How to debug an import binding name that is not found - nativescript

I have a NativeScript application that I'm trying to add iBeacon support to using the iBeacon plugin. The application builds successfully and is synced to my phone (I'm using SideKick). When the app runs, it has a fatal javascript exception. The javascript error is reported at:
file:///app/tns_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/builder/builder.js:244:56: JS ERROR Error: Building UI from XML. #file:///app/app-root.xml:18:9
That line is where the page that attempts to access the iBeacon code is defined:
<Frame defaultPage="views/search/search-page"></Frame>
and the specific error is:
Importing binding name 'BeaconLocationOptions' is not found.
I'm assuming this occurs as part of the following import statement:
import {NativescriptIbeacon, BeaconCallback, BeaconLocationOptions, BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType, BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType, BeaconRegion, Beacon } from 'nativescript-ibeacon';
The above import statement is what is documented as part of the iBeacon documentation.
There is a nativescript-ibeacon directory under node_modules in my project. The specific ios file seems to be there:
I'm not sure if it is a problem in my code or a problem with configuration - maybe something missing that stops the ibeacon files from being deployed properly to the device.
My code is in javascript, but I have installed the typescript plugin. It looks like this iBeacon plugin assumes the app is written in typescript.
I'm looking for help in determining what to try next.
FYI...I've tried pulling the source files out of the node_modules and incorporating them directly into my project. After resolving many issues with this approach, I eventually hit the same wall - a problem importing the code when running on the device.
Below is the code that is using the iBeacon plugin:
const observableModule = require("tns-core-modules/data/observable");
import {NativescriptIbeacon, BeaconCallback, BeaconLocationOptions, BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType, BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType, BeaconRegion, Beacon } from 'nativescript-ibeacon';
function SearchViewModel() {
let callback = {
onBeaconManagerReady() {
// start ranging and/or monitoring only when the beacon manager is ready
didRangeBeaconsInRegion: function(region, beacons) {
didFailRangingBeaconsInRegion: function(region, errorCode, errorDescription) {
let options = {
iOSAuthorisationType: BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType.Always,
androidAuthorisationType: BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType.Coarse,
androidAuthorisationDescription: "Location permission needed"
let nativescriptIbeacon = new NativescriptIbeacon(callback, options);
let region = new BeaconRegion("HelloID", "2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6");
const viewModel = observableModule.fromObject({
"beaconData": "not set yet",
"onTapStart": function() {
this.set("beaconData", "started");
console.log("tapped start");
if (!nativescriptIbeacon.isAuthorised()) {
console.log("NOT Authorised");
.then(() => {
console.log("Authorised by the user");
}, (e) => {
console.log("Authorisation denied by the user");
} else {
console.log("Already authorised");
"onTapStop": function() {
this.set("beaconData", "stopped");
console.log("tapped stop");
return viewModel;
module.exports = SearchViewModel;

I have created a playground for you here.
If you look into example, I am importing NativescriptIbeacon from the main folder and rest from the common folder.
P.S. This plugin has dependency on nativescript-permission
import { NativescriptIbeacon } from '../nativescript-ibeacon';
import {
BeaconRegion, Beacon, BeaconCallback,
BeaconLocationOptions, BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType, BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType
} from "../nativescript-ibeacon/nativescript-ibeacon.common";
This answer solved my problem along with another modification. After splitting the import up I still had the same error. Then I read the following page about modules:
Based on this statement:
If the module identifier passed to require(moduleName) does not begin
with '/', '../', or './', then NativeScript will lookup the module
within the tns_modules folder
I assumed that maybe only require does the proper lookup into tns_modules.
I refactored the import to use require instead, and that worked. My changes are below. There may be a more efficient way to do this, but it worked for me.
const nsb = require("nativescript-ibeacon/nativescript-ibeacon.js");
const nsbc = require("nativescript-ibeacon/nativescript-ibeacon.common.js");
const NativescriptIbeacon = nsb.NativescriptIbeacon;
const BeaconCallback = nsbc.BeaconCallback;
const BeaconLocationOptions = nsbc.BeaconLocationOptions;
const BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType = nsbc.BeaconLocationOptionsIOSAuthType;
const BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType = nsbc.BeaconLocationOptionsAndroidAuthType
const BeaconRegion = nsbc.BeaconRegion;
const Beacon = nsbc.Beacon;


