Linux device driver for a Smart Card IC module - linux-kernel

I have a smart card IC module, and I want to create a Linux device driver for it. This module is using SPI as the controlling line and has an interrupt line to indicate whether a card is ready. I know how to create a SPI device in Linux kernel and how to read data in the kernel when the interruption happens. But I have no idea on how to transfer the data to the user space (maybe need to create a device node for it), and how to give the user space a interruption to notify it. Does anyone have some suggestion?

One way you can go about this is by creating a devfs entry and then having the interested process open that device and receive asynchronous notification from the device driver using fasync.
Once you have the notification in user space you can notify other interested processes by any means you deem fit.
I am writing a small trimmed down example illustrating this feature.
On the driver side
/* Appropriate headers */
static int myfasync(int fd, struct file *fp, int on);
static struct fasync_struct *fasyncQueue;
static struct file_operations fops =
.open = charDriverOpen,
.release = charDriverClose,
.read = charDriverRead,
.write = charDriverWrite,
.unlocked_ioctl = charDriverCtrl,
// This will be called when the FASYNC flag is set
.fasync = myfasync,
static int __init charDriverEntry()
// Appropriate init for the driver
// Nothing specific needs to be done here with respect to
// fasync feature.
static int myfasync(int fd, struct file *fp, int on)
// Register the process pointed to by fp to the list
// of processes to be notified when any event occurs
return fasync_helper(fd, fp, 1, &fasyncQueue);
// Now to the part where we want to notify the processes listed
// in fasyncQueue when something happens. Here in this example I had
// implemented the timer. Not getting in to the details of timer func
// here
static void send_signal_timerfn(unsigned long data)
printk(KERN_INFO "timer expired \n");
kill_fasync(&fasyncQueue, SIGIO, POLL_OUT);
On the user land process side
void my_notifier(int signo, siginfo_t *sigInfo, void *data)
printf("Signal received from the driver expected %d got %d \n",SIGIO,signo);
int main()
struct sigaction signalInfo;
int flagInfo;
signalInfo.sa_sigaction = my_notifier;
signalInfo.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGIO, &signalInfo, NULL);
int fp,i;
fp = open("/dev/myCharDevice",O_RDWR);
if (fp<0)
printf("Failed to open\n");
/*New we will own the device so that we can get the signal from the device*/
// Own the process
fcntl(fp, F_SETOWN, getpid());
flagInfo = fcntl(fp, F_GETFL);
// Set the FASYNC flag this triggers the fasync fops
fcntl(fp, F_SETFL, flagInfo|FASYNC);
Hope this clears things up.
For more detailed reading I suggest you read this


How does linux (reboot) notifier list work?

I am testing the reboot notifier hook on Linux kernel 5.8 running on QEMU ARM64 with busybox rootfs. This is my first time using a notifier list, so I might be wrong. I have add one reboot notifier which is executed well, but I have also added a second item to the list using .next and the handler of this notifier does not execute. Here's the snippet from my dummy driver:
static int reboot_handler_first(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long action,
void *data)
printk(KERN_INFO "first reboot notifier called\n");
return 0;
static int reboot_handler_second(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long action,
void *data)
printk(KERN_INFO "second reboot notifier called\n");
return 0;
static struct notifier_block reboot_notifier_second = {
.notifier_call = reboot_handler_second,
.next = NULL,
.priority = INT_MAX,
static struct notifier_block reboot_notifier_first = {
.notifier_call = reboot_handler_first,
.next = &reboot_notifier_second,
.priority = INT_MAX,
Here, the reboot_handler_first() gets called but I do not see any log from reboot_handler_second(). I was expecting that reboot_notifer_first() will trigger reboot_notifier_second() but that does not seem to be the case. Am I missing anything?
Below are the logs that I see with this kernel and busybox rootfs:
/ # reboot
/ # umount: devtmpfs busy - remounted read-only
swapoff: can't open '/etc/fstab': No such file or directory
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL to all processes
Requesting system reboot
[ 20.158023] first reboot notifier called
[ 20.232718] reboot: Restarting system
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0000000000 [0x411fd070]
This is how my module_init(hello_init) function looks like. I have registered only the first reboot notifier reboot_notifier_first and then set its next to point to the reboot_notifier_second. Please correct me. My understanding is that I need to register the first notifier with register_reboot_notifier() and then I just need to set the .next of current notifier_block to add new nodes to the linked list. This way I will get a chain of notifier blocks.
static int __init hello_init(void)
int rc;
rc = register_reboot_notifier(&reboot_notifier_first);
printk(KERN_INFO "This is from init\n");
return 0;

