Is it ok to have multiple models for 1 table - laravel

When employees log in through
They get to access the vendor_companies table through
App\Models\Employee\VendorCompany Model
When vendors log in through
They get to access the vendor_companies table through
Is this approach ok?

Although having a single model is most common, what you have is fine. There are times when you want to do customization in one model depending on how you want to treat Vendors. Two different models allow you to have a cleaner separation and makes it easier to maintain functionality, especially between two teams - one team that builds vendor features vs. other team that builds features for employees.
When you build your controllers, you will have to put additional effort to identify whether you are dealing with vendor or employee and then call the appropriate model.
On the flip side, it is common to have a single model and you have customization based on vendor or employee. Give your method a shot and try your methodology.


How to process 1 form across 2 controllers/models in MVC (CFWheels)?

I'm an old CFML developer, new to CF on Wheels and MVC programming in general. I'm picking it up pretty quickly, but one thing that isn't evident to me is how one can offer a form to optionally update multiple db table records (models). I'd specifically like to set up a tabbed form for User info and User Profile info, where the former is required and the latter is not. This data is stored in two different one-to-one tables. What's the setup I need in order to call two "new" or "edit" views, run 2 "create" or "update" procedures, affecting two different tables. Or am I thinking about this all wrong.
Update: Adding some more info on what I'm trying to do. To keep it simple, I'll stick to 2 tabs and 2 tables, though I'm really looking at at least 3 in this instance.
So I've got a Users table and a UserProfiles table, and I've got models named User.cfc and UserProfile.cfc that are related 1-to-1, with UserProfile dependent on User. Pretty standard stuff. For each I've got controllers: Users.cfc and UserProfiles.cfc, each of those containing actions. add, edit, create, update, doing the obvious stuff (add and edit display forms). I have partials that display the add/edit form fields for each, so that's already prepared. Now, I want to create what is effectively a single add/edit form that can update both tables at the same time. The tabs don't really matter; effectively it could all be on one page.
So conceptually I'm doing something like:
<button type="submit" class="btn">#operation#</button>
Do I need to create a separate controller action that basically combines the create and update actions for two different controllers?
Thanks in advance from a pleased and eager CFWheels newbie...
If all of the data is related through hasMany or hasOne associations, I'd recommend looking at nested properties.
If you're a newbie though, you may want to refrain from this until you've got something simpler worked out.
I guess you are talking about two models representing these two tables, possibly associated using hasOne. Models allow you to validate data, this makes controller much simpler. This way you could create two forms under two tabs, and keep record's primary key as hidden field. Controller could run the validation and re-display the forms (partials may help)... Hold on, I am just going through the reference.
I realize this answer is pretty generic, as well as your question. I suggest you to go ahead and try something, see how it works.
After that update your question with code samples and ask if you have some specific problems. For example, validation and displaying errors in CFWheels may be a bit tricky.

Complex Localization with MVC ASP.NET

We currently have a Web Forms set up for our website and are looking to slowly convert this to MVC. Currently we store translations in a database. our translation table contains columns for each language and a sort of title. which we can identify the translation with(The primary key)
But it gets more complex when we actually may have different clients wanting different words for the same bit of text.
E.g. one will want it to read - Delivery Costs
And the next may want it as - Delivery Prices
So we then have a second CustomTranslation datatable which will be the same as the translation but also have a client ID number in it. If the user logged in and it looking for the Identify of the translation as "DeliveryCost" it will check to see if there is a record in the CustomTranslation table it will use that OVER the standard Translation table.
After which it will then pick the appropriate language the users wants.
Basically I need to be able to have our website translate depending on the users settings. And as well as the company they work for (our client)
The general method of localization uses resource files but we need to really keep them in the database. This produces a second problem which is when you try to declare Propertry Display Names and Validation Messages these also need to ability to have different text and/or translations but generally it expects a Static field which we would not have.
Whats the best way to go about solving this complex localization issue?
Thanks in advance. Steve
Problem 1 - Having the resources in the database
Use the approach used in this article for extending the standard resources into the database.
Problem 2 - Having custom localization per customer
No problem, the standard .net approach supports localization including a region or customer, just use i.e. en-US, en-US-Customer1, en-US-Customer2, etc.

