How can I access the Parse Cloud Code hosted in AWS? - amazon-ec2

I want my app in iOS to verify user phone numbers, but that would require that I write code in a place called Cloud Code in Parse. The Parse Server is hosted in Amazon Web Services but I cannot find exactly where the Cloud Code is. How could I access it?
I already tried looking it up and the closest thing I got is to use Webhooks in my Parse Dashboard- with no real success.


Can I use Aliyun VPS server for wechat mini-program?

I am new to wechat development, as I can see from the documentation it requires setting up a server, getting a domain and ssl certificate. I am developing an app that sends a request to a server, fetches pdf file from database and downloads that file to user's phone. Since I am using pdf, I need to store binary data, so VPS hosting should be the best option here. But I am not sure if I can use it for WeChat, I noticed in most documentation and tutorials developers are using cloud services.
Of course.whatever serve provider is.

Hosting Microsoft Teams App Messaging Endpoint

I've been following Microsoft's Teams C# tutorials found here, and have been successful for the most part. However, I cannot seem to get my app to work when I host the messaging endpoint myself rather than via their Azure service, which is not an option for me ultimately as the pricing is outrageous for what we need it to do.
I'm hosting the endpoint myself by publishing the sample project and ensuring it's externally available via HTTPS. I can access a custom tab within Teams, so I know that it's online, it's just the messaging endpoint that seems to fail with an "unable to reach app" error when I try and use the messaging extension via a chat window.
When debugging using dev tools, I get 502 error: Bot returned unsuccessful status code Forbidden, error code 1008. Every potential solution I've seen for similar issues hasn't worked for me thus far, though I still feel like it's something incredibly obvious. Are there special steps that need taking when hosting the endpoint yourself? The docs do a very lousy job of explaining the process, probably because Microsoft want you to pay to host the app on Azure.
This is usually caused by the app id / app key not being registered or used correctly in your app, so it's not authenticating to the bot framework service properly. Where/how you do that depends a bit on what sample code / project template you started with, but it's usually somewhere in a .config file (or previously in a .bot file).
The information that you need will be in:
App Id: The Bot Settings page in Azure
App Key: from the Bot settings page, where you got the AppId above, it links to the App registration itself - within there you'll find the section on keys, and you can create a new key (if you've lost the original one)
I know it's generally an error when AppID validation fails. The bot app requests Azure AD to verify the identity.Could your web server access to Azure AD? If you deny to access to outbound with firewall, you should allow Azure IP range.
Turns out it was purely a network issue, that as of yet we still haven't actually figured out. But we tried hosting the app elsewhere and it was fine. That's my recommendation if anyone else has the same problem!

How do I connect to Google Cloud Datastore in golang from a GCE VM?

When I try running these example functions to connect to Cloud Datastore, I get a 401 Invalid Credentials error.
I'm running the go code from a VM within a Google Cloud Project. I have enabled the Datastore API and generated a JSON key which is loaded by the example code.
This question is very similar and even mentions the same repo, but does not use the same authentication shown in the examples, and was related to a 403 Unauthorized error.
For some reason the Datastore documentation does not mention go outside the context of App Engine.

Multiple webhooks in

As of Parse's announcement of Cloud Code Webhooks, I've build my own server environment instead of using Parse Cloud Code.
I'm running my server locally, changing the Parse webhook to point at my ngrok tunnel, as described here.
This all works great, but one problem arises when more people from my team, has to work on the server, on the same time. Since the webhook to Parse only can (AFAIK) point to one single webhook URL, we can only have one server running, pointing to its localhost address, through ngrok.
Is anyway to create a workaround for this problem?
Feel free to ask my elaborate on any of my points.

How to bring a server online and link it to

I have a server of my own running locally on my wifi, on
I have built an app with the backend, and I want to link this server to Cloud Code, so I can call functions on it.
I am completely lost and don't know where to start to bring my server online with only Parse being able to access it and use its API.
Or am I better off renting a VPS and connecting to that?