Next.js Image component with external dynamic source

I was working on my Next.js project and while running it locally html img tag worked okay.
While building, I got a warning, to change it to Image component from Next.js
So I did, but now I get a warning:
Error: Invalid src prop ( on next/image, hostname "" is not configured under images in your next.config.js
See more info:
I read in the documentation that solution is to add a domain to next.config.js.
But 2 problems occurs to me here:
Even if I specify a domain like this, it doesn't work
module.exports = {
images: {
domains: [''],
I have my project connected to MongoDB, where are stored links to the images. What's more, I want an user to pass a link, while creating a new entry. So I don't want to have hard-coded domains, as I don't know which img an user will use.
Is there a way to omit domains list or a walk-around to use tag?
You can use something called next Loader via the following code:
import Image from 'next/image'
const myLoader = ({ src, width, quality }) => {
return `{src}/i-dixit.jpg`
var photoID = 10813131
const MyImage = (props) => {
return (
Your next.config.js:
module.exports = {
images: {
loader: 'imgix',
path: '',
All documentation is linked here.

GraphQL Nexus Schema (nexusjs) doesn't compile with scalar types

I am trying to follow the documentation on the Nexus-Schema (nexusjs) website for adding scalar types to my GraphQL application.
I have tried adding many of the different implementations to my src/types/Types.ts file using the samples provided in the documentation and the interactive examples. My attempts include:
Without a 3rd party libraries:
const DateScalar = scalarType({
name: 'Date',
asNexusMethod: 'date',
description: 'Date custom scalar type',
parseValue(value) {
return new Date(value)
serialize(value) {
return value.getTime()
parseLiteral(ast) {
if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
return new Date(ast.value)
return null
With graphql-iso-date 3rd party library:
import { GraphQLDate } from 'graphql-iso-date'
export const DateTime = GraphQLDate
With graphql-scalars 3rd party library (as shown in the ghost example):
export const GQLDate = decorateType(GraphQLDate, {
rootTyping: 'Date',
asNexusMethod: 'date',
I am using this new scalar type in an object definition like the following:
const SomeObject = objectType({
name: 'SomeObject',
definition(t) {'createdAt') // is supposed to be available because of `asNexusMethod`
In all cases, these types are exported from the types file and imported into the makeSchema's types property.
import * as types from './types/Types'
console.log("Found types", types)
export const apollo = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeSchema({
The console.log statement above does show that consts declared in the types file are in scope:
Found types {
GQLDate: Date,
If I run the app in development mode, everything boots up and runs fine.
ts-node-dev --transpile-only ./src/app.ts
However, I encounter errors whenever I try to compile the app to deploy to a server
ts-node ./src/app.ts && tsc
Note: This error occurs occurs running just ts-node ./src/app.ts before it gets to tsc
The errors that shown during the build process are the following:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes)
TSError: тип Unable to compile TypeScript:
src/types/SomeObject.ts:11:7 - error TS2339: Property 'date' does not exist on type 'ObjectDefinitionBlock<"SomeObject">'.
Does anyone have any ideas on either:
a) How can I work around this error? While long-term solutions are ideal, temporary solutions would also be appreciated.
b) Any steps I could follow to debug this error? Or ideas on how get additional information to assist with debugging?
Any assistance would be very much welcomed. Thanks!
The issue seems to be resolved when --transpile-only flag is added to the nexus:reflect command.
This means the reflection command gets updated to:
ts-node --transpile-only ./src/app.ts
and the build comand gets updated to:
env-cmd -f ./config/.env ts-node --transpile-only ./src/app.ts --nexusTypegen && tsc
A github issue has also been created which can be reviewed here:

Parse iOS Universal Links with Nativescript Angular?

