Font size inside FilePond elements - filepond

The default styling of FilePond elements imported from the default css seems a bit small. Is there a recommended way to get to the size as seen in the examples at
It seems the default style in the css uses font-size of 10px.

By default the font-size of the FilePond root element is set to 1rem.
You can scale it up or down by setting a different size.
.filepond--root { font-size: 1.25rem; }
Use em instead of rem if you want to scale FilePond relatively to its parent element.

I'm just coming across this.
if you using Filepond in a nextjs project and you're finding it difficult to apply a font-size to your Filepond component. simply add the default Filepond css to your global.css style and customize it.
for example ///global.css
.filepond--root{font-size: 10px;}


How to alternate colors of v-list rows in vuetify?

How would be the best way to archive a result v-list-item rows alternate their respective background colors?
You can easily achieve this effect using CSS nth-child selectors with even and odd values. You might need to override the Vuetify theme colors. Consider specifyng a class on the parent list to prevent all lists in your app/component from being affected. There is no Vuetify native solution as far as I can see from the documentation.
.v-list-item:nth-child(even) {
background: #CCC
.v-list-item:nth-child(odd) {
background: #FFF

I want to change background and color in magento2.2.6

I created a custom theme so I want to change change entire background color of website, please help me to resolve it, thanks in advance
There are two ways to change the css properties in magento custom theme .
1.Magento2 uses less files so there are already defined variable for primary and secondary color from there you can change the variables for different colors.
2.For custom theme css create a directory
here you can write the properties you want for any css classes.
small example:
.panel.header {
background-color: white !important;
rendering the changes use grunt or setup:static-content:deploy -f

How to set default font and font size in CKEditor 4

I have use the following code to set default font and font size in CKEditor 4:
config.font_defaultLabel = 'Tahoma';
config.fontSize_defaultLabel = '24px';
But above code is not working on Mozilla Firefox.
I changed the font-size and font-family using below,
CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}");
This is a complicated issue. Those settings only set the label in dropdown meaning if there will be a font which doesn't match any defined in font dropdown or there will be no font defined then Tahoma will be shown in the dropdown (there doesn't have to be a match). Labels don't force particular font in the editor.
If you want to have Tahoma as default font, you need to set it in CSS. For classic editor you need to set it in ckeditor/contents.css for body element. For inline editor, you need to set it in main page CSS file.
NOTE: There are ways to force particular fixed set of fonts inside the editor (even when pasting different fonts from external resources) but they require usage of Advanced Content Filter (ACF) and transformations. If you wish to learn more about ACF please see below links:
Basically, with addTransformations method, you can check all the spans and see if the font used for it is on the list of defined fonts or not. If it is not, you can either delete it or apply default Tahoma font. Please also note that ACF can't be disabled if you want to use transforrmations.

Foundation SASS/SCSS Variables

I am trying to move over from Bootstrap to Zurb Foundation.
Bootstrap uses *-color for text colour and *-bg for background colours.
I'm a little confused with Foundation's naming scheme:
What is the difference between $topbar-link-bg-hoverand $topbar-link-bg-color-hover?
Both their names suggest that they change the background colour of a link in the top bar, both are given a colour.
Foundation structure has lots of details, if you search these variables in Foundation you can find them in _top-bar.scss file. Look at it, how used these variables:
// Apply the hover link color when it has that class
&:hover:not(.has-form) > a {
background-color: $topbar-link-bg-color-hover;
#if ($topbar-link-bg-hover) {
background: $topbar-link-bg-hover;
$topbar-link-bg-color-hover value can equal with color because use for background-color and $topbar-link-bg-hover value can equal with image or anything else(background css values).

How to get the value of a CSS property in SASS?

I'd like to store the current value of a property for later use. It's already been solved for jQuery.
The issue is that I'm using a #mixin to apply a CSS hack in several places (Justified Block List) and I'd like to restore the font-size property in .block-list * (currently all text in sub-elements is just collapsed).
Unsatisfactory workarounds:
Save the global default font size in a separate file and pass it to the #mixin on #import. This is of course in the general case not the same font size as the objects which the mixin is applied to.
Save the font size whenever you change it, and pass that. This tangles up the files involved, since it's not very elegant to #include the typography stylesheet in several otherwise unrelated files.
Use more jQuery.
Possibly satisfactory workarounds:
Override the font size with a stronger rule on the first ancestor which changes it. This could be tricky to determine.
There's no way to tell the computed value of a property until the styles are actually applied to a document (that's what jQuery examines). In the stylesheet languages, there's no "current" value except the initial value or the value you specify.
Save the font size whenever you change it, and pass that seems best, and #BeauSmith has given a good example. This variant lets you pass a size or fallback to a defined global:
=block-list($font-size: $base-font-size)
font-size: 0
> li
font-size: $font-size
If you have a mixin which is doing something "hacky" with the font size, then you will probably need to reset the font size as you have noticed. I suggest the following:
Create a Sass partial to record your projects config variables. I suggest _config.sass.
Define your base font-size in _config.sass:
$base-font-size: 16px
Add #import _config.sass at the top of your main sass file(s).
Update the mixin to reset the font-size to your $base-font-size:
#mixin foo
font-size: 0 // this is the hacky part
> li
font-size: $base-font-size // reset font-size
Note: If you are using the SCSS syntax, you'll need to update the examples here.
