How to setup a control with month names - amazon-quicksight

In my db i have a column created_at (date_time format). I would like to create an analytical dashboard when it will be possible to filter data by create_at by giving month name (one or more - multiple choice)
I have added a new calculated field "month" in data set with following formula:
formatDate(truncDate("MM",{created_at}),"MM" )
As a result i get new column with strings like "01", "02" etc.
I've created a new parameter:
name: Month
Data type: string
Values: multiple values: {01, 02, 03 ....}
I've created a new control:
name: Month
Style: Multi select drop down
Values: Link to a data set field -> Data set -> Month column
I've created a new filter for Month columns, based on Month parameter
My problem is: how to achieve the same result (filtering by month, multi select) having month names displayed in the control, not "01", "02" etc. Is it possible?
It is much better to have following formula in Month calculated field:
But it does not solve my problem....

What i did, but i really don't like this solution as it is so ugly.....Any better solution is welcome :)
new calculated field month_number, with formula:
new calculated field month_name with formula:
ifelse({Month_number}=1,"Jan",ifelse({Month_number}=2,"Feb",ifelse({Month_number}=3, "Mar",ifelse({Month_number}=4, "Apr",ifelse({Month_number}=5, "May",ifelse({Month_number}=6, "Jun",ifelse({Month_number}=7, "Jul",ifelse({Month_number}=8, "Aug",ifelse({Month_number}=9, "Sep",ifelse({Month_number}=10, "Oct",ifelse({Month_number}=11, "Nov",ifelse({Month_number}=12, "Dec","Error"))))))))))))


Filter Recent date in filter

I want the Slicer in Power BI to select the most recent date of the selection to be selected automatically.
Here is an example of the drop down:
This drop down differs from the Client selection.
I solved this issue the following way:
I created one Report with a filter to Default_Date (which opens first)
I used a Calculated Column [Default_Date] to populate the filter (which is hidden)
In my case the user wanted to see Yesterday's data as the default date so I selected 'Yesterday' on my filter.
Then I put a button that opens another duplicated copy of the Report [Hidden Tab] that contains a full calendar filter, so the user can select any other dates he likes, this hidden report has another button that returns the user to the main report [if he wants to].
picture of my filter (which I collapse and hide under a color box/banner)
Here is the formula for the calculated column (used in the filter):
Default_Date =
VAR TodaysDate =
VAR YesterdayDate =
TODAY() - 1
VAR reportDate =
'Calendar'[Date] = TodaysDate, "Today",
'Calendar'[Date] = YesterdayDate, "Yesterday",
"Before Yesterday"
Use Default_Date in your filter, and you can replace TODAY() with
and remove what you don't need.
If you want to get the Last Date of selected items, then
Table may need to be in quotes to work: 'Table'[Date]
I hope this helps.
There isn't to set a default value in Power BI, but there are a few around about ways. First you can try Persistent Filters that can preserve the filters selected. The other option, is to create in your data set, if you have a calendar table, or are able to add it to your column a current date flag, that you can apply as a filter to your report.
For example you can use the TODAY() to return todays date, and check against your date column.
Calculated column = IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = MONTH('table'[DateColumn]) && YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR('table'[DateColumn]), "Y", "N")
You can run the report and it will always filter on the latest date, however you will have to remove the filter if you want to see other dates. You could set up bookmarks so that you can easily add/remove filter to the report. So you would have one bookmark with latest date, and the other to remove it. You can allow the slicer box to appear when you select the 'remove current month' bookmark
Hope that helps

Retrieve database records between two weekdays

I have several records in my database, the table has a column named "weekday" where I store a weekday like "mon" or "fri". Now from the frontend when a user does search the parameters posted to the server are startday and endDay.
Now I would like to retrieve all records between startDay and endDay. We can assume startDay is "mon" and endDay is "sun". I do not currently know how to do this.
Create another table with the names of the days and their corresponding number. Then you'd just need to join up your current table with the days table by name, and then use the numbers in that table to do your queries.
Not exactly practical, but it is possible to convert sun,mon,tue to numbers using MySQL.
Setup a static year and week number like 201610 for the 10th week of this year, then use a combination of DATE_FORMAT with STR_TO_DATE:
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE('201610 mon', '%X%V %a'), '%w')
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE('201610 sun', '%X%V %a'), '%w')
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE('201610 tue', '%X%V %a'), '%w')
These 3 statements will evaluate to 0,1,2 respectively.
The main thing this is doing is converting the %a format (Sun-Sat) to the %w format (0-6)
well i don't know the architecture of your application as i think storing and querying a week day string is not appropriate, but i can tell you a work around this.
make a helper function which return you an array of weekdays in the range i-e
function getWeekDaysArray($startWeekDay, $endWeekDay) {
returns $daysArray['mon','tue','wed'];
$daysRangeArray = getWeekDaysArray('mon', 'wed');
now with this array you can query in table
DB::table('TableName')->whereIn('week_day', $daysRangeArray)->get();
Hope this help

