How many subproblems are there in this Activity Selection recursive breakdown? - algorithm

Activity Selection: Given a set of activities A with start and end times, find a maximum subset of mutually compatible activities.
My problem
The two approaches seem to be the same, but the numSubproblems in firstApproach is exponential, while in secondApproach is O(n^2). If I were to memoize the result, then how can I memoize firstApproach?
The naive firstApproach
let max = 0
for (a: Activities):
let B = {Activities - allIncompatbleWith(a)}
let maxOfSubproblem = ActivitySelection(B)
max = max (max, maxOfSubproblem+1)
return max
1. Assume a particular activity `a` is part of the optimal solution
2. Find the set of activities incompatible with `a: allIncompatibleWith(a)`.
2. Solve Activity for the set of activities: ` {Activities - allImcompatibleWith(a)}`
3. Loop over all activities `a in Activities` and choose maximum.
The CLRS Section 16.1 based secondApproach
Solve for S(0, n+1)
let S(i,j) = 0
for (k: 0 to n):
let a = Activities(k)
let S(i,k) = solution for the set of activities that start after activity-i finishes and end before activity-k starts
let S(k,j) = solution for the set of activities that start after activity-k finishes and end before activyty-j starts.
S(i,j) = max (S(i,k) + S(k,j) + 1)
return S(i,j)
1. Assume a particular activity `a` is part of optimal solution
2. Solve the subproblems for:
(1) activities that finish before `a` starts
(2) activities that start after `a` finishes.
Let S(i, j) refer to the activities that lie between activities i and j (start after i and end before j).
Then S(i,j) characterises the subproblems needed to be solved above. ),
S(i,j) = max S(i,k) + S(k,j) + 1, with the variable k looped over j-i indices.
My analysis
#numSubproblems = #numSubset of the set of all activities = 2^n.
#numSubproblems = #number of ways to chooose two indicises from n indices, with repetition. = n*n = O(n^2)
The two approaches seem to be the same, but the numSubproblems in firstApproach is exponential, while in secondApproach is O(n^2). What's the catch? Why are they different, even thought the two approaches seem to be the same?

The two approaches seem to be the same
The two solutions are not the same. The difference is in the number of states possible in the search space. Both solutions exhibit overlapping sub-problems and optimal substructure. Without memoization, both solutions browse through the entire search space.
Solution 1
This a backtracking solution where all subsets that are compatible with an activity are tried and each time an activity is selected, your candidate solution is incremented by 1 and compared with the currently stored maximum. It utilizes no insight of the start times and end times of the activities. The major difference is that the state of your recurrence is the entire subset of activities (compatible activities) for which the solution needs to be determined (regardless of their start and finish times). If you were to memoize the solution, you would have to use a bitmasks (or (std::bitset in C++) to store the solution for a subset of activities. You could also use std::set or other Set data structures.
Solution 2
The number of states for the sub-problems in the second solution are greatly reduced because the recurrence relation solves for only those activities which finish before the start of the current activity and those activities which start after the current activity finishes. Notice that the number of states in such a solution is determined by the number of possible values of the tuple (start time, end time). Since, there are n activities, the number of states are atmost n2. If we memoize this solution, we simply need to store the solution for a given start time and end time, which automatically gives a solution for the subset of activities that fall in this range, regardless of whether they are compatible among themselves.

Memoization always don't lead to polynomial time asymptotic time complexity. In the first approach, you can apply memoization, but that'll not reduce the time complexity to polynomial time.
What is memoization?
In simple words, memoization is nothing but a recursive solution (top-down) that stores the result of computed solution to sub-problem. And if the same sub-problem is to be calculated again, you return the originally stored solution instead of recomputing it.
Memoization in your first recursive solution
In your case each sub-problem is finding optimal selection of activities for a subset. So the memoization (in your case) will result in storing the optimal solution for all the subsets.
No doubt memoization will give you performance enhancements by avoiding recomputation of solution on a subset of activities that has been "seen" before, but it can't (in this case) reduce the time complexity to polynomial time because you end up storing the sub-solutions for every subset (in worst case).
