Django lte and gte queries producing empty queryset - django-queryset

I'm stumped. I have a Django query that should return results, but does not seem to.
I have a database with a model Postcodes with latitude and longitude data.
class Postcode(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
postcode = models.CharField(max_length=7)
latitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=5, blank=True, null=True)
longitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=5, blank=True, null=True)
I want to find the postcodes with 100km of a given postcode, at:
{'latitude': 1.445671659052796, 'longitude': 1.6673342919117797}
and I find the latitude and longitude ranges to be:
longitude_max = 1.9703812919117922
longitude_min = -1.3642872919117792
latitude_max = 52.2326886590528
latitude_min = 49.3413453409472
I query the db like so:
return Postcode.objects.filter(latitude__range=(latitude_min, latitude_max), longitude__range=(longitude_min, longitude_max))
But I don't get anything back? I should at least get the result I extrapolated the ranges from!

If you are filtering with those parameters for that coordinate, the queryset will not contain that item. The latitude is outside of the range provided.


Filter a Query Set

The following view works great. I pass in student_id and I get a queryset of headers and attendance days related to that student_id. My challenge is that I cannot figure out how to filter my attendance_days queryset by a specific date or date range.
I have tried variations of:
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.order_by('-absent_date').filter('absent_date' is between '2021-02-01' and '2021-02-26')
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.order_by('-absent_date').filter('absent_date' > '2021-02-01')
I would like to filter my zzabsent_detail queryset by absent date on that line if possible.
Here is my view:
def absent_detail(request, student_id):
"""Show student & attendance info"""
student = Student.objects.get(id=student_id)
header = student.zzheader_set.order_by('id')
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.order_by('-absent_date')
context = {'student': student, 'header': header, 'attendance_days':
return render(request, 'learning_logs/absent_detail_99.html', context)
You can do this with a __range lookup [Django-doc]:
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.filter(
absent_date__range=('2021-02-01', '2021-02-26')
here the two bounds are inclusive, so items on February 1st, or February 26th will be included as well.
or you can work with the __gt lookup [Django-doc] to express that the value should be greater than a given value:
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.filter(
for the last 10 days, you can work with a date object instead of a string, so:
from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils.timezone import now
from_dt = now().date()-timedelta(days=10)
attendance_days = student.zzabsentdetail_set.filter(

Using nearest neighbour to find postcode to new postcodes found

I have a list of new postcodes and I'm trying to find the nearest postcode from an existing postcode file to attach to the new postcodes. I am using the below code but it seems to have duplicated some rows, please could I have some help resolving this...
My 2 dataframes are:
new_postcode_df which contains 92,590 rows, and columns:
Postcode e.g. "AB101BJ"
Latitude e.g. 57.146051
Longitude e.g. -2.107375
current_postcode_df which contains 1,738,339 rows, and columns:
Postcode e.g. "AB101AB"
Latitude e.g. 57.149606
Longitude e.g. -2.096916
my desired output is output_df
new_postcode e.g. "AB101BJ"
current_postcode e.g. "AB101AB"
My code is below:
new_postcode_df_gps = new_postcode_df[["lat", "long"]].values
current_postcode_df_gps = current_postcode_df[["Latitude", "Longitude"]].values
new_postcode_df_radians = np.radians(new_postcode_df_gps)
current_postcode_df_radians = np.radians(current_postcode_df_gps)
tree = BallTree(current_postcode_df_radians , leaf_size=15, metric='haversine')
distance, index = tree.query(new_postcode_df_radians, k=1)
earth_radius = 6371000
distance_in_meters = distance * earth_radius
my output is shown in the attached where you can see postcodes beginning with "GY" have been added near the top which should not be the case. Postcodes starting with "AB" should all be at the top.
The new dataframe has increase from 92,590 rows to 92,848 rows
Image of final output dataframe
Libraries I'm using are:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
new_postcode_df = pd.DataFrame({"Postcode":["AB101BJ", "AB101BL", "AB107FU"],
"Latitude":[57.146051, 57.148655, 57.119636],
"Longitude":[-2.107375, -2.097433, -2.147906]})
current_postcode_df = pd.DataFrame({"Postcode":["AB101AB", "AB101AF", "AB101AG"],
"Latitude":[57.149606, 57.148707, 57.149051],
"Longitude":[-2.096916, -2.097806, -2.097004]})
output_df = pd.DataFrame({"Postcode":["AB101RS", "AB129TS", "GY35HG"]})

queryset filter between 2 values whit foreing keys?

