Editing old wish commands in the shell - shell

I'm running wish (as part of the TCL/TK 8.6 distribution) in a mac terminal window.
Unfortunately, I can't recall and edit previous commands.
A long time ago (think 15 years ago) there was some clever program that trapped all user commands so you could recall and edit old commands before sending them to a program that could not edit old commands.
I think it was called FOP (but I might be wrong here_ and it ran on Linux
So I'd say
> FOP wish
and then I'd be able to recall and edit previous commands.
Is there any such program that I can use that does this - so that I can edit old wish commands?

The usual package for this sort of thing is rlwrap, which lets you put a readline-based wrapper around programs such as tclsh. It's an optional package — called rlwrap, obviously — in the usual distribution sources for CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu (as well as both MacPorts and Homebrew, for people on macOS) so installation is pretty straight-forward.
Once you've installed it, you then do:
rlwrap wish
and enjoy your more sophisticated input capabilities.
There are probably other packages capable of doing this sort of thing, but rlwrap is very easy and pretty well recommended; I've not heard of anyone using anything else except for reasons of outright bloodymindedness.


Tcl tclsh Set Up

I am just starting out in Tcl and am trying to properly configure an editor and interpreter for use. On Tcl's download page it is recommended to use ActiveState's ActiveTcl, but I am learning Tcl for possible production use and want to avoid paying for it.
I tried setting up Eclipse's DLTK to use for learning, but from what I found I need to direct it to the tclsh executable to use it as the interpreter. In Tcl version 8.6.6, I can't find anything that will work. The supposed formats (I'm on Windows) should follow what's seen here, as I've seen this a few examples/tutorials.
As a last resort, I tried following the Windows instructions here to use my MS Visual Studio 2015 work with this, but there is no such vcvars file (what's asked for when reading makefile.vc after downloading Tcl).
I would really like to use Eclipse for this, so I guess my question is as follows: How do you use tclsh as a Tcl interpreter in Tcl 8.6.6?
ActiveTcl isn't a pay-for product. (ActiveState have some of those, but their language distribution isn't one of them as long as you're not after a support plan.)
To configure Eclipse to use the right installed version of Tcl, go to the Tcl → Interpreters page in the main Preferences panel. That lets you Add… an interpreter, which essentially just requires you to find where the tclsh you want to use is on your filesystem, and to give it a name. I use names like “Tcl 8.6” in my installation, so it isn't exactly rocket science. The DLTK system can find out pretty much everything else once it knows where the interpreter implementation is, but if you have several set up (e.g., I have both 8.5 and 8.6) then you'll need to say which one is default using the checkboxes in the list in the Interpreters pane.
(I've verified the above against Eclipse Neon running on OSX, but I don't think it will vary very much with other versions or platforms.)