Where memoization gives us real benefit?
On the other hand, if you see this, where memoization is applied for fibonacci series, the total number of sub-solutions that you have to store is linear with the size of the input. And thus it drops the exponential complexity to linear.
How can you memoize the first solution
For applying memoization in the first approach, you need to maintain the sub-solutions. The data-structure that you can use is Map<Set<Activity>, Integer> which will store the maximum number of compatible activities for the given Set<Activity>. In java equals() on a java.util.Set works properly across all the implementations, so you can use it.
Your first approach will be modified like this:
// this structure memoizes the sub-solutions
Map<Set<Activity>, Integer> map;
ActivitySelection(Set<Activity> activities) {
if(map contains activities)
return map.getValueFor(activities);
let max = 0
for (a: activities):
let B = {Activities - allIncompatbleWith(a)}
let maxOfSubproblem = ActivitySelection(B)
max = max (max, maxOfSubproblem+1)
map.put(activities, max)
return max
On a lighter note:
The time complexity of the second solution (CLRS 16.1) will be O(n^3) instead of O(n^2). You'll have to have 3 loops for i, j and k. The space complexity for this solution is O(n^2).


Interview Scheduling Algorithm

I am trying to think of an algorithm that always produces the optimum solution in the best possible time to this problem:
There are n candidates for a job, and k rooms in which they have scheduled interviews at various times of the day. Interviews have a specific schedule in each room, with each interview having a specified start time (si), finish time (fi), and interview room (ri). All time units are always integers. In addition we need to schedule pictures with the people currently being interviewed throughout the day. The pictures don't effectively take any time, but at some point in the day each interviewee must be in a picture. If we schedule a picture at time t, all people currently being interviewed will be in that picture. Taking a picture has no affect on the rest of each interviews start and end time. So the problem is this: with an unordered list of interviews , each with variables (si, fi, ri), how do you make sure every interview candidate is in a picture, while taking as few pictures as possible?
So ideally we would take pictures when there are as many people present as possible to minimize the number of pictures taken. My original idea for this was sort of a brute force, but it would be a really bad big-O runtime. It is very important to minimize the runtime of this algorithm while still returning the fewest possible photographs. That being said, if you can think of a fast greedy algorithm that doesn't perfectly solve the problem, I would like to hear that too.
I'm sure my description here was far from flawless, so if you would like me to clarify anything, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
Start with the following observations:
At least one picture must be taken during each interview, since we cannot photograph that interviewee before they arrive or after they leave.
The set of people available to photograph changes only at the times si and fi.
After an arrival event si, if the next event j is an arrival, there is no need to take a picture between si and sj, since everyone available at si is still available at sj.
Therefore, you can let the set of available interviewees "build up" through arrival events (up to k of them) and wait to take a picture until someone is about to leave.
Thus I think the following algorithm should work:
Put the arrival and departure times into a list and sort it (times should remain tagged with "arrival" or "departure" and the interviewee's index).
Create a boolean array A of size n to keep track of whether each interviewee is available (interview is in progress).
Create a boolean array P of size n to keep track of whether each interviewee has been photographed.
Loop over the sorted time list (index variable i):
a. If an arrival is encountered, set A[i] to true.
b. If a departure j is encountered, check P[j] to see if the person leaving has been photographed already. If not, take a picture now and record its effects (for all A[k] = true set P[k] = true). Finally set A[i] to false.
The sort is O(n log n), the loop has 2n iterations, and checking the arrays is O(1). But since on each picture-taking event, you may need to loop over A, the overall runtime is O(n2) in the worst case (which would happen if no interviews overlapped in time).
Here's an O(n log n) solution:
Step 1: Separately sort the starting and finishing time of all interviews, but at the same time keep track of the places they are sorted to (i.e. the original indices and the indices after sort). This results in 4 arrays below
sst[] (sst = sorted starting time)
sft[] (sft = sorted finishing time)
sst2orig[] (sst index to original index)
sft2orig[] (sst index to original index)
Note: by definitions of the above 4 arrays,
"sst2orig[j] = i & sst2orig[k] = i" means that
interview [i] has starting time sst[j] and finishing time sft[k]
Step 2: Define a boolean array p_taken[] to represent if the candidate of an interview has already been phtographed. All elements in the array will be set to false initially.
