Getting "Whitelabel Error Page" when opening "/actuator/mappings" - spring-boot

I'm new to spring-cloud, so i'm using a video tutorial, so to read exposed endpoints i tried to open http://localhost:8000/actuator/mappings but it didn't work for me but the /health url gave me the following result:
Here's the written code in the client side:
class MessageRestController {
private String message;
String getMessage() {
return this.message;
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
Here's the client project structure:
When executing the Post on the /refresh gives me : Error Not Found
curl -d {} http://localhost:8000/actuator/refresh
spring-boot-actuator jar version = 2.1.3

Default management.endpoints.web.exposure.include, info, health
As actuator/health and actuator/info are provided by default you will get the information
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = * //will allow all endpoints
to be exposed
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=health,info # Endpoint IDs that should be included or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.base-path=/actuator # Base path for Web endpoints. Relative to server.servlet.context-path or management.server.servlet.context-path if management.server.port is configured.
management.endpoints.web.path-mapping= # Mapping between endpoint IDs and the path that should expose them.
Securing Endpoint # Roles used to determine whether or not a user is authorized to be shown details. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. //for health,never # When to show full health details.
Enable/Disable endpoints
management.endpoint.(endpointName).enabled=true # Whether to enable the health endpoint.

Spring boot 2.x :: only health and info is exposed by default, In order to expose other actuator endpoint either mention the endpoint name or add following line to expose all endpoints.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: '*'

Starting from Spring boot 2.x, all actuator endpoints are disabled except for few non sensitive endpoints like /health and /info by default.
You can enable them using property management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*
Please refer here for more details.

you have to do post, e.g
curl -X POST xxx.yyy.zzz:8080/actuator/refresh


Spring Boot Resource server fails to authenticate my token

I am a beginner in Spring outh2 security. I was trying to secure my spring boot rest api's and run them in postman ,
But I always get the "Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Signed JWT rejected: Invalid signature", error_uri=""" error.
Note:- I am using Azure AD as an authorization server.
Steps followed .
Implemented the below code in STS and ran the application.
Created a access token using the postman "Get New Access Token" using Client Credentials Auth type.
Use that access token and call my spring boot api using Get request.
Note: - When I copy my postman generated token in I get a Invalid Signature at the bottom ..but I am able to read the header /payload.
But when I switch the algorithm to HS256 , I don't get an Invalid signature any more.
screenshot of postman
Below is my basic code.
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
Tried using this url as well , but no luck.
Basic Rest api.
public String validateApi() {
return "invalid";
Not sure if I am missing on any other additional steps. I have not customized any security config as such. So I am assuming it just uses the default configs.
Any help will be appreciated .
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
I generated the access token using below parameters:
When I decoded the token, I got the same error as below:
Note that: The token generated for Graph doesn't require validation and it will not verify signature in the code.
Alternatively, to resolve the error you can Expose an API in the Portal like below:
I generated the access token with the scope as api://ClientIDofApp/.default :
The signature got verified successfully like below:

Spring boot 2.1.7 having tomcat-embed-core conflit

I am migrating existing Spring project into Spring boot.unable to run spring boot application its showing following error.
The error log says there is a conflict on tomcat-embed-core.
In eclipse Dependency hierarchy of porm.xml is given below
i exclude the maven architect ,and try to run the application its showing following error
<!-- 2.1.3.RELEASE -->
what was wrong in this porm.xml
Where is
That version probably does not match the tomcat version that auto magically is included with spring boot items.
And thus the conflict.
Go here:
And start following the COMPILE dependencies, and you'll find the versions that are auto included with 2.1.7.RELEASE. and you have to alter the other includes that are overwriting the springboot auto include tomcat versions.
Again, follow the COMPILED dependency trail.
So below is what you should find by crawling the COMPILED dependency trail (from immediately above in my answer)
And you'll find you need to set
tomcat.version to
By defining tomcat.version as 8.x, you are breaking it.
Another way to put it
You have to go ~way~ back to springboot 1.5.2.RELEASE or 1.5.3.RELEASE
(Again, in the two above links, looked at the COMPILE dependencies)
To find a version of tomcat (that is auto included with springboot) that gets close to tomcat 8.5.x (where 8.5.x is the one you are attempting to use)
That's pretty old.
The principal you are missing is that springboot auto includes dependencies. And anything else you import has to play nice with everything springboot auto includes.
And your current value for tomcat.version is NOT playing nice with everything springboot 2.1.7.RELEASE is auto including.
And now that you've been through all of that. You'll find you'll make your life easier if you engage the springboot world more completely.
Alot of times, springboot will have a (sub)package that will bring in the thing you really desire.
You would probably be better off bringing that package in, vs hand-picking ones. Aka, get rid of your "tomcat-jdbc" include and see if the spring-boot-starter-jdbc can give you what you want.
The curse/blessing of spring-boot is that it is its own universe. But if you engage, you probably want to play by its rules more often than not.
It is pom.xml, not porm.xml
Try adding spring-boot-starter-tomcat as a dependency:
Remove tomcat-juli and tomcat-jdbc dependencies. If you need JDBC support, add the corresponding starter:
If you use JSP views, you will probably need the following dependencies as well:
Also, pay attention to your dependencies versions. Spring Boot's parent POM defines version management for many common artifacts so you don't need to set the <version></version> for these libraries. See