how to use codeigniter database models

I am wondering how the models in code ignitor are suposed to be used.
Lets say I have a couple of tables in menu items database, and I want to query information for each table in different controllers. Do I make different model classes for each of the tables and layout the functions within them?
Models should contain all the functionality for retrieving and inserting data into your database. A controller will load a model:
The controller then fetches any data needed by the view through the abstract functions defined in your model.
It would be best to create a different model for each table although its is not essential.
You should read up about the MVC design pattern, it is used by codeigniter and many other frameworks because it is efficient and allows code reuse. More info about models can be found in the Codeigniter docs:
CodeIgniter is flexible, and leaves this decision up to you. The user's guide does not say one way or the other how you should organize your code.
That said, to keep your code clean and easy to maintain I would recommend an approach where you try to limit each model to dealing with an individual table, or at least a single database entity. You certainly want to avoid having a single model to handle all of your database tables.
For my taste, CodeIgniter is too flexible here - I'd rather call it vague. A CI "model" has no spec, no interface, it can be things as different as:
An entity domain object, where each instance represents basically a record of a table. Sometimes it's an "anemic" domain object, each property maps directly to a DB column, little behaviour and little or no understanding of objects relationships and "graphs" (say, foreign keys in the DB are just integer ids in PHP). Or it can also be a "rich (or true) domain object", with all the business intelligence, and also knows about relations: say instead of $person->getAccountId() (returns int) we have $person->getAccount(); perhaps also knows how to persist itself (and perhaps also the full graph or related object - perhaps some notion of "dirtiness").
A service object, related to objects persistence and/or general DB querying: be a DataMapper, a DAO, etc. In this case we have typically one single instance (singleton) of the object (little or no state), typically one per DB table or per domain class.
When you read, in CI docs or forums, about , say, the Person model you can never know what kind of patter we are dealing with. Worse: frequently it's a ungly mix of those fundamentally different patterns.
This informality/vagueness is not specific to CI, rather to PHP frameworks, in my experience.

How do you model big web forms in an MVC-based web app?

I'm talking about HUGE forms - like medical forms with 1000+ fields.
How do you logically create models for them? Do you include every single little field as seperate model? Do you have the whole form as a HUGE model with every single field? Do you have formsections as models and each formsection has few fields?
I know this might be subjective, but I really want some advice on someone who has dealt with this before and save others a lot of time down the road by avoiding mistakes at the onset.
Your data model should follow an EAV method. Medical systems are well suited to this approach as not all patients are going to have all this information filled in. This method allows you to fill in what is appropriate and populate your model. Makes organizing the data easier as well.
As for organizing it in the view, I suggest you break it up into sections where sections are logically related to each other (past history, family history or by type of information), making the information easier to digest.

In MVC, 1 model 1 tables or 1 model several tables?

In MVC, 1 model 1 tables or 1 model several tables?
I am building an application that contain 3 tables. I don't know whether I should create one model for all 3 tables or create 3 models for 3 tables.
In the case I use 3 models for 3 tables, where should I put the code if I want to join these 3 tables? Put the code in any one of 3 models?
Any suggestions?
In general, the 'Model' part of MVC should be interpreted as a 'Presentation Model' or 'View Model' - that is, a class that encapsulates all the data and behavior needed by the View. This may or may not be equivalent to the Domain Model.
Domain Models should be designed to be independent of UI. This means that such Models should not be polluted with UI-specific data and behavior - such as determining whether a particular button is enabled or not.
You may also want to show the same Domain Objects in several different views (e.g. Master/Detail, or Display/Edit), and if those views differ sufficiently, having a View Model for each View will be beneficial.
So, in general, you should design your Domain Layer and your Presentation Layer independently.
In the Domain Layer, you can choose to model your three tables as three classes. Books like Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture and Evans's Domain-Driven Design contains lots of guidance on how to model relational data as Domain Models.
When it comes to modeling the views in MVC, it makes most sense to create one Model per View. Such a View Model might simply encapsulate a single Domain Object, but it may also encapsulate and aggregate several different Domain Objects.
In this way, you can ensure separation of concerns, and that your classes follow the Single Responsibility Principle.
For very simple scenarios, it may make sense to collapse the Domain Model and the Presentation Model into one layer, but you should realize that this essentially means that there's no Domain Model in the solution - all models would be pure Presentation Models.
Usually you will create one model per table, so in your case it means you need 3 models.
When i say "Model" i mean a class that will represent a single row (usually) in a single table.
for example:
in such case the most easy and simple is to create 3 different classes (which represents the data model of the application) where the first class represents a single product the next represents an order and the last class will represent a single customer.
