How to create own Scheduler? - rxjs

If you worked with Schedulers you probably know that you can use different already predefined schedulers like queue, async or asap:
of('', queueScheduler)
of('', asyncScheduler)
of('', asapScheduler)
that's all more or less clear.
But what if you want to create your own scheduler, for example: to make a 5s delay?
I could not find any examples/documations about it, except this outdate SO answer -

The easiest solution that I found was to extend AsyncScheduler:
class MyScheduler extends AsyncScheduler {
public schedule<T>(
work: (this: SchedulerAction<T>, state?: T) => void,
delay: number = 0,
state?: T
): Subscription {
return super.schedule(work, delay + 5000, state);
const myScheduler = new MyScheduler(AsyncAction);
of(1).pipe(observeOn(myScheduler)).subscribe(v => console.timeEnd('myScheduler'));
sandbox -


How this piece of code can be improved and rewritten to kotlin coroutines

I'm trying to achieve functionality: I have a rest endpoint that calls code that execution can take a lot of time. My idea to improve experience for now is to wrap that piece of code as a new thread, wait for completion or for some max time to elapse and return an appropriate message. Wrapped code should be completed even through endpoint already send message back. Current implementation looks like this:
private const val N = 1000
private const val MAX_WAIT_TIME = 5000
class SomeController(
val service: SomeService,
) {
private val executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(N)
fun longEndpoint(#RequestParam("someParam") someParam: Long): ResponseEntity<String> {
val submit = executor.submit {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < MAX_WAIT_TIME) {
if (submit.isDone)
return ResponseEntity.ok("Done")
return ResponseEntity.ok("Check later")
First question is - waiting on while for time seems wrong, we don't release thread, can it be improved?
More important question - how to rewrite it to Kotlin coroutines?
My attempt, simple without returning as soon as task is done, looked like this:
fun longEndpoint(#RequestParam("someParam") someParam: Long): ResponseEntity<String> = runBlocking {
val result = async {
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
return#runBlocking ResponseEntity.ok(if(result.isCompleted) "Done" else "Check later")
But even through correct string is returned, answer is not send until longExecution is done. How to fix that, what am I missing? Maybe coroutines are bad application here?
There are several problems with your current coroutines attempt:
you are launching your async computation within runBlocking's scope, so the overall endpoint method will wait for child coroutines to finish, despite your attempt at return-ing before that.
delay() will always wait for MAX_WAIT_TIME even if the task is done quicker than that
(optional) you don't have to use runBlocking at all if your framework supports async controller methods (Spring WebFlux does support suspend functions in controllers)
For the first problem, remember that every time you launch a coroutine that should outlive your function, you have to use an external scope. coroutineScope or runBlocking are not appropriate in these cases because they will wait for your child coroutines to finish.
You can use the CoroutineScope() factory function to create a scope, but you need to think about the lifetime of your coroutine and when you want it cancelled. If the longExecution function has a bug and hangs forever, you don't want to leak the coroutines that call it and blow up your memory, so you should cancel those coroutines somehow. That's why you should store the scope as a variable in your class and cancel it when appropriate (when you want to give up on those operations).
For the second problem, using withTimeout is very common, but it doesn't fit your use case because you want the task to keep going even after you timeout waiting for it. One possible solution would be using select clauses to either wait until the job is done, or wait for some specified maximum time:
// TODO call scope.cancel() somewhere appropriate (when this component is not needed anymore)
val scope = CoroutineScope(Job())
fun longEndpoint(#RequestParam("someParam") someParam: Long): ResponseEntity<String> {
val job = scope.launch {
val resultText = runBlocking {
select {
job.onJoin() { "Done" }
onTimeout(MAX_WAIT_TIME) { "Check later" }
return ResponseEntity.ok(resultText)
Note: I'm using launch instead of async because you don't seem to need the return value of longExecution here.
If you want to solve the problem #3 too, you can simply declare your handler suspend and remove runBlocking around the select:
// TODO call scope.cancel() somewhere appropriate (when this component is not needed anymore)
val scope = CoroutineScope(Job())
suspend fun longEndpoint(#RequestParam("someParam") someParam: Long): ResponseEntity<String> {
val job = scope.launch {
val resultText = select {
job.onJoin() { "Done" }
onTimeout(MAX_WAIT_TIME) { "Check later" }
return ResponseEntity.ok(resultText)
Note that this requires spring-boot-starter-webflux instead of spring-boot-starter-web.
Your implementation always waits for MAX_WAIT_TIME. This might work:
fun longEndpoint(#RequestParam("someParam") someParam: Long): ResponseEntity<String> = runBlocking {
try {
withTimeout(MAX_WAIT_TIME) {
async {
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
} catch (ex: CancellationException) {
return#runBlocking ResponseEntity.ok("Check later")
return#runBlocking ResponseEntity.ok("Done")
Although I'm not sure if there will be any unwanted side effects because it seems that this will cancel the coroutine when it reaches MAX_WAIT_TIME. Read more about it here:
Cancellation and timeouts

