Not getting where data with filter (elastic search 6.4) - elasticsearch

elasticsearch version: 6.4
Here is my current data:
I want to search for products which has Xbox in name. I am using the match keyword but that is not working.
Below is my elastic search query:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "xbox"
"terms": {
"deep_sub": [
"Konsol Oyunları",
"Konsol Aksesuarları"
"from": 0,
"size": 50

Whenever you face such kind of issues, try breaking down the query. You have Match Query and Term Query. Run both of them individually and see what's not working.
From what I understand, looks like your field deep_sub is of text type and this would mean Term Query is not returning results.
You would need to create its sibling equivalent using keyword type and then run Term Query on it for exact matches.
From the above link we have the below info:
Keyword fields are only searchable by their exact value.
If you do not control the mapping, meaning if your mapping if of dynamic type, then you must have its sibling equivalent keyword field available which would be deep_sub.keyword
You can check by running GET <your_index_name>/_mapping
Your query would then be as follows:
POST <your_index_name>/_search
"deep_sub.keyword":[ <----- Change This
"Konsol Oyunları",
"Konsol Aksesuarları"
Let me know if this helps!


Stop elastic search tokenizing a query

I'm trying to filter out some documents in elastic search 8.4. The issue I'm having is something like this...
must_not: [
match: { ingredients: { query : 'peanut butter' } }
seems to break the query into 'peanut' and 'butter'. Then, documents which contain the ingredient 'butter' get incorrectly filtered. Is there a way to prevent this tokenizing without defining a custom analyzer? Or perhaps a different way to search to get that result?
If you don't want to filter documents with just "peanut" or "butter" you need to use the "and" operator. In this way only documents with "peanut butter" will be filtered.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must_not": [
"match": {
"ingredients": {
"query": "peanut butter",
"operator": "and"

Elastic Search 1.7 - Full Like search like SQL

Im using old version of elastic search and I can't find a way to allow full like search like sql: '%%'
I have to search a non pre-known data so the "columns" are not known.
I have this columns ad an example of row:
eth0, eth1, DELIVERY 3015801: SUCCESS: DID
In the search form, a user write something like this:
+message:"delivery" and +source:"eht0"
The row is returned succesfully.
Unfortunally if they write:
it return no row because of ":"
I need to allow user to write somethig like:
This is the query submitted. I have timerange filter and then the query :
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"#timestamp": {
"from": 1561615860000,
"to": 1561619519000
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"query_string": {
"query": "+message:\"success\""
"sort": [
"#timestamp": {
"order": "desc"
Is there a way to translate my text search in something like sql
message like 'success%'
Is that an analyzed or a not-analyzed field? Maybe a prefix query is what you want for that.
But generally:
This version is more than dead. Please upgrade.
This is not a relational database. If you try to translate the concepts 1:1 you will not get the most out of it. Documentation or courses will help you to move into proper search and away from LIKE searches.

ElasticSearch query with MUST and SHOULD

I have this query to get data from AWS elasticSearch instance v6.2
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {"logLevel": "error"}
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {"EventCategory": "Home Management"}
"filter": [{
"range": { "timestamp": { "gte": 155254550880 }}
"size": 10,
"from": 0
My data has multiple EventCategories for example 'Home Management' and 'User Account Management'. Problem with this is inside should having match returns all data because phrase 'Management' is in both categories. If I use term instead of match, it don't returns anything at all even when the given value is exactly same as in document.
I need to get data when any of given category is matched with rest of filters.
There may none, one or more than one EventCategory be passed to should clause
I'm not sure why you added a should within a must. Do you expect to have more than one should cases? It looks a bit odd.
As for your question, you can't use the term query on an analysed field, but only on keyword typed fields. If your EventCategory field has the default mapping, you can run the term query against the default non-analysed multi-field of EventCategory as follows:
"term": { "EventCategory.keyword": "Home Management" }
Furthermore, if you just want to filter in/out documents without caring about their relevance, I'd recommend you to move all the conditions in the filter block, to speed-up your query and make a better use of the cache.
Below query should work.
I've just removed should and created two must clauses one for each of event and management. Note that the query is meant for text datatypes.
Hope it helps!

ElasticSearch Query, match a certain term and count given a date range

I feel like this shouldn't be as difficult as its turning out to be, I've been attempting to use the:
endpoints, using query, bool, must filter etc. It seems no matter how I construct it, I cannot use range and date, with the match filter. The elasticsearch documentation doesn't seem to show complex queries like this so I'm not exactly sure how to construct it. The main query I've been manipulating is:
"lt" :"now/d"
I either get "no query registered for date", or "unknown key for a start_object in match" Been all over stackoverflow and can't seem to find an answer to this, it seems like it should be quite a simple query to make against a data store such as this. What am I missing here?
must can take an array of conditions if you want to combine them. Try this format :
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"date": {
"gte": "now-1d/d",
"lt": "now/d"
"match": { "KEY": "VALUE" }

Elastic Search Query (a like x and y) or (b like x and y)

Some background info: In the bellow example user searched for "HTML CSS". I split each word from the search string and created the SQL query seen bellow.
Now I am trying to make an elastic search query that has the same logic as the following SQL query:
title, description
FROM `classes`
(`title` LIKE '%html%' AND `title` LIKE '%css%') OR
(description LIKE '%html%' AND description LIKE '%css%')
Currently, half way there but can't seem to get it right yet.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"title": "html"
"term": {
"title": "css"
"_source": [
"size": 30
Now I need to find how to add follow logic
OR (description LIKE '%html%' AND description LIKE '%css%')
One important point is that I need to only fetch documents that have both words in either title or disruption. I don't want to fetch documents that have only 1 word.
I will update questions as I find more info.
Update: The chosen answer also provides a way to boost scoring based on the field.
Can you try following query. You can use should for making or operation
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": { // Go for term if your field is analyzed
"title": {
"query": "html css",
"operator": "and",
"boost" : 2
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"description": {
"query": "html css",
"operator": "and"
"minimum_number_should_match": 1
"_source": [
Hope this helps!!
I feel most appropriate query to be used in this case is multi_match.
multi_match query is convenient way of running the same query on
multiple fields.
So your query can be written as:
GET /_search
"_source": ["title", "description"],
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "html css",
"fields": ["title^2", "description"],
_source filters the dataset so that only fields mentioned in array
will be displayed in results.
^2 denotes boosting title field with the number 2
operator:and makes sure that all terms in query must be matched
in either fields
From the elasticsearch 5.2 doc:
One option is to use the nested datatype instead of the object datatype.
More details here:
Hope this helps
