How to alert on slack about a HTTP request if it takes more time to complete than specific time - slack

I have a http request. https://server:port//get_somthing?x=10.
Assume that it is expected to respond within 1 second. I notice this in newrelic that, sometimes it takes 1.5, 2 seconds. I would like to look into the logs and investigate whenever it takes more time than 1 second. So I want to set up alerts on a slack channel whenever request takes more time than the prescribed time.
How to achieve this?? I am using newrelic's java agent.


Does the Constant Timer added in my HTTP Request affect the results in the Summary Report?

I have a HTTP Request in my Thread Grpup that takes around 20 to 30 seconds to complete with a single user, so when I added 50 users I get a 500/Internal Server Error or 503/Server has been shutdown sometimes.
I want to add a Constant Timer with 40 seconds (in miliseconds) under the HTTP Request so maybe the application will have some time to process it. I am going to the rigth way?
If I add the Constant Timer will it be calculate as well in the Summary Report?
I need that the Jmeter give the time to the API (My aplication) complete the process (need at least 30 seconds) and it may be or not affetct my Summary Report
PreProcessors, Post-Processors and Timers are not counted in the Elapsed time. so response time will not be impacted.
However Throughout (the number of requests for the test duration) will be lower.
See JMeter Glossary for more information on the above metrics.
With regards to "right way" - real users don't "hammer" application non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations so if you're simulating a real user you should have non-zero think time, however 40 seconds it kind of too much for me. Take a look at How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article for more tips on properly configuring your JMeter test.

JMeter delays takes longer than they should

I am using JMeter in order to test some environment. I build a thread group in JMeter that includes a couple of https requests with a delay between each of them.
somthing like this:
1. https request
2. random delay
3. https requst
4. random delay
6. https requst
7. random delay.
But for some reason the delays take much longer than they should and the test take much longer than it should (a delay of only 3 seconds or 3000 milliseconds takes 13 minutes). I try switching the random delays to constant ones but it still takes longer.
I tried searching online for a reason but I couldn't find a clear answer.
You should put the delay level under the request so it will impact only a single request,
Currently each delay affecting all the requests in the same level and that is causing the inconsistency
See JMeter's execution order
The only reason I can think of is that your test setup violates JMeter Scoping Rules
If you design your test like this:
All 3 timers will be executed before each request so instead of 3 seconds of waiting time after sampler you will get 9 seconds of waiting time before each sampler
If you want to apply a random delay before each sampler - leave only one timer.
If you want to apply different delays before each sampler - make timers children of the respective samplers:
If you want delay after the sampler instead of before the sampler - use Flow Control Action sampler instead of timer

Visual Studio Load Test request completion and think time

I'm using load test in Visual Studio to test our web api services. But to my surprise I can't seem to test what I want to. Actually I have a single url in my .webtest file and try to send the same url time and again to see what is the avg. response time.
Here are the details
1.I use constant load of 1 user
2.Test duration of 1 hour
3.Think time of 10 seconds (not the think time between iterations)
4.The avg. response time that I get is 1.5 seconds
5.So the avg. test time comes out to be 11.5 seconds
6.Requests/sec are 0.088
7.And I'm using Sequential Test Order among 4 types of different tests
So these figures are making me think that every time a virtual user sends a request besides the specified think time it waits for the request to complete before he sends a new one (request). Thus technically the total think time becomes
Total think time = think time specified + avg. response time
But I don't want the user to wait for an already sent request to come back and then send a new one after a specified think time. I need to configure the load test in such a way that if the think time is 10 seconds then the user should send next request after every 10 seconds without waiting the first one to come back then think for another 10 seconds and then send a new request (hence making the total think time to 11.5 seconds in my case as mentioned above). And no matter what type of test I choose among 4 different types Visual Studio is always forcing the virtual user to wait for the completion of the request then add specified think time and then send a new one.
I know what Visual Studio load test is doing is more of a practical approach where the user sends the request wait till it comes back then think or interact with the website and then sends a new one.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated towards what I'm trying to achieve.
In the properties of the scenario, set the "Test mix type" to be "Test mix based on user pace" and set the "Tests per user per hour" as appropriate. See here.
The suggestion in the question that:
Total think time = think time specified + avg. response time
is erroneous. To my mind adding the values does not provide a useful result. The two values on the right are as stated. Think time simulates the time a user spends reading the page, deciding what to do next and typing/clicking/etc their response. Response time is the "turn around" time between sending a request and getting the response. Adding them does not increase the think time in any sense, it just makes the total duration for handing the request in this specific test. Another test might make the same request with a different think time. Note that many web pages cause more than one request and response to be issued; JavaScript and other allow web pages to do many clever things.

