Expect Script to SCP a File to Remote System - expect

I am a newbie at scripting and simply trying to utilize scp within a script to move a file to a remote system. I keep encountering errors within my code/or nothing happens/the file does not get copied.
I attempted multiple scripts but I feel I'm just not quite getting the language. In the code I've included, I am trying to scp the test.txt file to the remote system. I've also tried including a send "scp test.txt ${user}#XXXXXXXX.com" line as well.
set user "XXXXXX"
set password "XXXXXX"
log_file XXXX.txt
spawn /usr/bin/scp -f test.txt ${user}#XXXXXXXXXXX.com
expect "*assword"
send "${password}\n"
I believe the file should be copied to the remote server but when I attempt to display it with ls -l I get nothing.


SCP file copy and overwrite existing file

I have a Bash script where I'm issuing an SCP command to copy a text file to a remote server. I want subsequent files of the same name to overwrite the existing remote file. However, the copy does not replace the file but generate copies with a time/date stamp.
expect <<EOF
set timeout -1
spawn scp stats.txt user#
expect "*word:*"
send "user\r"
expect eof
How can I fix this?
Issue turned out to be a somewhat hidden setting on the Solarwinds Server to allow or disallow overwrite/renaming. Thanks everyone for contributing.

Transferring large files using SFTP using linux bash scripts

I am intending to send a huge file around 1+GB over to the remote side using SFTP. However, it seems to work fine in interactive mode(when I sftp#xx.xx.xx.xx and enter the password manually, then I key in the put command). But when I run it in shell, it always timeout.
I have set the client and server ClientAliveTimeout settings at /etc/ssh/sshd_config but it still occurs.
Below is the linux script code
sshpass -p "password" sftp user#xx.xx.xx.xx << END
put <local file path> <remote file path>
The transfer of files takes 10 min when using interactive mode
when run using script, the file was incomplete based on filesize.
Update: Current transfer during interactive mode shows the small files went through but the big file was stalled halfway during transfer.
I prefere lftp for such things
lftp -u user,passwd domain.tld -e "put /path/file; quit"
lftp can handle sftp too
open sftp://username:password#server.address.com

Script to upload to sftp is not working

I have 2 Linux boxes and i am trying to upload files from one machine to other using sftp. I have put all the commands I use in the terminal to she'll script like below.
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1#
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
But this is not working and gives me error like the directory does not exist. Also, the terminal remain in >sftp, which means bye is not executed. How can I fix this?
I suggest to use a here-document:
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1# <<< EOF
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
When you run the sftp command, it connects and waits for you to type commands. It kind of starts its own "subshell".
The other commands in your script would execute only once the sftp command finishes. And they would obviously execute as local shell commands, so particularly the put will fail as a non existing command.
You have to provide the sftp commands directly to sftp command.
One way to do that, is using an input redirection. E.g. using the "here document" as the answer by #cyrus already shows:
sftp username#host <<< EOF
Other way is using an external sftp script:
sftp username#host -b sftp.txt
Where, the sftp.txt script contains:

expect script unable to fetch server logs into the text file

I am trying to access remote ssh server from a unix client machine. For this i have used expect script which is calling a bash script to fetch some lines from server log file.
Below is my code:
#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
set pass "password"
set prompt "(%|$|#)"
spawn ssh deployed#
expect "password:"
send "$pass\r"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "./access_srvr_log.sh\r"
send -- "exit\r"
code for access_srvr_log.sh file:
tail -n 100 $dir/development.log
echo "hello"
echo >> log.txt
i get this error :
-bash: ./access_srvr_log.sh: No such file or directory
Please help. I have tried lot many changes on the above code and finally reached here.
Friends don't let friends use SSH passwords. It's much less secure.
Use ssh-copy-id to copy your public key to the remote server. (It puts the client ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into the server .ssh/authorized_keys) Now you can run "ssh deployer# ./access_srvr_log.sh", and it won't prompt for a password. That means you no longer need expect and all the odd problems that come with it.
In fact, it's highly recommended that you disable SSH passwords all together.
To make your script even simpler (maintenance-wise) do this:
1) run ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/scriptkey on your client (don't enter a password).
2) Put the public part of your key (~/.ssh/scriptkey.pub on the client) into .ssh/authorized_keys on the server. But this time, put command="/home/deployer/access_srvr_log.sh" just before your new key. This tells the server to run that command for that key.
3) Now your script doesn't even need to specify the command, just the private key. (i.e. scp -i ~/.ssh/scriptkey deployer# will run the script). This allows the server to change (i.e. move the script, change the script name) without changing the client. It also means someone stealing your (non-password-protected) key can't log in to the server, but only run your log script.
And there are no guessable passwords laying around in scripts. (You are checking your scripts into version control, right?)
You can simplify it down too
/usr/bin/expect <<- EOF
spawn ssh deployer# "tail -n 100 /home/deployer/Desktop/McKinsey-McKinsey-AdminPanel/log/development.log"
expect "password:"
send "deployer\r"
expect eof
} |grep -v "deployer#'s password:">> log.txt

How to CD inside a SFTP connection where the connection is established using - Shell script

In my script - i create a sftp connection.
I read some directory value from user earlier and once the sftp connection is established, i try to cd to that dir which i got from the user.
But its not working, probably bec the prompt goes inside the server to which the SFTP connection was established.
In this case how to make it work ?
I also faced this problem and was able to find the solution. The solution is right there in the man page of sftp. In the man page, you will find where it is written the format of using sftp like this:
sftp [options] [user#]host[:dir[/]]
Actually, two formats are given there but this is the one I wanted to use and it worked.
So, what do you do? You simply supply the username#host as seen there, then, without any space followed by : and the path you want to change to in the client/remote server in your script and that's all. Here is a practical example:
sftp user#host:/path/
If your script does, as you state somewhere in this page,
sftp $user#$host cd $directory
and then tries to do something else, like:
sftp $user#$host FOO
That command FOO will not be executed in the same directory $directory since you're executing a new command, which will create a new connection to the SFTP server.
What you can do is use the "batchfile" option of sftp, i.e. construct a file which contains all the commands you'd like sftp to do over one connection, for example:
$ cat commands.txt
cd foo/bar
put foo.tgz
lcd /tmp/
get foo.tgz
Then, you will be able to tell sftp to execute those commands in one connection, by executing:
sftp -b commands.txt $user#$host
So, I propose your solution to be:
With user's input, create a temporary text file which contains all the commands to be executed over one SFTP connection, then
Execute sftp using that temporary text file as "batch file"
Your script would do something like:
echo "Directory in which to go:"
read directory
temp=$( mktemp /tmp/FOOXXX )
echo "" > $temp
echo "cd $directory" >> $temp
# other commands
sftp -b $temp $user#$host
rm $temp
If you are trying to change the directory of the machine, try lcd
In what way is it not working? To change directories on the remote server, you use the "cd" command. To change directories on the local server, you use the "lcd" command. Read "man sftp".