PowerBi DAX equivalent for SUMIFS with current row value as filter

In Excel I could, if I was in a table called 'Sales' that had four columns
Month, CustomerId, ProductId, TotalQuantity
Jan,1, CAR,
Feb,1, CAR,
I could add a formula:
That would go to the Sales table and sum the CustomerID column filtered by the CustomerID of the current row where the formula has been entered.
I am attempted to replicate this in a PowerBI Calculated Row but I can't get the # working for a row reference. It comes across like
TotalQuantity = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Quantity]),Sales[CustomerId] = Sales[CustomerId]))
Any idea how to get the equivalent # working?
I think the key function you are missing is EARLIER. That is not surprising because it has a misleading name - it really means "Current Row". You also need a FILTER function in the Filter parameter of CALCULATE, to reset the filter context to the entire table.
So your New Column function might look like this:
TotalQuantity = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Quantity]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[CustomerId] = EARLIER (Sales[CustomerId])))
Here's a neat example, from the most accessible source site for DAX formulas:
And FWIW here is the official doco on EARLIER:

Play Framework: How to render a table structure from plain SQL table

I would be happy to get a good way to get the "table" structure from a plain SQL table.
In my specific case, I need to render JSON structure used by Google Visualization API "datatable" object:
However, having an example in HTML would help either.
My "source" is a plain SQL table of "DailySales": its columns are "Day" (date), "Product" and "DailySaleTotal" (daily sale for that product). Please recall that my "model" reflects the 3-column table above.
The table columns should be "products" (suppose we have very small number of such). Each row should represent a specific date, and the row data are the actual sales for that day.
Date Product1 Product2 Product3
01/01/2012 30 50 60
01/02/2012 35 3 15
I was trying to use nested #{list} tags in a template, but unfortunately I failed to find a natural way to provide a template with a "list" to represent the "row data".
Of course, I can build a "helper object" in Java that will build a list of the "sales data" items per date - but this looks very weird to me.
I would be thankful to anyone who can provide an elegant solution.
When you load your model order it by date and product name. Then in your controller build a map with date as index and list of model objects that have the same date as value of the map
Then in your template you have a first list iteration on map keys for the rows and a second list iteration on the list value for the columns.
Something like
#{list modelMap.keys, as: 'date'}
[${date},#{list modelMap.get(date), as: 'product'}${product.dailySaleTotal}#{ifnot product_isLast},#{/ifnot}#{/list}]#{ifnot date_isLast},#{/ifnot}
you can then adapt your json rendering to the exact structure you want to have. Here it is an array of arrays.
Instead of generating the JSON yourself, like Seb suggested, you can generate it:
private static Result queryToJsonResult(String sql) {
SqlQuery sqlQuery = Ebean.createSqlQuery(sql);
return ok(Json.toJson(sqlQuery.findList()));

Combining all dates, and data, within a month!

I am trying to combine all days of each month into a date.
My query as off now:
inventory_items.acquired_at AS Date_Acquired, AS products_name,
SUM(inventory_items.primary_quantity) AS inventory_items_primary_quantity
inventory_items inventory_items INNER JOIN customers customers ON inventory_items.source_id =
INNER JOIN products products ON inventory_items.product_id =
I have a general idea of what to do, but not really sure how to implement it.
As I understand you and your Date_Acquired is an instance of sql Date type
you can gat day of months as pasting below code inside a textfield
(new SimpleDateFormat("d")).format(new java.util.Date())
which suppose to give you numbers like 1,2,3,...18,19...
(new SimpleDateFormat("M")).format(new java.util.Date()) for month
(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy")).format(new java.util.Date()) for year
(new SimpleDateFormat("d")).format(new java.util.Date())+" - "
+(new SimpleDateFormat("M")).format(new java.util.Date()) for getting a value like 28 - 01
What database? A typical SQL database result can only contain one data value per field. So you will not be able to retrieve all the values in one result grouped by the month. If you retrieve all the results under a specified month you can aggregate them later on.
