Laravel update form date and time - laravel

I am trying to make a form to update deadline where I need to edit the date and time. Also I want the form to have a calendar. I want to add the default value with calendar option
I am having the deadline as this format n database 2019-04-25 00:00:00
Here is the code I made to add the calendar:
View with the calendar
{{ Form::label('Abstracts Submission Deadline', 'Abstracts Deadline') }}
{{ Form::input('dateTime-local','Abstracts', $rss->Abstract_Submission_Deadline, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' =>$rss->Abstract_Submission_Deadline ]) }}
View without the calendar
{{ Form::label('Ranking Deadline', 'Ranking Deadline') }}
{{ Form::text('Ranking', $rss->Ranking_Deadline, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => $rss->Ranking_Deadline ] ) }} `
The first box I have the calendar without the default value, the second one I have the default value without the calendar

Use value attribute instead of placeholder.


Default value for laravel collective select

I have a Laravel collective select as follows:
{!! Form::select('phone', $numbers, $title, ['class' => 'phone-select2 col4', 'id' => 'phone']) !!}
I want to pass default value for dropdown as separate variable from $numbers. So, have passed it as $title but it is didn't work due to it is not in the $numbers. So, how can I pass default value for it?
What you're looking for is a placeholder.
According to the documentation, you can set the default value to null and provide placeholder attribute as part of the fourth argument:
['class' => 'phone-select2 col4', 'id' => 'phone', 'placeholder' => 'Pick an option']

Pass user id through select box list laravel

I want to pass the selected user id to controller from select box.How can I achieve it?
{!! route('approve', ['id' => $user->id]) !!}
In select box,
{{ Form::select('Actions', [
'approve' => 'Approve',
'decline' => 'Decline']
) }}
My resulto to be like this,
First of all you'll need an input for selecting users. For example I got a list of users with their username and id here :
$users= \App\Users::pluck('username','id');
after sending it to the view, you can use an input for selecting user :
{!! Form::select('user_id', $users,'0', ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}
That's it. Now you can select the user and get data as $_POST['user_id'] or $_GET['user_id'] in the action. gl.

Drop-Down Lists from laravelcollective?

I use dropdownlist from laravelcollective. I am wondering how I can use (Selected Default) with this if I fetch data from a database. Here follows my source code:
{!! Form::select('port',$ports,null,['class'=>'form-control']) !!}
The selected default that I want is for example (Select Port).
First of all create a list in your controller and use as a first element the "Please select a port" text with empty value:
$ports =['' => 'Please Select a port'] + Port::lists('shortName','id')->toArray();
After you pass it to the view use it like this:
{!! Form::select('port_id',$ports,null,['class' => 'form-control']) !!}
The correct is to use attribute placeholder in dropdown.
{!! Form::select('port', $ports, null, ['placeholder' => 'Select a Port', 'class'=>'form-control']) !!}

Laravel/Eloquent: Issues with date mutation and form model binding

I have a column with datatype of date which is date mutated. I date mutated it so that Laravel will convert it to a Carbon instance and I can use it easily at other places, where I need to convert it into Carbon instance. I am using Model binding in the edit form. As the field is date mutated, on the edit form it appears as "2015-07-29 00:00:00". I need it to be in this format instead: "2015-07-29".
I can't use accessor, as I need it as a Carbon instance at many other places.
I can't explicitly pass value after converting, as I am using the input inside a form partial and I also use it for create.
My workaround is the following:
I am sending a flag while including the view partial in the edit page and using it a condition to have two different code for create and edit.
#if (isset($edit))
{!! Form::text('eta', $order->eta->format('Y-m-d'), ['class' => 'form-control', 'required']) !!}
{!! Form::text('eta', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'required']) !!}
Is there a better way?
I think you can avoid from #if and $edit as,
{!! Form::text('eta', ( $order->eta ? $order->eta->format('Y-m-d') : null ) , ['class' => 'form-control', 'required']) !!}

form model binding and file upload

I got an answer previously to my question about how to create edit/update details form in laravel, and the answer was utilizing Form::model(modelName). Nevertheless, the page which is updating is the same page handling the insertion. I have the following form opening:
{{ Form::open(array('action' => 'SomeController#basic','files' => true)) }}
how can I change this to use the form::model instead? I also have an upload of file in same page (profile pic).
Laravel 4 or 5 Form <-> Model binding
Maybe is a "bit" late for the original poster, but for those who search for a solution, this can be used as a later reference.
The L4 solution is:
{{ Form::open($object, array('method' => 'PATCH', 'action' => array('SomeController#update', $object->id),'files' => true)) }}
For Laravel 5, you would use:
{!! Form::model($object, ['method' => 'PATCH', 'action' => ['ObjectsController#update', $object->id], 'files' => true]) !!}
Home this helps!
Form model binding can be done by declaring form open as
{{ Form::model($user, array('action' => 'SomeController#post', 'files'=> true)) }}
You pass the model to the view for example here $user is the model.
$user = User::find(1);
return View::make('editUser')->with(compact('user'));
For file upload, if the $user is isset you could display the image. Along with the upload button. When update is clicked you can check
then move the file and upload the path in the database. May be there is a different solution for this.
Is this what you were looking for?
