#WebMvcTest equivalents annotation for Spring MVC application - spring

I am looking for a feature that is similar to what #WebMvcTest does.
What #WebMvcTest does .
1. only instantiating the web layer, not the whole context
2. Only works with Spring Boot application (as it is in the package - org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest).
What I want to achieve
Write unit test case on Controller only instantiating the web layer, not the whole context on Spring MVC application (not Spring Boot application)?
Is there a way to achieve that?


Spring MVC modules,subsystems and components

Let's say we have a Spring MVC project which is a banking web application. I am trying to identify the sub-systems ,modules and components of this project.
1.Subsystems - from what I have red the subsystems in MVC architecture are only 3- the Model,View and Controller is that correct?
2.Modules - are these a group of classes that do something particular as a group.For example LoginController.java,RegisterControler.java form a module let's call it Authentication
3.Components - for components I am not sure which they are in a Spring MVC project.
If someone can explain with examples in terms of a banking web application or other Spring MVC app it would be great!
Spring MVC follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
Model - A model contains the data of the application. A data can be a single object or a collection of objects.
Controller - A controller contains the business logic of an application. Here, the #Controller annotation is used to mark the class as the controller.
View - A view represents the provided information in a particular format. Generally, JSP+JSTL is used to create a view page. Although spring also supports other view technologies such as Apache Velocity, Thymeleaf and FreeMarker.
Spring Boot Framework has mainly four major Components.
Spring Boot Starters.
Spring Boot AutoConfigurator.
Spring Boot CLI.
Spring Boot Actuator.
Please check out : https://www.journaldev.com/7989/key-components-and-internals-of-spring-boot-framework
In project-specific terms,
Module: It can be something that can be built separately in an application. ex: Login Module, Sign-up module, Transactions module, etc., You can say a module is a group of components.
Sub-systems: As far as I know, subsystems are the service package related stuff.
Components: Annotating a class with #Component tells Spring that it is available for fulfilling injections.
Spring Component annotation is used to denote a class as a Component. It means that the Spring framework will autodetect these classes for dependency injection when annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning is used

Can SpringBoot be use for Backend application?

One of the Spring framework advantage is dependency injection. Many had used SpringBoot for providing REST Web Services.
Read up and notice there are Scheduler and CommandLineRunner for SpringBoot, could we using SpringBoot for backend type of application to replace the usual standalone java program while making use of SpringBoot advantage (Dependency Injection)
- Cron Job (Execute and stop running)
- Long Running Process
One of the main thing I am looking into is to use annotation such as Spring Configuration, Spring Data JPA and other technology in backend application.
Of course!
I used spring boot to back CLI projects, DB access projects and more.
Spring boot is very modular. It works by providing auto-configuration based on your maven/gradle imports. If you don't import starter-web/starter-jersey or any other starter that is for the web/rest api, the auto-configuration for this resources won't be triggered and you can basically enjoy all the power of spring boot to support your needs
Spring boot is not a separate framework.It reduces the configuration difficulties when you using spring framework. Spring boot provides a Rapid Application Development using without complex configuration including your dispatcher servlet, XML file for database connectivity and configuration files. You can use spring boot for back-end development. Simply says you can do everything what you does in spring MVC without any complex configuration. If you are using spring boot , You can configure your database details in application.properties file. I am adding one of two links for proper reading,
https://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/ ,

Constant in Spring boot Application (Rest Application)

In a Rest application based on spring Boot ,we want to outsource the definition of some constant, we use now application.properties (but it s fastiduex because we must go through #Value ("...")), Or declare them in Interfaces (static) .....
Is there a simple way? (It is not a spring MVC application, 100% RestFull)

TestNG or Spring Test framework?

I have used TestNG+Rest Assured for rest api service testing(application is written based on Spring framework) and just want to know if it is better to use Spring test framework alone or integration TestNG+Spring test.
Use the combination of both.
TestNG will act as full featured test framework and Spring Test framework to mock spring beans (In other words, to get the out of the box spring support).

call applet in spring class

how to call a applet in spring control class?
Spring is mostly used on server-side, and applets - on client side. So I'd assume two scenarios:
you want to use spring in your applet - then simply ship the spring jars, the applicationContext.xml and start with instantiating ClassPathXmlApplicationContext for example.
you want to reuse functionality from an applet on the server side - in that case move that functionality to a helper class, and import it in both the applet and the spring beans.
