Is it possible to duplicate a visual in Amazon Quicksight? [closed] - amazon-quicksight

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to duplicate visuals in Amazon Quicksight. I have multiple charts that I need that all have very similar formatting but different data driving them. I would like to be able to duplicate a visual inside of an analysis with all of its formatting in tact so that I can just swap out the variables rather than regenerating a new chart and going back through all of the formatting.
Edit: this seems like it should be really simple, but I haven't found anyway to do this.

It is possible to do in latest version of QuickSight. Please check for upgrade.

I've also tried to find such a feature, but it seems that it is not possible....


Need a currency converter in a Laravel website [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on a website, and I need a dynamic currency converter. This reference website link is what I actually want on my website.
There are multiple of packages available :
Best one :moneyphp/money
Alternatives :
However, you can actually find these and some more on your own. If you do not find these from google search, packagist can be the place to search for a package using keyword like money, currency in this case and you see downloads, versions and github links etc.

Understanding DataTorrent with example [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am supposed to work on DataTorrent and looking for articles/documentation to go through. I could not find detailed documentation on what are operators, how are they used for processing our data and about MALHAR library which is being used in operators (not sure about this part). Can somebody help me in understanding about DataTorrent by suggesting references for it?
There are new links for the docs
Apache Apex
The following mailing lists are available for Apex: is for people who want to contribute code to Apex. is a discussion forum for people who want to build apps and/or solutions using Apex
Malhar Operator Developer guide:
If you want to develop a connector, under the’ io’ package on github, you will see a bunch of our existing connectors that you might be able to re-purpose.:
if you have any questions about our Malhar library and developing a connector, please send an email to our email group:

How to use Jqgrid [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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From what I understand I need to write some of the PHP files and more myself to make this grid work with a sever and database. Is this true? And if so do you have any advice on where to start with this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The Demo page is useful for getting started. It will show you how to put together basic grids, and there is PHP code there to show you how to retrieve data from a MySQL DB and return it to your grid. You can easily adapt this code to another DB (such as Postgres or SQL Server) as needed.
As you get going, the documentation page has a good set of API docs as a reference.

Need advise on which version control software to use [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We're currently scouting for a good version control software with the following criterias:
File locking.
Supports binary files.
With web-based UI for check-in, check-out and other features.
With user security and management.
We'll be using this for a project that is already live. Basically we'll store all the source objects here and use these as source files when additional requirements are necessary.
Appreciate any suggestion.
Forgot to mention that we are currently using Serena's PVCS VM. However we are trying to look for other good alternatives.
Also, I'd like to add that we also prefer check-out and revision numbering per file.
Try JIRA with FishEye. I've found it to be really useful for most aspects of on-going projects.
Because locking is mandatory for your case, you haven't choice for backend-SCM - it can be only Subversion.
Suggestion of JIRA as issue-tracker and FishEye as web-frontend is still applicable

How do I get my menulet to look like this [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How do i get this effect with a menulet application. I just want the window effect nothing else.
My current app looks like this. please if someone could shed some light it would be appreciated. Thanks.
You will need to do custom drawing to achieve this effect, which is not standard in NSWindow. Take a look at this example code: (MAAttatchedWindow)
This cocoa control exactly what many people here are looking for:
I have successfully implemented this without any issues and might provide step-by-step details later. would love to answer any specific questions if necessary.
