Are there any recommendations for running all of part of a ICP cluster in a DMZ - ibm-cloud-private

Are there any recommendations for running all of part of an IBM Cloud Private cluster in a DMZ? I didn't find anything in the documentation or on stack overflow.

I wouldnt do it.
I think its obvious why one wouldnt run the Master or Management Nodes in the DMZ, they arent Edge hardened (really none of it is... yes yes there are some images made to be hardened.. yada... yada... why?) and have APIs and member to member traffic that although its SSL, there are ways given time and exposure... The IT Martha Stuart in me says "IPSec VPN for cluster members is a good thing." Also, if one has workers or proxies cluster members in the DMZ, really, its sorta the same problem. Kubernetes clusters (ICP included) arent bullet proof... or even bullet resistant. They need a gateway of some kind, for sure, unless its just at toy. Put your gateway, where it belongs, in the DMZ, it should be built to run there (DataPower XG 45 or XI52 are a great example IMO). Protect your cluster members from direct access of any kind thats not routed through gateway etc etc

Please take a look on ICP Architecture.
I think if you want expose your services, you would think on the proxy part of it.
See the Architecture link:


How to provide mutual TLS (mTLS) with Spring application in Kubernetes?

I have an interesting problem, maybe you could help me out.
There are given two spring applications, called app1 and app2. There is plenty of REST calls are happening to both of the services. I need to implement a security solution where both of them can communicate with each other on REST but it is protected by mutual TLS (mTLS where both app has its own cert for each other)
Implementing it the standard way its not that hard, Spring has solutions for it (with keystores and etc.), but the twist is, I have to create it in a Kubernetes environment.
The two app is not in the same cluster, so app1 is in our cluster but app2 deployed in one of our partner's system.
I am pretty new to k8s and not sure what is the best method to achieve this. Should I store the certs or the keystore(s) as secrets? Use and configure nginx ingress somehow, maybe Istio would be useful? I would really want to find the optimal solution but I don't know the right way.
I would really like if I could configure it outside my app and let k8s take care about it but I am not sure if it is the right thing to do.
Any help would be really appreciated, some guidance to find the right path or some kind of real life examples.
Thank you for your help!
Mikolaj has probably covered everything but still let me add my cent
i don't have much experience working with Istio, however i would also suggest checking out the Linkerd service mesh.
Step 1.
Considering if you are on multi could GKE & EKS or so still it will work.
Multicluster guide details and installation details
Linkerd will use the Trust anchor between the cluster so traffic can flow encrypted and not get open to the public internet.
You have to generate the certificate which will form a common base of trust between clusters.
Each proxy will get copy of the certificate and use it for validation.
The answer to your problem will be more complex as there is no one-size-fits-all solution that turns out to be the best. It all depends on what exactly you want to do and what tools you have for it. suren mentioned it very well in the comment:
if you are still in the stage of PoC, then note that there are couple of ways of achieving what you want. Istio would be a valid way, for example. You could have the other service in a ServiceEntry, enable mTLS and there you go. You don't have to even manage secrets for this specific scenario, as it is automatic. But there are other ways. Even with Istio there are other ways. If you are on any cloud provider, you might have some managed services as well
This is a very good comment and I would also recommend an istio based solution to you. First of all check the official mTLS documentation for istio first. You will also find specific usage examples and sample configuration files there.
You also mentioned in the question that your application will run between two clusters. Take a look at this tutorial, which shows exactly how to solve this situation:
Istio injects an envoy sidecar to every pod and makes sure all the traffic goes through the envoy proxy. Envoy proxies compose the data plane. The control plane manages the Envoy sidecars. In previous versions of Istio, the control plane used to have other components, such as Pilot, Citadel, and Galley. These components got consolidated into a single binary called “istiod”. The control plane also deals with the configurations, certificates, secrets, and health checking.
For more information look also at related problem on stackoverflow and another tutorial.
Take into account that in addition to istio itself, you will be able to use ready-made cloud solutions, for example available at GKE i.e. Configuring TLS and mTLS on the Istio ingress .
Another way might be to use a tool Anthos Service Mesh by example: mTLS.

How to configure kube-proxy master_url with multiple apiservers

I'm using a cluster setup with multiple apiservers with a loadbalancer in front of them for external access, with an installation on bare metal.
Like mentioned in the High Availability Kubernetes Clusters docs, I would like to use internal loadbalancing utilizing the kubernetes service within my cluster. This works fine so far, but I'm not sure what is the best way to set up the kube-proxy. It obviously cannot use the service IP, since it does the proxying to this one based on the data from the apiserver (master). I could use the IP of any one of the apiservers, but this would cause losing the high availability. So, the only viable option I currently see is to utilize my external loadbalancer, but this seems somehow wrong.
Anybody any ideas or best practices?
This is quite old question, but as the problem persists... here it goes.
There is a bug in the Kubernetes restclient, which does not allow to use more than one IP/URL, as it will pick up always the first IP/URL in the list. This affects to kube-proxy and also to kubelet, leaving a single point of failure in those tools if you don't use a load balancer (as you did) in a multi-master setup. The solution probably is not the most elegant solution ever, but currently (I think) is the easier one.
Other solution (which I prefer, but may not work for everyone and it does not solve all the problems) is to create a DNS entry that will round robin your API servers, but as pointed out in one of the links below, that only solves the load balancing, and not the HA.
You can see the progress of this story in the following links:
The kube-proxy/kubelet issue:
The restclient PR:
The "official" solution:
I think the way it is meant to be set up is that you have a kube-proxy on each master node, so each kube-proxy points to its master on / localhost
The podmaster determines which api-server should run, which in turns makes use of the local proxy of that master

How to properly determine Amazon AWS Heroku subnets?