Following the apple documentation and Branch's documentation here, I have set up a working universal link in my Nativescript Angular (iOS) app. But, how do I parse the link when the app opens?
For example, when someone opens the app from the link, I want to have my app read the link so it can go to the correct page of the app.
There is some helpful code in this answer, but I keep getting errors with it. This could be bc the code is written in vanilla JS and I am not translating it into Angular correctly. The use of "_extends" and "routeUrL" both cause errors for me.
And the Nativescript url-handler plugin does not seem to work without further code.
So, after setting up the universal link, and installing the nativescript url-handler plugin, I have entered the following in app.module.ts:
const Application = require("tns-core-modules/application");
import { handleOpenURL, AppURL } from 'nativescript-urlhandler';
declare var NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb
if (Application.ios) {
const MyDelegate = (function (_super) {
_extends(MyDelegate, _super);
function MyDelegate() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
MyDelegate.prototype.applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler = function (application, userActivity) {
if (userActivity.activityType === NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb) {
return true;
MyDelegate.ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];
return MyDelegate;
Application.ios.delegate = MyDelegate;
export class AppModule {
handleOpenURL((appURL: AppURL) => {
console.log('Got the following appURL = ' + appURL);
The trouble seems to be mostly with "_extends" and "_super.apply". For example, I get this error:
'NativeScript encountered a fatal error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_extends')
EDIT: Note that the nativescript-urlhandler plugin is no longer being updated. Does anyone know how to parse universal links with Nativescript?
I have figured out a method to get this working:
The general idea is to use the iOS App Delegate method: applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler.
The syntax in the Nativescript documentation on app delegates did not work for me. You can view that documentation here.
This appears to work:
--once you have a universal link set up, following documentation like here, and now you want your app to read ("handle") the details of the link that was tapped to open the app:
EDIT: This code sample puts everything in one spot in app.module.ts. However, most of the time its better to move things out of app.module and into separate services. There is sample code for doing that in the discussion here. So the below has working code, but keep in mind it is better to put this code in a separate service.
declare var UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate
if (app.ios) {
app.ios.delegate = UIResponder.extend({
applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler: function(application, userActivity) {
if (userActivity.activityType === NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb) {
let tappedUniversalLink = userActivity.webpageURL
console.log('the universal link url was = ' + tappedUniversalLink)
return true;
name: "CustomAppDelegate",
protocols: [UIApplicationDelegate]
NOTE: to get the NSUserActivity/Application Delegate stuff to work with typescript, I also needed to download the tns-platforms-declarations plugin, and configure the app. So:
$ npm i tns-platforms-declarations
/// <reference path="./node_modules/tns-platform-declarations/ios.d.ts" />
The above code works for me to be able to read the details of the tapped universal link when the link opens the app.
From there, you can determine what you want to do with that information. For example, if you want to navigate to a specific page of your app depending on the details of the universal link, then I have found this to work:
import { ios, resumeEvent, on as applicationOn, run as applicationRun, ApplicationEventData } from "tns-core-modules/application";
import { Router } from "#angular/router";
let univeralLinkUrl = ''
let hasLinkBeenTapped = false
if (app.ios) {
//code from above, to get value of the universal link
applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler: function(application, userActivity) {
if (userActivity.activityType === NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb) {
hasLinkBeenTapped = true
universalLinkUrl = userActivity.webpageURL
return true;
name: "CustomAppDelegate",
protocols: [UIApplicationDelegate]
export class AppModule {
constructor(private router: Router) {
applicationOn(resumeEvent, (args) => {
if (hasLinkBeenTapped === true){
hasLinkBeenTapped = false //set back to false bc if you don't app will save setting of true, and always assume from here out that the universal link has been tapped whenever the app opens
let pageToOpen = //parse universalLinkUrl to get the details of the page you want to go to
} else {
universalLinkUrl = '' //set back to blank
console.log('app is resuming, but universal Link has not been tapped')
You can use the nativescript-plugin-universal-links plugin to do just that.
It has support for dealing with an existing app delegate so if you do have another plugin that implements an app delegate, both of them will work.
Here's the usage example from the docs:
import { Component, OnInit } from "#angular/core";
import { registerUniversalLinkCallback } from "nativescript-plugin-universal-links";
selector: "my-app",
template: "<page-router-outlet></page-router-outlet>"
export class AppComponent {
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
registerUniversalLinkCallback(ul => {
// use the router to navigate to the screen
And the callback will receive a ul (universal link) param that looks like this
"href": "",
"origin": "",
"pathname": "/blog",
"query": {
"title": "welcome"
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the plugin.

