preserve breakpoints on refresh firefox - debugging

I put a breakpoint using the debugger in firefox. On refresh, the breakpoints go away and the webpage loads completely. What may be the issue? I was able to successfully preserve breakpoint in chrome.


Vscode debugger hits a breakpoint on page reload

I'm debugging a react application using VS Code debugger for Edge (The newer Chromium edition, I used to use Chrome, AFAIR there was the same problem). When I reload a page, the "paused in debugger" label appears a couple of times, then disappears. It doesn't bother me too much, but the problem is it always opens Sources panel and because of that on every reload I have to open Console manually which is very annoying.
I'm absolutely sure I have no breakpoints on, the Breakpoints panel in Edge is empty, the Breakpoints panel in VS Code only contains my breakpoints and the problem persists if I disable all of them. I also have Uncaught exceptions breakpoint turned on, but disabling it doesn't help. Sources panel opens some React internal file, namely injectGlobalHook.js. Also sometimes after reloading a page I open VS Code to find that it opened a tab with react-dom.development.js for some reason. Is it supposed to work like this? And is it possible to make Console tab open on reload, because it's impossible to work like this

Safari JavaScript Console Not Executing JS Or Showing Output On Certain Pages

I've encountered a Safari-specific JS issue in a page I'm locally developing, so I need to use the Safari Web Inspector.
In Safari Version 13.1.1, when I open the inspector and select Develop > Show JavaScript Console and start entering JavaScript, I don't get any output and the JavaScript is not executed (e.g. an alert does not fire).
On any other page, the safari JS console works just fine for me. Here's an example of normal behavior, on
Note: the Safari JS console on other locally developed pages are working just fine.
What could possibly be causing this?
As other users mentioned, opening the page in a new tab fixes this, but you can also just close the Javascript console (clicking the 'x' in the console window) and re-open it.
Less than ideal, but if you reopen the file on a new tab, the new console works.
I get this error. often, this is because I occasionally repeat something way too many times, so that it just stops executing the console, I believe to prioritize other code. my fix is to re-open the page, and even though re-loading sounds like it works, it doesn't always.

Firefox Breakpoints are completly disabled

Since FF 67 I cannot use breakpoints to debug my javascript on webpages coming from localhost. All breakpoints are completly greyed out so that it is not possible to set any.
I have tried all things in this post
Brekapoints are not deactivated by the deactivate breakpotins button.
I tried to clear the prefs.js file
I also tried the checkboxes for pause on exception
and the checkboxes in the preferences for the dev tools.
Any idea?
I am also running into this issue. I found a fix online but it doesn't always work. Close the debugger window, refresh the page and open the debugger window. You should be able to set the breakpoints now. If you refresh while the debugger window is open, you won't be able to set the breakpoints at all.
Doesn't always work, but I was able to test some js code last night

Devtools Breakpoints Behavior Inconsistent

I've been using breakpoints in Devtools for a long time, and have had little issue. Lately I've experienced breakpoints not sticking after refresh or when I refresh only one of the breakpoints set will persist. Or sometimes the breakpoint will hit, but the breakpoint will have been removed.
Has anyone been experiencing this or have an idea what might be going on?

Chrome Extension Debugging: Enter Debugger Immediately?

If I set breakpoints in the background js of my chromium extension, then disable/enable it, the breakpoints are not hit. I've tried adding debugger; in the js, but I still cannot enter the debugger.
Is there a way to enter the debugger immediately upon installing or enabling an extension?
Add the debugger; statements, and inspect your background page. Then, use F5 (or location.reload() from the console) to refresh the Developer Tools. This will actually refresh the background page, letting you debug the page from the top.
Note: this will not work for "first run" code, but will for "start up" code.
