Is there a dependency between Skype Bot ID, Microsoft App ID and Microsoft Azure Bot Service? - azure-bot-service

I am feeling a little bit lost with Microsoft.
Skype is telling me that I need a Bot ID (also known as Microsoft App ID).
At the same website is a link labeled with Microsoft App ID pointing to
Do I have to "Create a bot with the Azure Bot Service" so that I get a Microsoft App ID that works with Skype?
Or can I get a Microsoft App ID that is independent from Azure?

In order to have a bot that works with Skype, you need to have a bot channels registration. If you already have a bot hosted elsewhere and you would like to use the Bot Service to connect it to channels such as Skype, Twilio, Messenger etc., you will need to register your bot with the Bot Service. A Bot Channels Registration bot service allows you to use Bot Service functionality. A registration bot lets you connect your bot to channels. You cannot get a Microsoft App ID that is independent from Azure.The Microsoft AppID is the same as the Bot ID that skype wants for the webchat bubble.


Refresh the microsoft teams chat with bot embedded code

I have created a bot using bot composer and I have generated bot embed URL. I have accessed the same URL in browser and it got opened successfully in Microsoft teams
Now when I have updated the bot and published in azure, I am not finding an option to refresh this same in Microsoft teams
Is there any way to refresh the session and start the chat again with new modified bot????
when you update the bot and publish it in azure, the bot ID and user Id will not change so, the chat id will be remains same in the backend and you can't refresh the chat window in teams. This is by design.

How can we send a persons conversation with bot(Built using Microsoft Power Apps) to his outlook email once the conversation is completed?

I am working on creating a bot in Microsoft PowerApps using (Azure QnaMaker, Microsoft Flow Services). Our aim is to integrate this bot in Microsoft Teams to help users in the team to get the answer for faqs. I would like to know how can we send an email of conversation once his conversation is completed with the chatbot.

Problems Intergrating Bot Framework with SMS

I have been working on azure chat bot using the bot framework SDK v4 and I have ran into an issue. My bot needs to initiate a conversation first. I have seen some examples with proactive bot but that requires us to save the user credentials as a cookie. What I need is a chat bot that sends the first message to user via SMS to initiate the conversation. The bots needs to be able to set the recipient phone number dynamically. I have looked at integrating the Twillio channel to my bot, but the problem is that the user has to initiate the conversation to the Twillio phone number which then forwards the text to Azure chat bot. I was wondering if there is anything out there which will allow the chat bot to initiate the conversation first via SMS and the phone number of the recipient should be set dynamically. Is there anything out there currently on Microsoft stack? Our company has been a long partner with Microsoft so I would like to have the chat bot using the Microsoft Azure Bot Service. Can you please guide me or forward some documentation? Any help would be appreciated.

Skype Channel: Unable to login with 'Sign in' to save your chat

I have enabled Skype channel for my bot which on top of chat window shows option to login. I am unable to login using my work ID, rather I could login with my personal Microsoft account.
I could not find much documentation on this. How can I enable bot so that bot users can login only with their work email id?
This is the expected behavior as Skype doesn't let you create an account anymore with a business email address. If you want to test your bot by connecting it to Skype channel, then you can use your personal account. The Skype for Business channel is specifically designed for the usage of work email ID but it is being deprecated on the Bot Framework. I would suggest you to connect the bot to Microsoft Teams to login using work email ID.

Microsoft botframework bot stopped working in Microsoft team

I tried to connect a bot built using Microsoft botframework to Microsoft team with no luck.
If I use other channels like webchat it works like a charm ! , I've tried to create new simple bot using Azure Bot services. In a matter of fact, I left the generated echo bot code as is , when I tried to connect to Teams channel I got an error message "Oops something went wrong" as you can see in this screen capture
Bot Service Azure Error
tried to use the Microsoft ID and add the bot to MS teams app package however the same behavior applies (bot is never responding)
if the bot is running locally using ngrok there is no message been logged to ngrok endpoint at all as if msteams client is not sending the conversation at all.
I suspect there is a problem with bot registration.
P.S. Skype channel is not working as well.
