Why does maven-release-plugin uploads build information? And can it be removed? - maven

When using the maven-release-plugin to release an artifact onto a repository, the entire pom is copied. This includes sections build and reporting.
I can understand that deployement information is propagated since dependencies of a project by the same creators are likely to be deployed on the same servers, but, for non-pom artifact, I don't understand the point of having the build information.
Is it possible to create a release stripped of this information?

Use the flatten-maven-plugin
I copied the relevant plugin configuration from the website above.
<!-- enable flattening -->
<!-- ensure proper cleanup -->
I strips the POM from all unnecessary information.


How to check if dependency has snapshot using Github action

I have a maven project. I am replacing maven-release-plugin with maven ci friendly feature. But I want to check if any of the dependency in pom has snapshot version. If so want to fail the build for production. But for staging I would like to continue the build.
Is there any github action which will checks for snapshot in dependency ?
Answering my own question. #khmarbaise was right. I did using following setup
<message>No Snapshots Allowed for Dependencies!</message>
<message>Snapshot Version is Not Allowed for Release</message>

Maven dependency plugin - How can I ensure that an artifact is present when using dependency-unpack

I'm wondering if there is a way to enforce the existence of a dependency to unpack when using the dependency-unpack goal of the maven dependency plugin. I'm using the configuration below and the problem is that if there is no dependency specified for "${properties.artifactId}" in the dependencies section of the pom the build goes ahead even though nothing has been unpacked. It invariably fails later at the test stage but it would be so much easier if the build could fail when no dependency is present. So does anyone know of a way that this can be enforced?
A couple of executions of the maven-enforcer-plugin should do it. You need one to run before the dependency plugin, to make sure ${properties.artifactId} has a value, then another that runs after the dependency plugin to make sure there are files in the target location. Here's the idea, modify for your requirements.
You may write your own rules too if those available don't quite fit.
<message><![CDATA[### Missing property 'properties.artifactId': the artifact that ....]]></message>
<message><![CDATA[### Did not find unpacked artifact ...]]></message>

Maven: use jar from URL as a source for resources

Dealing with a legacy project, I have the need to load text resources from a jar at an URL.
The text resources will be then filtered and included in the output; those resources come from a released artifact.
From resource-plugin I see it is only possible to give a number of directories; would it be possible to load resources as I need?
I want to do somthing like this, but using a remote jar instead of the oher project in the workspace:
<directory>../<another project on the same workspace>/src/main/filtered-resources</directory>
Remote resource plugin, as suggested in one of the answer doesn't work because no file from the imported bundle ends up in target; there is no way I can produce the original bundle using remote resource plugin (it's a legacy projetc still in use and completely out of my control).
I think the Maven Remote Resources Plugin will suit your needs.
Snippet obtained from the usage page of the plugin. That XML fragment will attach the plugin to the generate-sources phase (choose a different one if it doesn't fit your needs), will download the apache-jar-resource-bundle artifact and uncompress its contents into ${project.build.directory}/maven-shared-archive-resources.
For better results is recommended that the resources artifact had been created using the bundle goal of the same plugin.
<!-- Turn this into a lifecycle -->
EDIT 2: Alternative Solution using AntRun
If your artifacts don't suit Maven needs and you need something more customized, then using AntRun plugin you could get it somehow:
<get src="URL of the resource" dest="${project.build.directory}" />
<unzip src="${project.build.directory}/filename.[jar|zip|war]" dest="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}" />

Run an ant task in maven build phase before war is packaged?

When deploying a webapp I need to update some variables in UI resources, unzip some assets and concat some files, currently this is achieved via an ant task. I'm trying to run this task in the maven build process using something like this...
<property name="buildDir" value="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}" />
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="static-assets" />
The above fails because the files have not yet been copied into target directory. If I set the phase to "package" the ant task runs fine and all the files are created/amended, but it's no help as the .war has already been built before the ant target is run.
Basically, I need to run my ant target near the end of the prepare-package phase.
Having looked though the Lifecycle Reference I can't workout how to expose the more granular Goals to the antrun plugin.
Any ideas?
Since I did not get any answer on my comment I guess that you want to stay using maven-antrun-plugin.
From what I've learned and experienced, if two plugins are to be executed on the same phase, then they will be executed in the order they are declared in pom.xml.
For this to work you will have to add the maven-war-plugin in the <plugins/> list after the maven-antrun-plugin.
<property name="buildDir" value="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}" />
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="static-assets" />
<!-- First step is to disable the default-war build step. -->
<!-- Second step is to create an exploded war. Done in prepare-package -->
<!-- Last step is to make sure that the war is built in the package phase -->
Added some more executions so that the default-war is first disabled, then the war is exploded and lastly the war is packaged.
As you observed this is a place where the lifecycle doesn't provide the granularity needed. I answered a similar question for someone earlier. It's not an exact answer to your question but the technique may apply.

How to register a custom built jar file as maven main artifact?

I have a project expected to deliver a jar file:
but the jar is built in a custom way, so the default packaging done with jar:jar has been disabled
but then when I want to apply shade:shade on the existing jar I get an error
The project main artifact does not exist.
I assume that maven doesn't know about the .jar file created by my custom tool. How to let it know, because antrun attachArtifact doesn't work
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="" type="jar"/>
the error I get is
An Ant BuildException has occured: org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
So this is not the method to register main artifact... Is there any (without writing custom java plugin)?
I checked the sources of JarMojo and it gave me an idea how to solve it with Groovy (via gmaven)
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
and it works!:)
Something like this
While your solution may work for a build to the install+ phase or where there are no dependencies in the reactor, in cases where only building to the compile or test phase the unpackaged classes won't be found by dependencies.
Building to compile happens when using plugins like the maven-release-plugin.
Extending your chosen solution to include identifying the unpacked classes during compile
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes"))
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
By default the maven-install-plugin will use the identified artifact along the lines of
So another option might go something like this
We were having the same problem, with getting the "attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact" error. We found the solution in the following excellent blog post:
As detailed in this section, you can fix the problem by adding a classifier so Maven can distinguish between the ant-built jar and the maven-built jar. Since you're using antrun attachartifact, you'd need this:
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="foo" type="jar"/>
Note you'll also need to include that classifier (along with groupId, artifactId and version) whenever you want to grab this jar as a dependency in other projects.