Step 3: The loop
std::vector<int> photo_time;
int last_p_not_taken_sst_index = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sft.size; i++) {
// ignore the candidate already photographed
if (p_taken[sft2orig[sft[i]]]) continue;
// Now we found the first leaving candidate not phtographed, we
// must take a photo now.
// So we can now mark all candidate having prior sst[] time as
// already photographed. So, we search for the first elm. in
// sst[] that is greater than sft[i], and returns the index.
// If all elm. in sst[] is smaller than sft[i], we return sst.size().
// This could be done via a binary search
int k = upper_inequal_bound_index(sst, sft[i]);
// now we can mark all candidate with starting time prior than sst[k]
// to be "photographed". This will include the one corresponding to
// sft[i]
for (int j=last_p_not_taken_sst_index; j<k; j++)
p_taken[sst2orig[j]] = true;
last_p_not_taken_sst_index = k;
The final answer is saved in photo_time, and the number of photos is photo_time.size().
Time Complexity:
Step 1: Sorts: O(n log n)
Step 2: initialize p_taken[]: O(n)
Step 3: We loop n times, and in each loop
3-1 check p_taken: O(1)
3-2 binary search: O(log n)
3-3 mark candidates: aggreated O(n), since we mark once only, per candidate.
So, overall for step 3: O(n x ( 1 + log n) + n) = O(n log n)
Step 1 ~ 3, total: O(n log n)
Note that step 3 can be futher optimized: we can shrink to exclude those already previous binary-searched range. But the worst case is still O(log n) per loop. Thus the total is still O(n log n)

scheduling n people with given time of travel

this is a puzzle but i think it could be a classical algorithm which i am unaware of :
There are n people at the bottom of a mountain, and everyone wants to go up, then down the mountain. Person i takes u[i] time to climb this mountain, and d[i] time to descend it.
However, at same given time atmost 1 person can climb , and .atmost 1 person can descend the mountain. Find the least time to travel up and back down the mountain.
Update 1 :
well i tried with few examples and found that it's not reducible to sorting , or getting the fastest climbers first or vice versa . I think to get optimal solution we may have to try out all possible solutions , so seems to be NP complete.
My initial guess: (WRONG)
The solution i thought is greedy : sort n people by start time in ascending order. Then up jth person up and kth down where u[j]<= d[k] and d[k] is minimum from all k persons on top of mountain. I am not able to prove correctness of this .
Any other idea how to approach ?
A hint would suffice.
Try to think in the following manner: if the people are not sorted in ascending order of time it takes them to climb the mountain than what happens if you find a pair of adjacent people that are not in the correct order(i.e. first one climbs longer than second one) and swap them. Is it possible that the total time increases?
I think it is incorrect. Consider
u = [2,3]
d = [1,3]
Your algorithm gives ordering 0,1 whereas it should be 1,0.
I would suggest another greedy approach:
Create ordering list and add first person.
For current ordering keep track of two values:
mU - time of last person on the mountain - time of the end
mD - time of earliest time of first descending
From people who are not ordered choose the one which minimises abs(mD - d) and abs(mU - u). Then if abs(mD - d) < abs(mU - u) he should go at the beginning of ordering. Otherwise he goes at the end.
Some tweak may still be needed here, but this approach should minimise losses from cases like the one given in the example.
The following solution will only work with n <= 24.
This solution will require dynamic programming and bit-mask technique knowledge to be understood.
Observation: we can easily observe that the optimal total climb up time is fixed, which is equalled to the total climb up time of n people.
For the base case, if n = 1, the solution is obvious.
For n = 2, the solution is simple, just scan through all 4 possibilities and calculate the minimum down time.
For n = 3, we can see that this case will be equal to the case when one person climb up first, followed by two.
