How to connect to Rally from Ansible - ansible

I am trying to connect to Rally from Ansible. For this I am using uri module and also created an API key from Rally. My task:-
- name: Get data
url: ''
# headers:
# api_key: "myapikey"
user: myapikey
follow_redirects: all
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
method: GET
register: get_data
- debug: var=get_data
But I am still getting error:-
"msg": "Status code was 401 and not [200]: HTTP Error 401: Full authentication is required to access this resource",
Not sure what I am doing wrong.

A simple way to prove that you have access would be to use curl on the command line and then script it via your favourite language to do something similar to the following:
curl --config options.txt
Where options.txt contains:
You will see that the API key is used in a header variable ZSESSIONID. It works on my machine.....


How to check uri status in next task to excute

Hi I am using rest api post request to create one resource thru URI module in ansible... I want to check the status of the resource created or not in next task to execute it..can you please suggest me how can I do this.. here resource is new server I am creating and want to install packages
In next tasks when it is spin up and on.
Using failed_when: false the playbook execution will not fail on error codes. Then you can register the result and access the status code using the status key (follows an example.yml):
- hosts: localhost
- name: Example uri module status
return_content: no
register: result
failed_when: false
- debug:
var: result.status

How to fix IP Whitelist error in URI module of Ansible?

I am getting "IP not in white-list!" error when I run below playbook. How can I fix this error?
- name: Create AD groups
method: POST
body: '{"nar":"123456-5", "env_list": ["PROD"], "roles": ["L1"], "approver3": ""}'
body_format: json
status_code: 200
force_basic_auth: yes
X-Auth-Token: "token_comes_here"
validate_certs: no
register: create_ad_group
- name: Response of AD Group
var: create_ad_group.json
\"EXCEPTION\": \"IP not in white-list!!\"\n}\n"
It looks like this error message is an answer from a remote server. Try to talk to the administrator of the server to grant the access for your IP.
Otherwise, to get a better answer, please, provide the full error instead of small excerpt.

Ansible > url login check with some test

I want to check my application url by ansible. First I want to check url status and after that login with credentials and check some test like some contents after login.
But unable to do it.
- name: Check url
- name: login check
method: GET
user: Admin
password: admin
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 200
Let us know is it possible to do it?
The uri module can return the body of the call by enabling return_content. Register it to a variable and assert its contents. The first task in the question checks that /app returns 200 OK, which does not seem appropriate considering basic auth is required.
- name: Ensure wrong credentials are unauthorized
user: Admin
password: "not the admin password"
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 401
- name: Ensure admin can log in
user: Admin
password: "{{vault_admin_password}}"
force_basic_auth: yes
return_content: yes
register: login
- name: Ensure user is properly greeted when logged in
- "'Welcome Admin' in login.content"

Ansible Fatal Error when trying to delete an App on Marathon

I am trying to Post an app on marathon using Ansible and then I am trying to delete the same app with my Playbook. Everything works fine, the only problem is that I am getting below error when I am running my playbook for delete.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! =>
"cache_control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
"content_type":"application/json; qs=2",
"date":"Wed, 12 Oct 2016 16:51:02 GMT",
"msg":"Status code was not [201]: OK (92 bytes)",
As you can see above, the json shows successful response and status is 200, also when I check on Marathon UI, the app is deleted. But the only problem is the fatal:[ localhost]: FAILED! => error. Is there any way, I can remove that error?
here is my playbook for delete:
- hosts: local
gather_facts: false
body: "{{ lookup('file','app.json') }}"
body_format: json
force_basic_auth: true
method: DELETE
password: password
status_code: 201
url: "url/v2/apps/demoansible"
user: user1
What I see from your playbook is that, you are using it for deleting an app on your marathon, and you have already given your app id in the url, I dont think you need a body in your playbook. Please remove the body and also the status code, and I think it should work fine.
The reason, you dont need body is that you are using it for deleting. And for deleting a running app on marathon, app id is more than sufficient, you dont need to pass your app.json file to delete an app. This will remove the fatal error which you are facing.
Hope this helps.

Ansible get_url fails to download a protected by basic auth

I'm trying to download a protected file using HTTP from a remote server with the get_url module but the username password does not seem to get passed in the request and the task therefore fails.
I'm using Ansible 1.9.2
Here is the get_url definition I'm using:
- name: Downloading Artifact
url: "http://myserver/somefile.tar.gz"
dest: "/home/jdoe/somefile.tar.gz"
url_username: "jdoe"
url_password: "mysecret"
mode: 0600
Here is the error I get:
failed: [myserver] => {"dest": "/home/jdoe/somefile.tar.gz", "failed": true,
"response": "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", "state": "absent",
"status_code": 403, "url": "http://myserver/somefile.tar.gz"}
msg: Request failed
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
Now, I tried to download the file using cURL and it works.
Any help is appreciated as I've struggling with this for 2 days.
You can use the uri module:
- hosts: hostname
- name: "download file"
url: ""
method: GET
user: "{{ somedomain.user }}"
password: "{{ somedomain.password }}"
force_basic_auth: yes
dest: /tmp/somedomain.file.json
return_content: yes
If this doesn't work, probably it will have something to do with the httplib2 library version.
The problem is that your server does not return 401 status so that the httplib2 library can send over the BASIC authentication credentials afterwards. The solution is to upgrade to ansible >= 2.0 and use force_basic_auth: True so that the BASIC authentication credentials from the beginning.
I've had a similar issue in ansible 2.9.
Turns out curl was also getting HTTP 403 but showing content anyway. GET_URL module is just more strict.
For me, the issue was solved by switching from the default Apache welcome page to the smth custom made.
