 2 Odata project.
We only want JSON output and only have one object type to query so we set the url to "/" without the possibility to use a different controller.
I have an object I want to query with the following properties:
public class Content
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Excerpt { get; set; }
public string Link { get; set; }
public IList<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
public class Tag
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
And the controller code looks like this:
public class ContentController : ApiController
private readonly IContentRepository _repository;
// constructor
public ContentController(IContentRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public IQueryable<Content> Index()
// IContentRepository.GetAll returns an IEnumerable List of Content
return _repository.GetAll().AsQueryable();
Now, I've mocked some testdata with adding multiple objects to the repository that have multiple tags with values set to either (test1, test2 or test3). Now when i Query
http://localhost:xxx?$filter=Tags/any(o: o/Id eq 'test1')
I get all objects with Tag/Id set to 'test1'. But if I query
http://localhost:xxx?$filter=Tags/any(o: o/Id eq 'test1' and o/Id eq 'test2')
I get no result (JSON return = []). But it should return objects that have both tags.
What am I doing wrong?
My sample data JSON looks like this:
"Id": 1,
"Title": "TESTOBJECT 1",
"Excerpt": "",
"Link": "",
"Tags": [
"Id": "test1",
"Name": "Test Tag 1",
"Id": 2,
"Title": "TESTOBJECT 2",
"Excerpt": "",
"Link": "",
"Tags": [
"Id": "test2",
"Name": "Test Tag 2",
"Id": 3,
"Title": "TESTOBJECT 3",
"Excerpt": "",
"Link": "",
"Tags": [
"Id": "test3",
"Name": "Test Tag 3",
"Id": 4,
"Title": "TESTOBJECT 4",
"Excerpt": "",
"Link": "",
"Tags": [
"Id": "test1",
"Name": "Test Tag 1",
"Id": "test2",
"Name": "Test Tag 2",
"Id": 5,
"Title": "TESTOBJECT 5",
"Excerpt": "",
"Link": "",
"Tags": [
"Id": "test1",
"Name": "Test Tag 1",
Now query one gives me object 1,4,5 and I would expect query two to give me object 4. How can I accomplish this with odata?
Did you want this?
http://localhost:xxx?$filter=Tags/any(o: o/Id eq 'test1') and Tags/any(o: o/Id eq 'test2')
((X == "test1") AND (X == "test2")) will always return false!
If you want to identify Tags whose property Id is test1 or test2, use the or operator.