I need to be able to enable access through a firewall to a server for an app that is built atop Heroku. Unfortunately the IP's coming from Heroku's AWS instances seem to vary quite a bit. Is there a "correct" way of determining what subnet to expect from Heroku's AWS platform for an app?
As unfortunate as this is -- there isn't a good way to continuously get this information. On the AWS forums, however, the EC2 engineers tend to occasionally post their IP ranges (here is a recent example:
The downside to this, however, is that it requires a lot of manual work.
There is no reliable way to accept Heroku public IPs in firewalls. Even if there was, you would be compromising your application and opening up an attack vector via other apps on Heroku.
The solution is to have an adequate authentication layer in your exposed services.
This question was asked a few years ago back when services like Proximo didn’t exist -- or weren’t known within the Heroku community.
Today, if you want your outbound traffic to come through a static IP which you can whitelist in your firewall, you can use a proxy service like Proximo (Fixie is another example).
There are a few downsides for using these services:
1) Intrusive Setup
Although the setup of these addons is relatively simple, it’s important to understand how they affect the application.
In case of Proximo, for example, you’ll be required to wrap your processes in a special utility.
This utility will “automatically forward outbound TCP connections made by the wrapped process over your proxy.”
2) Latency
To make your outbound traffic come from a static IP, these services route the traffic through a proxy. This means you’ll add another hop to your outbound communication.
I know that applications that run on Heroku usually aren’t very sensitive to network latency, but it’s important to take this issue into a consideration.
3) Uptime
Although these services are relatively stable, it should be noted that routing the traffic through a specialized third-party proxy adds another point of failure and may affect the overall stability of your applications.
To summarize, these services will help you solve the problem. However, I would consider using them as a temporary workaround, not a complete solution.
Rest assured that these kinds of fixes can hold for a very long time, but if security becomes increasingly more important for the applications you’re running on Heroku, it can be a good idea to start planning a migration to AWS.
If you’re wondering when can be the best time for your team to make the transition to AWS, I’ve shared a few notes here: “Will Heroku always be perfect?”
Hope that helps.

Failover proxy on Amazon aws?

This is a fairly generic question. Suppose I have three ec2 boxes: two app boxes and a box that hosts nginx as a reverse proxy, delegating requests to the two app boxes (my database is hosted elsewhere). Now, the two app machines can absorb a failure amongst themselves, however the third one represents a single point of failure. How can I configure my setup so that if the reverse proxy goes down, the site is still available?
I am looking at keepalived and HAproxy. For me this stuff is non-obvious, and any help for the ears of a beginner is appreciated.
If your nginx does no much more than proxying HTTP requests, please have a look at Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. You can set up your two (or more) app boxes, leave some spare ones (in order to keep always two or more up, if you need it), set up health checks, have SSL termination at the balancer, make use of sticky sessions, etc.
There is a lot of people, though, that would like to see the ability to set elastic IP addresses to ELBs, and others with good arguments why it is not neeeded.
My suggestions is that you take a look at ELB documentation, as it seems to perfectly fit your needs. I also recommend reading this interesting post for a good discussion on this subject.
I think if you are a beginner with HA and clusters, your best solution is Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) which is maintained by Amazon. They scale up automatically and implements a high availability cluster of balancers. So using ELB service you already mitigate the point of failure that you commented. Also it's important to have in mind that an ELB is cheaper than 2 instances in AWS. And of course it's easier to launch and maintain.
You can't see multiple ELB because it is a service, so you don't have to take care of the availability.
Other important point is that AWS elastic ips aren't assigned to NIC interface of your OS instance, so use virtual ips as well in classical infrastructures it's difficult.
After this explanation, if you still want Nginx as a proxy reverse in AWS because your reasons, I think you can implement an autoscaling group with a layer composed by Nginx instances. But if you aren't expert in autoscaling technology, it could be very tricky.

Managing server instance identity on EC2

I recently brought up a cluster on EC2, and I felt like I had to invent a lot of things. I'm wondering what kinds of tools, patterns, ideas are out there for how to deal with this.
Some context:
I had 3 different kinds of servers, so first I created AMIs for each of them. The first AMI had zookeeper, so step one in deploying the system was to get the zookeeper server running.
My script then made a note of the mapping between EC2's completely arbitrary and unpredictable hostnames, and the zookeeper server.
Then as I brought up new instances of the other 2 kinds of servers, the first thing I would do is ssh to the new server, and add the zookeeper server to its /etc/hosts file. Then as the server software on each instance starts up, it can find zookeeper.
Obviously this is a problem that lots of people have to solve, and it probably works a little bit differently in different clouds.
Are there products that address this concept? I was pretty surprised that EC2 didn't provide some kind of way to tie your own name to its name.
Thanks for any ideas.
How to do some service discovery on Amazon EC2 seems to have some good options.
I think you might want to look at and the suite of tools from in general.
From the site:
The Marionette Collective AKA MCollective is a framework to build server orchestration or parallel job execution systems.
Primarily we’ll use it as a means of programmatic execution of Systems Administration actions on clusters of servers. In this regard we operate in the same space as tools like Func, Fabric or Capistrano.
I am fairly certain mcollective was built to solve exactly the problem you are trying to address. But, be forewarned, it's not a DNS-based solution, it's a method of addressing arbitrarily large and arbitrarily tagged groups of hosts.