jmeter -How to set max value in Aggregate report

I have a test plan for Rest API with one thread group with 2 samplers within.
While running load test for
no of threads(users):80
Ramp up period: 1
I get "Response code: 504 Response message: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT" in jmeter.
I observed that when Max value in Aggregate graph reaches 60000ms all response gets timed out.
What need to be done to prevent time out issue.
Load test works fine when I use 50 users or less.
I think you are getting timeouts because at load of 80+ users, response time shoots up but your application or rest API's have less time out duration set. Because of heavy response times you are exceeding time out duration and getting those errors.
To resolve this issue simplest solution would be to increase time out values if possible.
Otherwise you need to improve response time of those Rest API's to a better value so that you won't get timeouts.
While doing this, monitor system utilization to be sure that changes are not hampering anywhere else.
From what you are saying it seems your application limit is ~60 users load with given configuration.
please check you ELB settings , or application server settings(glassfish/apache) , ELB has by default 59 seconds of time out , after that ELB would time expire your request .
But you can see the response for those requests in the DB which might have taken longer time to respond

Apache Makes some AJAX Request Behave Synchronously

I have this strange issue where sometimes if I make two AJAX requests to my Apache 2.2 server in rapid succession, the second request will wait for the first to finish before finishing.
Example, I have two requests, one that sleeps for 10 seconds and one that returns immediately. If I run the request that returns immediatly by itself it will always return within 300ms. However, if I call the request that takes 10 seconds, and then call the request that returns right away about 50% of the time the second request will wait until the first finishes and chrome will report that the request too about 10 seconds before receiving a response. The other half of the time the quick request will return right away.
I can't find any pattern to make it behave one way or another, it will just randomly block the quick AJAX requests sometimes, and other times it will behave as expected. I'm working on a dev server that only I am accessing and I've set several variables such as MaxRequestsPerChild to a high value.
Does anyone have any idea why Apache, seemingly at random, is turning my AJAX requests into synchronous requests?
Here is the code I'm running:
$.ajax({async:true,dataType:'json',url:'/progressTest',success:function(d){console.log('FINAL',d)}}); // Sleeps for 10 seconds
$.ajax({async:true,dataType:'json',url:'/progressTestStatus',success:function(d){console.log('STATUS',d)}}); // Takes ~300ms
And here are two screen shots. The first where it behaved as expected and the second where it waited for the slow process to finish first (in the example the timeout was set to 3 seconds).
UPDATE: Per the comments below - this appears to be related to Chrome only performing one request at a time. Any ideas why Chrome would set such a low limit on async requests?
The problem is not with Apache but with Google Chrome limiting the number of concurrent requests to your development server. I can only make guesses as to why it's limited to one request. Here are a couple:
1) Do you have many tabs open? There is a limit to the total number of concurrent connections and if you have many tabs making requests with KeepAlive you may be at that limit and can only establish one connect to your server. If that's the case you might be able to fix that by adding KeepAlive to your own output headers.
2) Do you have some extensions enabled. Some extensions do weird things to the browser. Try disabling all your extensions and making the same requests. If it works then enable them one at a time to find the culprit extension.