I need a way to run Haskell code without any install on a Mac

I enjoy developing in Haskell, but am presently confronted with a challenge. At my place of education, I don't have administrative rights on my account. I want to debug/test while there. I need a way to run Haskell code without installing haskell-platform or ghci or anything else requiring of an administrative level of privilege. For instance, a web site which will run haskell code (abeit limited to not include file access of course) or a java utility (or standalone .app, though java is preferred due to the nature of the "parental controls"), or something else I haven't thought of. Source or compiled Java, Flash, and source code in Ruby or Python are preferred to native code. This is on Mac OS X 10.6, for reference.
You can install GHC without admin privileges, but you'll have to build from source. Check out the Building on MacOS X for more details.
Essentially, like any other open-source project, you can compile code and install it, generally, anywhere on your filesystem like into a folder in your home folder (I often use the ~/.local folder for that purpose).
As the linked page mentions, you can also use MacPorts and install it to any place you can write to. Once MacPorts is installed you can install GHC.
As pointed out by Carl in the comments below, you don't need to build from source. Just grab the binary tarball from http://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_4_1#binaries.
In addition to all the other ideas, several companies will rent you virtual (cloud) linux servers for a few cents an hour. You have root on those and can install whatever you want, then freeze the image until you need it again.
Normally this might not be advantageous over a local solution if you can make one work, but a possible extra benefit would be that your work can stay on a single "computer" which you could access while sitting in front of any variety of modern PC that might be available to you on a given day.
An alternative not only for Haskell is http://ideone.com/
For the website option, TryHaskell will hardly cut it, it's way to limited.
codepad, OTOH, is more liberal, and should be of more use.
But honestly the bindist option is the best one, clearly!
If you truly can't install anything, then there's
http://tryhaskell.org/ -- like GHCi, but you can't load modules, which means not only that you can't use many standard functions (say, the functions in Data.List), but also that you can't use certain language features (like user-defined algebraic data types).
I also remember a hpaste-style site which executes its code -- and allows you to have private pastes -- but I can't remember it at the moment. Edit: I was thinking of http://codepad.org/ -- thanks #Mog
Try http://hiji.tinyrocket.se/ It is a haskell interpreter written using javascript.
http://ghc.io/ GHC.IO is a version of the Haskell interactive interpreter, ghci, that runs online in a web browser.
You just need to install homebrew, which you can do without root rights if you do so in your home directory. You can then brew install cabal-install
which will automatically install cabal and ghc, or brew install stack to install stack.
There is a web-based interpreter for Haskell at http://tryhaskell.org/. However, it may not provide enough functionality for your requirements.

Learning Perl, but how do I get 5.14 on Windows?