RxJS custom scheduler for requestAnimationFrame

I know rxjs has a built in animationFrameScheduler, but i am pretty sure i can not use it to accomplish what I am wanting.
Essentially I am wanting to throttle some events by requestAnimationFrame. How I would do this in a subscribe is:
let taskId;
.subscribe(args => {
if (taskId) {
taskId = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
taskId = null;
What is happening is I want to throttle the events and only execute the last event per animationFrame.
I have tried throttleTime(0, animationFrameScheduler) and observeOn(animationFrameScheduler) and neither seem to do what I want.
My next thought was to just create a custom scheduler that could do this. I understand that I should create a class that implements ScheduleLike, but after that there seems to be no documentation on what the different methods of that class are supposed to do and what the parameters mean.
Furthermore attempting to read the source code of existing schedulers is an opaque mess of inheritance and wasn't useful is implementing my own.
So my questions is either; how can i use animationFrameScheduler to actually throttle my events in this way, or how can I learn how to build my own scheduler?
Built in animationFrame scheduler combined with audit operator to get last value from the silenced time window should do the job.
See code example:
const { of, from, animationFrameScheduler, asyncScheduler, interval } = rxjs;
const { audit, toArray } = rxjs.operators;
const numbers = Array.from({ length: 100 }).map((_, i) => i);
from(numbers, asyncScheduler).pipe(
audit(e => of(null, animationFrameScheduler))
).subscribe(e => console.log(e));
<script src=""></script>

Recommended way to test Scheduler/Throttle

I'm in the process of rewriting one little WPF-App I wrote to make use of ReactiveUI, to get a feeling about the library.
I really like it so far!
Now I've stumbled upon the Throttle method and want to use it when applying a filter to a collection.
This is my ViewModel:
namespace ReactiveUIThrottle
public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject
private string _filter;
public string Filter { get => _filter; set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _filter, value); }
private readonly ReactiveList<Person> _persons = new ReactiveList<Person>();
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> _filteredPersons;
public IReactiveDerivedList<Person> Persons => _filteredPersons.Value;
public MainViewModel()
Filter = string.Empty;
new Person("Peter"),
new Person("Jane"),
new Person("Jon"),
new Person("Marc"),
new Person("Heinz")
var filterPersonsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IReactiveDerivedList<Person>>(FilterPersons);
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter)
// to see the problem
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
_filteredPersons = filterPersonsCommand.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.Persons, _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p));
private async Task<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> FilterPersons(string filter)
await Task.Delay(500); // Lets say this takes some time
return _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p, p => p.Name.Contains(filter));
The filtering itself works like a charm, also the throttling, when using the GUI.
However, I'd like to unittest the behavior of the filtering and this is my first attempt:
public void FilterPersonsByName()
var sut = new MainViewModel();
sut.Filter = "J";
This test fails because the collection still has 5 people.
When I get rid of the await Task.Delay(500) in FilterPersons then the test will pass, but takes 2 seconds (from the throttle).
1) Is there a way to have the throttle be instant within the test to speed up the unittest?
2) How would I test the async behavior in my filter?
I'm using ReactiveUI 7.x
Short answers:
Yes, by making sure you're using CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance when running under test
Instead of using CurrentThreadScheduler, use a TestScheduler and manually advance it
The longer answer is that you need to ensure your unit tests can control the scheduler being used by your System Under Test (SUT). By default, you'll generally want to use CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance to make things happen "instantly" without any need to advance the scheduler manually. But when you want to write tests that do validate timing, you use a TestScheduler instead.
If, as you seem to be, you're using RxApp.*Scheduler, take a look at the With extension method, which can be used like this:
(new TestScheduler()).With(sched => {
// write test logic here, and RxApp.*Scheduler will resolve to the chosen TestScheduler
I tend to avoid using the RxApp ambient context altogether for the same reason I avoid all ambient contexts: they're shared state and can cause trouble as a consequence. Instead, I inject an IScheduler (or two) into my SUT as a dependency.

Rxjs Observable.take(1) vs Subscription.unsubscribe()

Is there any differences between
const subscription = Observable.subscribe(() => {
// Do something, then
The take(1) approach has a number of advantages over subscribe:
Code readability (and elegance).
The second approach requires that you hold and manage extra variables.
The second approach will not invoke the complete handler. This is because .take(1) actually create a new observable which potentially yields a single item and completes.
The second approach will work for the trivial case of taking a single element, but if you need to take more then 1, take(4) will stay simple while the second approach will become hard to code.
The 3rd item is the rxjs related one, the others relate to coding style.
Have a look at a sample here.
In Angular2, I find myself using both paradigms.
The first makes the most sense inside of a method, where as the second is better used in a constructor, with a cleanup in the deconstructor.
.subscribe(item => {
class SomeClass{
public val;
private sub;
this.sub ='thing')
.subscribe(item => {
this.val = item
ngDestroy() {

How to perform new operation on #RetryOnFailure by jcabi

Iam using jcabi-aspects to retry connection to my URL http://xxxxxx:8080/hello till the connection comes back.As you know #RetryOnFailure by jcabi has two fields attempts and delay.
I want to perform the operation like attempts(12)=expiryTime(1 min=60000 millis)/delay(5 sec=5000 millis) on jcabi #RetryOnFailure.How do i do this.The code snippet is as below.
#RetryOnFailure(attempts = 12, delay = 5)
public String load(URL url) {
return url.openConnection().getContent();
You can combine two annotations:
#Timeable(unit = TimeUnit.MINUTE, limit = 1)
#RetryOnFailure(attempts = Integer.MAX_VALUE, delay = 5)
public String load(URL url) {
return url.openConnection().getContent();
#RetryOnFailure will retry forever, but #Timeable will stop it in a minute.
The library you picked (jcabi) does not have this feature. But luckily the very handy RetryPolicies from Spring-Batch have been extracted (so you can use them alone, without the batching):
One of the many classes you could use from there is TimeoutRetryPolicy:
RetryTemplate template = new RetryTemplate();
TimeoutRetryPolicy policy = new TimeoutRetryPolicy();
Foo result = template.execute(new RetryCallback<Foo>() {
public Foo doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {
// Do stuff that might fail, e.g. webservice operation
return result;
The whole spring-retry project is very easy to use and full of features, like backOffPolicies, listeners, etc.
