Loadbalancing with feign and kubernetes - spring-boot

I am using feign, through spring feign and load balancing seems off. I have one instance of service A and 2 instances of service B. Service A calls service B through a feign client. I plotted incoming requests on service B and they all seem to hit the same node and after some time switch to the other node and all hit that node again. Not really what i want. I use kubernetes DNS to get a node.
Am i missing some part of the puzzle? does feign get the ip and use that for a while?
I am using the latest spring cloud, but am using httpclient instead of the standard client.
My spring feign annotation looks like:
#FeignClient(name = "serviceB", url="http://serviceb:8080")
where serviceb is the name of the service in kubernetes DNS.

Do you mean Pod by node?
To test your theory, you can continuously make a call to serviceb and bring one of the pods abruptly and see if the other pod gets the request!
k8s seems to follow random algorithm for load balancing - so there is a chance that it might send the request to the same pod which I also have seen when there is no enough request. When you can send multiple concurrent requests & continuously for certain duration, I have seen requests are distributed across all the pods.


How to deploy a nameko microservice

I've been reading through the nameko docs, and it is all good and clear, except for one part.
How do you actually deploy your nameko microservice?
I mean, it is clear how we deploy RESTful APIs in flask_restful, for instance. But with nameko?
If two microservices should communicate, how do we move them into the "listening" state?
I am not sure I understand your problem.
For each nameko service you define AMQP_URI constant that point to your RabbitMQ instance.
If each of your services have the same AMQP_URI, it make possible communication through sending rpc calls (where you have a queue per service endpoint) or using pub/sub messaging because service use the same RabbitMQ instance.
You can also have HTTP REST API. You must define endpoint in nameko service with http decorator (see example here: https://nameko.readthedocs.io/en/stable/built_in_extensions.html). In your confguration you have to define PORT for you web server, e.g. port 8000: WEB_SERVER_ADDRESS: And make this port accessible for the World.

Active Standby in MicroService using Spring Boot

I am in a situation where I have a microservice environment but for one service I want that it should not be load balanced rather work in a active standby(one at a time serves the request). When one service instance goes down then only the requests should be routed to the other instance even if the first one comes up the 2nd instance should be the one servicing the requests.
I am looking for the options like - overriding ribbon's IRule or doing this in a #PreFilter which is there on each of these services.
Let me know if anyone has any implementation for the above case.

auto scaling and load balancing Spring boot restful service

I have a Spring boot RESTful service endpoint. this service should be available on port:8080 always. but when too many HTTP requests arrive, I want it to be scaled up automatically. and also scale down if number of requests falls down. for scaling up/down, I have no problem, because I can use Spring Cloud Eureka + Jenkins. but the problem is that, they create service instances with different port numbers (obviously). but I need somehow to mask the whole scaling up thing from clients. because they should only use the port 8080. so I am confused, how I can load balance the requests on port 8080 to my multiple instances, which are running on other different ports. appreciate if you can help me.
Use zuul routing to load balance your instances.

Spring Boot health-based load balancing

I'm using Spring Boot for microservices, and I came accross and issue with load balancing.
Spring Actuator adds special health and metrics endpoint to the apps; with this, some basic information can be acquired from the running instances.
What I would like to do, is to a create a (reverse)proxy (e.g. with Zuul and/or Ribbon?), which creates a centralized load balancer, that selects instances by their health status.
For example, I have the following microservices
proxy (<- I would like to implement this)
server 1
server 2
When the client sends an http request to the proxy, the proxy should be able to decide, which of the to server instances has the least load, and forward request to that one.
Is there an easy way to do this?
If you want to make a choice on various load-data, you could implement custom HealthIndicators that accumulate some kind of 'load over time' data, use this in your load balancer to decide where to send traffic.
All custom health indicators will be picked up by spring-boot, and invoked on the actuator /health endpoint.
class LoadIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
Health health() {
def loadData = ... do stuff to gather whatever load
return Health.up()
.withDetail("load", loadData)
Perhaps you could already use some of spring-boots metrics already, there's multiple endpoints in the actuator. /beans, /trace, /metrics. Should be possible to find that data in your application too.

Spring cloud - how to get benefits of retry,load balancing and circuit breaker for distributed spring application

I want the following features in spring-cloud-Eureka backed microservices application.
1) Load balancing - if I have 3 nodes for one service, load balancing should happen between them
2)Retry logic - if one of the nodes did not respond, retry should happen for certain number ( eg 3. should be configurable) before falling back to another node.
3)circuit breaker - if for some reasons, all the 3 nodes of service is having some issue accessing db and throwing exceptions or not responding, the circuit should get open, fall back method called and circuit automatically closes after the services recovers.
Looking at many examples of Spring-cloud, I figured out
1) RestTemplate will help with option 1. but when RestTemplate access one instance of service and if the node fails, will it try with other two nodes?
2) Hystix will help with circuit breaker option (3 above). but if just one node is not responding, will it try other nodes, before opening up circuit and call fallback method. and will it automatically close circuit once the service recovers?
3) how to get retryLogic with spring-cloud? I do know about #Retryable annotation. But will it help in the following situation?
Retry with one node for 3 times and after it fails, try the next node 3 times and the last node 3 times before circuit breaker kicks in.
I see that all these configurations are available in spring cloud. but having a hard-time understanding how to configure for all these for efficient solution.
Here is one proposed:
public Object doSomething() {
// use your RestTemplate here
But I don't totally know if it is going to help me with all the subtleties I mentioned above.
I do see there is a #FeignClient. But from this blog, I understand that it provides a high level feature for HTTP client requests. Does it help with retry and circuit breaker and load balancing all-in-one?
I do see there is a #FeignClient. Does it help with retry and circuit breaker and load balancing all-in-one?
If you are using the full spring-cloud stack, it actually solves everything you mentioned.
The netflix components in this scenario are the following in spring-cloud:
Eureka - Service Registry
Let's you dyanmically register your services so you only need to fix one host in your app (eureka).
Ribbon - Load balancer
Out of the box it's providing you with round robin loadbalancing, but you can implement your own #RibbonClient (even for a specific service) and design your custom loadbalancing for example based on eureka metadata. The loadbalancing happens on the client side.
Feign - Http client
With #FeignClient you can rapidly develop clients for you other services (or services outside of your infrastructure). It is integrated with ribbon and eureka so you can refer to your services #FeignClient(yourServiceNameInEureka) and what you end up with is a client which loadbalances between the registered instances with your preferred logic. If you are using spring you can use the familiar #RequestMapping annotation to describe the endpoint you are using.
Hystrix - Circuit breaker
By default your feign clients will use hystrix, every request will be wrapped in a hystrix command. You can of course create hytrix commands by hand and configure them for your needs.
You have to configure a little to get thees working (actually just a few #Enable annotation on your configuration).
I highly recommend reading the provided spring documentation because it wraps up almost all of your aspects in a fairly quick read.