So I ordered Learning Perl 6th edition and I know it's using 5.14, but Strawberry Perl is only at 5.12, so what are my options? Is 5.12 fine for it or will there be problems with what's being taught?
Is my only option using Linux? If so distro suggestions would be good along with instructions or a link to instructions on updating perl in said distro (or in general). I'm relatively new to Linux, only ever having installed Ubuntu a few times and never really stuck with it. The perfect solution would be a distro that's good for installing on another PC in my house so I can just remote desktop (or equivalent, even SSH, though GUIs are nice) into since I have an older PC that I want to put a new hard drive in and mess around with. (Pentium 4 with a bit less than a gig of RAM so not awful)
Hopefully this question is considered more constructive than my last two and I look forward to your responses.
Edit: Also any resources for a Linux noob would be a great help if possible and if it's the best option.
I haven't actually seen Learning Perl 6th edition, but I would be very surprised if you had difficulty working through it with Perl 5.12. Perl 5.14 is still too new for most people to be writing code that requires it. The book may mention some features that you can't take advantage of in 5.12, but it should still explain how to accomplish things using only 5.12 features.
I would recommend just using the current Strawberry Perl and not worrying about the version number.
Update: As Mike pointed out, here's the opening paragraph of the Preface:
Welcome to the sixth edition of Learning Perl, updated for Perl 5.14 and its latest features. This book is still good even if you are still using Perl 5.8 (although, it's been a long time since it was released; have you thought about upgrading?).
So that confirms you'll have no problem trying to use 5.12 with the 6th edition.
Use ActivePerl
It is a very good product, it is free, and it has a reliable (for the most part) PPM (Perl Package Manager). I use it and have no troubles usually. It is a binary distribution just like Strawberry Perl, but you use PPM to get modules instead of CPAN.pm.
Note: If you are getting Perl 5.14 Just because of the book, don't. I got that book (I am also a beginner) and used 5.12.4. You get mostly all of the features (except for a few ;-)
I moved from Windows and PHP to Linux and Perl a while ago, and haven't looked back - but I don't want to start an OS or programming language war here. My desktop is running Ubuntu, but you could stick with Windows (I have Windows available in a VirtualBox VM for those times when I need it).
You can download the Ubuntu Server ISO and attach it as a CD/DVD image via the Virtual Media Manager. You can then set up as many Ubuntu VMs as you like. I use very basic setting for mine:
RAM: 512MB
Hard Disk: 8GB dynamic
Network Adapter: Bridged
I have a few images configured. One is setup with Nginx + Catalyst, one with Bricolage CMS and Apache, and a few other variations (including a PHP one). The great thing with VMs is that you can create snapshots, duplicate images, experiment, and blow things away and restart if you mess things up.
How you choose to setup your development environment is down to personal choice. I use SSHMenu to open four SSH connections to my development server - this also places the terminals at predefined positions on my screen.
I use one terminal to run code, access the debugger, etc. I use another for connecting the DBMS client (PostgreSQL / MySQL). I use the other two for editing code and unit tests. I use Vim in the terminal as my editor. I was going to try Emacs too, but never got round to it.
I use git as my version control system, with bare repositories on a separate file server. I did start with Mercurial, but it appears as though much of the Perl world is using git, so I switched.
I have configured the GNOME terminal to use the beautiful Solarized colour scheme (you can find a handy script for that here).
As for the Perl version: I don't know. I agree with other comments about using a standard package rather than trying to build your own - especially if you are a Linux newbie. I've just looked on the O'Reilly preview page, and in the Preface, it says "this book is good even if you are still using Perl 5.8" - so you should be okay with an earlier version. You also need to be aware that if you are planning on doing web development in Perl, you may be limited to older versions of Perl by your chosen hosting provider.
A few more thoughts:
Programming Perl, despite its age, is still a great resource. One you've completed Learning Perl, and perhaps Intermediate Perl, it's well worth reading. The section on Pattern Matching (regular expressions) is fantastic.
Modern Perl is a really good read. It's well written, concise, and full of really useful tips.
cpanm is a great alternative to the standard CPAN application.
local::lib is very useful. I use it to create a per-application set of CPAN modules. This means that I can simply copy the entire directory structure from my development server to the application server, without having to worry about conflicts with other applications that might be using different versions of the same modules. This is probably not relevant to you at the moment, but when you've learned more and start using lots of CPAN modules, it can be really handy.
A quick local::lib example:
mkdir -p ~/myapp/extlib
cpanm --prompt -L ~/myapp/extlib CPAN::Module1 CPAN::Module2 ...
eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=~/myapp/extlib/)
In ~/myapp/scripts/myscript.pl:
use FindBin;
use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../extlib";
You could
Install Windows and then run Ubuntu inside a VM on your Windows machine. You can start it up, ssh to it and then mess around with it.
Use ActivePerl.
Simply use ActivePerl - you can download 5.14 or 5.12 and it's as good as Strawberry, even with the complete CPAN toolchain, nowadays. The only limiting factor is the license, it's absolutely free to use but you can't bundle it in any of your apps without getting an OEM license. So for 99% of the cases this is a good distribution.
StrawberryPerl is also suitable, but they usually have a slightly longer delay between the release of a Perl version and the availability of an updated StrawberryPerl version.
I have a fully updated Ubuntu 11.04; it has Perl 5.10.1. I don't know how up to date other Linux distributions are. Cygwin also has 5.10.1.
You could always build from source.
Well, you can either use Active Perl, or use a GNU/Linux distro and get the latest Perl from it's repos. GNU/Linux is not Windows, it is open-source and you can install it on as many PCs as you want it. You could try Ubuntu or it's builds for an easy-to-use system.
Most of Learning Perl doesn't depend on Perl 5.14 features, and those that do are clearly marked. In most cases, I try to show a non-v5.14 way to do the same thing. You'll miss out on some nice v5.14 features, but you won't be stuck without them. And, for what it is worth, the new Programming Perl, due very soon, covers up to v5.16. Don't buy the old version if you don't have it yet.
Many people have already suggested very good options for various Perls, so I won't repeat those. My advice to students is always to learn on the Perl version and operating system you want to deploy to.
You don't have to stick to Windows. You can get a virtual machine of just about any operating system you like. VMWare and Oracle VirtualBox have free players and many places offer pre-configured virtual machines. From there, you can install any Perl version that you like. It's also incredibly cheap and easy to have multi-boot systems (although a VM doesn't prevent you from using both at the same time).
On Windows, you can also install cygwin, then install any Perl that you like.
Also, there is a preview release for Strawberry Perl 5.14.