And the two person minimum down time can be easily pre-calculated. More important, this two person then can be treated as one person with up time is the total up time of the two, and down time is the minimum down time.
Storing all result for minimum down time for cases from n = 0 to n = 3 in array called 'dp', using bit-mask technique, we represent the state for 3 person as index 3 = 111b, so the result for case n = 3 will be:
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
dp[3] = min(dp[(1<<i)] + dp[3^(1<<i)],dp[3]);
For n = 4... 24, the solution will be similar to case n = 3.
Note: The actual formula is not just simple as the code for case n = 3(and it requires similar approach to solve as case n = 2), but will be very similar,
Your approach looks sensible, but it may be over-simplified, could you describe it more precisely here?
From your description, I can't make out whether you are sorting or something else; these are the heuristics that I figured you are using:
Get the fastest climbers first, so the start using the Down path
Ensure there is always people at the top of the mountain, so
when the Down path becomes available, a person starts descending
immediately.The way you do that is to select first those people who
climb fast and descend slowly.
What if the fastest climber is also the fastest descender? That would leave the Down path idle until the second climber gets to the top, how does your algorithm ensures that this the best order?. I'm not sure that the problem reduces to a Sorting problem, it looks more like a knapsack or scheduling type.

Greedy Algorithm Optimization

I have the following problem:
Let there be n projects.
Let Fi(x) equal to the number of points you will obtain if you spent
x units of time working on project i.
You have T units of time to use and work on any project you would
The goal is to maximize the number of points you will earn and the F functions are non-decreasing.
The F functions have diminishing marginal return, in other words spending x+1 unit of time working on a particular project will yield less of an increase in total points earned from that project than spending x unit of time on the project did.
I have come up with the following O(nlogn + Tlogn) algorithm but I am supposed to find an algorithm running in O(n + Tlogn):
sum = 0
gain[] = sort(fi(1))
for sum < T
getMax(gain) // assume that the max gain corresponds to project "P"
gain.sortedInsert(Fp(schedule[P] + 1) - gain[P])
return schedule
That is, it takes O(nlogn) to sort the initial gain array and O(Tlogn) to run through the loop. I have thought through this problem more than I care to admit and cannot come up with an algorithm that would run in O(n + Tlogn).
For the first case, use a Heap, constructing the heap will take O(n) time, and each ExtractMin & DecreaseKey function call will take O(logN) time.
For the second case construct a nXT table where ith column denotes the solution for the case T=i. i+1 th column should only depend on the values on the ith column and the function F, hence calculatable in O(nT) time. I did not think all the cases thoroughly but this should give you a good start.

Is there a Sorting Algorithm that sorts in O(∞) permutations?

After reading this question and through the various Phone Book sorting scenarios put forth in the answer, I found the concept of the BOGO sort to be quite interesting. Certainly there is no use for this type of sorting algorithm but it did raise an interesting question in my mind-- could their be a sorting algorithm that is infinitely impossible to complete?
In other words, is there a process where one could attempt to compare and re-order a fixed set of data and can yet never achieve an actual sorted list?
This is much more of a theoretical/philosophical question than a practical one and if I was more of a mathematician I'd probably be able to prove/disprove such a possibility. Has anyone asked this question before and if so, what can be said about it?
[edit:] no deterministic process with a finite amount of state takes "O(infinity)" since the slowest it can be is to progress through all possible states. this includes sorting.
[earlier, more specific answer:]
no. for a list of size n you only have state space of size n! in which to store progress (assuming that the entire state of the sort is stored in the ordering of the elements and it really is "doing something," deterministically).
so the worst possible behaviour would cycle through all available states before terminating and take time proportional to n! (at the risk of confusing matters, there must be a single path through the state - since that is "all the state" you cannot have a process move from state X to Y, and then later from state X to Z, since that requires additional state, or is non-deterministic)
Idea 1:
function sort( int[] arr ) {
int[] sorted = quicksort( arr ); // compare and reorder data
while(true); // where'd this come from???
return sorted; // return answer
Idea 2
How do you define O(infinity)? The formal definition of Big-O merely states that f(x)=O(g(x)) implies that M*g(x) is an upper bound of f(x) given sufficiently large x and some constant M.
