Xcode 10.2 not building for ios 12.3 beta 1 - xcode

I had update of iPhone to 12.3 beta 1. But apparently it throws error
This iPhone 7 (Model 1660, 1778, 1779, 1780) is running iOS 12.3
(16F5117h), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.
in addition there is no any Xcode beta on Apple developer portal to download.


ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue

When I upload my build to testflight, I received this mail from the App store connect.
I think If I update my Xcode to 11 it gets resolved.
Can anyone clarify how to check the SDK version and how to update that?
ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 12.1 SDK.
Starting April 2020, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later, included in Xcode 11 or later.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App Store Connect.
You're guess is right. You need to update Xcode installation on the Mac which uploads the Testflight builds.
If it's a CI machine or some kind of cloud build service like Bitrise, you have to update/select a newer Xcode version. If you're submitting Testflight builds from your local Mac, update Xcode locally.
You can check on Wikipedia, which iOS SDK was introduced in which Xcode version:
A quick summary:
Xcode version iOS Base SDK included
8.0 10.0
8.1 10.1
8.2 10.2
8.3 10.3
8.3.3 10.3.1
9.0 11.0
9.1 11.1
9.2 11.2
9.3 11.3
9.4 11.4
10.0 12.0
10.1 12.1
10.2 12.2
10.3 12.4
11.0 13.0
11.1 13.1
11.2 13.2
12.0 14.0
12.1 14.1
12.2 14.2
12.3 14.3
12.4 14.4
12.5 14.5
13.0 15.0
13.1 15.0
13.2 15.2
13.3 15.4
Every Xcode release is packed with a specific version of iOS Base SDK. You can't choose which Base SDK you want to use, only that particular version is available.
For example in Xcode 11.1 you can only use iOS 13.1 SDK. iOS 13.0 or iOS 13.2 SDK is not available.
Note: While you're picking the latest SDK with Xcode updates to access new features, you can still use for example iOS 10.0 Deployment Target in your project to support older devices.
If your message is missing the version in the first mention of IOS SDK in the error message, you may be experiencing an Apple bug like I did.
I received this error even thought I had the correct versions.
I changed nothing (except the build number) and resubmitted and it worked.
Here was the error I received:
ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS SDK.
As of June 30, 2020, all apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with
the iOS 13 SDK or later, included with Xcode 11 or later.
Yes, After upgrading the Xcode the error not received for me from apple

Xcode 10.2 does not open after installation from App Store

When I try to open Xcode 10.2 after installing it from the App Store, it doesn't open. After a while, a dialog box comes with an error "check with the developer to make sure Xcode works with this version of mac os".
Can anyone help? My Mac OS is Mojave 10.14.2
Xcode 10.2 includes SDKs for iOS 12.2, watchOS 5.2, macOS 10.14.4, and
tvOS 12.2. Xcode 10.2 supports on-device debugging for iOS 8 and
later, tvOS 9 and later, and watchOS 2 and later. Xcode 10.2 requires
a Mac running macOS 10.14.3 or later.

Does the Xcode 6.3 Beta support an iOS Simulator of iOS 7

I've updated Xcode and updated my Swift project, but it's only letting me test in iOS 8.3. Do the betas only let you test the upcoming iOS Beta?
Yes. Download the iOS 7 simulator in the settings.

xCode 4.2 only show simulators of iPhone 5.0 and iPad 5.0

My Xcode 4.2 only shows show iPhone 5.0 Simulator and iPad 5.0 Simulator as seen in the picture. I already downloaded all versions os iOS in Preference/Download and have set up in the iOS Deployment Target to 3.0. Why doesn't it show all iOS simulators from 3.0 to 5.1 as in previous version of Xcode?
Support for these simulators has been dropped. Currently the only simulators Xcode is supporting is for iOS 5+ SDKs.

where do all iphone simulator disappear to?

I used to have all the simulator from 2.0 to 3.x then when I upgrade the Xcode to get the iphone 4 sdk, all the simulators disappeared except for iphone ipad 4 versions.
so in xcode 4 with snow leopard, I had ipad 3.2 and iphone 4.0 - 4.3, ipad 4.0 - 4.3.
now I got the new macbook air with lion, had to install the xcode 4.2 for lion, loaded up the same project, and only simulator I have is iphone 4.3 and ipad 4.3.
what is going on here? How do I get all my simulator back? ipad 3.2 and iphone 4.0 - 4.3, ipad 4.0 - 4.3.
My project is same as before and set to ios 3.0 target.
thanks for any help in advance
I don't know why but the old simulators are uninstalled, but you can go to xCode > Preferences ... > Downloads (tab) and select the simulators that you want download.
I'd suggest by re-installing XCode 4.2 or running a Software Update.
Xcode 4.2 includes:
iPhone 4.0 Simulator
iPhone 4.1 Simulator
iPhone 4.1 Simulator
iPhone 4.2 Simulator
iPad 4.2 Simulator
iPhone 4.3 Simulator
iPad 4.3 Simulator
iPhone 5.0 Simulator
iPad 5.0 Simulator
