Possible to access TCP packet details with a go HTTP client? - go

I have a need to be able to validate TOS/DSCP marks on response data from a set of HTTP servers. Would it be possible, given a list of target URLs to test, if there is a way in go to generate the HTTP request, and then be able to examine the response's TCP packet details in order to obtain the TOS value?
My assumption at this point is that it may require creating a socket, and then dynamically generating a TCP packet that contains the HTTP request payload. I've been searching around to see if there were any libraries that would aid in this task, but haven't found anything specific yet.
Note: a simple TCP connection will not provide enough data - the target servers in question will alter TOS/DSCP marks dynamically based on the HTTP server name (so essentially, a single physical server will respond with different TOS marks depending on the vHost requested), so it is important to be able to verify the TOS on actual HTTP response packets, and not something simple like a ping. The TOS values in the TCP 3-way handshake cannot be trusted either - it must be a packet containing the HTTP data.

I did end up solving this problem using gopacket/pcap and net/http.
In a nutshell, what I ended up doing is writing a function that creates a channel, and then calls a goroutine that does the actual packet capture and parsing. The goroutine passes the captured TOS value back to the channel, and then the original function does the http request, and then reads the channel to get the TOS result. Still a bit of a work-in-progress, but so far, this solution seems to be working fairly well.


Socket.io - different maxHttpBufferSize values depending on the nature of the request

I am creating an application that allows users to submit JSON or Base64 image data via socket.io
The goal I am trying to achieve is:
if JSON is submitted, the message can have a maximum size of 1MB
if a Base64 image is submitted, the message can have a maximum size of 5MB
From the socket.io docs I can see that:
you can specify a maxHttpBufferSize option value that allows you to limit the maximum message size
namespaces allow you to split logic over a single connection
However, I can't figure out the correct way to get the functionality to work the way I have described above.
Would I need to:
set up 2 separate io instances on the server, one for JSON data and the other for Base64 images (therefore allowing me to set separate maxHttpBufferSize values for each), and then the client can use the correct instance, depending on what they want to submit (if so, what is the correct way of doing this?)
set up 1 instance with a maxHttpBufferSize of 5MB, and then add in my own custom logic to determine message sizes and prevent further actions if the data is JSON and over 1MB in size
set this up in some totally different way that I haven't thought of
Many thanks
From what I can see in the API, maxHttpBufferSize is a parameter for the underlying Engine.IO server (of which there is one instance per Socket.IO Server Instance). Obviously you're free to set up two servers but I doubt it makes sense to separate the system into two entirely different applications.
Talk of using Namespaces to separate logic is more about handling different messages at different endpoints (for example you would register a removeUserFromChat message handler to a user connecting via an /admin namespace, but you wouldn't want to register this to a user connecting via the /user namespace).
In the most recent socket server I set up, I defined my own protocol where part of the response would contain a HTTP status code, as well as a description that could be displayed to the user. For example I would return 200 on success. If I was uploading a file via a REST HTTP Interface, I would expect a 400 (BAD REQUEST) response if my request couldn't be processed - and I believe that this makes sense for your use case. Alternatively you could define your own custom 4XX error code if the file is too large, and handle this in your UI purely based on the code returned. Obviously you don't need to follow the HTTP protocol, and the design decisions are ultimately up to you, but in my opinion it makes sense to return some kind of error response in your message handler.
I suspect that the maxHttpBufferSize has different use at lower levels than your use case. When sending content over network, content is split into 'n bytes' of packets and when a application writes 'n' bytes, the network sends a packet over network (the less the n, more overhead due to network headers. The more the n, high latency because of waiting involved in accumulating n bytes before sending). Documentation is not clear about maxHttpBufferSize but it could be the packet size (n) configuration, not limit on the max data on connection.
It seems, http request header Content-Length might serve your purpose. It gives the actual object size based on that you can make a decision.

How to create two udp sockets where one is sending requests and another one receiving the answers?

I'm looking for a proper way to have one goroutine sending out request packets to specific servers while a second goroutine receiving the responses and handling them, maybe even create a new goroutine for each response to handle.
The architecture of the game is that there are multiple masterservers, which can be asked for ip lists of registered servers.
After getting the ips and ports from the masterservers, each of the ips gets a request for its data, like server name, map, players, etc.
Also, are there better ways to handle this?
Currently I am creating a goroutine per request that also waits for a response afterwards.
The waiting for a response timeouts after 35ms and continues to send 1.2 times the previous amount of request packets to have a small burst of requests. Also the timeout is doubled on every retry.
I'd like to know if there are better strategies that have proven to be more robust and have a lower latency, that are not too complex.
I only create the client side sockets, but would have, if there is no better approach, a client that sends UDP request packets that contain a different socket's address as sender value in order to receive the answers on a different socket that acts kind of like a server, where all the response packets are collected. In order to separate the sending socket from the receiving socket.
This question is tagged as client-server as one of the sockets is supposed to act like a server, even tho all it does is receive expected answers in response to request packets sent by the client socket.

