How to export flutter app from android studio to Xcode? - xcode

I have an application running on Android, and it's on play store already.
Now I want to start deploying to Appstore,I managed to get a Mac for this.
I'm trying to import the project to Xcode,but flutter run gives errors for different paths of flutter and packages.
Is there an easy way to export from Windows and Android studio to Mac Xcode and not wasting hours only to open the project?
The error it gives: Your application could not be compiled, because its dependencies could not be established. The following Dart file:
/Users/bojke/Desktop/app/lib/main.dart ...refers, in an import, to the following library: /C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/
Unfortunately, that library does not appear to exist on your file system.
That's because I can't name a directory with doubledot..

Forgot to do:
flutter packages get . This solved my problem.

You don't "export from Android Studio to Xcode". The flutter project contains the projects for both native problems. Run
flutter build ios --release
Then go into the iOS project and open your Runner workspace for iOS then archive your project from there.
Once you're in the xcode project follow these instructions

Connection to physical iPhone device is not necessary. Run any sample project in xcode. Start a Simulator. (Only One simulator preferrably).
clone the repository from github into Mac (with X-Code Installed)
open terminal.
cd to your pubspec.yaml
flutter run (it will automatically run flutter pub get) (It will launch on the already running iOS simulator)
follow steps on to install flutter. Above steps will only work from terminal if flutter doctor(any flutter command) is recognized

I would definitely recommend installing Android Studio on your Mac and run your app on an iOS simulator or real iOS device from Android Studio.
Make sure everything works fine, and only then build for release.
Here is a step by step instruction on how to set up your Mac environment for Flutter
And when you feel your app is ready for the open-world - check out this doc on how to build and release an iOS app
Also, if you don't have a Mac you can start a virtual machine with Mac OS X, hosted on your Windows or Linux. It will give you the ability to run your Flutter app both on iOS simulator and on physical iOS devices, as well as Android emulator/real device.
For example, I have an OS X Mohave running on my host Windows 8.1 on VMware. Make sure you have enough RAM and CPU to run both OS. I allocated 6GB of RAM to the virtual machine and it runs at a speed enough to make some fixes for iOS, run on iPhone simulator and release a build on XCode.
Clearly it would be annoying to work at that speed all the time but for my purposes its enough.
If you don't want to mess around with virtual machine - check it's a cloud service for getting remote access to a dedicated Mac. (with XCode installed) for $20/mo. For 8 hours per day, it's something like $35/mo.
Good as a temporary solution if you don't want to spend $2k for a MacBook Pro


Any way to build flutter desktop app for window(.exe) in macOS machine?

I would like to build exe file from my macOS machine. How is possible?
Per the documentation:
To compile a desktop app, you must build the app on the targeted platform: build a Windows app on Windows, a macOS app on macOS, and a Linux app on Linux.
You can follow this issue to see if that changes in the future.
The short answer is no.
But you can build your app using a windows emulator or doing a windows dualboot with bootcamp.
There is also online services who let you build flutter projects from a github repo but I don't think they can build a windows app.

Do i still need a mac to develop react-native applications for iOS?

i need some information. I thought i can only run the app if i install an mac, xcode on windows so i can run an xcode project and install the pod etc.
but now i tested my app which i start to develop without adding/editing the pod's file and it works on a apple phone as well.
so i'm little bit confused, do I have to install a mac on a windows system or not?
because i thought it's important to create an xcode project and install pod to run it on a iOS
thanks for all replies.
You are probably using expo, so yeah, you can now launch your app on an iPhone.
You can read more about expo here.
You will be able to build for ios and android without installing xCode or android studio.
There's some limitations to expo, but you should be able to do a lots without ejecting your project.

iOS development with React Native or Flutter with minimal apple hardware

Not sure if this has been asked before.
To target iOS for mobile development with react native or flutter, do I need to move my entire development machine to an apple one? I do know that for any serious iOS app development, I'd need to get a mac.
But is it possible to use mac machine minimally with the bulk of the development being done in my non-mac main machine?
For e.g. I'd buy a cheaper Mac mini with low specs to get the XCode, run iOS simulation and push the app to app store. And during development from my main machine, I'd somehow connect to this mac mini for iOS simulation.
Is it possible? I just don't wanna move my entire desktop usage over to a mac.
if you wanna development in light machine use react native and use its expo cli . its very light you did not need to make build in Xcode and android studio
check expo documentation here

Does Xamarin IOS Simulator Require XCode?

Well , im new to IOS app development i've heard about Xamarin cross-platform app-development, so my setup is ==>
Visual Studio Enterprise Update 1 Installed.
Xamarin For Visual Studio 2015 Downloaded (Now about to install).
Xamarin IOS simulator downloaded.
Now as i have xamarin simulator i don't need to buy a mac or get a hosted-mac , that's clear now i just wanna confirm do i need XCode ? i mean i have xamarin simulator but still i'm confused about XCODE for windows how can i get that should it be getting installed automatically or do i need to give it another shot.
I'm confused about all this .
I just don't* have the budget to buy a MAC and i want to do APP development just (Debugging ) deployment will be done latter please tell me what should i do or give me the proper instruction thanks.
You need to run Xcode on a mac to build Xamarin apps for iOS. A Windows install of Xamarin on Visual Studio will allow you to connect to a mac to do the build remotely, but you still need a mac available that has Xcode installed on it to do the build.
You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store. You will also need the mac to upload the final package to the iOS App Store if you're going to release it there.
An other option is to use a cloud based Mac server, there are several companies that rent them out on hourly/monthly basis for this purpose (MacinCloud being one that I've heard of).
XCode needs and can only be installed onto a MAC OSX system.
Once you have XCode installed, you can use its iPhone simulator to emulate the iOS apps you make on your windows pc.
You need to connect to the MAC by using the MAC Agent on Visual Studio. This connects remotely to the MAC and allows you to debug the app to be emulated onto the virtual iOS device being simulated on your MAC OSX system.
You can use MAC Cloud based server but also, you can use a real iOS device such as an iPhone to debug apps directly onto the device.

Deploying cordova to Xcode in vmware

I have just started using cordova and ionic with vs2015. I am running this on a windows 10 machine. I have built the android side and put to store.
I have a version of mac running via vmware on the windows machine. I have tried copying the xcode project file across manually and building, butrun into bui;d errors. Is there a way of linking vs2015 ios build directly to the xcode on the vmmachine.
If not may some guidance on building and copying the correct parts for xcode.
Sounds like you need to run your app on the iOS Simulator
Make sure that you have installed the remote agent on a Mac that meets all system requirements, and that you have started the remote agent.
Make sure that you have specified iOS processing, the host name or IP address, port, and security PIN in Visual Studio.
With your app open in Visual Studio, choose iOS from the Solution
Platforms list. If you don’t see this list, choose Solution
Platforms from the Add/Remove Buttons list to display it.
In the simulator list, choose Simulator – iPhone or another iOS
Selecting the iOS Simulator Press F5 to start the app.
If the remote agent is set up correctly, Visual Studio deploys the app to the iOS Simulator on your Mac.
iOS Simulator running on a Mac
Tip If you are running a version of the iOS Simulator with a Retina display on a lower-resolution Mac with a non-Retina display, you may need to scale the emulator to 50% so the app will fit on the screen (choose Window, Scale).
If you have configured the remote build agent on your Mac as described in the article Install tools for iOS, you can build and run your app on an iOS device that is connected to your Mac or PC.