Typically when you talking about "infinity", you are talking about some sort of unbounded limit. So in this case, the only reasonable definition is saying that O(infinity) is O(function that's larger than every function). Obviously a function that's larger than every function is an upper bound. Thus technically everything is "O(infinity)"
Idea 3
Assuming you mean theta notation (tight bound)...
If you impose the additional restriction that the algorithm is smart (returns when it finds a sorted permutation) and every permutation of the list must be visited in a finite amount of time, then the answer no. There are only N! permutations of a list. The upper bound for such a sorting algorithm is then a finite over finite numbers, which is finite.
Your question doesn't really have much to do with sorting. An algorithm which is guaranteed never to complete would be pretty dull. Indeed, even an algorithm which would might or might not ever complete would be pretty dull. Much more interesting would be an algorithm which would be guaranteed to complete, eventually, but whose worst-case computation time with respect to the size of the input would not be expressible as O(F(N)) for any function F that could itself be computed in bounded time. My hunch would be that such an algorithm could be devised, but I'm not sure how.
How about this one:
Start at the first item.
Flip a coin.
If it's heads, switch it with the next item.
If it's tails, don't switch them.
If list is sorted, stop.
If not, move onto the next pair ...
It's a sorting algorithm -- the kind a monkey might do. Is there any guarantee that you'll arrive at a sorted list? I don't think so!
Yes -
If IsSorted(collectionOfNumbers){
return SortNumbers(collectionOfNumbers)
Input: A[1..n] : n unique integers in arbitrary order
Output: A'[1..n] : reordering of the elements of A
such that A'[i] R(A') A'[j] if i < j.
Comparator: a R(A') b iff A'[i] = a, A'[j] = b and i > j
More generally, make the comparator something that's either (a) impossible to reconcile with the output specification, so that no solution can exist, or (b) uncomputable (e.g., sort these (input, turing machine) pairs in order of the number of steps needed for the machine to halt on the input).
Even more generally, if you have a procedure that fails to halt on a valid input, the procedure is not an algorithm which solves the problem on that input/output domain... which means you don't have an algorithm at all, or that what you have is only an algorithm if you appropriately restrict the domain.
Let's suppose that you have a random coin flipper, infinite arithmetic, and infinite rationals. Then the answer is yes. You can write a sorting algorithm which has 100% chance of successfully sorting your data (so it really is a sorting function), but which on average will take infinite time to do so.
Here is an emulation of this in Python.
# We'll pretend that these are true random numbers.
import random
import fractions
def flip ():
return 0.5 < random.random()
# This tests whether a number is less than an infinite precision number in the range
# [0, 1]. It has a 100% probability of returning an answer.
def number_less_than_rand (x):
high = fractions.Fraction(1, 1)
low = fractions.Fraction(0, 1)
while low < x and x < high:
if flip():
low = (low + high) / 2
high = (low + high) / 2
return high < x
def slow_sort (some_array):
n = fractions.Fraction(100, 1)
# This loop has a 100% chance of finishing, but its average time to complete
# is also infinite. If you haven't studied infinite series and products, you'll
# just have to take this on faith. Otherwise proving that is a fun exercise.
while not number_less_than_rand(1/n):
n += 1
print n

What is dynamic programming? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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What is dynamic programming?
How is it different from recursion, memoization, etc?
I have read the wikipedia article on it, but I still don't really understand it.
Dynamic programming is when you use past knowledge to make solving a future problem easier.
A good example is solving the Fibonacci sequence for n=1,000,002.
This will be a very long process, but what if I give you the results for n=1,000,000 and n=1,000,001? Suddenly the problem just became more manageable.
Dynamic programming is used a lot in string problems, such as the string edit problem. You solve a subset(s) of the problem and then use that information to solve the more difficult original problem.
With dynamic programming, you store your results in some sort of table generally. When you need the answer to a problem, you reference the table and see if you already know what it is. If not, you use the data in your table to give yourself a stepping stone towards the answer.
