Continue Springboot startup if Ignite fails connection - spring-boot

I have a springboot microservice application, deployed as docker image in a Kubernetes cluster.
This microservice is (also) an Ignite Client.
If for some reason Ignite Bean fails the startup (for example because there is no Ingnite Server service), the overall application is not able to startup.
I would like to make not mandatory the complete startup of Ignite Bean, so my service can be up & running, even if it cannot use Ignite.
Thanks in advance


How to retry indefinitely while connecting spring boot application to consul

We use Consul by HashiCorp for configuration management in our spring boot application. Sometimes consul agent is occasionally unavailable when our app starts. It is inconvenient that the app fails if consul isn’t available for configuration.
I read about Consul Retry
Although it is a good solution for retrying, is there any solution in which the application retries indefinitely until it connects with consul?
We deploy this app on tomcat. Is there a better solution than consul-retry for reconnection? Should we try reloading app on tomcat whenever it fails ?
Can anyone tell me the best practice for reconnection in this scenario?

Running a Spring Boot project with Quartz scheduler on Kubernetes

I am working on a Spring Boot project which has a scheduler service using Quartz. This scheduler service runs a specific scheduled or cron job by calling a separate micro-service.
Now I am planning to deploy my micro-services on kubernetes and I want to make sure that my scheduler service is also clustered. I have noticed that Quartz supports clustering using JDBC-JobStore but I am not entirely sure if such a scenario can be deployed using kubernetes. Will it work if I have 3 pods of the Scheduler service managed and scaled using kubernetes?
Yes as long as you run the quartz in Cluster Mode and set org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO it does work.
In case of scaling, just some pods will be added or get removed, Quartz will take care of it since each instance would have its distinct instance ID.

Spring boot microservices doesn't work with Intelij IDEA

I am creating a spring boot microservice project with intelij IDEA.
Currently I have developed three seperate spring boot rest services as customer service, vehicle service and spring cloud config server. Spring cloud config server is pointing to a github repository.
The issue is sometimes above projects take more than 10 minutes to run and sometimes does't run and give an error message as "failed to check application readystate intellij attached provider for the vm is not found". I have no idea why this happens ?
There are two possible causes:
1. IntelliJ IDEA and the Spring application are running in different JVMs.
There is a bug for IntelliJ IDEA regarding that:
Here is short summary:
IntelliJ IDEA uses local JMX connector for retrieving Spring Boot actuator endpoint's data by default. However, it could be impossible to get local JMX connector address via attach api if Spring Boot application and IntelliJ IDEA are run by different JVMs. In this case, add the following lines to VM options of your Spring Boot run configuration:{some_port}
As mentioned in the official Oracle documentation, this configuration is insecure. Any remote user who knows (or guesses) your port number and host name will be able to monitor and control your Java applications and platform.
2. Prolonged time to retrieve local hostname
You can check that time using inetTester. Normally it should take only several milliseconds to complete. If it takes a long time then you can add the hostname returned by inetTester to /etc/hosts file like this: localhost winsky
::1 localhost winsky

How to run task on a different server than Spring Cloud Data Local server

I want to host a Spring Cloud Data Flow Local server for Monitoring and executing my various Spring Boot Batch projects.
The issue or the infrastructure I want to achieve is that, I want my Spring Cloud Data Flow Server host on Server A which can be able to execute Spring Boot Batches/Tasks on Server B.
Is this a possible configuration I am trying to achieve ? If not how should I achieve this ? Since I have few Spring Boot batch applications which run on different server.
This is not how SCDF works. So I do no think it is possible. If you want to monitor your batch jobs then you need to register your jobs in the SCDF server.
It depends on how you launch and configure your batch applications. You can have a custom task application (call it batch-launcher) that launches your batch job on an external cluster. But, in terms of monitoring the application, SCDF can help monitoring the task application (the batch-launcher) that is used for launching your actual batch but not the actual job that is running on the external cluster (unless you have a mechanism to retrieve the metrics of the batch application into the batch-launcher).
Launching a Spark compute job on a Spark cluster using an SCDF task (using Spark client) is one such example. In this case, you would register the SCDF task and monitor only the Spark client task app via SCDF (not the Spark Compute Job).

spring boot startup failure if mongo host not reachable

I have Spring boot mongo db app, when i start running this application if mongo host is alive, am able to see the my app is up and running successfully,
if my mongo host is down when i start my application my app failed to start.
is there any way even thought if mongo host is down my application should be up and running.
could someone please help me on this?
am using spring boot mongo properties in my application
have same problem with spring boot kafka also.
Sorry for the previous comment. It was for excluding auto config beans, anyway
Is there any way even though if mongo host is down my application
should be up and running.
spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true #Whether to stop if an error occurs while initializing the database.
as per spring doc
By default, Spring Boot enables the fail-fast feature of the Spring
JDBC initializer. This means that, if the scripts cause exceptions,
the application fails to start. You can tune that behavior by setting
and as of spring kafka try this(i'm not sure if this meets your requirement) # Whether to fail fast if the broker is not available on startup.