writing an acpi driver in Linux

I need to write a kernel module that uses an acpi method to communicate to a hardware device.
At this point I just want to load the driver and enumerate the devices on the bus.
I found a fairly old but reasonable example on line, below is the basic outline. I pretty much took the example verbatim just changing names, I used acpidump to find the dsdt table get the correct device ID etc.
The driver loads fine, but my add functions are not being called. My suspicion is that I am missing a step to stimulate scanning the bus after I register it. The example assumes the driver is loaded on boot. Is there a way to request the bus be scanned after registering it such that any devices attached to a registered bus will be added? Understand that my suspicion may be wrong so if my assumptions are wrong please correct me.
below is the source:
static int viking_acpi_add(struct acpi_device *device);
static int viking_acpi_remove(struct acpi_device *device);
static void viking_acpi_notify(struct acpi_device *adev, u32 event);
static const struct acpi_device_id nv_device_ids[] = {
{ "ACPI0012", 0},
{ "", 0},
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(acpi, nv_device_ids);
static struct acpi_driver nv_acpi_driver = {
.name = "NV NVDR",
.class = "NV",
.ids = nv_device_ids,
.ops = {
.add = nv_acpi_add,
.remove = nv_acpi_remove,
.notify = nv_acpi_notify,
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
//static struct acpi_device acpi_dev;
static int nv_acpi_add(struct acpi_device *device)
printk("NV: acpi bus add\n");
return 0;
static int nv_remove(struct acpi_device *device)
printk("NV: acpi bus remove\n");
return 0;
static void nv_acpi_notify(struct acpi_device *adev, u32 event)
printk("notification detected\n");
static int __init nv_init(void)
int result = 0;
result = acpi_bus_register_driver(&nvt_driver);
if (result < 0) {
printk("Error registering driver\n");
return -ENODEV;
return 0;
static void __exit nv_exit(void)
Well it turns out that another acpi bus driver was registered for the acpi device ID I was using and the kernel did not call my add routine as a consequence. When I ran it with a different kernel, my add routine was called as expected.