The Cormen Algorithms book has a great chapter about dynamic programming. AND it's free on Google Books! Check it out here.
Dynamic programming is a technique used to avoid computing multiple times the same subproblem in a recursive algorithm.
Let's take the simple example of the Fibonacci numbers: finding the n th Fibonacci number defined by
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 and F0 = 0, F1 = 1
The obvious way to do this is recursive:
def fibonacci(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
Dynamic Programming
Top Down - Memoization
The recursion does a lot of unnecessary calculations because a given Fibonacci number will be calculated multiple times. An easy way to improve this is to cache the results:
cache = {}
def fibonacci(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
if n in cache:
return cache[n]
cache[n] = fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
return cache[n]
A better way to do this is to get rid of the recursion all-together by evaluating the results in the right order:
cache = {}
def fibonacci(n):
cache[0] = 0
cache[1] = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
cache[i] = cache[i - 1] + cache[i - 2]
return cache[n]
We can even use constant space and store only the necessary partial results along the way:
def fibonacci(n):
fi_minus_2 = 0
fi_minus_1 = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
fi = fi_minus_1 + fi_minus_2
fi_minus_1, fi_minus_2 = fi, fi_minus_1
return fi
How apply dynamic programming?
Find the recursion in the problem.
Top-down: store the answer for each subproblem in a table to avoid having to recompute them.
Bottom-up: Find the right order to evaluate the results so that partial results are available when needed.
Dynamic programming generally works for problems that have an inherent left to right order such as strings, trees or integer sequences. If the naive recursive algorithm does not compute the same subproblem multiple times, dynamic programming won't help.
I made a collection of problems to help understand the logic:
Memoization is the when you store previous results of a function call (a real function always returns the same thing, given the same inputs). It doesn't make a difference for algorithmic complexity before the results are stored.
Recursion is the method of a function calling itself, usually with a smaller dataset. Since most recursive functions can be converted to similar iterative functions, this doesn't make a difference for algorithmic complexity either.
Dynamic programming is the process of solving easier-to-solve sub-problems and building up the answer from that. Most DP algorithms will be in the running times between a Greedy algorithm (if one exists) and an exponential (enumerate all possibilities and find the best one) algorithm.
DP algorithms could be implemented with recursion, but they don't have to be.
DP algorithms can't be sped up by memoization, since each sub-problem is only ever solved (or the "solve" function called) once.
It's an optimization of your algorithm that cuts running time.
While a Greedy Algorithm is usually called naive, because it may run multiple times over the same set of data, Dynamic Programming avoids this pitfall through a deeper understanding of the partial results that must be stored to help build the final solution.
A simple example is traversing a tree or a graph only through the nodes that would contribute with the solution, or putting into a table the solutions that you've found so far so you can avoid traversing the same nodes over and over.
Here's an example of a problem that's suited for dynamic programming, from UVA's online judge: Edit Steps Ladder.
I'm going to make quick briefing of the important part of this problem's analysis, taken from the book Programming Challenges, I suggest you check it out.
Take a good look at that problem, if we define a cost function telling us how far appart two strings are, we have two consider the three natural types of changes:
Substitution - change a single character from pattern "s" to a different character in text "t", such as changing "shot" to "spot".
Insertion - insert a single character into pattern "s" to help it match text "t", such as changing "ago" to "agog".
Deletion - delete a single character from pattern "s" to help it match text "t", such as changing "hour" to "our".
When we set each of this operations to cost one step we define the edit distance between two strings. So how do we compute it?
