CodeDeploy allowTraffic Fails but my code is still deployed on instances - amazon-ec2

I am using codeDeploy and when I run it gets stuck on in progress mode. By further researching the problem I found that it fails because of the AllowTraffic script. it just says script failed. I have looked into the logs but there are no errors. Also aws documentation suggested that it may be health check problem but both my instances are healthy in my target group.
Weird thing is that the code gets deployed despite failed status.
Can someone help?
Thanks a bunch

did you enable the elastic load balancer? If so then check your healthcheck settings on your ELB. If it fails on the AllowTraffic it means that it's not getting a successful return from your load balancer. For example, you are doing redirects on your ELB. The status code will be 301. You should add this on your ELB healthcheck.

If health check is fine you can also try to change Application Deployment Settings:
to CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
for me CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce was failing with same error.

If AllowTraffic stage isn't passing successfully, then usually there are 2 issues-
Either the target group in your application load balancer is unhealthy.
The Target group setting in your deployment configuration is not pointing to the target group mentioned in your load balancer under the rules.


PCF reports application crash each 5 minutes

We have spring-boot batch task application that is hosted on pcf and deployed via spring-cloud-dataflow(scdf).
After we have connected it to app-dynamics agent it start to report crash every 5 minutes with the following resolution:
But there is no any exceprion within application and there is no crashes.
In logs I can see plain app execution.
I was thinking that there is some problems with app health check configuration on pcf. So I have added health check, but problem still exists and I have no idea already what is wrong there.
Does anyone know how to fix this or have any ideas on why it can happen ?
Let me know if you need any additional info.Thx
We are using SCDF(1.3.0) and PCF(1.2)
There is nothing in SCDF logs.
I suppose that is plain PCF issue that is reporting crash when there was no crashes/exception at all.

Mesos framework stays inactive due to "Authentication failed: EOF"

I'm currently trying to deploy Eremetic (version 0.28.0) on top of Marathon using the configuration provided as an example. I actually have been able to deploy it once, but suddenly, after trying to redeploy it, the framework stays inactive.
By inspecting the logs I noticed a constant attempt to connect to some service that apparently never succeeds because of some authentication problem.
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Connected to [REDACTED_MESOS_MASTER_ADDRESS]
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Authentication failed: EOF
It looks like the service returning an error is ZooKeeper and more precisely it looks like the error can be traced back to this line in the Go ZooKeeper library. ZooKeeper however seems to work: I've tried to query it directly with zkCli and to run a small Spark job (where the Mesos master is given with zk:// URL) and everything seems to work.
Unfortunately I'm not able to diagnose the problem further, what could it be?
It turned out to be a configuration problem. The master URL was simply wrong and this is how the error was reported.

Unable to run tests in Microsoft Test Manager data and diagnostics error

I am trying to run a manual test case in Microsoft Test Manager (2013) using a test lab. When I run the test it shows the following error:
Data and diagnostics cannot be collected
An error occurred while initializing diagnostic data adapters. Abort your session and start again.
Timed out while initializing data and diagnostics adapters.
If the Windows Firewall does not have Microsoft Test Manager added to the exceptions list and set to be enabled, the initialization for the data and diagnostics adapters can time out. Verify that the exceptions list for the Windows Firewall includes Microsoft Test Manager (mtm.exe). For more information about this, see:
For more information about issues that can cause initialization of data and diagnostics adapters to time out, see:
I have been searching for an answer and trying various things now for a couple of days and can't resolve the issue. Helpfully of the 2 links it gives you in the error the first did not help and the second didn't link to a working page. People who have posted a similar error in forums have resolved their issues by correcting the firewall however the firewall on my local PC and the firewall on the virtual machine are both off.
This is what I have checked:
Firewalls are all off
My test agent is set up on the virtual machine and shows under my test controllers correctly
The lab has a ready status and I can see the agent is online.
My test settings are currently set up to collect no data (in the hope that would help but it has not).
The test environment for running the tests is set to the correct environment.
I have tried extending the time out period in the mtm.exe.config and the QTAgent configs on the remote machine for when I kick off the test runner.
I have checked the firewall logs on the virtual machine when test runner fails and there appears to be no issues there.
As you can probably tell I have been trying to fix this for a while!
Has anyone seen this error before and been able to resolve it? Any guidance on some things to try that I haven't already listed would be really appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
I have resolved this issue, for a manual test the test agent needs to be installed on the local machine as well as on the virtual machine for the automation tests. This was the step I had missed. Once the test agent was installed on my local machine this error disappeared. It is a misleading error message but if you have this problem, make sure the test agent is on all of the machines in the environment and configured correctly. Part of the issue here was my misunderstanding as I thought I could use the VM for my manual tests too which is not the case.

Ruby Stack failed to deploy on Google Developers Console

I tried to deploy Ruby stack using Google Developers Console, but no success. I tried several times at other project, error was always the same (below).
Do you have any idea why it keeps failing?
2014/10/23 15:59:44
rubyStackBox: PENDING
2014/10/23 15:59:55~2014/10/23 16:06:01
rubyStackBox: DEPLOYING
2014/10/23 16:06:11
Replica rubystackbox-eaeo failed with status PERMANENTLY_FAILING: Replica State changed to PERMANENTLY_FAILING. Replica was unhealthy 2 consecutive times.
I replicated the issue you experienced several times and it also failed. What finally worked was playing with the zones/regions when deploying the ruby stack :
Developers console > Click-to-deploy > Set MySQL password > Advanced Options, choose a different zone and click Deploy.
Another useful tool when investigating this is Console Output. Even if the deployment fails, you can go to the VM instance and check View Output towards the bottom of the page. It will list all the packages and any errors encountered. The following command will achieve the same thing:
$ gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output <INSTANCE_NAME> --project <PROJECT_ID> --zone <ZONE_NAME>
Please advise if still seeing issues.

VS2010 Load Test Failing - Cannot Open Database - NOT The Load Test Results database

Hi I have been battling with this issue all day. I have a vs2010 load test which consists of three scenarios which are composed of three different web performance tests.
Each of the web performance tests select urls from a database which is configured correctly and runs locally. However when the load test is run remotely it fails with the error:
Could not run load test 'Load Test' on agent 'AGENTSERVER'. Could not open the database 'URLSDB' requested by the login. login failed for useraccount
In an attempt to get this working the agents and controller are set to run under a domain admin account, I can login to the database through Management Studio. I've checked the connection string and can run the test locally but not remotely. Does anyone have any ideas? My next step is to set the connection string to the UrlsDB to use SQL Authentication
Finally managed to resolve it at 01:20AM. When checking the datasources of three individual tests which made up the mixes in the scenario, I found that the UI was showing that once one had been updated all three updated the connection string so that is why I was baffled as to why I was getting these errors, plus the error doesn't indicate which connection was having the issue.
So to eliminate the tests as being the issue I removed the datasource from each test and created individually named brand new datasources all till effectively pointing to the same sql server and the same database. Then I ran the tests and all performed correctly, finally!!
So the core issue was the connection strings in the underlying tests were incorrect. Will be testing the UI further to check if I was just my own error or there may actually be a bug in the UI, if I find a bug I'll report it.
Thanks to those who took the time to try to help me solve it, gutted that the issue was so minor when it had me baffled for nearly 20 hours :/
The domain admin account you are running the test from cannot connect to the database server from the agent machine.
Log into the agent and debug the database connection from there.
Please be aware that a thread blocking call inside a web test, such as this may cause issues with your load test. I recommend that you load all test url's during the test instanciation if at all possible.
Essentially minimise the database calls to as few as possible.