go rpc, http or websockets,which is fastest for transferring many small pieces of data, repeatedly, from one server to another

I'm experimenting creating a memory + cpu profiler in go, and wish to transfer the information quickly, maybe every second, from the program/service being profiled to a server which will do all of the heavy lifting by saving the data to a database and/or serving it via http to a site; this will reduce the load on the program being profiled for more accurate measurements. It will be small pieces of data being transferred. I know there are some libraries out there already, but like I said, experimenting.
Transfer Content Type
I have not decided on a concrete transfer type but looks like JSON for HTTP or Websockets and just the Struct for RPC (if I've done my research correctly)
I will likely try each just to see for myself, but have little experience using RPC and Websockets and would like some opinions or recommendations on which may be faster or more suitable for what I'm trying to do:
Anything else I'm not thinking about
As you mentioned in your comment, HTTP is not a requirement.
In this case in search for the fastest transferring solution I would completely drop the HTTP transport layer and would use just plain (TCP) socket connections as HTTP gives quite a big overhead just for transferring a few bytes.
Define your own protocol (which may be very simple), open a TCP connection to the server, and send the data packets every seconds or so as your requirements dictate.
Your protocol for sending (and receiving) data can be as simple as:
Do an optional authenticating or client/server identification (to ensure you connected to the server/program you wanted to).
Use the encoding/gob packgae from the standard library to send data in binary form over the connection.
So basically the profiled program (client) should open the TCP connection, and use gob.NewEncoder() wrapping the connection to send data. The server should accept the incoming TCP connection and use gob.NewDecoder() to wrapping the connection to recieve data.
Client calls Encoder.Encode() so send profiling info, it can be typically a struct value. Server calls Decoder.Decode() to receive a profiling info, the struct that the client sent. That's all.
Sending data in binary form using the encoding/gob package requires you to use the same type to describe the profiling data on both sides. If you want more flexibility, you may also use the encoding/json package to send/receive profiling info as JSON text. The downside is that JSON will require more data to be sent and it takes more time to produce and parse the JSON text compared to the binary representation.
If loosing some profiling packets (or recieving duplicates) is not an issue, you may want to try/experiment using UDP instead of TCP which may be even more efficient.

How do I add a pipeline to a REQ-REP in ZeroMQ?

I am experimenting with ZeroMQ where I want to create a server that does :
I want to sequentially receives data query requests, push it through a inproc pipeline to parallelise the data query and the sink merges the data back. After the sink merges the data together, the sink sends the merged data as the reply back to the request.
Is this possible? How would it look? I am not sure if the push/pull will preserve client's address for the REP socket to send back to.
Assuming that each client has only a single request out at any one time.
Is this possible?
Yes, but with different socket types.
How would it look?
(in C)
What you may like to do is shift from a ZMQ_REP socket on the external server socket to a ZMQ_ROUTER socket. The Router/Dealer sockets have identities which can allow you to have multiple requests in your pipeline and still respond correctly to each.
The Asynchronous Client/Server Pattern:
The only hitch in this is that you will need to manage the multiple parts of the ZMQ message. The first part is the identity. Second is null. Third is the data. As long as you REPLY in the same order as the REQUEST the identity will guide your response's data to the correct client. I wrapped my requests in a struct:
struct msg {
zmq_msg * identity;
zmq_msg * nullMsg;
zmq_msg * data;
Make sure to use zmq_msg_more when receiving messages and set the more flag when sending correctly.
I am not sure if the push/pull will preserve client's address for the
REP socket to send back to.
You are correct. A push pull pattern would not allow for specifying of the return address between multiple clients.

Http request response debugging

I have two phones connected to a Wifi access point, both have ip in the private range.
One of the phones has a HTTP server running on it and the other phone acts like a client. The client sends GET requests data to the server as name/
value pairs in the URL query string. At the moment the server is only sending on HTTP.OK on receiving the query string.
What is happening is the client may not be stationary and maybe moving around so it may not be possible for it to be in range always of the Wifi access
point due to that I am not getting all the data sent from the client at the server end.
I want to ensure that all data sent is actually received by the server.
What kind of error correction should I implement? Can I check for some relevant HTTP error codes or the like?
If the HTTP server doesn't receive the entire query string in a GET request, then the HTTP request cannot possibly be valid as these parameters are on the first line of the request.
The server will be unable to handle the request and in this case will likely return status code 400 (Bad Request).
If your client receives this (which seems unlikely that it would fail to transmit the request, yet receive the response), then you'll know to retransmit. In general, the properties of TCP connections like automatic retransmissions, checksums and timeouts should be all you need for successful delivery, or to determine failure.
You need to check for timeouts on the client. That depends on the process/language used.
EDIT: http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Using_Http_and_Https_in_Java_ME
Looks like you simply set a timeout and catch IO errors.
Premature optimization.
Connection integrity is already dealt with in the lower parts of the network stack. So if there were any dropouts in the middle of the request (assuming it spanned more than a single packet) the TCP stack would attempt to recover them before passing the data on to the server.
If you need to prove this to yourself, then just add a checksum as the last part of the query.