We can define a recursive algorithm using the observation that the last character in the string must be either matched, substituted, inserted or deleted. Chopping off the characters in the last edit operation leaves a pair operation leaves a pair of smaller strings. Let i and j be the last character of the relevant prefix of and t, respectively. there are three pairs of shorter strings after the last operation, corresponding to the string after a match/substitution, insertion or deletion. If we knew the cost of editing the three pairs of smaller strings, we could decide which option leads to the best solution and choose that option accordingly. We can learn this cost, through the awesome thing that's recursion:
#define MATCH 0 /* enumerated type symbol for match */
#define INSERT 1 /* enumerated type symbol for insert */
#define DELETE 2 /* enumerated type symbol for delete */
int string_compare(char *s, char *t, int i, int j)
int k; /* counter */
int opt[3]; /* cost of the three options */
int lowest_cost; /* lowest cost */
if (i == 0) return(j * indel(’ ’));
if (j == 0) return(i * indel(’ ’));
opt[MATCH] = string_compare(s,t,i-1,j-1) +
opt[INSERT] = string_compare(s,t,i,j-1) +
opt[DELETE] = string_compare(s,t,i-1,j) +
lowest_cost = opt[MATCH];
for (k=INSERT; k<=DELETE; k++)
if (opt[k] < lowest_cost) lowest_cost = opt[k];
return( lowest_cost );
This algorithm is correct, but is also impossibly slow.
Running on our computer, it takes several seconds to compare two 11-character strings, and the computation disappears into never-never land on anything longer.
Why is the algorithm so slow? It takes exponential time because it recomputes values again and again and again. At every position in the string, the recursion branches three ways, meaning it grows at a rate of at least 3^n – indeed, even faster since most of the calls reduce only one of the two indices, not both of them.
So how can we make the algorithm practical? The important observation is that most of these recursive calls are computing things that have already been computed before. How do we know? Well, there can only be |s| · |t| possible unique recursive calls, since there are only that many distinct (i, j) pairs to serve as the parameters of recursive calls.
By storing the values for each of these (i, j) pairs in a table, we can
avoid recomputing them and just look
them up as needed.
The table is a two-dimensional matrix m where each of the |s|·|t| cells contains the cost of the optimal solution of this subproblem, as well as a parent pointer explaining how we got to this location:
typedef struct {
int cost; /* cost of reaching this cell */
int parent; /* parent cell */
} cell;
cell m[MAXLEN+1][MAXLEN+1]; /* dynamic programming table */
The dynamic programming version has three differences from the recursive version.
First, it gets its intermediate values using table lookup instead of recursive calls.
**Second,**it updates the parent field of each cell, which will enable us to reconstruct the edit sequence later.
**Third,**Third, it is instrumented using a more general goal cell() function instead of just returning m[|s|][|t|].cost. This will enable us to apply this routine to a wider class of problems.
Here, a very particular analysis of what it takes to gather the most optimal partial results, is what makes the solution a "dynamic" one.
Here's an alternate, full solution to the same problem. It's also a "dynamic" one even though its execution is different. I suggest you check out how efficient the solution is by submitting it to UVA's online judge. I find amazing how such a heavy problem was tackled so efficiently.
The key bits of dynamic programming are "overlapping sub-problems" and "optimal substructure". These properties of a problem mean that an optimal solution is composed of the optimal solutions to its sub-problems. For instance, shortest path problems exhibit optimal substructure. The shortest path from A to C is the shortest path from A to some node B followed by the shortest path from that node B to C.
In greater detail, to solve a shortest-path problem you will:
find the distances from the starting node to every node touching it (say from A to B and C)
find the distances from those nodes to the nodes touching them (from B to D and E, and from C to E and F)
we now know the shortest path from A to E: it is the shortest sum of A-x and x-E for some node x that we have visited (either B or C)
repeat this process until we reach the final destination node
Because we are working bottom-up, we already have solutions to the sub-problems when it comes time to use them, by memoizing them.
Remember, dynamic programming problems must have both overlapping sub-problems, and optimal substructure. Generating the Fibonacci sequence is not a dynamic programming problem; it utilizes memoization because it has overlapping sub-problems, but it does not have optimal substructure (because there is no optimization problem involved).
Dynamic Programming
Dynamic programming (DP) is a general algorithm design technique for solving
problems with overlapping sub-problems. This technique was invented by American
mathematician “Richard Bellman” in 1950s.
Key Idea
The key idea is to save answers of overlapping smaller sub-problems to avoid recomputation.
Dynamic Programming Properties
An instance is solved using the solutions for smaller instances.
The solutions for a smaller instance might be needed multiple times,
so store their results in a table.