How do I deliver (distribute) a Perl application?

I wrote a program in Perl, and now I want to send it to buddy. I don't want him having any kind of bother with launching it.
How do I make some package which he can just click and have all things ready to launch?
PS. I can ask him to download ActivePerl and install it beforehand.
PPS. I don't need to hide .pl sources from him. I need though automatic download and install of all required CPAN modules.
Also, what if in future I will need to scale it for production delivery? Meaning, it will be not a buddy on the receiving side, but Mr. Client?
I have used pp with great success. It can package a Perl interpreter and used modules all together into an executable file.
Then again there is always B::C which provides a perlcc utility, but I haven't had as much luck with that.
For easy distribution to windows clients, its hard to beat PerlApp, Par::Packer (aka pp), or Cava Packager.
Although I like Joel's suggestion best I'd want to point out another solution for you. As it seems you're targeting Windows you could also use the portable version of Strawberry Perl. Install the modules you need, add your script/application to it, setup a simple batch script to launch it with the portable environment and you're set.
The biggest downside compared to the pp (PAR::Packer) solution is that the size of your application will be rather big as pp only includes that what is necessary.
You might be looking for IndigoStar's perl2exe:
Perl2Exe is a command line program for converting Perl scripts to executable files. This allows you to create stand alone programs in Perl that do not require the Perl interpreter. You can ship the executable files without having to ship your Perl source code. Perl2Exe can generate executables for Windows and Unix target hosts.
Of course, the easiest way would be if your clients could run perl.
Yoy may wish to try Cava Packager. It can produce executables from Perl code on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It takes an alternative approach to PerlApp, pp and perl2exe. You should probably try them all and decide which you like best.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.
Par::Packer will do the job for you, without any fuss and is completely free. As long as you have installed the correct dependencies, you simply (on a windows machine) open a command prompt, CD into the directory where your perl source (e.g. 'samplefile.pl') resides and type: pp -o sampleprogram.exe samplefile.pl. After a minute or so, 'samplefile.exe' is compiled, and you can send it to your friend to run
Perl2Exe is a proprietary solution, and although it is good, is not free
Good luck!

Creating terminal based installer/wizard

I would like to create a terminal based installer/wizard.
Ideally, it'd be like the Ubuntu server installer, or the Arch Linux installer - a ncurses (?) heavy GUI with lots of form and arrow key goodness.
Second best would be a simpler question/answer type thing, similar to the "adduser" command prompting for password, username, etc.
I am Ruby biased, and would prefer a scripting language (not C), but I'm open to anything. It will only run on Ubuntu server, if that helps.
What are my options?
I'm not certain what you're asking. If you're looking for an implementation tool, you could look at urwid, which is a Python-based GUI toolkit library. It lets you write programs using GTK-style widgets and event interfaces for a text-based interface. If you're a decent scripter, it shouldn't be too hard to start from there and write the code to drive an installation process.
InstallJammer can do what you want in the second form. No ncurses interface to speak of though. 0-] It's written in Tcl/Tk, so it meets your scripting requirement though obviously not in your language of choice. We all have our language of choice, I suppose. 0-]
It would be easier to answer if you specified what you're trying to do. If you're installing something, it might make sense to just create a debian package and use install time configuration options available via debhelper.
If bash or shell scripting is okay, I'd suggest looking at package "dialog". Just put "dialog" as pre-depends for your package and you can use dialog features for your deb installer.
Another possibility could be the "pdmenu" package (origin: http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/pdmenu/).