Specify the webpack "mainFields" on a case by case basis

Webpack has a resolve.mainFields configuration:
This allows control over what package.json field should be used as an entrypoint.
I have an app that pulls in dozens of different 3rd party packages. The use case is that I want to specify what field to use depending on the name of the package. Example:
For package foo use the main field in node_modules/foo/package.json
For package bar use the module field in node_modules/bar/package.json
Certain packages I'm relying on are not bundled in a correct manner, the code that the module field is pointing to does not follow these rules: This causes the app to break if I wholesale change the webpack configuration to:
resolve: {
mainFields: ['module']
The mainFields has to be set to main to currently get the app to work. This causes it to always pull in the CommonJS version of every dependency and miss out on treeshaking. Hoping to do something like this:
resolve: {
foo: {
mainFields: ['main']
bar: {
mainFields: ['module'],
Package foo gets bundled into my app via its main field and package bar gets bundled in via its module field. I realize the benefits of treeshaking with the bar package, and I don't break the app with foo package (has a module field that is not proper module syntax).
One way to achieve this would be instead of using resolve.mainFields you can make use of resolve.plugins option and write your own custom resolver see because by using your custom resolver you can programmatically resolve different path for different modules
I am copy pasting the Ricardo Stuven's Answer here
Yes, it's possible. To avoid ambiguity and for easier implementation,
we'll use a prefix hash symbol as marker of your convention:
Then add this to your configuration file (of course, you can refactor
it later):
var webpack = require('webpack');
var path = require('path');
var MyConventionResolver = {
apply: function(resolver) {
resolver.plugin('module', function(request, callback) {
if (request.request[0] === '#') {
var req = request.request.substr(1);
var obj = {
path: request.path,
request: req + '/' + path.basename(req) + '.js',
query: request.query,
this.doResolve(['file'], obj, callback);
else {
module.exports = {
resolve: {
plugins: [
// ...
resolve.mainFields not work in my case, but resolve.aliasFields works.
More details in

ionic 2 caching images

I am writing an ionic 2 application, and want to cache images.
After long searching on the web I found these references:
I implemented the given solution, but i see that the ImgCache module does not behave as expected - the ImgCache.isCached callback is never called.
Any idea or other good solution for caching images in ionic 2?
======== UPDATE ==========
Here is the directive code I use:
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input } from '#angular/core';
import ImgCache from 'imgcache.js';
selector: '[image-cache]'
export class ImageCacheDirective {
constructor (
private el: ElementRef
) {
// init
ngOnInit() {
// This message is shown in console
console.log('ImageCacheDirective *** ngOnInit: ', this.el.nativeElement.src);
this.el.nativeElement.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; // CORS enabling
ImgCache.isCached(this.el.nativeElement.src, (path: string, success: any) => {
// These message are never printed
console.log('path - '+ path);
console.log('success - '+ success);
if (success) {
// already cached
console.log('already cached so using cached');
} else {
// not there, need to cache the image
console.log('not there, need to cache the image - ' + this.el.nativeElement.src);
ImgCache.cacheFile(this.el.nativeElement.src, () => {
console.log('cached file');
// ImgCache.useCachedFile(el.nativeElement);
In I do:
import { ImageCacheDirective } from '../components/image-cache-directive/image-cache-directive';
and then in home.html:
<img src="http://localhost/ionic-test/img/timeimg.php" image-cache>
It's late but probably this is the solution:
1. Install cordova FileTransfer:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer --save
2. Init ImgCache when the deviceready event of cordova fires. In src/app/app.component.ts add these methods (or integrate them with your initializeApp() method - this method comes up with a default project start):
initImgCache() {
// activated debug mode
ImgCache.options.debug = true;
ImgCache.options.chromeQuota = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100 MB
ImgCache.init(() => { },
() => { console.log('ImgCache init: error! Check the log for errors'); });
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
Another option is to use a dedicated cache manager for ionic. instead of implementing everything on your own.
Here are 2 options :
1. A generic cache implementation :
2. This one is better for images:
This is not a "link only" answer.. it tells the user to use a ready made implementations instead of trying to implement from scratch.