I have problems with the following queryset, I probe it in django shell and it returns an empty list.
The situation is that I'm occupying a lforeing key, I did the same exercise with the model "Tarifa_Sem" and returns the value without any problem, just replace the F ('') by a variable x = 1000
The situation is that the table of the model "Tarifa_Sem" is only for consultation.
Where I am going to manage and save the response of the queryset is in the "Calculadora_isr" model
Model 1
class Tarifa_Sem(models.Model):
limite_inferior_isr = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
limite_inferior_subsidio = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
limite_superior = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
Model 2
class Calculadora_isr(models.Model):
tarifa = models.ForeignKey(Tarifa_Sem, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True)
base_gravada = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, blank=True)
limite_inf_calculo = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, blank=True)
Queryset and save()
def limite_inferior(self):
queryset = Calculadora_isr.objects.filter(tarifa__limite_superior__gte=F('base_gravada'),tarifa__limite_inferior_isr__lte=F('base_gravada')).distinct().values('tarifa__limite_inferior_isr')
return queryset
def save(self):
self.limite_inf_calculo = self.limite_inferior
super (Calculadora_isr, self).save()
In the shell of django the list appears empty.
>>> queryset = Calculadora_isr.objects.filter(tarifa__limite_superior__gte=F('base_gravada'),tarifa__limite_inferior_isr__lte=F('base_gravada')).distinct().values('tarifa__limite_inferior_isr')
And in the admin when I give him save he tells me:
conversion from method to Decimal is not supported
thanks for the support
I finally found the solution.
To solve the problem of passing the "base_gravada" field, use another variable that returns all the values ​​of "base_gravada"
qs1 = Calculadora_isr.objects.values_list('base_gravada')
And in my second query, use the variable qs1:
qs2 = Tarifa_Sem.objects.filter(limite_superior__gte=qs1,limite_inferior_isr__lte=qs1).distinct().values('limite_inferior_isr')

Query REST API latitude and longitude

I want my users to query two slugs fields (latitude, longitude) and then the 2 slug fields get compared to find nearest distance within 1.5km radius and display the api according to the nearest safehouses.
For example: when the users add latitude, longitude in their query,,145.0442
This will show the nearest safeplaces within 1.5km
Here is my function
def distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
R = 6371 # Earth Radius in Km
dLat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1) # Convert Degrees 2 Radians
dLong = math.radians(long2 - long1)
lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
a = math.sin(dLat/2) * math.sin(dLat/2) + math.sin(dLong/2) *
math.sin(dLong/2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
d = R * c
return d
Here is my model
class Safeplace(models.Model):
establishment = models.CharField(max_length=250)
address = models.CharField(max_length=250)
suburb = models.CharField(max_length=250)
postcode = models.IntegerField()
state = models.CharField(max_length=250)
type = models.CharField(max_length=250)
latitude = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6,max_digits=10)
longtitude = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6,max_digits=10)
Is there a way to run a for loop in my database? I am currently working on Django SQLite. On, how can i implement the distance function with the user input in my rest api url to find the nearest safeplace and display as REST Api?
What you need is to run a comparison for loop in your It is pretty difficult to execute but I will try to explain step by step.
assuming you are using that distance(lat, lng, lat2, lng2) function and trying to find the distance within 2km for example.
import pandas as pd
class someapiview(ListAPIView):
serializer_class = SafeplaceSerializer
### Now we are creating definition which sorts parameters lng and lat ###
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = Safeplace.Objects.all()
lat = float(self.query_params.get('lag', None)
lng = float(self.query_params.get('lng', None)
### Now, we are reading your api using pandas ###
df = pd.read_json('yourapi') ## yourapi is a url to ur api
obj = []
for x in range(0, len(df)):
latx = float(df['latitude'][x])
lngx = float(df['longitude'][x])
### Calculating distance ###
km = distance(lat, lng, latx, lngx)
if km <= 2:
### Django auto generate primary key which usually calls id ###
### Now we are going to call those pk as a queryset ###
return Safeplace.objects.filter(pk__in=obj)
I used pandas to work around, the load time might be slow if you have lots of data. However, I think this does the job. Usually Geo Django provides an efficient system to deal with long and lat, however I am not very competent in Geo Django so I cannot really tell. But I Believe this is a good work around.
you can query with ""
I believe you know how to set urls

djangorestframework-gis order by distance to point

In djangorestframework-gis, there exists the DistanceToPointFilter which returns results within a certain distance from a given point. How can I then have the results ordered by distance from that point, without repeating any distance calculations?
This is what my DRF view currently looks like:
class PlaceList(generics.ListAPIView):
queryset = Place.objects.filter(active=True)
serializer_class = ListSerializer
distance_filter_field = 'address.geometry'
filter_backends = (filters.DjangoFilterBackend, DistanceToPointFilter)
filter_class = PlaceFilter
ordering_fields = ('area', 'year_completed')