Thus each smaller instance is solved only once.
Additional space is used to save time.
I am also very much new to Dynamic Programming (a powerful algorithm for particular type of problems)
In most simple words, just think dynamic programming as a recursive approach with using the previous knowledge
Previous knowledge is what matters here the most, Keep track of the solution of the sub-problems you already have.
Consider this, most basic example for dp from Wikipedia
Finding the fibonacci sequence
function fib(n) // naive implementation
if n <=1 return n
return fib(n − 1) + fib(n − 2)
Lets break down the function call with say n = 5
fib(4) + fib(3)
(fib(3) + fib(2)) + (fib(2) + fib(1))
((fib(2) + fib(1)) + (fib(1) + fib(0))) + ((fib(1) + fib(0)) + fib(1))
(((fib(1) + fib(0)) + fib(1)) + (fib(1) + fib(0))) + ((fib(1) + fib(0)) + fib(1))
In particular, fib(2) was calculated three times from scratch. In larger examples, many more values of fib, or sub-problems, are recalculated, leading to an exponential time algorithm.
Now, lets try it by storing the value we already found out in a data-structure say a Map
var m := map(0 → 0, 1 → 1)
function fib(n)
if key n is not in map m
m[n] := fib(n − 1) + fib(n − 2)
return m[n]
Here we are saving the solution of sub-problems in the map, if we don't have it already. This technique of saving values which we already had calculated is termed as Memoization.
At last, For a problem, first try to find the states (possible sub-problems and try to think of the better recursion approach so that you can use the solution of previous sub-problem into further ones).
Dynamic programming is a technique for solving problems with overlapping sub problems.
A dynamic programming algorithm solves every sub problem just once and then
Saves its answer in a table (array).
Avoiding the work of re-computing the answer every time the sub problem is encountered.
The underlying idea of dynamic programming is:
Avoid calculating the same stuff twice, usually by keeping a table of known results of sub problems.
The seven steps in the development of a dynamic programming algorithm are as follows:
Establish a recursive property that gives the solution to an instance of the problem.
Develop a recursive algorithm as per recursive property
See if same instance of the problem is being solved again an again in recursive calls
Develop a memoized recursive algorithm
See the pattern in storing the data in the memory
Convert the memoized recursive algorithm into iterative algorithm
Optimize the iterative algorithm by using the storage as required (storage optimization)
in short the difference between recursion memoization and Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming as name suggest is using the previous calculated value to dynamically construct the next new solution
Where to apply dynamic programming : If you solution is based on optimal substructure and overlapping sub problem then in that case using the earlier calculated value will be useful so you do not have to recompute it. It is bottom up approach. Suppose you need to calculate fib(n) in that case all you need to do is add the previous calculated value of fib(n-1) and fib(n-2)
Recursion : Basically subdividing you problem into smaller part to solve it with ease but keep it in mind it does not avoid re computation if we have same value calculated previously in other recursion call.
Memoization : Basically storing the old calculated recursion value in table is known as memoization which will avoid re-computation if its already been calculated by some previous call so any value will be calculated once. So before calculating we check whether this value has already been calculated or not if already calculated then we return the same from table instead of recomputing. It is also top down approach
Here is a simple python code example of Recursive, Top-down, Bottom-up approach for Fibonacci series:
Recursive: O(2n)
def fib_recursive(n):
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2)
Top-down: O(n) Efficient for larger input
def fib_memoize_or_top_down(n, mem):
if mem[n] is not 0:
return mem[n]
mem[n] = fib_memoize_or_top_down(n-1, mem) + fib_memoize_or_top_down(n-2, mem)
return mem[n]
n = 40
mem = [0] * (n+1)
mem[1] = 1
mem[2] = 1
print(fib_memoize_or_top_down(n, mem))
Bottom-up: O(n) For simplicity and small input sizes
def fib_bottom_up(n):
mem = [0] * (n+1)
mem[1] = 1
mem[2] = 1
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
for i in range(3, n+1):
mem[i] = mem[i-1] + mem[i-2]
return mem[n]
