What are "double sh" calls? - bash

Can you explain what are (as I call it) "double sh calls", how they work and the advantages of such constructs ?
EDIT1 : Maybe an example can help you understand what I'm talking about.
$ set -- --no-resume-playback https://www.facebook.com/TBN/videos/1580372468665943/
$ sh -c 'echo $*'
$ sh -c 'echo $*' sh "$*"
--no-resume-playback https://www.facebook.com/TBN/videos/1580372468665943/
I couln't find any example of this in the man :
$ man bash | col -b | egrep "sh -c [\"']"
N.B.: If the title of my question is ambiguous, please help me change it because I don't know how to call such shell calls.

man bash describes -c and its arguments:
If the -c option is present, then commands are read from the first non-option argument command_string. If there are arguments after the command_string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
In this case, the command_string is echo $*, and the positional arguments are set in this way:
$0 = sh
$1 = "$*" = '--no-resume-playback https://www.facebook.com/TBN/videos/1580372468665943/'


Why getting blank output when running "/bin/sh" with "-c" option [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use positional parameters with "bash -c" command?
(2 answers)
Closed 14 days ago.
I am running /bin/sh with -c option as below but getting a blank output:
[root#dockerhost dproj]# /bin/sh -c echo helloworld
[root#dockerhost dproj]#
Why the above command is not printing helloworld?
I have tried to read the man page but not able to understand anything.
From man sh:
-c Read commands from the command_string operand.
Set the value of special parameter 0
(see Section 2.5.2, Special Parameters) from the
value of the command_name operand and the positional
parameters ($1, $2, and so on) in sequence from the
remaining argument operands.
No commands shall be read from the standard input.
/bin/sh -c echo helloworld runs the command echo, which prints a blank line. You meant to type:
/bin/sh -c "echo helloworld"
which runs the command echo helloworld.
The -c option to sh causes the first non-option argument to be treated as a string of commands to run in a new shell. The remaining arguments are used to fill in the that shell's numbered arguments, starting with $0 (the "name" under which the shell process is running.) These arguments are not automatically parsed to any utility executed by that shell.
So if you invoke sh with /bin/sh -c echo helloworld:
the input passed to the shell interpreter sh is simply echo
helloworld becomes $0 in the sh session.
Normally, $0 in a shell invocation should be the name of the shell; that's what it will be set to by default:
bash$ /bin/sh
$ echo $0
$ exit
bash$ echo $0
Since the command given to the shell by -c is interpreted as though it were input to the shell itself, you can use $n in the command in order to refer to the extra arguments to the shell interpreter. If you want to do that, you need to remember to single-quote the -c option argument so that it's contents are not interpreted by the outer shell. Perhaps studying the following will help:
bash$ /bin/sh -c 'echo $0' fakename # Correctly single-quoted
bash$ /bin/sh -c "echo $0" fakename # Here, $0 is expanded by the outer shell
bash$ /bin/sh -c 'echo "$#"' sh arg1 arg2 arg3 # $0 is not part of $#
arg1 arg2 arg3

Empty Positional Argument when using /bin/bash -c <script>

I'm trying to launch a script with /bin/bash -c with positional arguments but can't figure out the following issue:
Suppose I have test.sh as follows:
echo $0
echo $1
> ./test.sh a
> /bin/bash -c ./test.sh a
Why does the second one return an empty position argument for $1? Based on the man page:
-c If the -c option is present, then commands are read from the first non-option argument command_string. If there are arguments after the command_string, the first argument is assigned to $0 and any remaining arguments are assigned to the positional
parameters. The assignment to $0 sets the name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.
It seems like "a" should be assigned to $0 at least, which is not what I saw. /bin/bash -c 'echo $0' a works as expected. Thanks!
The string after -c acts like a miniature script, and the arguments after that are passed to it as $0, $1, $2, etc. For example:
$ bash -c 'echo "\$0=$0, \$1=$1, \$2=$2"' zero one two
$0=zero, $1=one, $2=two
(Note: it's important that the mini-script is in single-quotes; without them the references to $0 would be expanded by your interactive shell before they even get passed to the bash -c command.)
In your case, the mini-script runs another script (./test.sh), but doesn't pass on the arguments. If you wanted to pass them on, you'd do something like this:
$ bash -c './test.sh "$1" "$2"' zero one two
If the script had bothered to print its $2 here, it would've gotten "two". It doesn't help to pass on $0, because for a real script that's automatically set to the actual command used to run the script.
bash [long-opt] [-abefhkmnptuvxdBCDHP] [-o option] [-O shopt_option]
-c string [argument ...]
-c supposed to be followed by a string, so you may quote ./test.sh a like:
$ /bin/bash -c "./test.sh a"
The -c option does not collect all following arguments of the bash command, but just uses the first non-option argument, which in your case is the one immediately following it. I don't see why you want to use -c here. I would write your command as
/bin/bash test.sh a
Since in this case, no PATH search is involved, you can also omit the ./ part. In fact, test.sh doesn't even need to be executable here.

Pass all args to a command called in a new shell using bash -c

I've simplified my example to the following:
bash -c "./file2.sh $#"
echo "first $1"
echo "second $2"
I expect that if I call ./file1.sh a b to get:
first a
second b
but instead I get:
first a
In other words, my later arguments after the first one are not getting passed through to the command that I'm executing inside a new bash shell. I've tried many variations of removing and moving around the quotation marks in the file1.sh file, but haven't got this to work.
Why is this happening, and how do I get the behavior I want?
(UPDATE - I realize it seems pointless that I'm calling bash -c in this example, my actual file1.sh is a proxy script for a command that gets called locally to run in a docker container so it's actually docker exec -i mycontainer bash -c '')
Change file1.sh to this with different quoting:
bash -c './file2.sh "$#"' - "$#"
- "$#" is passing hyphen to populate $0 and $# is being passed in to populate all other positional parameters in bash -c command line.
You can also make it:
bash -c './file2.sh "$#"' "$0" "$#"
However there is no real need to use bash -c here and you can just use:
./file2.sh "$#"

Why when I run sh -c [script], it won't accept any positional parameters?

I am confused; I run a script, with sh -c , but if I want to pass a parameter, it will be ignored.
# script.sh
echo "parameter is: " $param
If I run it as
sh -c ./script.sh hello
I get nothing in the output
Why is this happening? How can I avoid this?
This will work for you:
sh -c "./script.sh hello"
If you run it that way:
sh -c ./script.sh hello
than hello became sh's second parameter and ./script.sh is run with none parameters.
The -c switch accepts a single argument. The shell will be doing the parsing itself. E.g.
sh -c './script.sh hello'

shell scripting echo not working inside sudo

I have a shell script test.sh as give below.
sudo -H sh -c '
echo $1;
But while I am running this script as ./test.sh abcd it is not echoing anything. Then I changed my script as given below.
sudo -H sh -c '
echo \$1;
But now, it is displaying output as $1. What modification shall I need to do here for getting output as abcd. Please advice as I am a very beginner in shell scripting.
Try this:
sudo -H sh -c "
echo $1;
sudo runs the command in a new shell that doesn't know anything about the argument(s) passed to its parent, so you need to expand them before running the command string in the new (sub)shell.
sudo -H sh -c '
echo "$1";
' argv0 "$1"
From the bash man page:
man bash | less -Ip '-c string'
# -c string If the -c option is present, then commands are read from
# string. If there are arguments after the string, they are
# assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