Missing AWS properties when creating AWS application

I'm struggling to figure out how to add AWS properties to my (or application.yml) file, and I'm not sure what I have set up incorrectly in STS.
I can reproduce this creating a simple AWS app using Spring Initializr. I'm adding AWS, Consul and REST because that's what the real app is using. Here's the POM it generates.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
I'm not adding any code to the application for this sample, only the code that is generated. This was a test to see if something was wrong with the app I was working on. When I try to add an application property, nothing shows for AWS. The same is true if I create a YAML file.
If I force the issue, and add it anyway STS says the property is unknown.
Compiling the app throws an exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: There is not EC2 meta data available, because the application is not running in the EC2 environment. Region detection is only possible if the application is running on a EC2 instance
The app is not running on an EC2 instance, it's running locally. From what I've read I need to add the if it's not running on EC2, but I can't get the app to acknowledge the property exists. Same happens with the access key and secret key.
So... after lots of tinkering and reading other posts it looks like the properties will work if you add them, even if STS doesn't recognize them.
I added
instanceProfile: false
static: eu-west-1
auto: false
and the program will run.
The other thing that was tripping me up is the inconsistency in the paths for the properties. For example Consul properties are at*
where as AWS is at*
There's no "spring" to start the AWS properties. I'm sure there is a reason for the inconsistency, I just don't know it.

ClassNotFoundException with Spring WebFlux Security

I'm having the following problem:
I am trying to setup a basic Spring Boot (2.0.0.M2) Project containing Spring Webflux and Spring Security.
My pom.xml looks like this (generated via
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
public class SecurityConfig extends WebFluxSecurityConfiguration {}
I am not getting any further because I get an exception on startup:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
So I figure that the whole package is not on the classpath, although it should be there, since it is included in the API docs.
Seems like I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
Currently Spring Boot's spring-boot-starter-security does not include spring-security-webflux.
Add it as project dependency explicitly.
See this issue : Provide auto-configuration for WebFlux-based security.
BTW, check my working codes:
Updated: In Spring Boot 2.0.0.RELEASE, spring-boot-starter-security includes webflux support.

spring boot + jboss = page 403

I was trying to connect spring boot with jboss for a week... I read many topics on this forum and many of them are too old. I get error 404 every time when i want run server. Can you please help me to config my app with jboss properly?
Thank you for help with error 404. I changed package to "war". But now when I run wildfly server Im getting error 403 (forbidden). I was looking how to fix it and still stay in the same place. It is so hard to get wildfly work with spring boot...
I updated files:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring: boot starter parent -->
<!-- Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring
MVC. Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container -->
<!-- Starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate -->
<!-- Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including
JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito -->
<!-- The spring-boot-devtools module can be included in any project to
provide additional development-time features. -->
<!-- Applications that use spring-boot-devtools will automatically restart
whenever files on the classpath change. -->
<!-- JSP Standard Tag Library -->
<!-- … -->
<!-- … -->
package pl.seweryn.init;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.builder.SpringApplicationBuilder;
#SpringBootApplication // same as #Configuration #EnableAutoConfiguration #ComponentScan - alternative
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(Application.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);
Follow this instructions:
You basically have to package your app as a WAR and implement SpringBootServletInitializer.
I found many mistakes in my project and now its working. I will write here answer for my app.
Physical naming was wrong. It should be: spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy=org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl. Or I could delete this line and it will be provided default from spring boot
I have Application.class in pl.seweryn.init package. I added #ComponentScan(pl.seweryn)
BookDaoImpl was not a spring component. Added line #Component