Cortex M0 doesn't enter sleep mode

Got a problem with the Atmel SAMB11 on an explained pro Devboard. I've loaded a quite simple example from Atmel, where a 32KHz Timer is initialized to wake up the µC from sleep and turn on a LED. Problem is, the controller doesn't sleep at all. It just activates the LED immediately and doesn't wait for an interrupt.
#include <asf.h>
// Callback Func to enable LED
static void aon_sleep_timer_callback(void)
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_ACTIVE);
//Configure LED
static void configure_gpio_pins(void)
struct gpio_config config_gpio_pin;
config_gpio_pin.direction = GPIO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
gpio_pin_set_config(LED_0_PIN, &config_gpio_pin);
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_INACTIVE);
// Configure Timer with 10sec to overflow
static void configure_aon_sleep_timer(void)
struct aon_sleep_timer_config config_aon_sleep_timer;
config_aon_sleep_timer.counter = 320000; // Wait about 10sec
// Configure Callback and enable Interrupt
static void configure_aon_sleep_timer_callback(void)
int main(void)
// Setup Clock, LED and Timer
system_clock_config(CLOCK_RESOURCE_XO_26_MHZ, CLOCK_FREQ_26_MHZ);
// wait for timer to be active
// Go to sleep
asm volatile ("wfi");
asm volatile ("nop");
// Enable LED immediately if sleep doesn't work
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_ACTIVE);
while (true) {}
Code seems self-explanatory, but the WFI command doesn't work here. Anyone can help?
Just to add to the answer by Prestige Worldwide.
Make sure AO_GPIO0/1/2 are low (pulldown advised), and no AON Sleep Timer interrupt is occuring, as these will wakeup the SAMB11 from ULP.
Also note that the ULP mode does not seem to work as expected while running a debug session over SWD.
I had all kinds of weirds behaviour when running the debug and sleep/waking up, but no problems at all when running the same code while not debugging. Note this was using Atmel ICE. The Xplored board contains EDBG, and this debugger seems to work ok with ULP.
The resume callback has never fired for me, maybe a bug in the ASF. But I do not need it as I can setup all GPIO/devices after the platform wait.
The WFI call works, it just receives an interrupt almost immediately after it is called, which causes the WFI call to stop blocking and then execution continues to the next line.
You could safely remove everything below // Go to sleep which would allow the main function to return. The AON timer would still execute its callback. However, there are a couple of potential downsides to this approach:
This would not allow the SAMB11 to transition to a lower power mode.
This removes your while-loop at the end of main. In its current state, the while-loop isn't needed, but you might have plans to add code to it later.
Here is an example that configures the AON, configures the SAMB11 to use low power modes, and then loops waiting for platform and/or BLE events. Currently there are no events for the loop to receive. If you want the loop to receive events then you could modify the AON callback to post an event with the at_ble_event_user_defined_post function or modify main() to configure the BLE module before entering the loop.
Use the ASF Wizard to add any of the BLE modules to your project in order to compile this example.
#include <asf.h>
#include "platform.h"
// Configure LED
static void configure_gpio_pins(void)
struct gpio_config config_gpio_pin;
config_gpio_pin.direction = GPIO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
gpio_pin_set_config(LED_0_PIN, &config_gpio_pin);
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_INACTIVE);
// Callback Func to toggle LED
static bool led_is_on = false;
static void aon_sleep_timer_callback(void)
if(led_is_on) {
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_INACTIVE);
led_is_on = false;
} else {
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_ACTIVE);
led_is_on = true;
// Configure Timer to fire periodically
static void configure_aon_sleep_timer(void)
struct aon_sleep_timer_config config_aon_sleep_timer;
config_aon_sleep_timer.counter = 32000; // Wait about 1 sec
config_aon_sleep_timer.mode = AON_SLEEP_TIMER_RELOAD_MODE;
// Configure Callback and enable Interrupt
static void configure_aon_sleep_timer_callback(void)
int main(void)
// Setup Clock
system_clock_config(CLOCK_RESOURCE_XO_26_MHZ, CLOCK_FREQ_26_MHZ);
plf_drv_status plf_status;
if((plf_status = platform_driver_init()) == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Setup LED and Timer
// wait for timer to be active
// Go to sleep
while(true) {
// Replace platform_event_wait with at_ble_event_get if you would like to read the received event.
plf_status = platform_event_wait(0);
Regarding WFI, the following example shows how to turn off most of the interrupts and use WFI to block main(). The LED will toggle every time an interrupt is received. I don't recommend using this as I'm not sure why these interrupts are enabled initially. This is just intended to show how WFI can block on a SAMB11.
#include <asf.h>
#include "platform.h"
// Configure LED
static void configure_gpio_pins(void)
struct gpio_config config_gpio_pin;
config_gpio_pin.direction = GPIO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
gpio_pin_set_config(LED_0_PIN, &config_gpio_pin);
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_INACTIVE);
// Callback Func to toggle LED
static bool led_is_on = false;
static void toggle_led(void)
if(led_is_on) {
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_INACTIVE);
led_is_on = false;
} else {
gpio_pin_set_output_level(LED_0_PIN, LED_0_ACTIVE);
led_is_on = true;
int main(void)
// Setup Clock
system_clock_config(CLOCK_RESOURCE_XO_26_MHZ, CLOCK_FREQ_26_MHZ);
// Clear all interrupts.
// During testing, interrupts were received about once per second; stopped receiving interrupts (LED stopped flashing) after about 2 minutes.
int loop_count = 0;
while(true) {

How to detect application terminate in kernel extension, Mac OS X

I am looking for an approach to detect application quit (e.g. cmd-q) in kernel space for processing in a network kernel extension.
More precisely:
While a process (e.g. terminal ping) is held in an IOLockSleep(... THREAD_ABORTSAFE), ctrl-c is able to release the lock.
Asking the proc_issignal(), it responses the sigmask(SIGINT).
Now I am looking for a way to detect another process quit, e.g. firefox (menu bar: Application quit (cmd-q)).
Here is what I tried:
#define FLAG(X) ((dispatch_source_get_data(src) & DISPATCH_PROC_##X) ? #X" " : "")
struct ProcessInfo {
int pid;
dispatch_source_t source;
// function called back on event
void process_termination_event(struct ProcessInfo* procinfo) {
dispatch_source_t src = procinfo->source;
printf("process_termination_event: %d \n", procinfo->pid);
printf("flags: %s%s\n", FLAG(EXIT), FLAG(SIGNAL));
// function called back when the dispatch source is cancelled
void process_termination_finalize(struct ProcessInfo* procinfo) {
printf("process_termination_finalize: %d \n", procinfo->pid);
// Monitor a process by pid, for termination
void MonitorTermination(int pid) {
struct ProcessInfo* procinfo = (struct ProcessInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct ProcessInfo));
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_source_t dsp = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_PROC, pid, DISPATCH_PROC_EXIT|DISPATCH_PROC_SIGNAL, queue);
procinfo->pid = pid;
procinfo->source = dsp;
dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f(procinfo->source, (dispatch_function_t)process_termination_event);
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler_f(procinfo->source, (dispatch_function_t)process_termination_finalize);
dispatch_set_context(procinfo->source, procinfo);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
pid_t pid = atoi(argv[i]);
printf("MonitorTermination: %d\n", pid);
return 0;
The process_termination_event will not invoke after cmd-q as explained above. Even after force quit.
The process itself is held in a loop within the network kernel extension function:
errno_t KEXT::data_out(void *cookie, socket_t so, const struct sockaddr *to, mbuf_t *data, mbuf_t *control, sflt_data_flag_t flags)
// at this point I would like to detect the app quit/termination signal.
while(PROCESS_IS_NOT_TEMINATING); // <-- pseudo code, actually held with IOLockSleep...
return 0;
I would really appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.
It may not be the way you've been thinking, but if you're in the kernel space, then I assume you're writing a kernel extension (kext). With a kernel extension, you can monitor Vnodes for executing applications. You may be able to use the File Scope instead.
In conjunction with a user-level application (daemon), the kext notifies the daemon that a process has begun execution and then monitors the termination of the launched application from the user-level daemon, using Grand Central Dispatch functions. If required, the user-application can notify the kext of the terminated app.
To monitor the termination from a user-level application, you can do something like this when you're notified of an application being executed: -
// pid and path provided from vNode scope kext...
void UserLevelApp::MonitorProcessTermination(int pid, const QString &path)
ProcessInfo* procinfo = new ProcessInfo;
procinfo->pid = pid;
procinfo->path = path;
procinfo->context = this;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_source_t dsp = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_PROC, pid, DISPATCH_PROC_EXIT, queue);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f(dsp, (dispatch_function_t)process_termination_event);
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler_f(dsp, (dispatch_function_t)process_termination_finalize);
procinfo->source = dsp;
dispatch_set_context(dsp, procinfo);
// app terminated call-back function
void UserLevelApp::process_termination_event(struct ProcessInfo* procinfo)
// example of how to use the context to call a class function
procinfo->context->SomeClassFunction(procinfo->pid, procinfo->path);
qDebug("App Terminated: %d, %s\n", procinfo->pid, procinfo->path.toUtf8().data());
// finalize callback function
void UserLevelApp::process_termination_finalize(struct ProcessInfo* procinfo)
delete procinfo;
So each launched application, notified by the kext, has an event handler associated with it and when the application terminates, you get called back in the registered functions process_termination_event and process_termination_finalize
Whilst this method requires an associated user-level daemon application with the kext, that's not such a bad thing from a security and stability point of view.

Notification Chains code crashes system

I wrote a simple code to capture the netdevice notifications and simply print their value out to the messages log file ... here's the code :
#include <linux/notifier.h>
#include <asm/kdebug.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
int my_dev_event_handler (struct notifier_block *self,unsigned long val, void *data)
printk (KERN_INFO "my_dev_event: Val=%ld, Interface=%s\n", val,((struct net_device *) data)->name);
return 0;
static struct notifier_block my_dev_notifier = {
.notifier_call = my_dev_event_handler,
static int __init
my_init (void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "***Module Loaded***\n");
register_netdevice_notifier (&my_dev_notifier);
return 0;
static void __exit my_end(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "***Module Unloaded***\n");
this code compiles and runs correctly, it prints out the "my_dev_event:..." line every time a device goes up/off ... but sometimes (not always) the entire system freezes when a device goes up\down ... now I have two questions here:
1- why is the system freezing? anything wrong with this code?
2- if there's a better way to notify my kernel module when a device goes connected/disconnected ...
The only problem I see is that my_end doesn't unregister the notifier.
This can cause crashes or freezes after you've unloaded your module. This is because a pointer to your code remains in Linux data structures, but your code is no longer there.
Regarding an alternative way - I think you're using the correct way to get these notifications.
